InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Accident ❯ The first day of the rest of their lives ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blanket Disclaimer:

Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions.


Chapter 8 – The first day of the rest of their lives

The final two weeks of Kagome’s recovery seemed to take forever, in their opinions, but the miko was overjoyed when her latest X-Ray revealed that her leg had in fact healed properly, and that the cast could finally be removed. While she was at that ‘hospital’ place having it done, Inuyasha took advantage of the opportunity to give their friends back in his time an update on her progress.

On her progress…

With her leg

There was no other type of ‘progress’ to speak of.



“So…” Miroku drawled, his eyes sparkling in amusement.

“So…what?” Inuyasha demanded evasively, refusing to meet the bouzu’s gaze.

It had been getting worse and worse as time went on, the houshi’s relentless teasing about how much time Inuyasha was spending in Kagome’s world. Of course, Sango usually kept the lecher in line, not that she wasn’t without her own line of questioning, although the taijiya’s questions were usually more along the line of how Kagome was feeling, rather than what Kagome felt like. Still…cuddling up to the miko every night had certainly made any lingering anger he’d felt at Miroku’s teasing melt away, and he’d never once answered the pervert’s questions.

Inuyasha knew their friends meant well, but that didn’t mean he was about to blab about how Kagome had agreed to become his mate. It was none of their fucking business! Unfortunately, because they had both witnessed what had transpired with Kikyou, and how he had chosen Kagome over his former love, even going as far as admitting openly that he did have feelings for the future-born miko, Inuyasha knew there was no way he could truly deny anything if they ever asked him straight out. His expression would give it away, even if his mouth managed to lie.

“Do you have any plans for…celebrating Kagome’s recovery?” Miroku asked him then.

Predictably, the hanyou’s face flamed as he yelled “Shut up!” causing Miroku to laugh even harder.

“The only plan we have is to get back on the fucking shard hunt.” Inuyasha insisted then.

“Of course.” the monk pretended to agree.

“Tell Kagome we are looking forward to seeing her again.” Sango stated in that moment, shaking her head at Miroku’s antics.

Meeting the taijiya’s eyes thankfully, Inuyasha nodded once, before hoisting the yellow bag he held over his shoulder and making his way back to the well. Kagome would be coming home soon.


Back with Kagome and her mother, while the two of them were on their way home from the hospital, Kagome finally muscled up the courage to begin the conversation that was now two weeks in the making.

“Mama…can I talk to you about…something?” she began hesitantly.

“Of course, dear.” Mrs. Higurashi answered in a comforting tone. “What’s on your mind?”

“Uh, well…it’s about me and…Inuyasha.”

Kagome’s mother looked over at her daughter, and couldn’t help but to notice just how much her little girl really had grown up over the last few months. Kagome wasn’t a child any longer. She was a young woman, capable of knowing what her heart desired. Mrs. Higurashi had known what that was for quite some time now. She was only grateful that now, Kagome was finally prepared to admit it, herself.  

“Yes?” Mrs. Higurashi asked patiently, waiting for her daughter to collect the rest of her courage.

Taking a few noticeably deep breaths, the young miko plowed forward.

“I know you know that I love him.” she stated quickly, chancing a glance in her mother’s direction to note only how the older woman was nodding her head in agreement. “Knowing your ‘Mother’s intuition’, you probably already knew that he loves me, too.” Kagome added after a moment, gauging her mother’s reaction to the exact nature of her statement.

“So, he has finally told you how he feels.” was Mrs. Higurashi’s response, a pleasant smile gracing her visage as her voice clearly gave away her happiness at this news.

“We have both confessed our feelings to each other.” Kagome elaborated, wanting to make sure her mother didn’t accidentally think she had been foolish enough to keep her feelings a secret from the boy, even after his own confession.

“I’m happy for you both.” Kagome’s mother stated honestly, glancing in her daughter’s direction as they sat stopped at a red light, her expression clearly revealing her approval.
“It’s more serious than just some schoolgirl crush, Mama.” Kagome wished to explain in that moment. “My feelings for him, they’re not going to change. And his feelings for me are not going to change, either.”

