InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sutôkâ Satsujin ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The ride to The Bar Highlander was a quiet one. Brooding, Inuyasha knew he would not be up for idle chatter. What he needed was a few stiff drinks and… a vacation would be nice. To get away from reality would be nice, but he knew deep down that running from problems did not answer problems. He cast side glance to his friend and partner, Miroku, only to see the worry in his face.

His friend’s jaw was clenched to the point of teeth shattering; he eyes were narrowed but full of thought and concern. His hands that gripped the steering wheel were white with tension. Inuyasha knew that Miroku deserved the truth, but he could not bring himself to talk about it just yet, especially, when he can’t even admit it to himself. He turned his attention back to the road in front of them and quietly stared at the passing landscape.

Miroku’s soft, caring voice snapped his attention back to his friend. “When are you going to tell me what is going on Inuyasha? I am your partner, but I’m your friend first and I can’t help you when you won’t tell me what is going on.”

Inuyasha blanched in the passenger seat and turned his head to stare out the right side of the car. “Because, Miroku, I am not ready to talk about what is going on. You heard half of it because you<i> love</i> to eaves drop.”

“Hey, man, I said sorry about that. It wasn’t like I could do anything about it. You were on the phone in my presence.”

“You could have left the room Miroku!” The words came out harder than Inuyasha meant and he let a troubled sigh escape his lips. “Besides, talking about will make it real and I don’t think I am really ready for this shit-hole situation to be real.”

“I understand... I just want you to know that I am here when you are ready to talk.” Miroku smiled his genuine smile. He pulled his black BMW into the parking lot of Bar Highlander. Putting the sleek car into park Miroku stared out the windshield to what has become their watering hole. “That’s odd, the sign is not on.”

Inuyasha followed his gaze, Miroku was right. The normal bright marquee that illuminated the night was as dark as a black hole. What’s going on? He thought, and then to Miroku he said, “This can’t be good.”

“You’re right. Do you think something happened?” Miroku looked around the empty parking lot and a chill ran down his spine. Before he could utter a simple word, Inuyasha was out the door, gun drawn. “Oh shit!”

Miroku quickly flung the driver door opened and barreled out the car, not even bothering to shut the door in his haste, he ran to catch up with his friend. “Um, Yash… Buddy, don’t you think weapon drawn is a bit over the top? I mean we have no idea what is going on. Maybe, Fujiyama closed early.”

Fujiyama, was the nick name Inuyasha gave the bar owner, Iwao. When they first met Iwao they were impressed by the sheer size of the bar owner. His shoulders were broader than Inuyasha’s and Miroku’s combined. His hands were the size of a baseball mitt. Standing in at 7 ft 4 in, he was almost as tall as Yasutaka Okayama the tallest living Japanese.

Inuyasha didn’t make any sign that he heard what his friend had said. All that matter now was the fact that Bar Highlander, one of the most happening of spots, was dead quiet. Just the thought of something happening to their old friend Fujiyama made his skin crawl. The shiny metal that was his gun gleamed in the moonlight, making his silhouette look that much more formidable. As he rounded the corner where the front door to the bar was located, fear was doing somersaults through his stomach. “Please god, don’t let this be what I think it is.” Quietly, gun drawn out in front of him, Inuyasha moved toward the double doors. The quietness of the place gave him the creeps and if he wasn’t one of the best Detectives Japan had to offer, he would have turned around and left without so much as a glance back. But he was the best. He solved every murder case he had ever been on and if something happened to his big friend he would be the first taking down any suspects brave (or stupid) enough to stand in his way.

Just as Inuyasha reached the door, Miroku brought up the rear and breathlessly asked, “Will you please put the gun away? I really don’t think it is necessary to barge into an obviously closed establishment with your finger on a trigger.”

“What do you mean, Miroku? If our friend is in danger wouldn’t you want to take out anyone who might be in there?” Miroku rolled his eyes.

This isn’t going to work if he doesn’t put the gun away. He’s going to scare everyone inside the place. “Yash, seriously, dude, you need to calm down. I know whatever is going on between you and Kikyo is none of my business, but it is making you irrational. After all, do you think anyone would be stupid enough to take on a mountain…even with a gun?”

What in the fuck is going on?! Inuyasha tried to rationalize what Miroku just said, but he couldn’t make heads or tails of the situation. The marquee that was normally lit up was now dark, there wasn’t a single car in the parking lot (other than theirs), and Miroku wanted him to calm down. Bullshit! Inuyasha growled low in his throat before spinning to face a very impish Miroku. “What in the fuck is going on?”

