InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Academy ❯ Ballet Shoes &...Bikes? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Born2dance: Hello! Welcome to our first fanfic, written by us, a writing duo.
Dancing_One: Hi my peoples!! (blows kisses at the readers) I love you!!
Born2dance: Oh my gosh. (Shakes her head slowly)
Dancing_One: (mimics Born2dance) Why are we doing this?
Born2dance: Ugh! Just enjoy the first chapter.
The Academy
Chapter 1: " Ballet shoes & Bikes"
The smell of the Tokyo streets flooded her nose as she stepped out of the stuffy taxi cab. It felt great to finally stretch her legs after the long ride in that tiny god for saken space. She straightened the collar on her bright green shirt and dusted of her faded blue jeans. She turned back to the cab to see the driver pulling out her luguage.
"Oh, let me help you with that!" She said as she grabbed her dance bag and threw it over her shoulder.
"That's perfectly alright ma'am. A lady shouldn't have to do all this work."
"Well I'm not an ordinary lady, sir." She commented as they both laughed.
"Are you sure you don't need help ma'am?"
"No, I'm alright. Thanks!"
"Your welcome!" He said as she gave him the money and drove off. She picked up her suit cases and turned to the huge building she would be calling home for awhile. It was a huge white building that looked a lot like a hotel, and right above the entrance in huge letters saying `Saigoku International Academy of Dance'. She climbed, well attempted to climb, the huge steps with her huge suit cases, but wasn't getting very far.
`Maybe I should've taken him up on his offer.' Then, as if on cue...
"Ma'am, let me take those up to your room for you." She looked up, only to look down, to see a small racoon demon with a black suit on, which obviously meant he worked here, and a humble smile, which obviously meant he was nice.
"Uh, thanks!"
"No problem, by the way my name is Hatchi."
"I'm Kagome." She said as she shook his hand and then letting him have her bags. "Well, I didn't know everyone was so nice in the city!"
"I take it your not from around here... by the way, would those happen to be yours?" He said looking past her. She turned around to see her ballet shoes in the street near the sidewalk.
"Oh my gosh!!" She shrieked as she ran out to get them. Then, as she began to pick them up she heard screams. She looked up to see a huge motorcycle coming towards her! She threw her arms over her head waiting for the impact, but all that came was the sound of breaks and someone cursing. She looked up to find a boy about her age sitting on the bike holding his helmet under his arm. He had long silver hair, the most beautiful gold eyes, and the cutest doggy ears! In other words he was the best looking guy she has ever laid eyes on, then he opened his mouth.
"What in gods name is your problem!!?! Do you like acting like a complete idiot or do you just get a high jumping in front of moving objects!!?!" Those were more like insults than questions.
"What is my problem? What is YOUR problem!!?!" He was taken back by the quick remark.
` That never happened before.' He thought before he could say anything else.
"What are you talking about you idiot!!"
"I'm talking about you almost hitting me, and I'm not an idiot!!"
"Well why did you run out in the middle of the road?"
"To get my ballet shoes that fell out of my bag!"
"And that is a good enough reason to get yourself killed?" She thought about it for a moment and then decided this conversation was going no where.
"Okay your right, it was stupid of me to run in the road like I did, sorry." She spat out as she picked up her shoes and left him their wide eyed.
` What was that about? She chews me out for nearly running her over and then apologizes?'
"Keh! That's women for ya!" He snickered as he put is helmet back on and drove away. Meanwhile, Kagome made her way to the elevator where Yori was waiting.
` There you go Kagome, make an idiot of yourself on the first day in front of the hottest guy you have ever seen! Gosh I have the right mind to go and kick myself...'
"Miss Kagome, is something wrong? I thought I heard some commotion outside." He looked at her puzzled. Apparently he was inside during the whole event.
"Scratch what I said before..." This just made him even more confused. " some people in the city are nice."
A/N: Dancing_One: (sniffles) That was beautiful.
Born2dance: It was only the first chapter!
Dancing_One: At least we finished the first chapter. (Throws confetti and does the monkey.)
Born2dance: Anyway, sorry this chapter was so short but there will be more to come including meeting some familiar people on the next chapter "What's What"!