“Have you two been intimate?” Mrs. Higurashi asked her daughter suddenly, causing Kagome to choke as a splash of crimson stained her cheeks.

“Uh…not really.”

“Not really?” her mother repeated with a touch of humor in her voice.

“I mean…no, we haven’t had sex…yet.”

Kami, can this get any more embarrassing?

“I trust you to be responsible, Kagome.” her mother stated then, adding, “Just be careful.”

The miko groaned. When it came to ‘the talk’, it could always get more embarrassing.

“Not that I mind the idea of grandchildren with those adorable ears of his!” her mother cooed suddenly, chuckling when her daughter began to slowly sink into her seat.

Mom…” Kagome started after a moment, her tone immediately grabbing the older Higurashi woman’s attention. This was serious, after all.

Silently, her mother glanced in her direction for a moment, clearly portraying that she was listening, even though she had to keep her eyes on the road.

“Because Inuyasha is half inu-youkai, we have to abide by inu-youkai customs.” Kagome started, quickly assuring her mother, “He hasn’t talked me into doing anything I don’t want to.” before adding, “But it is a big decision, and I need to know you approve.”

“If he wants you to get pregnant right away, he has to understand that your schooling-”

“Oh no, no that isn’t it.” Kagome interrupted, understanding her mother’s concerns.

Over the last two weeks, she and Inuyasha had discussed in greater detail a lot of things regarding what it would mean for them to become mates. They had both agreed that her getting pregnant while they were still collecting jewel shards and hunting Naraku would not be a good idea, although he also guaranteed her that he could scent when she was nearing her fertile cycle, and that he would take whatever precautions were necessary to avoid it being an issue. Neither of them would have the heart to terminate a pregnancy if an accidental one did occur. Kagome had also gotten Inuyasha to understand how, even though she would ultimately be living with him in the Sengoku jidai, since it would be much easier for her to adapt to his time than for him to adapt to hers, she still needed to finish her schooling first, even if for no other reason than keeping up appearances. She needed to complete the responsibilities of her time for her honor’s sake, and for the honor of her family. She refused to be labeled a dropout, and by that same token, it would also destroy her honor if she were to turn up pregnant at school with no legally recognized husband. While Inuyasha had stated that he would be more than willing to go through whatever formal ceremonies her time had in order to join two people together as husband and wife, such a thing couldn’t really be performed anyway, or at least not legally, because Inuyasha had no identification papers.

“We have both agreed that children need to wait a while, for several different reasons.” Kagome told her mother then. “But…” she added hesitantly after a moment.

“Kagome, dear, whatever it is just say it.” her mother requested of her, although her tone of voice was still a positive one.

“Inuyoukaimateforlife.” Kagome blurted quickly, so quickly in fact that her mother nearly missed catching it. Nearly.

“I see.” she stated after a moment. “Do you doubt your readiness to make such a commitment?” she asked her daughter then.

Mrs. Higurashi wouldn’t tell Kagome what she thought she should do. The only one who could truly speak for the level of her daughter’s love for the hanyou boy was Kagome herself. Mrs. Higurashi believed in her heart that Kagome’s love for Inuyasha was genuine, but she also believed that if her daughter was feeling any hesitance towards stepping into something so permanent, that that decision should then wait until when and if she felt more certain. If Kagome was already certain of her love for him, however…

“Absolutely not.” the miko answered without hesitation. “But I hate the idea of basically eloping without your consent first. It’ll be just like we are married, except it’s even more important because there’s no such thing as divorce. I know I’m ready, Mama.” Kagome stressed, the sincerity of her words impossible to ignore.

“You’re right, Kagome, this is a very big decision.” Mrs. Higurashi answered then, sending a smile her daughter’s way. “Under normal circumstances, if you were merely asking for my permission to marry some schoolboy sweetheart, I would probably tell you that you needed to wait until you were older, just to make sure you really knew what was in your heart. But these circumstances are definitely not normal, and I have known in my heart from the moment you ran out of the kitchen with Inuyasha on your heels to go back and fight that hair oni that your destiny was unique.”

Kagome’s smile grew as her mother’s words continued, the older woman’s consent becoming clear, even before she stated, “Yes, Kagome, I give you my permission to ‘marry’ Inuyasha by his youkai customs. You two belong together.”

