InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Love and Painful Betrayal ❯ Forgotton ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author Notes: No POV it gets too hard if I continue POV
Disclaimer: I live in a box that live in an alley; I don't have any cash on me. Please don't sue because I wrote on a piece of paper saying, "I don't own anything but this box"
Sweet Love and Painful Betrayal
Chapter 3: Forgotten...
As Kagome sneak out again like last time, Inuyasha's twitch at the sound of movement in the silent hut. He looked at the door, swinging back and forth. He let out a small growl escape from his throat. "She is going somewhere again," Inuyasha sniff in the air, "Who scent is that? The scent carries lilies and...Naraku! Kagome is in danger!"
Inuyasha quietly stood up and tipsy-toes over the sleeping body, he doesn't want them to be alert. When he finally past over the sleeping bodies, he was about to make his way to the door. Suddenly a hand grabbed his ankle, Inuyasha looked down to see Sango's hand holding him in place. Inuyasha kneel down and carefully grab her hand gently. He tried to pull her hand off, but the hand's grip won't let go."For a girl who is knock out for a long time, can have such a death grip." Inuyasha continue pulling it off.
Inuyasha's ankle started burn in pain, Inuyasha continue struggling without hurting Sango. Inuyasha realize something familiar about the hand to make it leg off him. He carefully lean over to Sango's body stretches his hand over to Sango's butt. "Sorry Sango." He closes his eyes and rubs her butt. Her hand let go of Inuyasha's ankle and head towards the cheek.
SMACK! Everyone woke up; they all stared at Inuyasha position and Sango's red face. "Hentai! I can't believe you took the habit from Miroku!" Sango yelled at Inuyasha.
"So much for a quiet escape." Inuyasha rubbed his abuse cheek.
"I don't have time for this," Inuyasha got up, heading towards the door. "I'm going somewhere, now you guys stay where you are."
With that said Inuyasha left the hut and follow the scent of Kagomes'.
They all stared at each other, Sango laid down to think of what just happen. They sat quietly until Miroku broke the silent. "What just happen?"
"That is what I want to know myself." Sango whispered.
Inuyasha got there when Kagome was inspecting the area for 'him', Inuyasha made it there with his haori covering his nose, when he felt a sneeze coming through. Inuyasha made only 'phhf' noise as he continue watching Kagome who is now whispering. "I wished to stop being jealous of Inuyasha and Kikyou, and only love Inuyasha." Inuyasha heard Kagome whisper.
"Is that all she wanted?" Inuyasha thought back on her wish.
When Kagome finish drinking the potion, a reddish purple glow appeared around her body and fell to the ground. Inuyasha jumped down to see if Kagome breathing, her breath steadied slowly into a sleeping pace. Inuyasha pick her up in her sleeping form carefully put her on his back, jumping at a high altitude and soaring through the air to jump across trees. "Kagome, you shouldn't worry about things like that. Kikyou is dead because Naraku and nothing can't change that." Inuyasha looked back to see Kagome resting peacefully.
Inuyasha reached the hut and only to be stumbled by questions of 'what happening' phase. They stop when they saw Kagome resting on Inuyasha back, Shippo jump onto Kagome and stared at Inuyasha. "Inuyasha do you know what happen to Kagome?" Shippo asks.
Inuyasha put Kagome down into her sleeping bag, turn towards the others. "Feh, I don't know but I know that she is fine." Inuyasha told Shippo.
"Idiot can't tell the truth straight forward." Shippo glared at Inuyasha.
"Inuyasha can you tell me, why have you rubbed my butt?" Sango said in an angry tone.
Inuyasha feels small, as Sango grew more impatient. "I needed to because to.. um.. escape." Inuyasha said nervously.
"To escape what?" Sango gritted her teeth.
"Your death grip." Inuyasha pointed at the hand marked on his ankle.
Sango stared in belief what he said, she place her right hand on his ankle and they resemble. Sango pull her hand away and looking at both hand and mark. "I did that?" Sango questioned.
"Yeah, when I tried to follow Kagome." Inuyasha stared at the rising sun.
There was soft groan and silent fell onto the hut again, Sango started to speak. "Didn't mean you have to rub my butt." Sango hissed.
"Sorry, but you were injured and I can't do anymore damage to you or Kagome gets angry. Hey, when did you feel better?" Inuyasha whispered.
Sango looked at her wounds were, the wounds are healed and she felt okay. "I don't know." was her answer.
Miroku looked at Sango and thought back of the earlier events that happened. "Sango what happen to you?" Miroku asked softly.
