InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tainted Trust ❯ Cruel Life ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Family Portrait

'Chapter Seven - Cruel Life'

-Key- This means flashback: ~`~ This means: ~ happening elsewhere

Quickened footsteps splattered the fresh mud of the used to be dirt road. A bundle was clutched in her arms. Wide gray eyes watching the road for anything that would make her trip. The cries from behind kept her going faster as she twisted and turned in the run down village. The demon behind the female was gaining and she knew from the hot breath upon her neck, the growls from within it. She had to keep going. Running and running was all she ever did in this era. Running from demons, running from other things that could kill. It was the age of demons, not the age of humans, that was long ago… "Kagome, in here!" The whispered speech hit her ears as she glanced to a draped window where a woman sat. She shot off down the ally, trying to weave her way from the demon's sight. She barely managed this time, with a sigh she creeped down the passage to the woman's home. She thanked whatever god was above. For if the demon didn't have poor senses she wouldn't have lived this day.

"Thank you, Kaede." Kagome panted for air as she sat in the corner of the shack-like home.

"You are welcome, Lady Kagome." She nodded, her eyes carrying to the bundle in witch she held.

Kagome saw her eyes move, and set down the supplies she carried. Within the white linen lay a hairbrush, three oranges, a piece of bread, and a blanket. "…I have some food to hold us in. We won't have to go to the other side for a day or so." She explained. The other side was 'Sanctuary' or so this part of town called it. The only problem was it was a day's travel. But, that was the only place to get supplies. However, if demons found you before you made it, you would never. Or if they ever get hold of 'Sanctuary', the only thing they could do was live or dies by a demon's hand. "The blanket is for you, Kaede."

"Thank you…" She smiled warmly, taking the soft object in her wrinkled grasp. She leaned back against the hut wall. Eyes intently watching the burnt sticks where a fire should lay. But in this age, a fire meant death for those who lit it. "What has this era come to?"

"I do not know…" She chuckled softly. "You ask such a thing everyday." She had finally regained her breath, as she walked to the other side to sit next to her elder.

"Kagome…" She breathed, smiling slightly. A tap upon the oaken door made both of them jump. Backing close to the wall trying to make little sound.

"K-Kagome?" The timid voice from outside spoke, tapping the door gently.

Sighing in relief, she hurried to the door to let the boy in. "Miroku, what are you doing here? Not to be rude, but it is a ways travel from your side, isn't it?" She looked confused at his tear stained face, though he tried best to hide it. He slowly came in, taking a seat next to the 'fire'. Staring down at it with glazed violet eyes. "Miroku?" She asked again, kneeling by the fire as well.

"…Kagome, Kaede, I am sorry for coming here without notice." He choked, as both merely nodded their approval of him. "But, I have news. S-Sango she…"


"Miroku!" An angered shout form in the hut sounded as the boy creeped to hide behind some urns. "…Miroku…" She growled again, easily finding him in the small hut.

Immediately the boy perked up, dusting his robes off from what was clinging to the urns. "Yes, Sango-chan?" He smiled innocently as possible.

She ignored the 'chan' simply raising a skeptical eyebrow. "Did Kagome come, and you didn't tell me?" She asked, her brows furrowing in anger. He blinked, trying to think of an excuse. She had visited a while ago, a day or so to be exact. Going to the 'Sanctuary' witch was a few huts down.

"Perhaps." He grinned, inching his way towards her cabin door.

"Did she?!" She snarled, reaching for the neck hem of his midnight robes. (Ya' know, their violet and black…Isn't the black part the collar?)

He blinked, trying to look away but found his only easy way of escape. His hand inching forward, she smacked him right off before he did anything of 'importance'. "…Eh, yes she did." He grumbled, rubbing a beaming slap mark.

"How long ago?" She had let him go by now, a ways distance from him.

"About half a day at most." He stated, watching her for any signs of anger.

"Good, we'll be able to catch her when she arrives back home then?" She smiles, picking up her pack.

"Why? She'll be back in a few days to get more supplies." He said, a hint of confusion clouding his tone.

"Miroku, don't you know?" She watched as he shook his head. "Her birthday is coming up, well before she'll return." She took out a black hair comb, a lovely cherry blossom upon it. (O.k. Like the hair combs you use for decoration in your hair. Like in Mulan…? Anyone get it?) "I would like to give her this."