Miroku’s smiled broadened and he clapped a hand to Inuyasha’s back. “Put the gun away and you will find out.” With his other hand he reached for the silver door handle and waited for Inuyasha to do as he was asked. Much to Miroku’s chagrin that took a little longer than he thought. “Yash, buddy, there is nothing in there, I promise. You just have to trust me.” When Inuyasha finally heeded to Miroku’s trust and put the gun away, His partner pulled on the thick metal door handle and swept his hand out in front of him. “After you.”


Kikyo sniffled one last time before slowly getting to her feet. Since her husband stormed out of their small three bedroom house her heart had shattered. Of course, it was all her fault, it was always her fault. She was a despicable human being and Inuyasha was right not to give her another chance. Never before in her life had she done so much to hurt the person she loved. Sure she had been caught in little white lies before, but they were just that little. Never had she had the desire to seek her pleasures out elsewhere. So why did she do it? Because Naraku had a way with her, He could disarm her barriers in a matter of seconds. That’s why.

In attempt to steady her rubber legs, Kikyo gripped the counter and held on. Almost immediately a searing pain shot through her palm, up her arm, and into her brain. “Shit!” she cried between clenched teeth. She had forgotten all about the splintered wood that littered the old Formica counter top, Now she had one of the larger pieces imbedded into the flesh of her palm. “Damn it, Inuyasha. Did you really have to destroy the cabinet?”

With her uninjured hand, Kikyo turned on the faucet and let the warm water soften her skin. She remembered the look in Inuyasha’s eyes when his fist made contact with the wood cabinet. I guess it is better than hitting me, she thought, absently rubbing the slightly protruding splinter. With a little pain tingling in the flesh of her palm she pushed the contrite thoughts from her head and began pulling at the splinter with her fingernails. She could have gotten the tweezers but they were in the bathroom down the hall. And to get them she would have to try and avoid the shattered glass in the living room and stepping on a piece of glass would hurt a hell of a lot worse than a little splinter.

It didn’t take long to get the offending material out of her skin but the pain left afterward was a bit uncomfortable. Luckily, it didn’t last long and soon she was able to clean up the mess she and Inuyasha made. The shattered glass scratched the oak hardwood floors, but minimally, with a little bit of wax she was sure it would look as good as new. When she finished the horrid mess, she was exhausted and she wanted nothing more than a long soak in a hot bath.

Giving to her wants, Kikyo made her way down the hall to the bedroom she once shared with her one true love. Now, as it seems, she would no longer be a fixture in this house. She would be a ghost. As sad as it was… their marriage was over.

With a longing look down the hall, she committed the small house to memory, before opening the master bedroom door and stepping inside. The darkness enveloped her and for the first time in a very long time she felt comforted by it. Now she wouldn’t have to look at the belonging that were ‘theirs’, she wouldn’t have to see what she gave up. Having committed the layout of the bed room to her third eye years ago, she easily maneuvered through the dark bedroom. She only paused when she reached the closed bathroom door. Just as she turned the knob to open the door a rustle of fabric grabbed her attention. She turned quickly to face the sound. She reached blindly into the dark hoping to find the second light switch that Inuyasha put near the bathroom door. Boy was she ever happy he did that. Fabric rustled again slamming her body with fear. Even in the dark room she could tell the windows were shut—she closed them earlier, before Inuyasha got home. Her arm waved frantically behind her, hoping and praying for contact. Finally, her fingers brushed against the cool plastic of the light switch.


The once dark room was now bathed in a blinding white light and Kikyo’s eyes closed automatically. For moments she couldn’t see what was in the room with her, but she could still hear the rustle of fabric. She could feel the presence drawing near and despite her watery eyes, her lids flung open and she came face to face with the man she thought she got rid of months ago.

“What are you doing here?” she wanted to sound demanding, she didn’t want him to break the new barrier she erected. She wanted him gone. “I thought I told you we were over? We were found out, we dishonored someone—the man I love.” She took a step back. Kikyo wanted to scream at him. She wanted to physically hurt him. She knew from the past encounters they had he was a very possessive being but she never once thought that he would be the type to lurk in her bedroom in the dark. No, if she had that kind of inclination she would have done something about then and not wait until she was face to face with him.