"Well I was walking off from two morons that made me feel bad, I needed to get my mind off of it so I was going to bathe in the hot springs when screams came out." Sango recalled the events. "When I got there, the villager were devoured and it looked like Naraku's demons were carrying off a little girl. I killed the demons and save the little girl, then a mist came by that smell like lilies put me into a sleep and that is all I remember."
Miroku listened and the word sank in. "Sango, how did you got injured?"
"I don't remember being injured but when I woke up, I was deeply wounded and then you guys came." Sango recalled.
Inuyasha and Miroku are thinking and putting pieces together, 'but what does Naraku want?' was only in their thoughts. They thought back when Akago said that he will be back again. Inuyasha starts to understand Naraku plans, Miroku only understand parts of it because Inuyasha never mention about what happen to Kagome. "I get what Naraku is trying to do." Inuyasha grinned.
They all looked at him if he is some creature from another planet, but they ignore that statement and decided to listen to him.
"You know that Naraku is trying to use Kagome to find all the jewel shards, because Kikyou is gone right." The other nodded, Inuyasha continues. "What if he trying to do that but try to get Kagome without us knowing it. He made another incarnation without us knowing it's exist, gave Kagome a potion for Kagome to drink, lie about the potion abilties, and try to control Kagome with the potion in effect."
"A potion? Kagome drank a potion to make her in that state." Sango pointed where Kagome is.
"Yeah, didn't I tell you guys already." Inuyasha replied.
They stared at him. "No." They all said at once.

The sunrise in the sky, Kagome started to stir in her sleep and woke up. She looked around her surrounding, she was shock and surprised at where she is. As she got over that feeling, she ran out of the hut hoping it is not true. The birds were chirping and the wind blew gently in the air, Kagome is beyond shock. "Where am I? How did I got here? I'll be late for school if I don't hurry." Kagome grew worry as she thought these things."Where is Souta? Where is my family? I only remember I went to help Souta get Buyo and.." Kagome stopped when she saw villagers and old lady coming up to her.
"Kagome, are ye feeling alright?" Kaede said.
Kagome paused when she heard her name. "How does this old lady know my name?"
"Excuse me, but how do you know my name?" Kagome asked.
"I knew ya a long time, are ye sure ye are fine?" Kaede asked again.
"Knew me a long time?" Kagome stared in disbelief at Kaede."She doesn't ring any bells in my mind, but I do feel calm around her."
A red and white blur came in front of her face and stopped. Inuyasha smiled to see Kagome is fine. "Hey Kagome, how are you feeling?" Inuyasha asked.
More figures came after Inuyasha, Shippo leaped on Kagome's shoulder and Sango and Miroku smiled to see their friend is fine. Miroku has a slap mark on his cheek, they started to say that phase 'How are you?'. Kagome stared at the strange people in front of her, she thought she would feel shock but a calm feeling only spread in her body. Kagome looked at Shippo and felt happy, she can't help but to smile when she notice Shippo's bushy tail she couldn't resist. She reached for the tail and run her fingers through it fur, Shippo looked back to see Kagome feeling his soft tail. Shippo blushed and got off Kagome's shoulder and ran up to Sango's shoulder, Kagome turned towards Inuyasha direction. She giggled when she saw his soft white ears perking up from his head; she gingerly walked up towards him. Inuyasha took a step back when she got closer, but she jumped on him and tweak his ears and continue until she got it out of her system. She got up and blushed when she saw everyone staring at her."Oh my gosh, they think I am weird or something. But least I got to feel those soft fur and that guy's ears, they are soo soft."
Inuyasha got up and stared at Kagome. "Hey what is the big deal with tweaking my ears!" Inuyasha said with an annoyed voice.
"I couldn't resist your fluffy ears!" Kagome giggled.
Inuyasha is now confused; she only tweaks his ears just to annoy him. "Kagome are you alright?" Inuyasha asked.
Kagome stopped giggling, she is confused as well. "No, I'm not alright did you took me down the well? I only remember that a white thing grabbed me and wham I woke up here in Fuedal Japan!" Kagome explained.
Miroku came up to Kagome. "Do you remember any of us?" Miroku questioned Kagome.
"No, I only remember being home and I'm right here." Kagome replied.
"Then," Miroku kneel down before Kagome and grabbed her hand. "Kagome, will you bear my child?"
Kagome stared at him, she felt familliar with this line and 'Thud!' echoed around the area. Sango's face was beet red. Her hirakotsu hits Miroku's head. After that they continue talking to Kagome alot of things, it was nighttime. Kagome started at the moon. "Is that what happen?"
