InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Pavee's ❯ Queen of the travellers ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: ok another chapter here before I draw with my new tablet. Enjoy!

Chapter 7

Kenji had stopped his wagon just off the side off the road. Behind him where over travellers only they now lied in the modern caravans. But he still saw them as part of his own kind considering they travel, just not in the old ways. Kenji had set a up a small fire pit, warming up his kettle of water. He pored the water in his teapot just before he heard a familiar voice.

“Oi! You! Where are my boys?”

Michie approached him, frustrated of course towards him. Kenji just looked up calmly before replying:

“They’re okay”

Michie stood there for moment before releasing the breath she was holding.

“Bloody...stupid stories you tell. That’s what killed your son. That’s what killed Yoshiro!”

Kenji gave her a cold glare. “Don’t you dare go blaming me for Yoshiro’s death” He went to pick up the kettle to put out the fire.

“Bloody superstitious stories, that’s what has him rotting in the grave”

Kenji made sure she didn’t see his face at the moment as he said:

“He’s not rotting in the grave”

“The where is he?! Hey? Where is he? I don’t see him around here do you? I don’t see him in his wagon with his smile! I don’t hear his laughter over hills!”

Kenji got up, trying to calm his own nerves down before pointing out:

“You never grieved for him”

Michie stared at him. “Never grieved for him? I spent seven years in Hell without him. Seven years blaming myself the fact that he died. Seven years crying when no one else was looking”.
Her father-in-law’s face was beginning to soften a little, but the anger was still slightly there.

“ You can’t be afraid to cry because other people are watching. You can’t hide death?”

Michie had lost it then. Her voice was rising and she shouted out towards Kenji and the travellers behind her, who were looking with sympathy over hearing everything, as well as the Garda police car, where one of the drivers was laughing out his lungs.

“You want me to make a traveller thing out of me do you? That’s what you want? QUEEN OF THE TRAVELLERS?! By Jesus I give it to ya”.

She went over and kneeled in front of the fireplace, grabbing a pie of ashes before smothering her face with it. All she could think about at the moment his Yoshiro’s face. This was her punishment for being so weak she thought. Kenji and the travellers stared, but not in amusent unlike the police. Michie got up, glaring at Kenji.

“Is that enough for ya, is it? Is IT?!”

She climbed on one of the abandoned sofa’s and shouted at the travellers. “Is that what you want?! IS IT?!”

Kenji’s anger washed away with this as he watched Michie storm off to her car. Michie drove around Dublin, looking for a certain white horse. She saw a dapple grey in a field that could use a good grooming, two Irish Skewbald cobs in someone’s front garden, and the same breed again being taken out of a horse box with her foal. She knew she wouldn’t be able to find them this way.

Michie had to go back to her birthplace, where the best trackers would properly not help her for living with the ‘settle people’ but she had to try. After all she is still Queen of the travellers


Kagome was dumbstruck after what she heard on TV and read in the Newspapers. Her brothers and the horse where out of Dublin by now.

Knowing them, they’d properly pretend to be cowboys.

Kagome smiled at this but the smile soon faded into a frown. Souta would know how to survive as a traveller so Shippo was safe at least. But Kagome was worried about her mother when her grandfather told her what happened when Michie had a talk with him. Sighing, Kagome sat down on a bench in the park she took a stroll in. She might as well have a read on this book she got from InuYasha so to kill the time. Looking through the contents page, Kagome started on the chapter ‘Origin’.

Thousands of years ago, when people lived in stone houses and travellers still flourished in their wagons, a young priestess who lived near the sea created a beautiful heirloom for her family: a golden orb. To most people it was known as the ‘Muir’. Nowadays it’s known as the Pure One. It was said if it was used by a person who has an untainted soul, then can enter the land of Tuatha De Danann. However a demon wanted it’s power for his own but was no match for the priestess.

The story cuts off there. Oh well. But there was something at the bottom of the worn out page:

Her soul waits for the time to free him

What the heck does that mean? Kagome was about to read on when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She screamed and fell on the floor, twitching.

“Oops. Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you” There was a hint of laughter in his voice. Kagome stood up.

“Don’t sneak up on me like that! You almost gave me a heart attack!” InuYasha grinned before sitting on the bench, picking up the book in the process.

“I see you started to read this”

Kagome nodded. “Yep, though one of the pages is worn out and I can’t read the writing”. InuYasha made an ‘oh?’ shape on his mouth before looking himself.
“That’s funny. I don’t remember this book to be in bad condition. I guess you want to give this back”

Kagome shook her head.”Ah no, no I don’t. The rest of the book is fine. I don’t mind really...just thought you should know”. She sat next to him. The hanyou was really something to look at. His silver hair was almost glowing in the sun. She wanted touch it, to really feel if it was silky or not.

“I heard the news. About your brothers”. That brought Kagome back to Earth. Did he think her brothers were thieves? No! They weren’t. They’re taking back what belongs to them! That’s all!

“They aren’t thieves!” InuYasha backed a little, surprised of her outburst.

“I didn’t say that! I actually think the boys have the right to take back what is there’s. Shows that they are true travellers”.

Ack! Kagome just jumped to conclusions again.

“Sorry...I thought-“

“Nah don’t worry”.

Kagome smiled up at him. Does he miss travelling too?

“I’m worried about them though. It’s been seven years since my brother had been travelling”. At InuYasha’s confused expression she corrected herself: “Shippo is our adoptive brother. He was an infant when we took him in back then”.
He nodded with the ‘oh’ shape on his lips.

InuYasha seemed to be in thought before outright asking

“Why don’t we look for them?”

To be continued

Yoshiro= good son