His eyes sparked with pure unadulterated hatred. A sadistic smile formed on his thin lips.  “Kikyo, you know I would never let you go that easy. I love you!” Slowly, deliberately he moved across the room until he was standing right in front of the woman he wanted. He wanted to laugh when her eyes widened and her mouth opened. He gripped her face—tightly—and forced her chin up. She started to protest, the sounds were coming from her throat but he stopped her before she had the chance to do anything… he claimed her lips with his own, swallowing all her hopes of escape.

The kiss was rough—too rough—and she had to fight back the tears. The usual gentle lover of the past was gone, and in his place stood a monster. She could feel their teeth grinding together as he literally assaulted her lips. She was sure the bruising force he was using would leave a mark. It hurt, and his tongue lapped furiously inside her mouth gagging her. He was no longer gentle, he was no longer loving, he was death .For the first time ever, his presence was dangerous and she felt threatened, her life felt threatened.  Tonight was going to be the end of her.

With the thought of losing her very life Kikyo forced her hands between their bodies and pushed on his chest with everything she had. But the more she pushed the tighter he his arms became. His hands were still cupping her face, his fingernails digging into her scalp just inside the hairline. What is he going to do to me? Her questioned thought was answered when he removed one hand from her face and dropped it to the neck of her button down shirt. She could still feel the sting of his nails digging into her flesh, but before she could even blink he yanked the fabric so hard that buttons flew across the room, pinging off the walls and furniture. The hand that felt like it was clawing her face slid through her thick, dark hair and fisted in its silkiness at the back of her head. With a hard jerk, Naraku pulled her head back exposing her neck. Finally, allowing the woman to breathe be pulled his lips away from hers and moved to slender column of her neck.

Tears silently slipped past Kikyo’s closed eyes. She wanted to die. Right now. With renewed vigor she forced her hands between their tightly compressed bodies and pushed with all her might. But he wasn’t to be dissuaded. A hard nip at the base of her neck made her yelp in pain. The warm, tickle of flowing blood stopped her from her resistance. He isn’t going to stop. No matter what I do, he isn’t going to stop! If he’s going to do this, I don’t want to be a wake to feel any of it. She held her breath, waiting. The lack of oxygen caused her vision to blur and her head to swim. She was going to pass out. When the dizziness abated and blackness took over and Kikyo passed out.


Inuyasha stepped into the dark bar. He could feel Miroku’s hand guiding him deeper into the establishment. Even though the bar was a favorite haunt of the precinct no one had the smarts to remember where every table was. Inuyasha made a mental note to do just that when he bumped—hard—into one of the tables nearest the door. Curses flew from his lips. He was about to turn on Miroku and lay into him about dragging him into a darkened bar when the lights came on.

“Surprise!” The chorus of voices killed whatever lashing lay on his tongue. Inuyasha gasped.

“Happy Birthday, Yash.” Miroku said, flashing a genuine smile at his best friend and partner. “I am sure Kikyo has something big planned from you, but”—he signaled toward Fujiyama—“we wanted to give you something too.”

Inuyasha fought the urge to tell Miroku that he doubted Kikyo would ever do anything for him. Instead he turned to each of the people in the room and smiled as genuinely as he could. “Thanks guys.”

Miroku moved from Inuyasha’s side just as a crowd gathered around his friend. Excited chatter filled the bar. Stepping up to Fujiyama, Miroku all but groaned. “I seriously thought he was going to come in here and open fire. Dude, why did you turn off the sign?”

Fujiyama turned his head from the boisterous crowd. “Oh, was that not a good idea? You told me to make the place look closed. So I turned off the sign.”

Miroku had to fight back a groan. “Yeah, I did. But when has your sign ever been off? It really threw both of us for a loop. I seriously thought Inuyasha was going to commit a one man massacre.” No one ever said Fujiyama was bright. What he lacked in common sense, he made up for in business. Miroku was about to tell Fujiyama that he almost made the biggest mistake since Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, but his words were cut off by a loud uproar coming from the center of the bar. Both Miroku and Fujiyama turned just in time to see Inuyasha being tossed in the air.

Inuyasha was still dumbstruck about the whole surprise party, but his mind was millions—more like ten—miles away at his house where he left his wife. Then he remembered the phone call. Even through all the ‘Happy Birthday’s’ he could still hear her voice. There was something odd about the way she sounded. Of course, he knew it was just because she wanted him to come home. Come home for what? He had no idea. He thought he made how he felt perfectly clear. Actually, he knew he made it clear, crystal clear.