“Thanks Mom, you’re the best.”

Arriving back at the house, Kagome was ecstatic to enjoy her first real bath in over a month. She scrubbed her left leg in the shower extra long to be sure all the funk of ‘cast’ was removed before relishing in the sensation of lowering herself into the tub of hot water. She could hear her mother talking with the rest of her family out in the kitchen, but quickly deciding to tune the voices out, she sunk herself lower into the water, submerging her ears.

Such a difference… she thought absentmindedly, wondering if the contrast was similar in comparison to how Inuyasha felt about his own hearing whenever he turned human. Her thoughts continued to wander in similar ways, always about the half-demon that had stolen her heart, until she was finally pulled back into reality when she noticed how cold her bath water was becoming. Sighing, and fighting the urge to turn on the faucet and reheat the water, Kagome figured it was probably time to dry off before her feet got so wrinkly it hurt to walk.

Making her way through the living room, Kagome couldn’t help but notice the way Souta was excitedly going through his video game collection, talking about which ones he would bring with him to Satoru’s house that night.

“You’re staying the night at Satoru’s?” Kagome asked, mildly surprised. Their mother didn’t usually allow him to sleep over at his friend’s house on a school night.

“Yeah!” her little brother answered as he turned around, arms full of video games and even a couple of movies. “She said it was cool, his mom could just give me a ride to school with him in the morning.”

“Well, have fun.” Kagome answered with a smile, before resuming the trek to her room.

Grateful to be wearing a pair of pajama bottoms that weren’t so loose she had to pull the drawstring to its limits, Kagome sat down on the edge of her bed and started practicing flexing her leg at the knee, making sure she would be in tip-top shape for getting back out on the shard hunt. Her leg was a little weak, but she was doing much better than she had feared. Inuyasha would be pleased.

And speaking of the hanyou, the significance of that night – her first night without the cast – was not lost on Kagome, and the more she thought about it, the more she found herself fighting a losing battle against the growing swarm of rabid butterflies in her stomach. Trying desperately to not think about it, the miko was just able to get her mind back on track as far as testing her leg’s limitations went, when a sudden knock on the door pulled her from her thoughts.

“Come in!” she called joyfully.

Trying and failing to hide her smile, Mrs. Higurashi entered her daughter’s bedroom looking for all the world like she knew a wonderful secret.

“What?” Kagome asked with a slight chuckle to her voice, amused by her mother’s bizarre expression.

“Oh nothing…” her mother waved off in that moment, clearing her throat to conceal a giggle before asking, “How’s your leg doing?”

“Much better than I had feared, thank the kami.” the miko answered, flexing said appendage in demonstration.

“That’s good.” Mrs. Higurashi nodded in agreement, her smile shifting from amusement to sincerity. “I’m very proud of you, Kagome. You know that, right?”

“Mama…” Kagome replied in wonder, a slight blush staining her cheeks. She had never thought she was anybody special.

I’m just Kagome… the miko thought even in that moment.

Still, she couldn’t deny her mother’s words from the car ride home. Her destiny was unique. Of that she was certain.

“Oh! I nearly forgot…” Mrs. Higurashi spoke up then, startling her daughter with her excited tone. “Your grandfather has been wanting to visit the Nobuyuki shrine for ages, but since it takes so long to drive up there I haven’t wanted to make the trip without you being at home to watch after Souta. But with him staying the night at Satoru’s house tonight and heading straight to school in the morning, this is the perfect opportunity. So we will be leaving here in just a few minutes, and should be home some time early tomorrow afternoon, before Souta’s due back from school.”

Kagome listened to her mother’s news in a slight daze. It only took her a moment to realize that with everybody heading out for the night, it meant that she and Inuyasha would be home alone.

“Mama!” Kagome gasped in embarrassed shock, earning herself an open laugh from the older woman.

“What?” Mrs. Higurashi teased. “You would feel more comfortable joining with Inuyasha if we were all within earshot?”

“We are so not having this conversation…” the miko groaned, her face a nice shade of fire-rat red.

