InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tensai of the Ookami-Inu ❯ The Panther, The Human, and the Party ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Tensai of the Ookami-Inu
By Dog-Demon-Emiko
Chapter 11: The Panther, the Human, and the Party
Kagome looked herself over in the mirror. Her raven tresses were freshly washed and freely framed her face, neck, shoulders, and chest, hiding the diamond earings hanging from her ears. The little black dress she wore exposed her cleavlage and had thick straps and trailed down to her calves. A small slit traveled up the left side, meaning her band with her favorite, sterling silver dagger was on her right thigh. The dress framed her form easily and losened at her waist so her weapon was not revealed. She wore simple, open toed black heels that showed off her black toe nails. She only had on a tiny bit of make-up, eyeliner to trace her top and bottom lids, and a bit of gray shadow above her eyes. She loved the way it made her eyes look darker, almost black. A clear gloss made her full lips look shiny and attractive.
Kagome's only disappointment was that she was not going to be able to use her sai's to kill this man. She would want nothing more than to be able to let the weapons that her father got for her drink the blood of his murderer. A knock came on her door, and Kagome knew that it was Kimi. Not a second later Kimi opened it. The top half of her hair was pulled back gently while the rest cascaded down her back. She wore a dress that pinched on the shoulders so the front dropped, exposing her cleavlage almost innocently. The back dropped and thin strings laced the make multiple X's across her pale back. Like Kagome's, Kimi's dress was formfitting until it got to the waist, and simple black heels adroned her feet.
"Are you ready?" Kagome could only nodd. "Remember what he did to our fellow agents too Kagome, do not blow your cover or else you just might end up like them." Kimi walked from the room without another word, leaving the oddly cool-headed teen to follow.
They rode in the car in silence, the only sound was that of the engine and traffic, delaying them about 10 minuetes. When they pulled up the limo door opened and Mugon's face appeared. Kimi nodded to him and got out, Kagome following. Glancing at her aunt, Kagome tried to follow the example and smile as the photographers snaped more and more pictures. Even with her human eyes the lights were still bright.
"And here arriving," Kagome heard a reporter say "is Higurashi Kimi and her neice, Higurashi Kagome, heir to the Higurashi Criminal Justice Corp Empire." Kagome scoffed, justice my ass...
They walked slowly and elegantly into the large double doors and stopped at a small podium where they were given a number and shown to their seats. They were sitting near the back wall, which neither of them complained about. Kimi put her purse on the chair and went to get something to drink and beckoned Kagome to come with her.
The long table with a golden covering was barley visble with all the food on it. Kimi put two cups under a silver fountians nozzle as it spat out Sparkling Apple Cider. They then stood and acted as if they were enjoying the view.
"See the balcony over the stage?" Kimi asked in a barly aduible voice as she kept a pleasent smile on her face. Kagome nodded. "He will enter there, and exit there. This ball ends at midnight, and he arrives in 37 minuetes when guests have finished arriving. It will be gaurded, but not heavily. Some of his plans have fallen through, he was supposed to sign some papers to have the station running within the week but his informant, along with the deliverer had a slight...accident. So now he must sign them tonight because it's the deadline."
"Who's he signing the papers with? That will require a lot of money to get it up and running so soon. It's not supposed to open for another month or two because the Ryu-Kyu forces are still here."
"Right, meaning that he plans on doing something about it. My guess is he's taking them out, and then going to offer his services in Ryu-Kyu."
"Kuso. At that rate, Okinowa and Kyoto will be under his control by the end of the year."
"Exactly. Look towards the stage." Kimi said softly as she looked over Kagome's shoulder casually. "The violinest with short hair, and the other with the curly hair are ours. They have chips in their ears, and a speaker on their tooth. When he is making a move they will click their teeth on the speaker. I will be staying out here ofcorse, while I tell you where and when to move. Look at the balcony agian. Theres a door behind those two men. That's where the dancers are. They are already there and so are the ones that belong to us. They will report as to what's going on in arabic, which I will translate to you. Now we don't know exactly where and when he'll be between 8:30pm and 11:30pm, so you'll have to keep an eye out. Mingle, laugh, drink." Kimi said shortly as her face brightened. Kagome turned to see a large breasted woman with light brown hair opening her arms for a hug. Kagome moved out of the way elegantly with her drink and walked off.