It wasn’t until hands started grabbing his thoughts snap from the mess at home. Now, all he could think about was: What in the hell?

More hands joined until they had lifted Inuyasha onto all of their shoulders and before he could even protest, the ground got further away and the ceiling became closer. Then a choir of voices began singing.

“For he’s a jolly good fellow.
For he’s a jolly good fellow.
For he’s a jolly good fellow.
Which nobody can deny.”

Inuyasha wanted to scream, Miroku wanted to laugh. It was a little much, the song, the tossing, but Miroku was just glad to see some form of happiness on his all recently gloom and doom friend. Maybe, just maybe this will help him smile again.


The sound of a lighter being flicked reached Kikyo’s ears. Her eyes fluttered and a sharp pain radiated through her head. How long had she been out? She couldn’t tell. It could have been minutes or it could have been hours. Time was irrelevant at this point. The only thing that mattered was getting<i> him</i> out of her house. She tried to open her eyes, but the pain was too much and a soft pain-filled moan escaped her lips. Should it hurt this bad from just passing out? She knew the answer was more than likely no, so what happened? Why did it feel as if her head was put in a vice grip?

The lighter flicked again and this time she did open her eyes. She didn’t know what she expected to see, but it wasn’t what she got. Instead of a glaring bright light shining from the ceiling, her wary eyes were met with the soft glow of candles. He lit candles? She didn’t know what to think about it. Was the sweet lover she had before back? Or was this just some kind of mind game to through her off guard? The latter made more sense, and it was working until…

“Finally, you’re awake. I thought I was going to have to call an ambulance or something.” His silky voice reached her ears and her stomach lurched. His tone was almost evil. Full of darkness so thick she was sure he could almost choke on it. She couldn’t see him in the dimness, not even through her peripheral vision, so she tried to move. She got her head off the pillow but when she went to move her legs and arms she couldn’t.

Fear raced through her veins. A sudden chill raced down her spine. She was trapped. Immobile. Letting her head drop back to the pillow, her gaze moved to her wrists. A purple silk scarf (her favorite) was wrapped tightly around her thin appendages and tied securely to the head board. She was sure her ankles were in the same shape, though he used two—one for each ankle. She didn’t try moving again. It would do absolutely no good. So she did the only thing she could do…she turned her head.

Kikyo saw a darkened silhouette near the TV armoire. A flick of the lighter produced a small flame that was just bright enough to see the deep-seeded hatred on his face. This was not going to end well. As much as she hated it, she was prepared to die. She didn’t know why the calming peace of death came to her, but it was better than the alternative—living in fear.

“Naraku, why are you doing this?” she tried to sound calm, but even to her own ears it sounded forced. “Look, I know I hurt you. I know you’re angry with me for deserting you. But I had to. Don’t you understand? We dishonored another person and in doing so we dishonored ourselves.”

“You have no idea how I am feeling. So don’t even pretend. I was your fucking play thing! I was the one you came to when your husband wasn’t satisfying you.” He moved across the room quickly and before she knew it he was standing over her. “You, my dearest Kikyo, are nothing but a common whore.”

She flinched when his hand caressed her cheek. Her face flamed. And a familiar heat pooled in her stomach. NO! She screamed internally. She wasn’t supposed to like this. He wasn’t supposed to make her feel this way anymore. But the heat continued to simmer as his hand moved down her neck, to her stomach, before finally resting above her lower lips. In that instant, she realized she was naked. Bared before him like an offering. And in that same instant the heat that built was gone, replaced by unhidden fear. Her body shook like the last leaf still attached to a tree.

His dark chuckle brought her attention back to him. “Now, my whore, it is time to teach you a lesson. It’s time to make you feel what I felt.” Without warning he slammed two fingers deep into her passage.

She tried to bite back the scream that swelled in her throat. She succeeded, but she couldn’t stop the tears from slipping past her closed lids. She fought against her restraints. The more she fought, the more they tightened. She quit tugging at the ribbons when he removed his fingers and laughed.

“Hmmm, kind of dry isn’t it, Kikyo.” Kikyo knew it wasn’t a question that needed an answer, but his eyes compelled her to nod in acquiesce. What else could she do? After all, she was tied to her bed and completely naked. She knew what she had to do, she had to stay strong.

