InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tainted Trust ❯ Tears of Unfallen Glass ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Family Portrait

'Chapter Two - Tears of Unfallen Glass'

He watched his new toy bounce up and down as he sat in his room. Golden eyes watching it intently. "I wonder when the feast will begin." He thought aloud absently.

"Ah, hello Inu-Yasha. What have you got there?" The small girl asked, looking to him.

He smiled softly, "Oh, my mom gave me it for my birthday today, Kikyo."

"Wow, that's awful neat." She returned his smile, cautiously walking over to the boy her age.

"Haven't found, Sesshomaru?" He asked a bit dully as he continued to bounce the sphere up and down.

"He hasn't given me an order yet, so no." She stated simply.

"Hmph, if mother knew he was keeping a slave she would be furious." He growled softly.

"Don't say that, I don't mind being one. And your brother isn't so bad, sometimes." She shrugged, sitting next to him.

"I guess…" He said half-heartily. "Kikyo, will you be at the feast tonight?"

"If Sesshomaru lets me attend." She said simply.

"I'll make him, you'll come then." He smiled brightly. "And I'll ask mom if she has an extra kimono for you to wear."

"No, I couldn't possibly let you. Slaves aren't supposed to wear anything nice like that." She gasped softly.

"Don't worry, if my mother says it's fine no one can go back on her word." He grinned smugly.

"If you insist, Inu-Yasha." She mumbled, uncertain.

"Don't worry, it'll all be fine…Just you see." He said reassuringly. She simply met him with a smile he grew fond of.


He quickly set down the vast halls to the kitchen where his father stood, observing all around him. He was making sure everything was done right for tonight's feast. Sneer upon his lips quickly died as he set towards his father. "Father, everything well I assume?"

"Seems so, Sesshomaru." He said simply, eyes glancing down to his clone.

"That's good. What exactly is this feast for?" He said silently.

"You will find out tonight." He rested a hand upon the child's silver locks. "Where's your mother and Inu-Yasha?"

He simply sulked, pretending he knew nothing of the evening. "I delivered mother's tea. She's in her room, preparing I'm sure." He informed. He glanced upwards as he continued, "I'm not sure where my brother is, I think he may be in his chambers."

"Could you find him, make sure he's getting ready properly. Also could you get your mother for me?" He asked gently, letting his hand fall from its perch.

"Of course, Father." He said, growl being kept from his tone. Why couldn't his father agree to slaves? No, he insisted on everyone getting paid evenly, and only doing the jobs he informed them. If he only used those worthless humans for their right purpose as he did…If only that could be reality. He snorted off his thoughts as he stopped at the first room: His mother's.

"S-Sesshomaru? C-Could you get someone…I…I feel ill…" She coughed, her vision blurred to the point of blindness. She had fell to the bed, she seemed immobile; all she could see was her son's approaching shadow now.

He grinned, though she did not see. He watched her form, her soul, struggle for it's purpose to live. "Mother?!" He faked the tone of amazement as he shot off from the room leaving her upon the bed. She couldn't breathe; she was fading quickly…

"Sesshomaru, what's wrong?!" The worried tone of the elder demon asked as his son barreled through the kitchen into his leg. Looking down frightened to what happened.

"I-It's mother, she's hurt!" He gasped.

Immediately his father ran to her room. His son now leisurely walking behind him, pretending to be in shock. "No-No…Wake up!" He roared, shaking her limp figure. She was gone now. Her once bright amber eyes were glazed in pain and death. He knew she died in pain, sensing the tenseness of her form and the smell of…poison? "Who did this?!" He growled lowly as his son collapsed upon the floor, pretending to weep.

The room near heard the growl and shot up. "Inu-Yasha?" She said simply, grasping to his ruby sleeve, wondering what was wrong.

He sensed, and smelled death. It was coming from the next room, his parent's room and he knew something was wrong. To make sure he ran, the raven-haired girl behind him. What he saw killed his heart. His mother limp in his father's arms. His brother upon the tile crying; or so it seemed. Tears stung his eyes, threatening to fall. He couldn't help but run to her bed, leaping upon the soft covers as he buried himself in her chest. "Mother…" He cried, not believing it was real. His father now stood to his height, leaving the room in pain.

A once marry woman came over, to tell him no doubt of how far they were. Met with a glare she stood back, "Tell everyone to call this off, no questions." He snarled as she did as she was asked. His figure leaving the palace…

The young girl ran to the side of Sesshomaru, hoping to comfort her master. He was guided away by the girl leaving the younger boy to lay in disbelief. He nuzzled his mother's silken chest, hiding himself in her kimono. "Wake up…" He whined, tears staining her dress. "Don't leave, you said you'll never leave me behind!" He whimpered like a newborn pup, he wasn't alone but somehow he felt so distant now without the reassuring hug form his mother when he cried. Without the gentle smile he had always been graced with. Without her lifeful scent, without anything now…Without the one he held most dear. Eyes stared upwards to the ceiling in his mother's dead embrace, he had entwined her arms around him as she would've done in life by now. "Please…Please come back…" The soft sobs filled the night air as another day passed; though nothing seemed the same.

The morning light seeped in, and the two monks walked in. He groggily opened his eyes from his restless sleep. Before he could react they spoke, "You must leave, we must take her to put her soul to rest." They spoke calmly, the two walking up to him and his mother's body.

"No!" He snarled. "S-She's mine!"

His yelps and whimpers were unheard as they dragged her away. He tugged upon the hem of a nightly robe, "Please, prince, it must be done." With that they kicked the boy to the ground. "It is the lord's orders to put his lady to rest."

He cried freely upon the tile of his mother's room. "Mommy…C-Come back t-to me…"


Kikyo is 6 in this if you were wondering (And yes they will get older in a chapter or two, don't worry it's still piecing together) I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and didn't get too sad (or cry too much =/ ) Welp, Ja Ne!