InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Princess Bride ❯ Hanyou revealed ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter One:

When Kagome and Sota walked into the open once again, they immediately dusted themselves off and acted as if nothing had happened. Sota looked up to his elder sister, untangling their arms. "Hey Kagome?"

"Yes, Sota?" She replied, meeting his questioning eyes.

"Who was that person?"

"I don't know." Kagome sighed. Those piercing amber eyes would now be forever imprinted in her memory. She vowed never to forget the beautiful coloring of his orbs and they way his voice had sounded so gruff and coarse.

"Get back here beast!" Someone roared above the crowd. The similar silver zoomed by Kagome and Sota, making them gasp and stare. "STOP!"

"You'll never get me you bastards!" A group of men were on a vigorous chase. The fleeing person possessed demonic speed it seemed. Realization slapped Kagome and she stared hard at the retreating figure.

"Sota! It's the man from the alley!" She gasped.

"You're right!" Her younger brother replied, just as stunned as she. He was escaping the men from the market. They wanted to get him. "What are we going to do?" He asked, seeing his sister pondering something over in her head. She swallowed and her mouth was set in a determined line.

"Come on! We're gonna follow them!" She shouted, yanking Sota's arm as she ran as fast as her slim legs would take her. The sounds of lashing could be heard and purely animalistic roars sounded from a cornered area of the marketplace, where a large mob was starting to gather at all of the commotion. The two of them were paralyzed suddenly at the scene going on in front of them.

"You stubborn hanyou!" One man screamed, beating the poor half-breed with chains thick, steel chains. The hanyou tried to crawl away from its currently injured and bleeding state, but could not and the beatings from the chains were only adding to the pain. "Why do you insist on escaping from the slave market if you keep getting caught like this?"

Kagome's hand flew to her mouth in shock and in horror, tears welling in her eyes. He was a slave… and he had tried to escape… This poor creature! She thought, and felt Sota tugging on her skirt.

"We… we should go…" The younger boy mumbled, feeling pity for the enslaved half-demon, a man who had tried to hide in the darkness of the alleys to escape the slave owners and his former way of life.

We… we can't leave him though… Kagome's eyes overflowed from sympathy for the poor creature. He just wanted his freedom, yet… he was captured. By this time, the men had now bound him in thick shackles and chains, one around his neck, two for his wrists and one on each leg. As they tugged him by, the hanyou growled in the direction of Kagome and Sota, pure malice reflecting in his eyes and face.

Kagome started to take a step forward to apologize, but the creature snarled and cursed at her, and then was beaten for looking at the people who had gathered. Oh my god… She thought, crying even harder. Why was he looking at me like that? What did I do?

"Kagome! Sota!" Lady Higurashi called out to her children, embracing them tightly. "I'm so glad I've found you. Come, you are going to return home now."

"But I thought you said we were here for a work-hand for the farm!" Sota exclaimed, his eyes now wide with disappointment. He had wanted another playmate because Kagome had stopped playing his childish games just recently.

"I shall take care of that business as soon as you go," Lady Higurashi answered, ushering her children ahead of her. "Now be safe as you go home, and watch for the youkai in the forest. I will be returning home with someone later tonight."

"Alright mother," Kagome sighed, still stunned by the look of pure hatred she had been given by the enslaved hanyou. She also felt ashamed. What had she done to deserve that? She and Sota had not given him away, so what was the matter with him? Shaking her head clear of her thoughts, Kagome took her younger brother's hand and they both cautiously walked back to their farmhouse on their land.