Getting serious, Mrs. Higurashi moved to take a seat beside her daughter on the bed, and pulling Kagome into a sideways hug, she told the teenager, “It didn’t sound to me from our conversation in the car that this ‘mating’ was something you two were planning for the distant future.” Smiling as her daughter could do nothing but blush even darker, she added, “I can’t imagine you two have very many opportunities for privacy in the Sengoku jidai, traveling with your other companions, camping out in the open, potential dangers lurking around every corner. You know the hazards of his time far better than I do, I’m sure, but one thing I do know is that our home is safe and secure, and for this night, it will also be private. However you two decide to spend your evening together is up to you, but I already told you you have my blessing to become his wife by inu-youkai tradition. I know what that means.”

Blinking away stray tears of joy, Kagome met her mother’s gaze and told her, “Inuyasha said he would be happy to partake in a human wedding, to honor our family and our own traditions. In the Sengoku jidai, most commoners don’t perform wedding ceremonies, but Inuyasha knows of them because his mother was a Hime. Weddings back then were done to symbolize uniting two whole families, not just two people, and he said he had no intention of letting you think he did not think of you as his family. I know it wouldn’t be legal, but if Jii-chan wanted to perform the ceremony himself, here at the shrine…”

Kagome let her words trail off as she noted the tears of joy her mother was now doing her best to keep at bay.

“That would be wonderful.” she told her daughter quietly, before pulling Kagome close and kissing the top of her head.

Then perking back up, Mrs. Higurashi jumped from the bed as she stated, “In the mean time, I better go pack myself an overnight bag, and if you two decide to head back into the past before we come home, know that I love you, and that I welcome Inuyasha into our family.”

“Thank you, Mama. I love you too.” Kagome replied as her mother left the room. She would never get over how understanding and accepting her mother had always been since her mission in the past had first begun. She hoped her grandfather would take the news all right, but Kagome knew his desire to visit the Nobuyuki shrine up north was legit, and prayed that he would take the news better if he was in a good mood. The fact that Inuyasha was willing to partake in a shrine wedding would probably help, too. At least Kagome didn’t have to worry about her grandfather accidentally purifying him during the ceremony.  

That thought brought an amused smirk to her lips, and the miko found herself relaxing as she resumed flexing her leg while listening to her family hustle and bustle to get ready to leave for the night.


Inuyasha arrived on Kagome’s side of the well shortly after the miko returned home with her mother. Noting that the girl wasn’t in her room, he opted to wait for her to finish with her bath up on the roof. He had very nearly made his presence known when he heard Mrs. Higurashi enter Kagome’s bedroom, and his face burned crimson at the conversation that soon followed. He then decided to wait until everyone had left the house before gently stepping down to the ledge just outside Kagome’s bedroom window, knocking softly.

“Hi!” Kagome greeted excitedly, rushing to open her window for him to enter.

“Hi yourself.” he replied with a smile, stepping down and into her room.

“Check it out!” the miko said then, demonstrating the strength of her leg by hoping up and down on it.

Maybe she was just lucky, or maybe it had something to do with her miko powers, but the doctors had told her they’d never seen such a miraculous recovery. It was as if her leg had never been broken at all. There wasn’t a trace of knitting visible on the X-Ray. The muscles were a little weak from lack of use, but even that mild issue wasn’t nearly as bad as it could have been. Of course, she had been contentious to flex her muscles over the last six weeks to the extent her cast would allow, so she was sure that had probably helped in some way, but whatever the reason, Kagome was ecstatic that they would be able to get back on the quest without further delay due to any more recovery time. Save that excuse for the school board.

“That’s wonderful.” Inuyasha stated with a genuine smile, pulling Kagome into a quick hug.

Then pulling back, he found himself feeling mildly embarrassed by his boldness, and sheepishly scratching at the back of his head, he asked, “So, uh…think you’ll be up for heading back tomorrow?”

It was pretty much a given that they wouldn’t be heading back to the past that evening.

“Well, I don’t have to go back to school right away, since we can just tell them that I’m having trouble walking and need a few more days recovery, so yeah, getting back to the quest as early as tomorrow seems doable.”

She would’ve loved a few more days of peace and quiet with just the two of them, maybe show him around her time a little bit now that she was mobile, but Kagome understood the importance of their mission all too well. She was mentally cringing at the thought of how much more powerful Naraku might have become while she was incapacitated.

