InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Dark Past of a Demon Warrior ❯ Eight Years On ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

In the middle of a clearing, a small fire, just large enough for cooking, burns hotly. Three people sit around it, talking calmly, one of them heating some food.
“How long we staying out here, Sashi?” A male wolf-demon, sitting across from the girl cooking, is the speaker. He has short and spiky jet black hair, and the normal garments for a wolf.
“Hell if I know. I don't make that decision.” The girl cooking looks up at him with a slightly annoyed expression. She has shoulder-length, wavy blue hair and piercing green eyes, and the clothes of a western human villager.
The other person, a gorgeous female dog demon with solid white hair and large brown eyes, chuckles toward the wolf-boy. “We can't stay here too long, Higen, so don't get restless, okay?” She seems almost too gentle and nice to be a demon, but something in her eyes implies that she is capable of more than she appears.
Higen nods with a flirtatious smile.. “Alright, but where's Genjy?”
Sashi almost cuts the question short, as she snaps, “He said he had business in town. What else do we need to know?”
“You're so protective of him,” Higen says, with a mischievous look in his eyes.
“Higen, Feyri, if either of you start on that again, I'm not making your dinner.” Sashi's eyes fill quickly with anger and possible wrath.
“You don't have to call us by name.” Feyri chuckles lightly. “We'll shut up if you just tell us to. We know you've fallen for him anyway…”
“Oh yeah? Then shut up.” Sashi goes back to cooking.
“Always arguing, aren't you guys?” Kumouri walks into the clearing. “Made it back before dark, like I said, eh?”
Feyri's eyes light up. “Genjy!” She jumps up and hurries over. “I was worried about you! You didn't tell us anything about what you were doing or where you were going…” She smothers Kumouri in favors and worry as Higen leans over to whisper to Sashi, “And she tries to tease you?”
Sashi smirks, pulling fish and venison off the flame. “So she does.”
Kumouri finally finds a break in Feyri's speech. “Looks like dinner's done. Let's eat.”
Higen snickers. “Getting on your nerves, too, Genjy? She does a lot of that when you're gone, you know.” A loud cracking noise resounds through the trees, as Feyri strikes him with her bow across the back of his head. He falls over backwards according, gripping his head and howling in pain.
Sashi smirks. “Maybe now he'll shut up long enough to stuff his face.”
The whole group of them smiles and laugh a little bit, even Higen, and start to eat quietly. After all the food is gone, they all lay around the fire, looking up into the sky. Kumouri sighs. “Not a bad way to live, eh guys?”
Higen chuckles. “Not bad at all.”
Feyri smiles and moves closer to Kumouri. “The stars are out tonight. It's really nice, isn't it, Genjy?”
Sashi glares out of the corner of her eye, but says nothing. Kumouri lies silent for a moment, then says, “Yeah, it is.” Sashi's eyes go wide, but she still doesn't say anything.
Feyri grins an ecstasy-like grin. “Almost too romantic…” Her cheeks go into a deep blush. Sashi shakes her head in disbelief.
Kumouri nods. “Too bad I'm not into romance, then.”
Feyri gapes at him for a moment, but doesn't move back over. “Yeah, too bad.”
They chatter on senselessly until they start falling asleep, the darkness looming over them like a sheet of drowsiness…
Late into the morning Sashi rolls over in mid-consciousness to check something, only to find herself meeting Kumouri's eyes. “So, I guess you're awake,” she whispers with a smile.
He nods. “I figured you'd want to know. Eight years traveling together, and I think I'm finally learning something about you.” He smirks slightly. “Got a lead, finally. Apparently somebody's waiting for a descendant of Kumouri Keitou with one of his final wishes in a town to the north.”
“Good, we finally have somewhere to go.” She smiles.
“The old man I spoke to gave me this old key, too.” He pulls a rusted bronze key from his pocket, very thin and small. “Said I'd need it when I found what I was looking for. Confusing.”
She nods. “So… we're heading north when it gets light?”
“That we are. Now get some sleep.” He smiles.
She nods again and moves closer to lean her head on his chest while she begins to fall asleep. He leans his head back again, and they both drift off to sleep again.