“Fuck you, Naraku.” She meant her voice to sound cold and discontented; however, it only came out a whimper. A pathetic one at that.

His cold eyes sparked maliciously. “As you wish.” With that, Naraku divulged himself of his pants, and before she could blink he was on top of her. “You know I would do anything you asked.” The bed shift as he moved into a better position, then he plunged into her.

Black sparks danced in front of her tightly closed eyes, and tears trickled down her cheeks. The pain was unbearable.

Kikyo must have blacked out through the whole ordeal because the last thing she remembered was him entering her, unforgivingly. She remembered the pain. The steady burning that told her what was happening. A chill ran through her, and she fought against her restraints again. As before, it was no use. She was tightly bound to the bed.

Naraku chuckled darkly somewhere out of her line of sight. She knew he wasn’t through with her. He wanted something from her. Something that was his. But what is it? She racked her brain trying to think of the one thing Naraku wanted more than anything, and the only conclusion she could come up with. The only thing that made in sense to this madness, the one thing he wanted—was her. She gulped audibly and craned her neck to see the other side of the room.

Naraku stood by the—now opened—window with a cigarette between his lips. His eyes were narrowed with hatred so deep the devil would be proud. She watched in horror as he took a long drag off the cigarette, tossed the remaining bit out the window, and slowly blew a plume of grayish white smoke from his mouth. Then he slowly—agonizingly slow—made his way to the bed. When he finally closed the distance his hand dove into his pocket and he pulled out her pink cell phone. “This is what you are going to do. You are going to call—“He glanced at her precarious situation and chuckled again,”--okay so I am going to call your husband and you are going to beg him to come home. And when he comes home, I am going to render him helpless, and then I am going to do to you—in front of him—what we have been doing for a year.”

Kikyo’s eyes widened in horror. Did he really expect her to do anything he says? Yes, she thought, as Naraku began skimming through her phone for Inuyasha’s contact.

“Oh, one more thing.” He paused in his search and eyed her with that horrible malicious look. “You are going to remain calm and you are not going to tell him that I am here. Got it?”

“What if I do? Naraku, you can’t control the words that come out of my mouth. I have free will, regardless of the position you have put me in.”

Again, Naraku eyed her with that malicious stare and pulled a gun from the waist band of his jeans. “Sure I can.” He rubbed the cold steal down her body only stopping at the places that he knew gave her pleasure. When he reached her sex, he slid the cold metal between her nether lips. “You see, I have all the power over your life right now.”

“Fuck you Naraku.” She bit out. “You are not God, so quit trying to play the role.”

He cocked the gun and aimed it levelly at her head. “Think again. Now, do as I said.” She swallowed and nodded. Naraku finished his search for her husband and hit the call button.

She was relieved when it only rang at first. And just when she thought it was going to go to voicemail, she heard his voice through the ear piece.

“What do you want Kikyo?”

Kikyo eyed Naraku and he mouthed ‘calmly’ to her and pulled the phone from his chest. She shifted the best she could so Naraku cold place the phone to her ear. She tried to sound calm, but if Inuyasha knew her like she thought he did, he would be able to pick up on subtle hints of panic.

The phone was to her ear now, but before she had time to speak Inuyasha growled. “What in the fuck do you want Kikyo? I’m working.” She could hear the exasperation in his voice. The tiredness, the heartbreak, Kikyo could hear it all and it was all her fault.

“Inuyasha, I want you to come home so we can talk about things.” Her steady voice surprised her, it also surprised her how fast the words flew from her mouth. He would definitely pick up on that.

But he didn’t, or if he did he didn’t let on he knew or cared. “I’m done talking Kikyo. I want you out by the time I get home.”

She had to bite back the sob that knotted in her throat. He really was done. Her eyes cut to Naraku and he pointed the gun at her again. ‘Try again.’ He mouthed. “Please, Inuyasha, I really want to talk to you. I want to make it right.” This time she spoke slowly, clearly. But it didn’t work.

“There’s no making it right. Not anymore.” Then the line went silent—he hung up on her.

Naraku growled at the other man’s stubbornness. “Well then, we will just have to wait until he comes home on his own accord. He slid the cold metal gun back up her body. “And I know just the thing to pass the time.”

Kikyo cringed, listened for the tell tale sign of the removing of clothing, and prepared for the pain that was about to follow.