Kagome got outside quietly; Inuyasha nudged her making her jump out of her skin. Regaining her ability to breath, she stared at Inuyasha with loving smile. "I'm going for a walk Inuyasha." Kagome said.
"Who said that worry about you." Inuyasha turn his head away.
Kagome smiled and left the hut and walk around Inuyasha forest, she went to the god tree and think things clearly. A white figure came up to Kagome, her face was emotionless and she held a mirror in her hand. Two more figures came after her, one was a woman with a fan and one was a young girl. "We are here for you Kagome." Kanna said in an emotionless tone.
"What do you want from me?" Kagome back up against the god tree.
"Naraku send us here to get you." The young girl smiled.
The girl waved her hand and a white mist appeared, Kagome was losing her sight, things were getting blurry and she felt too relax. Kagome fell towards the ground, Kagura pull out her feather to appear underneath them. When Inuyasha jumped out about to slash Kagura when the young girl jumped at Inuyasha. "Go Kagura!" The girl screamed.
Kagura nodded her head and left the young girl with Inuyasha. "What are they going to do if they find Kagome gone?" Kagura thoughts were only on them.
Inuyasha got the girl off of him; he stared at the girl as she got up."Her scent is lilies and Naraku, is this the little girl Sango is speaking of?" Inuyasha thought.
The girl stood up and started to run when Inuyasha jump in front of her, she formed a fist with her right hand and prepare to strike him. Instead she open her hand to find needles heading towards him, he quickly dodge it and punch her lights out. Inuyasha grabbed the girl, went back to the hut to tie her up on the tree. The girl stirred in her sleep, she woke up seeing 4 figures in front of her. They were glaring at her, "Where is Kagome?" Inuyasha growled.
She turns her head as a replied, Inuyasha was going to kill her but Miroku stopped him with his staff and block Inuyasha. Miroku face her, "What is your name?"
She turned to look at the monk, "I'm Lily." She said softly, "I do not answer half breeds."

Kagome woke up to find herself in a dank chamber; the cold air shift around made her shiver. She looked around to find a figure before her, it walk closer when it appeared to be a man with demonic feature. "Who are you?" Kagome whispered.
"Don't be scared Kagome." Naraku said.
Kagome's spine stiff when she heard his voice, fear and anger rush through her body but she froze on the spot when he took a step closer. Naraku smirked at the fear that he sense from Kagome, "I'll have fun, but I have to deal with her first."
"Kagome, I can help you." Naraku spoke coldly.
Kagome snapped out of her fear. "Are you Naraku?" Kagome asked.
"Yes," Naraku seem surprise that she remember him. "Miko, have you remember yet?"
"Yes I have, Inuyasha told me what happened." Kagome tried to get up, but something is holding her down.
Kagome was surprised that she was chained on the ground; she struggled trying to get out the chain and shackles that held in place. Her power started to spark into chains and shackles and was able to weaken the hold. Naraku frowned seeing that she is too powerful, he turns his head and nodded to dark shadow area. Kanna came out of the darkness and headed towards Kagome and started to suck the soul. Kagome struggle less, as her soul is being drained but only to stop when she stopped struggling. "Well, Miko I'll tried this by force then." Naraku smirked.

I got you, Naruto's clothes. Itachi handed a bundle of clothing and what seem to be a forehead protector.
Now strip dance. Box demanded.
No that is degrading, I don't need this foolishness. Itachi sneered.
That must be the guest I have been awaiting for. The authoress went to answer the door.
What poor soul have you invited? Is it Sasuke? Itachi shook his head at the thought.
No, that moron can go screw himself. It is the person who you stole his clothes. Box hissed, opening the door to have an orange flash across the room.
Why the hell did you steal my clothes and my headband you jerk! Nice house by the way. Naruto yelled angrily at Itachi, he was startled when the door shut. There an evil female writer on the now shut door. Who is she?
“Great, my only freedom, closed by an obsess, crazy, perverted writer.” Itachi groaned.
“Freedom? Obsess? Crazy? Perverted? Writer?” Then it hit him. “What do you mean perverted? You mean she is a…”
“Yes, she is one of those types you who love naked people of some…” Itachi cough. “Specific gender.”
“But she is almost around my age!” Naruto exclaimed. (A/N: This is the manga version, I'm as far as the series is.)
“I only like certain guys, geez make me sound like a crazy teenager.”
“You are a crazy teenager though.” Itachi pointed out, Naruto nodded in agreement.
“Since you put it that way, I'll be one. Now you two, strip!” Laughing like a maniac.
“No way!”
“I doubt you can handle the pressure.”
“Try me.”