InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Protector of Her Heart ❯ End of a Dream ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 18: End of a Dream
“Kagome?” a soft voice whispered in her ear, making her shift slightly from waking slumber.
She recognized the voice of Inuyasha instantly. “What is it?” she asked, keeping her eyes closed, her head still resting on the pillow of soft grass, with her flower crown hidden underneath. “Is something wrong?”
He shook his head, glancing back towards the lightening sky. “No, but there's something I wanted to show you,” the hanyou replied, keeping his voice down. “Without the others…”
Smirking slightly at the thought of Inuyasha showing her something, Kagome opened her eyes to see his face, looking as gorgeous as ever in the little light. She sat up, brushing some of the grass off her skirt, and glanced at the dark blue sky that was just beginning to lighten. “It's not even dawn yet,” she yawned, casting a nervous glance at the other three members of their group, who were sound asleep in their makeshift camp.
“I know, come on.” He helped her to her feet, as she cast one last look at their friends, before turning back to follow him. Last night had been one of the turning points of their relationship. They had kissed, and continued in that embrace until they heard their friends calling for them. Even though Kagome was ready to allow herself to be happy for the first times in her life, she wasn't going to let their friends know about her small happiness now. Inuyasha knew without asking what she wanted, and frankly, agreed. They were stepping into dangerous territory, and it wouldn't be wise to have anyone else to trust their secret to.
Besides, Kagome liked keeping Inuyasha all to herself, and she figured he felt the same way.
Inuyasha was leading her deeper into the forest they had gone into the night before, and glancing around, she saw a single flower blooming in the trampled grass. That night, like all young maidens on Midsummer's Day, she slept with flowers under her pillow, to dream of her future husband. But there was a catch with this wonderful dream; it was never remembered. But Kagome already knew one thing for sure, one thing she could always remember from her Midsummer dreams if she strained her memory; a crown. She had known it from the start that her husband would be a king.
It's obvious, isn't it? she thought to herself. After all, once they marry me and I become queen, they would become king…or does it mean I'll marry a king of another country? Kagome glanced at Inuyasha for a moment, her heart deflating. But he will never be a king. The tales told of Sesshoumaru show that he could last through no matter what was hurled at him, and he will one day take a mate and leave Inuyasha with nothing more than being the Inu no Taishou's bastard son…I can never marry him, never…
But as soon as the idea came, Kagome blushed and looked away. But I knew that already! What we have now…it's just a small happiness for the time being. When we go back…it will have to be nothing…but for now…
Inuyasha's strong hand, holding hers and guiding through the forest, suddenly let her go as he stepped away from the tree cover and on to show her a cliff. She glanced around, but saw nothing as the sky began to lighten with highlights of pink and purple. “Inuyasha, what?”
“Shhh,” he murmured, leading her towards the edge of the cliff. “Look.” And then he pointed towards the distant horizon, with the orange sun rising over the hills.
Kagome gasped as she watched the sky turned to hues of indigo, pink, purple, orange; a rainbow of light as the day began to break. Whisps of cloud, looking perfect in their place, like the strokes of a brush lay across the endless sky, with beams of light streaming through. The princess opened her eyes and took in the beauty of dawn, watching the chirping birds fly through the sky and across the endless meadows…a picture she knew no painter could ever recreate.
“It's beautiful, Inuyasha,” she whispered, leaning back against him as his arms came around to pull her to his side.
At her comment, he smiled and glanced back down at her. “Yeah…beautiful…” he spoke softly, kissing the top of her head.
They stayed like that, watching the sunrise, until it had fully arose and the beautiful colors had faded. The magic was broken, and there was nothing to keep them from having to go back to their friends, and pretend like this wonderful dream didn't exist. Kagome felt Inuyasha nudging her, knowing it was time to go, and she shook her head. “No, not yet…I want to spend more time with you.”
Realizing his cautious tone, her eyes begged, “Please.”
With a sigh, the hanyou scratched his head, glancing back at the edge of the cliff before them. A smirk grew on his face. “Hey, Kagome…want to fly?”
He beckoned to her, “Come here, I'll show you.”
He led her over near the edge of the cliff. “What are you planning on doing?” she asked skeptically.
The hanyou crouched down, like he did when he carried her on his back. “Get on.”
“Inuyasha…” He wasn't suggesting…was he?
Golden eyes met hers. “Do you trust me?”
She didn't even pause to think and replied, “I trust you,” climbing on to his back.
“Hold on tight,” he warned, bracing himself. “Here we go!”
And with that, he had a small running start, and jumped full over the cliff. “Inuyasha!” Kagome screamed when they first went over, gripping him in fright as the air whizzed all around them. Her eyes shut tight, afraid of the ever closer ground, and what would happen when they hit—
The hanyou's feet touched the grass lightly, as if it had been no more than a small step, and then jumped up again, high into the air. “Open your eyes!” he called back to her, as they soared through the sky.
Kagome did as she was told, and was met with yet another wonder. True, they were high off the ground, but they weren't falling so fast anymore; they seemed to float above the ground, able to see for miles, before falling again, allowing Inuyasha to jump once more into the air, continuing their flight.
Once, a long time ago, Kagome had wondered why birds could fly and why humans couldn't…why a small animal could be free to soar the skies, and do what it wished, while she was confined to the wills of everyone else. But now…as the hanyou she had come to care for allowed her to soar, she as free as that small bird felt when it flew.