Sensing her thoughts, Inuyasha assured her in that moment, “During all of the times I’ve gone back to see the others, including this morning, nobody’s heard anything from any passing travelers about any disasters that could be that bastard’s doing. Things have actually been pretty quiet, at least around Musashi.  

“Well, that’s good…” Kagome commented, before adding under her breath as she glanced down, “…except it makes you wonder what he’s planning.”

Kagome was startled when a pair of hands entered her line of vision, gently grabbing a hold of her own hands, which caused her eyes to raise back up to meet her companion’s gaze.

“Whatever he’s planning, we’ll get through it. Together.”

Oh, Inuyasha…

Lost in his gaze as she was, Kagome didn’t hesitate to close the gap between them, rising herself up on her toes for better access. Seeing her approach, Inuyasha bent his head to meet her half way, his heart hammering in his chest as their lips met. Releasing her hands, he wrapped his arms around her back, gently holding her to him while she clung to him in return. Allowing the kiss to remain simple and tender, he pulled back after a moment, tightening his hold as she rested her head against his chest, each of them savoring the moment for as long as they could.

“So I hear we’re all alone for the night.” Inuyasha breathed after a moment, smirking to himself when he heard the heartbeat of the woman in his arms speed up at his words.

“How long were you up on the roof?” Kagome asked him after a moment, knowing that even his hearing wouldn’t have been able to pick up their conversation from the Goshinboku. Not with the window closed, at least.

“Since before you got out of the bath.” he confessed, adding, “I was just about to let you know I was here when she beat me to it, knocking on your door, and then I didn’t want to interrupt any mother/daughter moments, so I decided to wait.”

“You decided to eavesdrop.” she corrected, though her tone of voice was one of amusement.

“I wanted to make sure you’d finally talked to her about us.” he admitted, having told Kagome over a week ago that it didn’t feel right to take her as his mate without her mother’s permission. Not that it would’ve stopped him, per se. It just wouldn’t have felt right.  

“Mama adores you.” Kagome told him then, pulling back from their embrace to look him in his eyes once more. “Though not as much as I adore you.” she added, gently tugging on his hand as she walked him the few steps towards her bed. It was really too early in the evening to be thinking about going to sleep, but she somehow doubted they would be getting very much sleep that night, regardless of how late it got.

Settling herself onto the mattress and scooting over enough to make room for him, Inuyasha wordlessly complied with the unspoken invitation as he followed her example, discarding Tetsusaiga to rest against the wall before crawling into bed after her.

Propping himself up on his left elbow and using his right hand to brush some stray hairs from her face, Inuyasha searched Kagome’s eyes with his own as he asked her, “Are you absolutely certain that this is what you want? That I am what you want?”

“More than anything.” she answered, reaching up with her left hand to gently rub at his right ear. “Please…make me yours.”

Inuyasha growled low in his throat at the pleasure of her words, not to mention her talented fingers as they manipulated his sensitive ear. Diving down, Inuyasha crashed his mouth upon hers in a barrage of kisses that both literally and figuratively left her breathless. Maneuvering himself so that he was propped more directly over the miko, Inuyasha shifted his legs until he encouraged her own legs to open, as he rested himself fully against her, careful not to crush her by applying too much weight. Though they were both still fully clothed, Kagome could already feel the evidence of his desire pressing against her center, and the knowledge that she could affect him so strongly, so quickly, had her own arousal soaring in that moment. Raising her hips up to grind against him, the added friction of her movements, plus the added perfume of her desire in the air, was all it took for Inuyasha to lose what little coherent thought he had left.

His hands were everywhere. Cupping her cheeks as he continued to kiss her senseless, cupping her breasts as he gave into his most primal urges to claim every inch of her, unfastening the buttons on her top so that he could trail his tongue lower as he had during his human night… The miko’s hands were far from idle, as she somehow managed to reach in between their bodies to tackle the ties holding his robes closed. It wasn’t long before they were each topless, each relishing in the sensation of flesh on flesh. Inuyasha nipped and suckled at her throat, enjoying teasing her as she squirmed under the effects of his gentle torture. Inching himself lower, it wasn’t long before his talented tongue became reacquainted with her nipples, and this time, instead of crying out in surprise, Kagome moaned low in pleasure as she fisted one hand in his hair, her other hand molding and kneading the muscles of his back.

