InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Taken ❯ The Jealous Demon ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome screamed Inuyasha’s name, but it wasn’t Kagome’s scream that got through to him. It was the strong scent of the other youkai that stopped him from pounding Koga into the ground. He looked up in alarm and grabbed Kagome a second before they got to her. He held her protectively against him as he leaped over the high wall carrying Kagome to safety. That mangy wolf can fight them off himself, Inuyasha thought angrily. He could smell Koga’s scent all over her. His arms tighten around her. Kagome was his… How dare that wolf try to mate with her!

Kagome knew Inuyasha was still angry when he flew in through the window of her apartment and sat her down on the bed. He hadn’t said a word to her until now.

“Did he hurt you?” He stood over her with his arms crossed and a serious expression on his face.

Kagome shook her head. “I’m just a little shaken.”

“Lay down and I’ll fix you a bath,” Inuyasha ordered and walked into the bathroom before she could stop him. The longer Koga’s scent stayed on her the harder it would be to get off. Inuyasha was impatient to get rid of it. It made him nauseous and so furious he wanted to kill someone. He turned on the water and searched though her shelves for anything to erase that infuriating scent. Finding bubble bath, he poured a large amount in the tub and walked away.

Kagome was laying on the bed on her side when he came back into the bedroom. Inuyasha stared down at her. The memory of her and Koga together flashed in his mind. He shook his head to get rid of it. A low growl escaped from his throat. Kagome opened her eyes to look at him.

He picked her up gently and carried her to the bathtub.

Kagome stared down at the bubbles that seemed to go up to the ceiling. “Inuyasha, how much did you put in here?”

He shrugged and sat her down on the edge. “Take your bath.”

Kagome frowned at his strange behavior. She turned to the very inviting bubble bath and quickly got out of her clothes. She needed this so much. Her body relaxed as soon as she hit the warm water and silky bubbles. She scrubbed her body three times before she was satisfied that she was finally clean. Instead of getting out of the tub, she played with the bubbles for a while blowing them off her hand before she leaned back closed her eyes. The images of Koga appeared and she quickly opened them.

“No, I can’t think of that,” she whispered to herself. But the images refuse to leave. How could he take her so easily and make her feel so…amazing? Was it considered rape if her body had taken so much pleasure from the assault? Was it really assault? He’d been extremely gentle with her, even when she tried to fight against him. She realized she didn’t put up much of a fight to begin with. She had always thought Inuyasha would be the first person to touch her, to bring her to her first powerful orgasm. Inuyasha…how did he feel about all this. He hadn’t said much about it, but when she looked in his eyes, she saw the pain, the anger…The fact that he hadn’t talk about what happened made her worry. She knew he had to have known she had enjoyed it. The evidence had been on Koga’s lips. The way he tried to kill Koga was something she knew she couldn’t dismiss, especially the words that came out of his mouth.

“I will kill you wolf. Tonight you will die for forcing yourself on Kagome. She is mine!”

She is mine! The words played over in her head like a broken record. What did he mean by that?

Inuyasha glanced at the clock after flicking through the channels. Thirty minutes had passed and Kagome hadn’t come out of the bathroom. He stood up and banged on the door.

“Kagome! What the hell are you doing in there so long?”

No answer.

For some reason he couldn’t understand, he panicked and burst into the bathroom, only to find her asleep in the tub. Kagome had always been a heavy sleeper. The girl could sleep anywhere at anytime. He gulped. He knew he had to wake her but could he really control himself enough to wake her? She was laying there naked in the water. The bubbles had disappeared and he could see…everything. Think about Jaken, a naked Jaken, he thought to himself over and over as he gently lifted her naked body out of the water.

He quickly sat her on her feet and wrapped a towel around her. Kagome leaned against him and stared up at him sleepily.


“Falling asleep in the tub is dangerous, Kagome. What if I hadn’t been here? You could have drowned!” Inuyasha scolded.

“W…what?!” Kagome finally realized where she was at and quickly moved away from him. She was wide awake now.

