InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tainted Trust ❯ Poisoned Heart ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Family Portrait

'Chapter Three - Poisoned Heart'

He didn't know how long he stayed upon the tile of his parent's room, nor did he seem to care. He didn't know where his father and brother went, nor did he expect to find them. His birthday ended up his mother's deathday. He couldn't bring himself to celebrate anything. He was about to get up from his kneeling state when something caught his eye. "A…Teacup?" He grumbled, crawling over to the shattered ivory pieces. The tea long since evaporated however he could smell poison on the shards. He growled trying to find what other scent was mixed in beside his mother's. His soft growl turned to an outblown snarl as he discovered the scent. It was Sesshomaru's and a soft claw mark on the side of the larger shard pieced in he had used his claw poison. His own brother had let his mother die, not only die, but in immense pain no less. How could he be heartless? How could someone be so heartless as to take away his only light? With a shard in hand he ran out the door, or so attempted. His elder brother met him. "Sesshomaru…Y-You killed her!" He snorted, getting in defense.

"I did no such thing, how could you think so poorly of me, brother?" He said silkily, trying to charm his way out.

"From this day on I am not your brother! Not your brother!" He yelled, outraged, he threw the remains of the cup at him. Merely to be caught by a skillful hand.

"You best not tell anyone of this." He said menacingly, lifting his brother by the ivory collar of his shirt. "Not like anyone would believe a whelp like you." He smirked, taking the large shard in hand. He set it pointed out and dug it into his brother's shoulder.

A yelp of pain sounded but nothing more as he fell to the ground, clutching his stinging arm. He watched as his brother retreated into the palace. He didn't care where he went, as long as he didn't have to see his face. "…I-Inu-Yasha?" The cautious voice called.

"You can come in." He mumbled, taking his fire rat robe off to reveal his stained white shirt.

"I…Got some medical herbs for you." She said cautiously approaching. She set them in front of him.

"How'd you know I was hurt?" He asked dully, picking up a few of the grasses.

"I…Followed, Sesshomaru and I hid by the door why he…" She pointed briefly to his wound and he nodded.

"Well, thanks for the help, Kikyo." He said, a small smile gracing his features.

"Your welcome." She responded with an equal smile.

"KIKYO!" The angered yell from her master sent her running to find him.

"Sorry, Ja Ne!" She yelped as she left the room.

"Bye…" He mumbled as she had already departed the room. He frowned as he yanked out the now crimson stained shard of ceramic from his shoulder. 'I will get my revenge on you, brother. I will kill you.' He growled in his mind, his enragement making him throw the tiny piece against the stone wall. It shattered, as his heart had not long ago. Slowly he bandaged up his arm, setting aside the small kit Kikyo had not long ago brought for his aid. He padded from the room to sit in his meadow he and his mother grew fond of. Golden optics scanning the area around him as he sat dully in his tree. 'Mother, I will avenge you.' Was all he thought as he leaned his head against the thick bark of the tree. The kind branches swaying in tune to his slumber.


How'd you like it? ^.~ Sorry it was so short but, the next shall be longer and after that one it'll be to the present I promise! Thanks for reviewing and goodbye!