Climbing back up to meet her mouth, Inuyasha kissed her hungrily, while grinding his stiffness against her heat. Kagome responded by reaching down with both hands, trailing her fingers along his muscular back before slipping them below the hem of his loosened hakama. Cupping his bare ass, she squeezed, holding him to her as he continued to gyrate. While they were each technically virgins, neither the hanyou nor miko were strangers to the notion of sexual pleasure, each having fallen victim to the demands of their own bodies’ desires on multiple occasions, thoughts of the other person filling each of their fantasies. Now, it was time for those fantasies to become reality.

Inuyasha struggled not to lose his senses entirely. He was engulfed by Kagome’s arousal; she was scalding hot, and he was pressed firmly against her heat. Her desire burned him, burned within him, igniting his own internal flames, and he wouldn’t have wanted to douse the fire even if he could have. Kisses were broken only by gasps and moans of pleasure. As he reached down to cup her bare breasts she arched her back, pressing herself more firmly into his hands. Shifting her own hands in that moment, Kagome began tugging at his hakama, the loosened garment sliding down his legs without protest from either their fastener or owner. Kicking his pants off the rest of the way, Inuyasha pulled back from the girl below him only long enough to rid her of her pajama bottoms, before reclaiming her body with his own, his fundoshi-bound stiffness resting snuggly against her damp panties.

Taking a moment to savor the simplicity of touching one another without the involvement of bandages, Inuyasha and Kagome each let their partner explore their bodies to the fullest in that moment. The miko didn’t argue when her soon-to-be-lover delicately pinched a nipple between his thumb and forefinger, watching in awe as the small bead of flesh pebbled at his touch, growing as erect as his excitement. In turn, the hanyou didn’t protest when his mate-to-be traced her fingers down his abs and stomach, as Inuyasha lifted himself away from her body enough to allow room for the exploration. He did gasp in surprise, however, when her exploring fingers became decidingly less innocent, as they ventured beyond the relative safety of his naval to travel even lower, circling around something that was silently begging to be touched.

She gripped him firmly through the fabric of his loincloth, and hissing in pleasure, he unconsciously began rocking himself into her hand. It took a couple of minutes, but eventually getting his mind back on track, Inuyasha quickly moved to return the favor, shifting himself so that he was resting his body off to the side of hers, as he reached down between her legs, rubbing at her core over the cloth of her underwear. Kagome moaned at the contact, her hips unconsciously rising in time with his movements.

Neither could say how long they remained like that, each of them lost in the pleasure they were feeling at the hand of their partner. But it wasn’t enough.

Kagome was the first to grow bolder, reaching between her legs with her unoccupied hand to find Inuyasha’s, stilling his ministrations only for a moment as she silently showed him what she wanted, taking his hand and moving his fingers underneath the crotch of her panties. Eyes widening in awe, Inuyasha pulled his face back from any further kissing as he met Kagome’s eyes with his own, gauging her reaction as he slowly, cautiously pressed his index finger inside of her. In that moment, he was convinced that were he in his human form, she would have burned his hand, she was so hot. Carefully inserting a second finger, and then a third, the hanyou could only think of how he had never felt anything more amazing in his entire life. There was nothing in existence that could possibly compare to the sensation of a woman giving herself freely to her lover’s touch.

Although if there were, it would be the sensation of a woman freely offering her touch to her lover’s body in return.

Inuyasha became so preoccupied with the pleasure he was bringing Kagome that he didn’t even notice it when her own hand stopped its rhythmic tugging at his clad stiffness, nor did he notice it when her fingers began skillfully tugging at the edge of his fundoshi, or when she pulled the front of the loincloth to the side as he himself had previously done, causing his erection to spring out proud and exposed. He did notice it, however, when the miko’s delicate hand wound itself around his naked flesh, stroking more firmly.


“Ka-Kagome!” he gasped, quickly pulling away from her. “Sl-slow down!” he pleaded, stilling her hand with his own.

