InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tainted Trust ❯ Bonds of Trust ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Family Portrait

'Chapter Six - Bonds of Trust'


"Kikyo, yes I have a use for you." The calm voice said.

Her amber eyes watched intently, but feared the worse for what it may be. "Yes, Lord Sesshomaru?"

"Go to Naraku. He will have your plans." He smirked, "Or, if you wish to fine another way?" Snapping of his knuckles made her snap back to attention with a swift headshake.

"No, I will go to him." She bowed.

"Good, deep into the forest to the north. Be swift and return by nightfall." He instructed as she walked out of his chamber. "This will prove quite amusing." He said softly to himself as his eyes scanned outside the bay window.


She sighed gently to herself as she walked down the vast area. "Yes…To Naraku." She mumbled, she couldn't bring herself to turn around. No, not yet, she feared something was going to happen. She could feel it deep into her soul. "I…Will go." She grumbled, barely turning her form around, the soft slap of feat on tile rang through the silent air. Her eyes grew wide as another walked inside the palace.

"Kikyo…" The gentle voice called, he approaching her slowly.

"Inu-Yasha, you followed me?" She said softly, stopping her pace.

"What's wrong Kikyo?" He asked, eyes trying to read her expression.

"I…I…I cannot utter such things, Inu-Yasha." She said determinedly. She couldn't tell him anything about what her master had told her. No, he would try and follow if she did, and she didn't know what was in store for her as of yet.

"Why not, Kikyo? I…" He said in an oddly calm and gentle voice. His air feeling of confusion and worry. "Keh, fine, if you don't want to talk I'm not going to force you."

She nodded, "…Yes, I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I was just wonderin' why you ran off today. No big deal…" He shrugged it off, ready to head outside again when a hand caught his.

"Inu-Yasha, will you go to the lake with me?" She asked timidly, eyes looking straight into his amazed golden ones.

"I-If you want me to." He said simply, she smiled sheepishly and was about to let his hand fall when he grasped hers instead. "Let's go."

She blushed as he held her hand in his clawed one. "Yes." The two headed out, turning left of the God Tree, through the small forests and finally to the sun kissed waters of the lake. She breathed in the crisp water's air, content in the lovely sight of the sparkling blue waves and emerald strands of lush grass.

He didn't want to disturb her as she looked on the sight, but he wanted to know her purpose for coming here. "Kikyo…?" He trailed as she cut her voice in.

"Come Inu-Yasha." She smiled softly, guiding him down to the bank. He followed, mostly because she was yanking upon his hand as she ran towards the simple canoe-like boat. "Care for a nice lake boat ride?"

"Of course, get in." He said simply, helping her into the boat. She went to pick up the thin stick, letting go of Inu-Yasha's hand. She was set on steering it, as well as helping it across the lakeside. "Let me do it…" He quickly shot in, "Only because you wouldn't be strong enough to get us to the other side."

She still let a warm smile grace her lips. She knew he was trying to hide the gentle meaning in his words. "If you wish, Inu-Yasha." She went to the other side, to sit upon the only wooden seat. Her eyes glanced out upon the orange sun stained waters.

The hanyou glanced behind form time to time to see the miko looking upon the water. She seemed in daydream or merely spaced as her eyes were lightly glazed. He smiled only to himself as he kept the boat going at a mild pace. Before much time had passed he reached the otherside. "Kikyo." He called back to her as he got from the boat.

"Oh, here already." She said, snapping form her thought to look to him. He had already gotten onto the dock, a hand outstretched for hers, the other holding onto the pole. She missed his palm and nearly fell forward if he not had been there. "I-I'm sorry." She mumbled, trying to regain her posture from her currant state from relying on his chest for support. She had a nice hint of pink upon her cheeks as she tried to back away.

He didn't let her, the pole falling mindlessly downwards as his strong arms wrapped around her form. "Kikyo, don't be…" He awaited her to push him off, closing his eyes in her raven locks he engulfed her calming scent.

"Inu-Yasha…?" She said in silent disbelief, a gentle smile emitting. However her eyes caught sight of the midday sun. She had to leave to Naraku. How she wanted to stay like this forever with him, to tell him everything in her heart but she couldn't say it. There was no time, a heavy sigh, and closed eyes to give her strength she slowly pushed him back. His eyes looked hurt, as if his soul was crushed. But, it was not like her thought, she did care for him, she just needed to leave. "Inu-Yasha, it is not of cruelty or disgust of why I push you away. Never…" She said gently, a hand brushing across his cheek. "I just need to go now. I am sorry." Before he could react to her words she shot off onto the bank and to the forests a last sad glance behind to him.

"Kikyo…I…" He mumbled in his own thoughts as he watched the form of the girl run off into the distance. "Return to me…" He mumbled under his breath. He didn't bother to follow her, she didn't seem like she wanted company. He slowly bent down to pick up the wooden pole, and made his way back across the calm clear lake.


She shot through the forests. 'To the north…' She repeated in her mind, eyes scanning for any sign of life.

"Kikyo, I presume?" The silken voice called from behind.

She abruptly turned to face him with a soft gasp. She had passed him so easily; she didn't even recall a force of life in him. "Yes, Lord Naraku." She stated swiftly, turning to face him. Her eyes taking in his animal skinned form, not seeing the steady gaze she got under his watchful eye.

"Yes, and Sesshomaru sent you to me, did he not?" He stated, keeping his seat in the brush.

"He did." She nodded in agreement to his simple question.