“Feh, there’s nothing there I haven’t seen before,” Inuyasha said turning away. His face had turned bright red.

She walked passed him and he followed her into the bedroom.

“At least you don’t smell like that wolf anymore,” he pointed out. “Why the hell did you decide to walk home instead of calling me?!” He finally yelled at her.

“I didn’t want to disturb you. I thought you might be sleep,” Kagome said, sitting on the bed.

“What the hell is wrong with you? You know I wouldn’t have wanted you to walk home this late at night! You knew the dangers!”

“I really didn’t think anything would happen to me since it was my first time doing it,” Kagome said.

“You are so fucking naïve you know that!” He yelled.

Kagome stared at him for a moment before the strain of everything that had just happen got to her; Koga taking her against her will, the way he made her felt in doing such a provocative thing to her, and Inuyasha’s anger. She began to cry.

Inuyasha stared at her feeling like an ogre. What was wrong with him shouting at her like this? She had just been through a traumatic experience or was it? The scent of her arousal still lingered in his mind. Koga had brought her pleasure. Something he had never had the chance to do. He should have been her first not that fucking wolf. Koga didn’t love her, not as much as he did.

He sat beside her and took her in his arms trying to ignore the thoughts in his head. Kagome needed him. “I’m sorry, Kagome. I just…when I saw what Koga was doing to you everything just snapped. I’m sorry. Please stop crying. I never want to hurt you.”

Kagome looked raised her head away from his chest and looked up at him. “Inuyasha…” she whispered not knowing what to say.

Inuyasha stared down at her and wished he hadn’t. She was so beautiful to him. Kagome had never looked so sexy as she did right now. Those beautiful big brown eyes stared up at him with sensual innocence and wonder. Her full sexy lips parted slightly as if she wanted to say something but couldn’t. Inuyasha’s eyes wandered to the part in her robe. It was half opened and showed the top of her breasts peaking out. He felt himself harden. The demon inside of him wanted to take her right now and make her his forever. He ran his fingers through her long hair, still damp from the shower and pulled her closer to him inhaling her scent deeply.

Kagome’s eyes began to droop. She suddenly felt very sleepy again. The bath had relaxed her body and mind. She felt so safe and protected in Inuyasha’s arms. Pulling back slightly, she stared up at him in an almost dream state and smiled into his handsome face.

“Thank you, for coming after me. I don’t know what else would have happened if you hadn’t arrived.”

Inuyasha hands clasped the back of her robe, his claws tearing the material as a low growl filled the room. Oh he knew what would have happened. He buried his face into the side of her neck. “Let me stay with you tonight. I don’t trust that wolf.”

“You think he might come here?” Kagome asked in surprise.

“He…he knows your scent now,” Inuyasha said quietly.

Kagome’s face turned bright red.

“Kagome…why the fuck did you cum?” Inuyasha decided to just ask it and get it over with. “Do you have feelings for Koga? Have you liked him all this time and I just didn’t know about it?”

Kagome shook her head. “No, I don’t have feelings for him. It’s nothing like that and I don’t know why I…it just happened okay? I was just as surprised… and embarrassed. No one has ever touched me that way…”

“And no one ever will again,” Inuyasha promised her, except him, he thought to himself. “Go to sleep. I won’t let that wolf get to you again if he comes. I’m going to my apartment to shower and change clothes. I’ll be back when I finish.“

Kagome watched him leave noticing the tension between them. If she could change what had happened she would do it in a heart beat. Her heart sunk at a frightening thought. What if he didn’t want her after this? She had never been too sure about Inuyasha and his feelings about her. Until tonight, when he kept calling her his, but even then she wasn’t sure of he really meant by it. She knew he was possessive by nature with anything he was fond of. And, he’d never told her he loved her or even kissed her. There were times he looked like he wanted to kiss her, but something would happen to disrupt them or he’d turn red and make up an excuse to leave. She laid back on the bed in deep thought.