Miroku sighed at her determined look; she would go with or without him. He not wanting to be left here, where they would probably put him back to work decided to head off with the stubborn female. "Fine, let us be off."

"Alright." She kept a smile, but still walking a few paces behind him. "So, what did you get her for her birthday?"

"That is yet to be decided, I will give it to her when she returns to the 'Sanctuary'." He said simply.

"I see." She nodded, adjusting her small pack. He glanced behind, just to make sure she wasn't trailing. She had gained, to her knowledge or not and was a mere step behind. His gaze then went ahead again. The two traveled in silence for some time, as they often did. Sango's eyes wandered to the sunset splashed sky then to the black locks of her companion. "Do you think the Sanctuary will be discovered by demons?"

"…I don't know, but I hope not." He mumbled, looking to her before ahead again.

"I often wonder if it will. The work of the past never stays put. That was what my father used to say…The demons won't last either." She said, barely audible to his ears but he heard.

"Sango, do not worry, it will last and the demons will not. Our time will come again." He said, a determined streak making itself clear.

"…Maybe, your right." She offered soft smile, but as the sun made its final ray the cry of a demon broke the air.

"Sango, quick!" He yelped, grabbing hold of her hand as they ran. What worse spot to be, but out in the open. All that was here was a vast dirt road. They had kept watch of the sun, and this would be their demise. Traveling down the path, dust flying up to litter the sight of whatever decided to chase them.

"Miroku!" She breathed, the demon had swooped, tearing both of the apart, making the two land opposite of the road. He tried to run back to her as they demon on focussed upon her. The glint on his eyes, a glint of blood lust. It made her shiver at the thought of what it would do to her in time.

He could do nothing. His legs had frozen to their spot. His eyes fixed on the girl, on the bird demon that was around her. "…You do look good enough, master will be pleased." He screeched to himself, talons reaching for her.

"S-Sango…" He rasped, unable to do a thing. Terror, pain, and sadness ridden in his frozen form.

"No!" She growled, unhooking her pack and taking her weapon in hand. "I will never go with you, you filthy demon!"

"Is that so?" He hissed, trying another assault to be blocked by her bone. "Demon hunter you wish to be? Not many of them around…Not in this time of age." He cackled, trying a rougher assault to get the bone away.

She didn't let it fall, but got a hefty slash to her outstretched arm. Eyes looking only to the demon as she threw it, trying to cut the head clear off. But these were not demons of the past, not as stupid mind you. He simply swooped up, taking the knick upon his ivory talon, sending a chunk of it sailing. "…No…" She breathed, making a made dash to the bone that lay embedded behind the boy. A moment too late, she had been taken in the bird beast's grasp. A hand reaching out to air as she yelled the name of her friend.

"S-Sango…Sango!" By now he had fallen to his knees. Numbly crawling to her lost pack and discarded bone. As the night sailed through the air he finally found his balance again. His cheeks stained by now with fresh and old tears. He lifted the small pack, and carried the heavy bone. This was his fault, if he had told her of Kagome's visit this wouldn't have happened. Or if he didn't freeze like that…Though he was not in control, the demon had used that technique. But if he's been stronger… His mind had made a list of reasons why it was his fault.


'MIROKU!' The words bore his mind, the voice killing his soul. "Sango…Was taken by a demon upon the road previous night." He said barely above a whisper.

"Sango…No…" Kagome gasped, the elder woman bowed her head in numb respect. Tears fell from her glazed eyes as he began to continue his speech.

"…She wanted you to have this. For your upcoming birthday. It was why she made this travel…" He said softly, opening his clenched hand to reveal the lovely object.

Shaky hands went to grasp the hair comb. Timidly she took it from him as his hands went to fists once more. She could tell inside he was fighting against himself. Tears fell to the simple present; "…I will cherish this in her honor." She mumbled. This object led to her friend dyeing. Over stupid birthday gift she would never see her beloved friend again. With that thought she fell to her side, crying out all thought.


All right, the time may be screwed up! But, it is 60…or 50? Whatever it was when Inu got pinned to his tree. Kagome is from this time…And yeah. Sango isn't the greatest demon hunter because no one is allowed to practice it. Miroku is a monk's apprentice for not many monks exist in this time. Kagome simply helps Kaede around and more will be explained… It's coming more together, right? Well please R&R if you want the next chapter! Bye!