She took her time in survaying the place. It's high ceiling was cathedral like and the floors were marble. She tried to surpress a growl as she caught a few men staring at her. She sighed and looked at the clock, it was 8pm and the lights dimmed. She went back to her seat by Kimi who didn't even spare her a glance and sat queitly as they watched the balcony. Maybe this night wasn't going to be so long after all.

Sesshomaru held his emotionless face as he was blinded by the numerous cameras. He just had to drive 3 and a half hours and only got 3 hours of sleep. But he had a job to do, he was here to represent Taisho Law Firms, and had choosen to come alone. Rin didn't feel up for a party, seeing as she was exhausted, and he surely wasn't taking anyone else.
He took his number and found that he was sitting near the back. Not that he cared however, this new station was borrowing money from their Corp; Myoga and Totosai's idea. He wore a simple black tux, his silver hair pulled back in a neat but loose braid. He stood by the bathroom for most of the time. He was nearly the last to arrive and only had to stand for about 5 minutes before the lights dimmed. He then found his table and hid his shock. Sitting there with another woman was Kagome. She had not heard or seen his approach, or when he sat in the chair behind her. The other woman, who turned her head, smiled softly at him and continued to watch the band play. Sesshomaru figured that she was Kagome's aunt, for they looked alike. He figured he wouldn't bother her right this second, for she was much to busy watching the band.
Kagome was watching the band play as if they held all of the answers. She tuned out everything but them as if she had been waiting to hear them all of her life. As they stopped playing, the lights dimmed even more and blue spot lights directed themselves to the balcony where he appeared. She bit the back of her lips to not say anything or make any sound. She allowed her youkai eyes to take over, making her able to see every detail on the man. He had black straight hair was was slicked back and shiny. A thin mustache lined his upper lip and a small nose dotted the center of his pale face. His eyes were brown and he wore a white tux with a silk black shirt underneth. A loud ching snapped her out of her gaze and she turned her head to the noise. Kimi was staring heatedly at her for a second then whispered a quick apology to someone behind her. Kagome's nose twitched in annoyance before she glanced at the man behing her. The silver hair drew her back for a second look.
'SESSHOMARU?' "What are you doing here?" she whispered.
"My family owns Taisho Law. I'm guessing your the new heir to Higurashi Criminal Justice?" Kagome nodded. She took a deep breath and prayed that Sesshomaru wouldn't interfere with her assignment. "Where were you?" Kagome huffed, not only did she not want to answer that question but she couldn't here him talking.
"I had some issues that needed to be taken care of. I already told you guys that I was sorry now shut it Fluffy." She smirked when she heard him growl, but lost it as she realized that her target was no longer talking and the lights came back up. "Great...", she muttered. The band began to play slow music and many people, imcluded Kimi were asked to dance. She turned to Sesshomaru. "You seem as chipper as I am to be here." Sesshomaru said nothing and survayed his surroundings. "You said Taisho and this station merged?" Sesshomaru nodded but did not look at her.
"Yes. Not that I really want to. Totosai and Myoga don't see it but this place isn't a normal station."
"What do you mean?" Kagome asked, perking with interest.
"It seems that the street crime is still the same when they come to different places. The only thing that stops is political murders, which is a lie. I think that he's just covering up the murders."
"So what are you saying?"
"This is a dangerous man Kagome, I suggest that as an heir you stay clear of him. I'm suprised he hasn't tried to merge with you yet. I just find it odd that he comes to Japan, when Mongolia is even worse than here."
"But Mongolia only has street crime, not political..." Kagome trailed off. Cover up? Something was put together in her head, what if Haung's only goal was to just take over all Justiace systems? That would mean that she and Kimi were in danger.