Inuyasha took a long cold shower determined to cool his desire for Kagome before he went back to her apartment. He lived across the hall from her. He thought about the first time they’d met. He’d bumped into her when he was coming out her apartment. Kagome was moving in across from him and he’d helped. That had been two years ago. He stared at the scratches on his body from Koga claws and noticed they were already healing.


Why couldn’t he just tell her he loved her? Every time he tried he’d get all tongue-tied and change the subject. He’d waited too long and now this had happened. He quickly finished up and dried off determined to get back to her apartment. He didn’t know if he could leave Kagome alone anymore. He’d always be worried about that wolf trying to take her as his. The only way to stop him was to make Kagome his mate before Koga got the chance.

Kagome had fallen asleep when he walked into her room. She was in the same position she was before. She was laying on top of the bed, her head propped against the pillows. Her robe was still wrapped around her. Inuyasha sighed and walked to the side of her bed. He gently lifted her and pulled back the covers. “Good night, Kagome.” He whispered as he covered her and then laid beside her on the bed facing her. He was content to watch her sleeping peacefully beside him before he went to sleep.

Kagome was having the most wonderful dream. Her entire body felt so good as if she was wrapped in a blanket of ecstasy, a warm, hard, muscular blanket…Kagome frowned slightly as she forced her heavy eyelids to open. She suddenly became aware of the sensations that were spiraling up and down her body. Hands were roaming all over her, touching her in places they shouldn’t be. Something warm and wet was sliding down and getting dangerously close to her breasts. Kagome looked down slowly just in time to see Inuyasha’s tongue swipe a very aroused nipple. She moaned and grabbed a handful of his thick white hair to stop him. She doubt he even noticed she was awake, he was so entranced with her body. He drew the nipple in his mouth sucked gently. A purring sound came from his throat while he slowly made love to her. Kagome body jerked slightly. She was very sensitive, her body already sexually aroused while she was asleep.

“Inuyasha,” she managed to whisper when he moved to do the same to her other breast. He didn’t answer. It was as if the only thing existed was him and her and what he was doing to her. He slid back up her body, his body rubbing against hers, his hot wet tongue sliding all the way up to her neck causing Kagome’s body to shiver. It didn’t take Kagome long to figure out he was just as naked as she was. Her body was on fire for him, but her mind was shocked at what was happening. She gasped out loud when she felt his hardness laying on her pelvis. The thing was huge, hot and throbbing against her. She suddenly panicked and struggled to push him away.

Inuyasha held her to him firmly. He raised up quickly to look into her face and let out a growl that sounded like a warning. Kagome faced turn slightly pale when she saw his features. His eyes…were red as if they were on fire. Two fangs could be seen clearly as he growled louder. “Mine…” A voice that was not his came from him. “You are mine, Kagome. You were always mine and tonight I will make it official.”

“Inuyasha?” She whispered. She had only seen his demon side once, when her life had been in danger. Some dumb ass had held a knife to her throat in order to keep Inuyasha away from her while he stole her purse. Inuyasha had almost killed the guy if she hadn’t intervened. He’d scared her so badly, she’d stayed away from him a couple of days. So why had his demon side come out now?

“Why are you here? Where is Inuyasha?” She could barely speak. His hands were roaming possessively all over her as if he couldn’t get enough of her body. He moved his hardness against her restlessly.

“Asleep, he has waited too long in making you his, wanting your consent to mate with you. In doing so that wolf demon almost made you his. I will not allow it. I don’t care how you feel. You are mine and will always belong to me. Anyone who dares to try to take you away from me will die.”

Kagome shook her head. “No…” she whispered. One hand came up to hold her head still as he lowered his mouth to her neck.