"I see. Well, Kikyo, I have instructions form him. He wished me to do a task you shouldn't know." He chuckled darkly. "However I need some answers from you. How much do you trust his half demon brother?"

'Inu-Yasha…' "I trust him with my life, my very soul." She said truthfully.

"I see…" He mumbled to himself, an unseen grin coming to his features. "And he with yours?"

"…I am uncertain. But, Naraku, why do you ask such things?" She asked abruptly. Being scolded by the male.

"Ah, my dear girl. Sesshomaru asked this of me. He said you would be quite cooperative. However, you lashed to me. This will not be unheard." He said coldly.

She bowed her head in understanding. Slaves had no right. No right to love…That was right, no right to love, nor speak unless spoken to… 'Inu-Yasha, it was never that way with you…' She thought solemnly. "Lord Naraku, may I ask why you wish to know of Inu-Yasha at least?"

"It doesn't concern you. Come here, Kikyo." He spat; she walked over obediently as she was taught. A hand reached out to her, setting behind her head. She bended down her gaze finally meeting his hidden orbs. "Do not meddle in things that are to much for you to comprehend my dear girl." He grinned, he knew she had enough power to rival him. To rival Sesshomaru, however her being in check like this she would never know her true power. Not of yet. "Go, the sun has set, the day is gone."

She nodded slightly, unsure of what he meant. She slowly got up; a slight prick was issued in the back of her skull. Naraku's fingers playing with the raven lock they had stolen form her. She paid no attention to such a loss and continued on her way. A confused look casted back, but he was not there any longer. He had vanished with the coming night. She too needed to leave, so quickened her pace.


Inu-Yasha finally made it to the other side as the first ray of moonlight filtered through the night sky. He swiftly ran through the flower meadow, careful not to crush a single beauty. He climbed his tree to look across the area, hoping deep down to see the girl once more. His ears pricked in alarm as he heard a rustle in the nearby bushes. A hand instinctively set upon the hilt of his sword, "Who's there?" He called out with a hint of growl in his voice.

"Inu-Yasha?" The soft voice called back as the girl stumbled through the bushes.

"Kikyo?" He mumbled, leaping down from his perch only moments ago had he claimed. His eyes trailed the crimson stained upon her cream shirt. His eyes looked to hers for answers but none came. "Kikyo, what happened?"

"You should know…" She said, a hint of sorrow in her once gentle voice.

"What?" He spat, taken aback, but none the less ran to her aide. Or attempted.

"Come to finish me?! Die, Inu-Yasha!" She yelled, an enchanted arrow firing form the bow. The string making a crisp 'bing' as it let it fly with unearthly speed.

"KIKYO!" He yelped, the arrow pierced his shoulder sending him back into the trunk of his favored tree. He was pinned, the arrow sapping his strength. His golden gaze turned hazy as he tried to make sense of the many blurs and smudges. "K-Kikyo…You betrayed me…" He mumbled lazily, his eyelids drooping. He saw her form fall to the dew dripped grass. The strands being stained with the scarlet of her blood and pain. His ears perked as her breathing stopped, or to his ears it had, for he had fallen into coma. The enchanted arrow pinning him to the God Tree.

"Inu-Yasha?" Came the drained cries from the clearing. The shadowed girl running to him. "Inu-Yasha!" She yelped. Slender fingers about to rip the arrow form its hold. Before they stopped, she recognized this arrow. It…It was her arrow. Her bow lay near the scene as well. But, what would have rendered Inu-Yasha so helpless? He could have retaliated easily. No, something else was here. The indent upon the grass, the soft hue of blood still littered where it had fallen. "What…?" She mumbled gently before she looked to her task at hand. She about to grip the cider wood of the arrow when another grabbed her wrist.

The masked man growled lowly, "You girl…You killed the second air to the west lands?"

"I-I…N-" Before another word was uttered the Lord of demons broke though the area where a few had gathered.

"Kikyo, you killed my brother." He spoke coldly, his words piercing her flesh like knives.

"Inu-Yasha he-" She tried again, but the intense sorrowful gaze of her master sent her into submission as he spoke.

"I saw you with my own two eyes, Kikyo. I watched on, I could do nothing for I would have been to late." He added, his hands coming from the sleeves of his kimono.

"What shall we do, master?" One darkened human asked.

Kikyo awaited the answer from him. Knowing he would show no mercy for this crime. But, she, she didn't commit this. She knew it but no one else knew of such a fact. "Death. Human who kills demon shall be sentenced to death. Let this carry on forever, my brother will rest undisturbed on that tree. In this meadow he so prizes." He turned away, the humans with him restraining the tearful girl.

"No, I did nothing! I would never harm…Inu-Yasha…" She spoke only to herself, her amber eyes clouded in tears as she watched the half-demon's form grow smaller and smaller as she was dragged to her demise. "INU-YASHA!" She called to air as the cold gates closed. The painful scream form inside died down with a simple slash. The end was upon them…Or was it…?


Howdy Hoo! 'nother chapter bows Thank you for all your kind reviews! I hope this chapter was better for ya'. And duh, next chapter Kagome here! And if there was any confusion Kikyo died, Inu-yasha's stuck to the tree, and the Kikyo that killed him was Naraku using the DNA from her stolen strand to make him copy her perfectly. He stole her bow and arrow: Note: That Kikyo didn't have it with Inu-Yasha. Gasp With that said I hope you review and the next chapter goes with my timeline as I put in summery ^.~ Ja Ne!