A click sounded in her ear, and at first she just scratched her ear. But then she remebered that her earings wern't really earings at all. She looked around and cursed when she couldn't see anything due to the crowd on the dance floor.
"The documents have arrived Kagome. You must get to the east side of the building." Kimi's voice whispered in the earing earpeice as the clock signaled 9:55pm.
"Bathroom break," she told Sesshomaru shortly. He said nothing as she hastly got up and went to the bathroom. She entered she sighed as she found 2 other woman already there packing on make-up and laughing loudly.
"Excuse me, there's a leak in the men's bathroom and they think the backup is coming from here. Matinace will be here any minute and they asked me to clear the woman's bathroom so they may work." she said smoothly. The women reluctantly put there makeup back in their purses and left. Kagome looked over the the large window which had smoldered glass on it so it was unable to be seen through. She opened it as far as it could go, glad it swung open from the side and not the top. Under the window was a balding maple tree that was about a 7 foot drop down. Kagome sat on the heater that was dumbly placed under the window and removed her heels and held them in her hand. She let her panther traits loose and focused on the branch. Stealthly, she jumped down and landed on the tree without a sound, and peaked out from the tree. There she saw him no more than 5 yards away talking heatedly to some man. Her head was oddly clear and she smirked without reason as her fangs and claws glinted, along with her eyeswith anticipation. She ignored the odd feeling of her ears becoming pointed, and didn'tneed to have a mirror to know her eyes were gold.
She jumped from her hiding place and slipped back on her shoes. Slowly she walked up behind the two people. The deliverer saw her first and his face contorted to say something, but with her cat reflexes she whipped out her dagger and caught him along the throat. Her eyes settled on her target as he pulled a small gun from his tux. A cold, menacing laugh echoed from Kagome's mouth.
"Humans are so funny," she purred.
"Are we now?" he asked, his voice smooth.
"Ooh, a bold one now are we?" she asked as he twisted on a silencer without taking hisaim from her heart.
"Who do you work for?" Kagome thought for a moment.
"Myself." she said with a devil's smirk, not inturruping her slow, tantalizing stride.
"Bullshit, you work for Taisho Corp." A thin black eyebrow rose.
"Taisho? Wrong demons baby," she growled. "Maybe this will refresh your memory?" Her voice turned cold as she used her demon speed to appear in front of him and snatch the gun away and push his face into the dirt. "A happy family in Mongolia, torn apart when everything is burned. Two FBI agents killed in a 'snowmobiling accident', their son burned to death and their daughter ran away from the meds. Six years later she is found in a foster home by her aunt and it's a happy ever after." Kagome kicked him in the stomace, turning him over, and placed the ball of her shoe on his adam's apple.
"Mongolia? My extentions go east not north." he crocked.
"Bullshit," she snarled. The man had the nerve to take from her, and now he had the guts to lie right in her face about it. She swooped down and picked him up by his throat, her eyes begining to bleed red. "You killed Souta, Taki, and Mitsurgui Higrashi because they were about to bust your ass for your little cover-up bussiness." Haung stared at her, and then his eyes lit up.
"None of those Higurashi's tried to bust me-" His voice was begining to loose its cool nature.
"Kagome they are coming! Someone blew their cover upstairs and everyone is panicking! If you haven't done it already then do it and meet me out front NOW!" Kimi's voice nearly screamed in the earpiece. Growling, Kagome reached around behind him and shoved her clawed fingers just to the left of his spine, into his abdominal aorta. She dropped him and covered his mouth with her other hand as she licked blood from her fingers. Tears were coming from his eyes as his intestines bled to death and he fell unconsious. As much as Kagome would have liked to sit there and watch him bleed to death she had to go. She lifted up his tourso and twisted his head, stopping only when she felt bones crack underneth her fingers.