It took the hanyou a few moments to catch his breath, and when he opened his eyes, which he didn’t even remember pinching shut, it was to spy the amused expression of his future mate.

“Sorry.” she apologized behind a chuckle, easily able to guess at the reasoning behind his hasty retreat.

Shaking his head as a final wave of tingles lazily traveled through his body, Inuyasha returned Kagome’s chuckle as he admitted, “It’s fine, but…the first time I spill my seed with you involved, I definitely want it to be inside of you.”

Instead of getting embarrassed at his words, Kagome rolled herself flatly onto her back before reaching down and pulling off her panties. “Well then, what are you waiting for?”

With his expression turning primal to reveal his instant desire, his instant hunger for her, Inuyasha offered no protests as he pulled his fudoshi free from his body before crawling himself over her form. While some part of him would prefer to take her in the true inu-youkai fashion, he was human enough to want to see her face for their first joining. He was only grateful that the timing had worked out so well. She was passed her fertile cycle for the month, so he knew he had nothing to worry about in regard to an accidental pregnancy. If the timing had been different, he would’ve insisted that they wait, regardless of having the house to themselves for the night. While she had told him of a product her world had that he could wear, something that would catch his seed and prevent the risk of pregnancy, he had been completely honest when he said that for their first time, he wanted his seed inside of her. It was necessary in order to claim her as his true life-mate. To do otherwise would feel like cheating the rules in some way. Some could argue that they weren’t truly mated if his seed never entered her body. He refused to allow that possibility to come into play. In the future, he wouldn’t mind using a condom, but not tonight.

Kagome felt no fear as the man above her began prodding at her entrance. Shifting his weight so that he was holding himself above her on his right hand, he reached down with his left and got himself properly aligned.

Before pushing in, a softly spoken “Kagome…” captured the miko’s attention, and looking straight ahead into the smoldering gaze of the man she loved, she replied to his unspoken question with, “Please, Inuyasha, make me whole.”

Nodding his understanding, the hanyou began pressing his hips forward at an agonizingly slow pace. Replacing his left hand to the right of Kagome’s head so that he was once again bracing himself above her with both hands, he kept his eyes locked firmly on her own as he felt himself enter her, stretching her, branding her as his for the rest of their lives. He felt no resistance of a maidenhead, not that he had been expecting to find one. Kagome had feared if her hymen was missing that he might draw unwarranted conclusions, and so she had informed him of the medical possibility of it having become lost over time for various reasons.

She needn’t have worried.

His nose didn’t lie, and his nose told him she had never been touched by another. The unbelievable tightness of her walls as she squeezed his shaft was another dead giveaway, and in that moment Inuyasha was worried he was causing her pain, though the look in her eyes continued to assure him that she was not suffering.

Kagome had known what to expect, to a point. All the ‘talks’ in the world could never truly prepare you for the real thing. Still, she was relieved to note that there wasn’t much pain. What little discomfort there was, was drastically overpowered by the significance of the moment, by the amount of love she felt for him, and by whatever remaining awkwardness had lingered between them having died a quick death prior to climbing into bed together. She was completely at ease in his presence, and she welcomed him, both into her heart, as well as her body.

Picking up the pace gradually, Inuyasha continued to monitor Kagome’s expression for any signs of distress. She winced a few times, but it was always immediately followed by a whispered “Don’t stop” or “Keep going”. Then, before Inuyasha knew what was happening, her whispers became louder moans and grunts, and her words became things like “Kami don’t stop” and “Faster”.

The hanyou did his best to abide by her wishes, but the sensations swarming his body were just too intense.

Oh shit, oh fuck…he thought as he jerkily pushed into her over and over again, barely able to keep the rhythm of his hips from the incredible waves of ecstasy washing over him. His entire body was shaking. This was nothing like pleasuring himself with his own hand. The telltale sensation that foretold his pending release literally came out of nowhere.

“Arrrghh!” he grunted, surprised and mildly embarrassed, though also extremely, extremely satisfied.