“No!” Kagome screamed when she felt his sharp fangs pierce though the delicate skin on her neck. At the same time, he spread her legs apart with his knee and sunk deep into her, tearing through her virginity in one thrust. Tears formed into Kagome eyes from the pain she was in. Their first time wasn’t suppose to be like this. He was suppose to tell her he loved her. He was suppose to be gentle and slow. She bit her bottom lip as he began to move in her. He hadn’t given her time to adjust to his huge size. He was impatient, his thrusts urgent and demanding. She was helpless to fight him. Her body was still heavy with sleep, even if she had been completely alert and awake, she wouldn’t have been able to fight him off. He was half youkai after all. Stronger than any human could hope to be. She began to feel slightly dizzy. The pain in her neck was slowly fading away and so was the pain down there. Each stroke he forced into her tightness began to transform gradually from pain to something else…something more pleasurable.

She felt his fangs pull out of her neck to be replaced with his tongue licking over the two wounds he’d inflicted. “Mine,” he whispered over and over in her ear as he began to thrust harder. “Say it…You belong to me…” He demanded.

Kagome groaned. She wasn’t suppose to be getting pleasure out of this. Once again she had been taken against her will and her body was beginning to respond. Her legs wrapped around his waist as she raised her pelvis to meet his thrusts. She couldn’t believe how wet she was. She could feel her juices running down and forming a puddle on the sheets. How long had he been pleasuring her body before she became aware of what he was doing? She could hear the soft slurping sounds from her wetness as he pulled out of her and thrust back in. Her body craved him, she could feel herself squeezing the huge organ tightly as if trying to keep it from escaping. Her arms wrapped around his back holding him tightly. “Inuyasha,” she moaned.

“Say it,” the demon growled harshly knowing he was about to spill his seed deep inside her.

Kagome panted. It was difficult to say when his hard thrusting caused her entire body to move with him. She was about to climax. She could feel the pressure building with every hard thrust. “I…” she didn’t know if she could finish. “Belong,” she paused swallowing. The demon growled threateningly. “To…”she felt the intense pressure building and building until…”You,” she screamed out as her body convulsed and shook underneath him. For a moment she thought, she would die from the intensity.

The you kai closed his eyes and reared back his head letting out a loud growl mixed with a moan that sounded very much like Inuyasha’s voice as he came. Kagome could feel him throbbing deep inside of her and the hot cum hitting her insides. She stared up at him through half closed lids as she watched his eyes turn from red to gold. Inuyasha was back. The shock and confused look on his face showed her, he hadn‘t meant to take her. He collapsed on top of her and buried his face in the side of her neck, too weak from exhaustion to move.

Both were silent for a long time as they waited for their hearts to stop pounding. The sweat from their body mingled together and their loud breathing filled the silence in the room. Kagome stared at the ceiling in a daze. Her mind just couldn’t take in what had just happened between them even as her body lay sated and relaxed beneath the heavy body on top of hers.

Inuyasha was the first to move. He looked down at her. Her beautiful brown eyes were staring straight through him. “Kagome…say something,” he pleaded, his heart beginning to pound in worry. “Kagome, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen. Baby, I’m sorry…”

“Get out..” Kagome whispered.

“Kagome, please…I love you…You have to know I never meant to take you like this. I wasn’t even aware of what I was doing. You have to believe me!”

“Now you tell me you love me?” Kagome asked sarcastically. She stared into his eyes angrily. “Get out…get the hell out of my room now!”

Inuyasha slowly pulled away from her. His face full of pain and hurt and disgust at what he had done. He was no better than Koga. He looked down at the sheets and winced when he saw the blood. He’d taken her virginity. Had he hurt her? Everything was hazy in his mind, the only time he’d been completely aware of what he was doing was when he was in the midst of his climax. It had awaken him and satisfied the demon inside of him. He had heard Kagome saying she belonged to him…Something he had always wanted to hear but not like this.

“Get out. Get out! Get out!” Kagome screamed at him and threw a couple of pillows. Her strength had come back and she was furious. She reached for a lamp by her bed and threw it at him.

Inuyasha barely dodged it before running out the room and slamming the door. When he got into his apartment, he leaned against his door and slowly sunk down to the floor, tears streaming down his face. He’d done something he thought he would never do. He’d hurt his Kagome.