She heard hurried footsteps as bullets embedded themselves in the ground near her. Growling, she remebered back to that day she lost it all. She thought about trying to do the same thing she did that day and turned to face them- a mistake. A bullet embedded itself into her abdomen nearly scraping her hip bone, and another above her belly button. She turned and focused out the pain, trying to get to the front of the building. She nearly dived into the crowd just as Kimi screamed her name in the ear piece. Kagome growled as she couldn't find her aunt anywhere. She felt blood leak down her left side as her vision went dotted. As she thought about stopping for a second she felt someone grab her arm and roughly drag her into a car. She began to kick them off, screaming in fear, fury, and pain, and was satisfied when she landed a hit. But someone covered her eyes with a jacket and pinned her to the seat. The pain of having someone on her adbomen was unbearable, and she blacked out as she felt the car speed off. Her last thought being: 'I finally did it...'

Sesshomaru sighed as he turned down several offers to dance. He wasn't a dancer, nor a very good conversationist as many people found out that night. Kagome had been at the bathroom for about 15 minuetes now and he began to wonder if she was alright. She seemed distracted all evening and had an odd smell on her that he couldn't place. It had been about 5 more minutes and someone from upstairs screamed. Only the demons in the room could pick up the sound, for the humans could only hear music and chatter. A door upstairs burst open and a shot was fired as a burly man with a deep slice in his chest stumbled back and over the realing onto the stage, dead.
The humans in the room began to scream and move towards the door, while the youkai in the room moved as quickly as possible to the other exits, or stopped and stared. Kagome's aunt looked around while touching her ear and muttering something. Sesshomaru looked around also. Kagome hadn't come back from the bathroom, and she wasn't in the crowd. Sesshomaru got up and went towards the door, pushing the humans aside. He growled as one clung to him and followed him out, nearly bringing them both down when she tripped on the carpet outside. Numerous limos were parked around the fountian which served as the drop off area; people scrambled to find their own.
Sesshomaru used his nose to locate his friend and his brothers mate. Her aunt was no where to be seen, and Sesshomaru doubted she would have left without Kagome. As most of the humans found there drivers and limos and left, there were still more who have yet to get out the door. He moved out of the way of the panicing people only slightly to see Kagome barge headfirst into the crowd.
"KAGOME!" he heard her aunt shriek. He looked to see her on the steps of the Hall, her eyes franticlly searching. The wind was no help to her by blowing from behind her.
His eyes went back to the girl that reeked of blood and scrambled as if drunk. Immediatly, he seized her upper arm and dragged her to his limo. Not caring about the seats he threw her in and was suprised when a small heel hit him suprisingly and painfully hard in the chest. Totosai slammed the door and raced to the front seat Sesshomaru removed his jacket and threw it over Kagome's head as she screamed bloody murder and pinned her body with his. He knew it would hurt her wounds but she would do more damage if she continued to thrash. As the car pulled off he felt her go slack and climbed off her.
"To the hospital Totosai," Sesshomaru said with his voice indifferent. He then picked up the phone and dialed a number. It rang twice before someone answered.
"Where are you?"
"Still at the hotel. I'll be here until tomorrow. Why?" Inuyasha's voice sounded irratated at the questions. Sesshomaru growled.
"Kagome's been shot-"
"WHAT!" Sesshomaru had to pull the reciver from his ear so that it would not start bleeding. "WHERE ARE YOU GUYS? WHAT HAPPENED? HOW-"
"Silence! We were at the grand party for the acadamy and there were shots fired. I found her stumbling along bleeding. When can you make it out here?" Sesshomaru heard concerned voices in the backround and numerous questions.
"Fuck! Urasuai's not letting us leave right now! Sango got into a fight with some other girl that's from a different school and were all basicly on house arrest. She took all of our car keys and took the rest of the team out to dinner. We have no way outta here." Inuyasha's voice had dropped an octive. Sesshomaru could sense the demon blood rising within him even over the phone and cursed.
"Look, we're on our way to the Gintai-mono hospital. I'll have Totosai call Urasuai and tell him whats going on when we get there."