Unable to hold himself up any longer in that moment as his shaking arms gave out on him, Inuyasha gently laid his weight against the girl below him, nuzzling the crook of her neck as he desperately tried to slow the frantic pounding of his heart. Wiping his damp bangs from where they clung to his sweaty forehead, Kagome did her best to spy his expression from her position as she asked him with a mild touch of humor to her voice, “Are you okay?”

“Damn, woman…” was his muffled reply, which had Kagome unable to suppress her giggles, though she wasn’t really laughing at him. Fortunately, Inuyasha’s expression was also amused as he lifted himself back up a bit.

“Sorry ‘bout that.” he mumbled with a crooked smile, to which she replied lovingly, “There’s nothing to apologize for. You’ve made me the happiest girl in the world.”

Taking a deep breath and growing positively possessive as he detected the immediate change in her scent, the one that revealed to anyone with a decent sense of smell that she belonged solely to him, Inuyasha’s expression suddenly turned sultry as he assured his mate, “Well you’re about to get even happier. Inu-youkai are very attentive to their females’ needs.”

That said, he kissed her briefly before moving himself down her body. Kagome barely had time to register that his weight was no longer bearing down on her when she Eeep’d in surprise at the sensation of his warm tongue hitting her most sensitive spot. Primed and ready from their earlier activities, it didn’t take Kagome long at all to regain what had slowly been developing within her prior to his release. As for the hanyou, he didn’t mind the taste of their mingled juices, and in fact discovered that he found it quite enjoyable. It was the taste of mating, of his proof that she was his. Lapping at her entrance, Inuyasha did his best to clean his mate of whatever spilled out of her, though he gave the majority of his attention to the little erect nub of flesh that rested just above her opening. It hadn’t taken him long at all, gauging her reactions to various things, to discover that this was her greatest spot of pleasure. He would make sure she never forgot what a fast learner he could be when the moment called for it.

Kagome was going crazy, the sensations washing through her more intense than anything she had ever experienced in her entire life. As her mate held her open, his strong hands gently yet firmly bracing the inside of her thighs as he pleasured her with his incredibly talented tongue, Kagome knew she would never be satisfied with her own fingers ever again. Fortunately, now that she had such a loving, attentive mate, she was equally sure it would never be an issue.

That was the last coherent thought the miko could remember before her mind became overpowered by the sensations shooting through her body. The inu-hanyou between her legs had no qualms with revealing his canine heritage as he began growling playfully, knowing the vibrations would further enhance her pleasure. Switching off between rapidly lapping at her with the flat of his tongue and swirling the tip of his tongue around her hardened clit, Inuyasha moved in for the kill as he shifted to brace her thighs with his arms while moving his hands to her center, carefully pulling her apart with the fingers of his left hand as he began suckling at her nub, while simultaneously inserting his right index finger into her opening, pumping slowly.

Kagome lost it with a powerful cry that had his ears pinning flat against his head in an attempt to muffle some of the noise. As she started to squirm beneath him, attempting to pull her body away from his touch, he tightened his hold on her, pulling his right hand free to again pin down her left leg while he shifted his posture to more securely hold her right leg down with his left arm, as he twisted his head and attacked her clit from the side, the fingers of his left hand continuing to hold her open and exposed.

She screamed, and the sound was music to his flattened ears, as her entire body convulsed, arching off of the bed. Fisting the sheets, Kagome road out her blissful torture until she could truly stand it no longer, reaching down and literally yanking Inuyasha away from herself by his hair. He chuckled, and wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, the hanyou raised his eyes to meet the sated, euphoric gaze of his mate, and when she murmured sleepily, “C’mere…” while holding her arms wide in invitation, Inuyasha didn’t hesitate to crawl back up her body, lovingly returning her embrace.

The pair dozed lightly for a couple of hours until Kagome’s stomach awoke Inuyasha, and suddenly remembering that they had skipped dinner, the miko fixed them both some leftovers augmented by two cups of ramen. Heading back up to her room after they were finished with their meal, they ended up making love two more times before finally collapsing in utter exhaustion. Inuyasha got to satisfy his youkai half by taking his mate from behind like a true inu-bitch, and after the youkai in him got what it wanted, the human in him was willing to submit, as Kagome was in control, riding him from above for their third joining. Neither of them were left wanting more as sleep finally took over their minds for the duration of the night.

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