"How is she?" Inuyasha asked. Normally Sesshomaru would have called him a baka and hung up, but if it had been Rin...
"She's unconsious now, and the bleeding has slowed. Her heartbeat is normal and she is breathing fine. She was wounded twice in her stomace though." He heard a heavy sigh on the end of the line.
"Would you guys shut the fuck up!" Inuyasha yelled at his friends in the back. Silence was heard. "Alright, I'm going to go deal with them and then have them find Urasuai."
"You better not be doing something stupid." Sesshomaru growled. There was a muffled thud and a slam.
"Like hot wiring his own car and leaving us to explain? Ofcorse he would." Miroku's voice came. Inuyasha must have handed off the phone.
"Goodbye monk." Sesshomaru hung up without waiting for his reply.
He looked over the the bleeding girl across from him and put a hand on her face. Her skin was getting kind of cold. Her lifted an eyelid and was shocked. Her eyes were gold. Now that he noticed it, she had claws and fangs. Kagome was a demon?
They pulled up to the hospital and he heard Totosai shout something and heard him blowing flame from his mouth. A few human men yelled and the limo door opened hurridly. Kagome was pulled out onto a streacher and hurried into the bright white building. Sesshomaru walked in after them as an old familiar woman hobbled onto the scene. Her eye brows scrunched at the young onna and she began to shout orders. Sesshomaru sat outside the room they were in with Kagome. A cop began to ask him questions, but when Sesshomaru saw he was from the new department he shrugged and pretended to be in shock. The cop nodded in understanding and walked off.
About 20 minutes later Keade emerged from the room, wiping her hands on a slightly pink towel. "Sesshomaru, walk with me." she said gently, but he did not turn down her request. They went into the small shrine inside the hospital and sat on one of the benches. "Explain."
"She was shot at the Huang ball. I don't know much else."
"No, not that. There is demon blood in her veins. Why?"
"I just found that out for myself. I belive Inuyasha would know that reason." Keade looked into Sesshomaru's eyes for a moment and then nodded gravely.
"She is a kurohyou youkai...very rare now adays. I suspect the blood knew of it's deminish in population and hid within the carrier."
"She's a full demon, how is that possible?"
"...Don't know. Where is Inuyasha?"
"The team had a tournement in Kyoto and won't be backuntil tomorrow. They are also confined to their rooms for outside tourniment fighting for the night. But Inuyasha plans on getting here anyway." Keade looked to the high windows in the shirne.
"It's the night of Mika, he shouldn't be out." Sesshomaru shurgged. Had that been Rin, it didn't matter if he were demon, human, dead, or green; he would still come running.

Kagome lifted her eye lids as much as she could, and even still they were blurry. Once she got control of her eyeballs she hissed as they burned with the light. She found she couldn't move her arms, nor her legs of fingers. She couldn't move her jaw to call out, or even work up the strength to speak. She heard the plastic swish on the floor and closed her eyes. It was the only method of defense she had agianst the sound. A head blocked out the light and a hand touched her head. Someone was talking around her but she couldn't make it out. Everything echoed and and sounded loud one second and soft the next. She had the worst headace.
"Kagome," she heard in a gentle voice "I'm taking you off the muscle relaxer and giving you the antidote for it, okay?" Kagome said nothing, only waitied for the effects. It was only about 5 minutes before she felt normal, only sleepy. Soon a short old woman came into her veiw as they automaticlly raised the top half of her bed. Two people left the room a silver haired man entered. Kagome's eyes snapped open at the site of him only to see Sesshomaru. She sighed, feeling a slight sadness that it wasn't Inuyasha, but a relief of the same reason.
"Kagome, you were shot. Rest." Kagome growled at the babying voice he was using...well, it was softer than usual.
"Obviously." The demon chose to ignore that.
"How come you never said you were a panther demon?" There was a silence for a moment.
"Didn't think I had to. It's not a big deal." Kagome looked away from Sesshomaru's eyes. They looked to much like Inuyasha's which at the moment she couldn't take. Would Inuyasha see it? Would he see the real beast inside or her? The one that left a trail of dead bodies? Would he see all the blood tainting her hands? Would he hear the screams of her victums? Would he smell the fear from those who died at her hands...her will? Her eyes sorrowed and her defensive demeanor dropped. She was lieing to everyone, and most of all betraying Inuyasha. She would be no more than Kikyou, a lieing bitch who broke his heart. A tear strolled down her cheek and dropped onto her lap as she chocked on a sob. Her eyes widened in pain as she felt the rapid healing of her wound stop and tear for a second before restarting. Strong arms encirlced her and she cried into Sesshomaru's shoulder. He wasn't Inuyasha, but he

Emiko sighed and ran a hand through her silver locks. With clawed hands she touched the window for a moment, as if expecting it would give way to another where she was whole. Golden eyes that were accented by purple stripes on the bottom and pink on top looked back at her. She gasped as a hand clasped her shoulder and turned to meet Huyana. He gave her a sly smile and a peak on the lips. Emiko accepted the kiss, and instead of scolding him about sneaking up on her while she was daydreaming she turned to look back out the window.
"What's wrong?" he asked her as he pulled her into his lap.
"I-" A knock came on the door and all the emotion in Emiko's heart washed away to be replaced with void. She was dazed for a second and tried to decipher what the emotions were as Huyana answered the door. The sight of the cop she met last night flashed into her head. Her eyes widened as she got up and ran to the door. Emiko probably looked like a maniac running barefooted down the stairs in sweats and a cami tank with hersilver hair flying after her. She didn't care though, she was going to see once and for all. As she got into the lobby she burst outside and saw nothing. She stood there and satred at the ground as drops of water began to decorate it. Tears leaked down her eyes for no reason at all. Maybe because the last time she was ever caught in the rain was that night? Maybe because what she was looking for was no longer there? But what was she looking for in te first place agian? She sighed at her own stupidity and slowly turdged back into the hotel as if giving someone the oppertunity to burst back into the doors and wisk her away. Just as she stepped onto the foot rug inside the lobby Huyana came running down the stairs looking like he just saw a ghost. She looked up at him questionably.
"What the hell-" he stopped when he heard someone gasp. A man was stading just infront of the elevator. He had golden eyes and silver hair in a braid and two purple stripes. At first glance he could be passed off as Sesshomaru, but this man was much older. Huyana's eyes scrunched as he looked from Emiko to the stranger. They could have been brother and sister they looked so much alike.
"Emiko..." he whispered. Emiko gasped and didn't notice that her hands began to glow.
"Who are you?" she growled. She felt Huyana stand next to her. Even with his hands on her shoulders she felt as if she would charge him any second.
"Emiko," the man said casually. The voice made her shiver in a cold way. "I've been looking for you for a long time."
A man with silver hair kissed a pissed woman with raven hair and leaves. The woman looks longfully after the man...
"Bull fucking shit motherfucker," she growled, her lips slowly pulling back over her teeth. "It really takes you 12 years just to find me?" Huyana looked puzzled.
"You know him?" he asked, never taking his eyes off of him.
"Know him? No. Related to him? Unfortanatly..." Her voice went froma supressed snarl to deadly cold."See Huyana, my family has the nasty habit of leaving their wives for dead and taking off and never being seen agian, leaving their children orphaned."
"How dar-"
"Shut up!" Emiko yelled. The lights in the room flashed as the demonesses aura pulsated with power, and the lobbist came running from the back.
"Be quiet or I will be forced ask you to leave!" she yelled. Emiko turned her cold golden eyes towards the woman. Her eyes were shining with anger, and her hands were outlined softly in a sick greenish yellow. The woman froze to the spot and backed up a step. Emiko took her gaze from her to the man across the room from her.
"Oji Bushi left Oba Iyazoi, and you did the same to mom you BASTARD!" The pissed demoness raised her hand and a lime green and yellow whip appeared at her finger tips. She swung it at the demon that was her father and missed. The golden doors that sealed the evevator now had a clean cut in it. Wakamusha had jumped onto the stairs that led to the room. Emiko narrowed her eyes and clapped her hands together. She slowly brought them a part aselectric blueenergy cackled in between her hands, and she began to mold it into a ball.
Reflexes made her jump away from Huyana's attempt to grab her and throw the ball before she dropped it. She cursed as she was forced to jump agian. She heard her energy ball hit the wood of the stairs and swore loudly, and agian when she felt her boyfriends arms encircle her, binding her arms. Her head whipped around franticlly in search for her father but it didn't help any that her hair was now falling over her face, blocking her vision.
"Let me explain?" she heard him ask.
"I'll be GLAD to hear you explain 6 FUCKIN YEARS OF YOUR ABSANCE! YOU SAID YOU'D NEVER LEAVE! YOU SAID YOU'D COME BACK! WHY DIDN'T YOU! OKKA DIED BECAUSE OF IT! YOU FUCKING BASTARD I'LL NEVER LET YOU EXPLAIN!" Hot tears burned paths down her cheeks as she struggled agianst Huyana, who began to pull her close. She was a match when she was a hanyou, now she was a fair match. She shook her head widly in attempt to clear her eyes of her tresses but failed in doing so.
Behind her, Huyana was growling and trying desperatly to supress it. He was focused on the entire lobby, trying to locate his girlfriends 'father'. Emiko never spoke of her father, but Huyana never knew she hated him. Seeing no one, he loosned his grip on Emiko and allowed her to lean agianst his chest. He put his arms around her fully, one hand rubbing her back, the other resting gently on her head as he put is chin on top of her head, making her feel secure. She was shaking, more than likely trying to control her temper before she leveled the entire hotel. She was doing a good job when he spoke agian.
"Emiko Taisho accepting comfort from someone? That's a shocker." Huyana held her tighter as she tried to spin out of his grasp. After fighting with her for a second he allowed her to face him. He was sitting on a wooden bench next to a fake tree as if it was a lovely day in the park. Huyana felt his own temper rise but squashed it for Emiko's sake.
"Don't speak about me like you know me you jackass." The demons face dropped its coaky look much to Emiko's pleasure.
"That's no way to speak to your fathe-"
"HA!" Emiko barked out in a maniac way "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! FATHER? Who, YOU? PLEASE! If you really want to get technical, Totosai and Myoga are my fathers, seeing as they rasied me."
"Under the will of your uncle and mine."
"WHY UNDER A WILL AT ALL?" she screamed, tears were pouring from her eyes. Her voice was begining to come out in a tone much to deep to be female. Huyana could feel the shift in her aura as her eyes slowly began to change. Wakamusha stood slowly and walked to the door while Huyana tried to calm his steaming mate.
"Koi, koi look at me. Emiko!" But she was beyond reason, beyond speaking. Her eyes followed Wakamusha to the door, and as he got closer and closer, she began to struggle harder.
"No," she growled at his back "you won't leave agian unless your dead!" she snarled. She stomped on Huyana's foot and elbowed him in the diaphram before punching him in the nose. He keeled over and released her. At a speed she wasn't even aware she could accomplish, she went across the room and through the doors. She spotted him with one leg in his car as if he was just going to leave. He was going to leave me...agian...
Something inside her broke into a million peices as she thought of the fact, but the looming heat or rage and coldness of hurt swirled within her, numbing her heart. With a wild cry she charged into the car. Wakamusha jumped out of the way as his poor crusier was smashed in on the drivers side. Emiko could care less though, she looked up after him and was off the ground before the car alarm even went off. She pumped her power into her hands, just like Sesshomaru had taught her years ago and summoned her poison whip. With the ferocity of an animal she lashed at her father over and over agian, never stopping. But Wakamusha did not counter, only dodged and continued to piss her off. He then landed gracefully on the cement of the parking lot as Emiko's feet came in heavy contact with theback of her fathers police car. Yet still, she didn't care. She pushed off from the car so hard she nearly turned it over, and charged head first at him. He dodged when she was about a foot from impact and turned to see her. Emiko was getting very impatient, along with her demon blood. She wanted revenge for her, for her mother, and to avenge her pain.
She put her arms out to unbalance her body and summersaulted. She forced herself to stop and quickly turned to see his cool expression over 3 yards away. She snorted heavily and began to charge agian. Her barefeet pattered on the ground, ignoring the small peices of gravel that imbedded themselves intothe balls of her feetand threw a left punch, then a right. She roundhoused and uppercutted and spun. Not once did she land a hit. Unknown to her, she began to use a showing sequence she made up years ago. She used her demon strength and speed and made it harder for him to dodge. Little did she know, he know she was using a coroghraphed sequence and mearly led her on to belive he was having trouble. Emiko didn't notice that he hed her between two cars until her bare heel hit the side mirror of a Honda, making her cry out. He took advantage of her pain to grab the back of her neck and slam her to the car. Emiko snarled and swung blindedly behind her, nearly clawing out his eye. He used his weight and pushed her to the ground and put his weight on her back, and simply waited for her to submit. She only continued to growl and try to throw him off.
Wakamusha sighed as he grabbed her neck harder, his claws biting into her skin lard enough to draw blood. She stopped her struggles but continued to growl, so he gave her neck a little shake, saw her bared teeth, and another shake. Emiko's breathing was heavy from using her enegry, and because she wasn't allowed to growl. She felt emabarassed at the moment, she was best know for her untameable attitude.
"If I wanted to get into a fight I would have went to the punks hang out down town," he growled into her ear. Emiko growled agian, he was to close for her liking. Father or not, only Huyana was able to be in such contact with her and to claim dominance over her. He shook her agian, his claws digging deeper. It was beggining to hurt, so she said nothing.
"Are you done now?" he asked. Emiko said nothing. They stayed that way for about 5 more minutes before he eased off of her and stood. Emiko growled while her pointed elf ears picked up the sounds of her father getting to his feet. She looked out of the corner of her eye a him and saw him offer her his hand. Emiko snorted and stood herself while brushing the gravel and dirt from her front. Wakamusha took no offense. "Would you like to know what happened that night?" Emiko looked down at her feet. She felt like a child who was just scolded. 'Oh wait, I am a child wo was just scolded...' she thought sarcasticlly. She looked him in the eyes and nodded as she walked back to the hotel. "Hai or iie Emiko, I don't know you, so I can't read your little signs." For some reason Emiko felt a pang in her heart because of his statement. Tears stung her eyes and she had to use all of her will to not let them fall. She blinked and turned to face him, her eyes uncanny to a pissed of Sesshomaru.
"Iie." she said coldly, and continued to walk without looking over her shoulder. She didn't know whether or not he was hurt by that reply, but she wished he was. As the golden elevator doors closed, tears made there way down her cheeks once more.
She went to Huyana's hotel room instead of her own. She would probably get in trouble seeing as it was now extremly late and she was breaking curphew, but they would be leaving tomorrow, and what did she care if she got in trouble?
The door opened before she even reached it to reveal a worried fox demon. He pulled her in immediatly and looked at her neck. Dispite her protests of being okay, he took her into the batroom to clean her up and make sure the wounds had stopped bleeding. He then wiped her face with a damp cloth and led her to the bed, laying her down gently. He placed her on the left side of the bed where his scent was strongest and spooned her body with his, tolding her tightly. He said nothing as she began to cry silently; he asked no questions. He only kissed her ear, and neck, and shoulder with gentle kisses to let her know she was safe. It didn't take long for her tears to dry and her to fall asleep.
informal 'no'
'Night of Mika'- basicly means it's the new moon. Mika means dark moon and it kinda sounded like something Sesshy would say
Chapter 12: Men of Our Lives