Letting all her fears go, she let out a joyful laugh, the sound delighting the air. Another whoop came afterward as they sailed upward again, even Inuyasha letting out a laugh with her as the air flew through their hair, both loving this moment that gave them both so much freedom.
But it had to end as the ground came near, and when Inuyasha landed, in one swift motion Kagome turned, setting them off balance. They landed in the soft grass together, Kagome lying on top as their laughter died down and they looked each other in the eyes, soon giving in to that wanted kiss.
He's given me so much, Kagome thought, feeling his strong arm wrap around her waist to hold her there, in Heaven for the moment. Happiness, laughter, freedom…
They finally pulled away to smile at each other, before Kagome rolled over to lay on her back, beside him, both looking up at the clouds. “It must be amazing,” she murmured, lost in her thoughts.
“What?” he asked, still slightly dizzy from the touch of her lips to his.
“Being able to fly…able to see, and all the other things you can do with all the powers of a hanyou,” she replied, closing her eyes for a moment, imagining having such power.
Feeling flustered for some reason, Inuyasha answered, “It's not that different…”
“Oh really?” Kagome asked, turning over on her side, propping herself up on her elbow to look at him. “Then tell me, big strong hanyou, what can you hear with your ears?” Gently, she reached out, and doing something she never did before, gently caressed his oddly shaped ear with her fingertips. To her surprise, he didn't seem to mind, but smiled slightly and even leaned in to her touch as she did it.
I can't believe I've forgotten how good that feels…he thought to himself, his eyes sliding shut for a moment as she began caressing his other ear.
“Hey, are you awake?” she asked, seeing him visibly relax under the attentions she was giving his ears. Kagome had thought before that he didn't like people touching them, but apparently she was wrong…or perhaps it depended on the person that was touching them that did it.
“Yeah,” he grunted, golden eyes opening once more as he rolled over as well, putting support on his elbows as he smiled back on her. “Just…no one's done that in a long time…” Not since my mother…
Removing her hands from his ears, which made him look a little disappointed, she asked, “Are you going to answer my question?”
“What question?”
“What is it that you can hear with your super sensitive hanyou ears?” Kagome repeated, her eyes flickering back up to the adorable puppy ears, things that, in her mind, would forever curse him to never look truly menacing, no matter the circumstances.
He seemed to think for a moment, then replied, “I can hear your heartbeat.”
Brown eyes opened wider at that. “You can?”
“Yeah, that, and the sound of you breathing…I can hear whenever it changes, like now,” he smirked, noticing her heart race at his words.
Kagome gave him a playful glare but continued, reaching out to brush her fingertips lightly across his cheek. “What can your eyes see?”
“Many things…much farther than your wimpy human eyes. And I can see better at night, and closer up to things than you can.”
“Doesn't that get annoying, if you were forced to see something close up that you never wanted to see?” she questioned, grinning.
Inuyasha gave a small laugh, “Maybe, but I can't think of anything right now I wouldn't want to be looking at.”
His words made her heart race again, and judging by the one eyebrow that he raised, he heart it too. “So then, Mister Hanyou,” she continued, asking, “What about your nose?”
“That's the most important thing for demons like me,” he explained, tapping his nose slightly. “Scent tells us everything.”
Inuyasha nodded, “Yep. Scents can recognize danger or a safe place, a person's emotions and heath—sometimes,” he added quickly, remembering he wasn't able to smell the plague on her until it was almost too late because the disease was more internal and would blend in with her own scent to hide it. “I can tell friend or foe, whether something is safe to eat or not, and if a person is really who they say they are or a disguise.”
“How do you do that?” she wondered, fascinated by how this small sense meant so much to his survival.
“Each person has their own individual scent,” he enlightened her. “It's usually connected to their blood kin in someway, but for every person, it's a bit different. It usually identifies pack members as well, even if they aren't related.”
That was something Kagome had never heard before. But it explained a lot on how demons were able to track and find those humans that they were after even after they hid. “So everyone has their own individual scent, huh? Then tell me, what do I smell like?”
Smiling at the thought, Inuyasha leaned towards her slightly, his nose nuzzling into her hair as he closed his eyes and took a deep sniff. “Gentleness,” he murmured, pulling away and looking her in the eyes. “Kindness, beauty…and everything wonderful.”
“Inuyasha…” She whispered at his loving words before he cupped her chin and captured her lips in a gentle kiss. Kagome returned the embrace with the same kind of passion, feeling the emotions she felt for this man echo into her very soul. This was her forbidden dream from childhood, finally realized; to be free as a bird, nothing but a little peasant girl, trapped within the arms of the man she—
“Kagome, Inuyasha!” they heard Sango call, causing both knight and princess to pause then spring out of each other's arms as if they were on fire. Kagome could feel her heart still racing within her chest, knowing that he would hear it as well.
“We're here!” she called half heartedly, standing up, upset that their friends had ruined the moment. As Inuyasha also stood up, glancing up at their friends who had seemed to have found them by following their scent (Shippou must have been concerned). Though both hanyou and human were angry that their time alone had been ruined, they were glad that their friends were too far away to have seen anything.
Kagome sighed; she knew what it would be now that Sango, Miroku, and Shippou had shown up. She and Inuyasha would have to disappear into the façade of being nothing more than friends, and continue traveling back to her life of imprisonment in the Midlands. If only there was something to distract them…to take more time away from traveling so she and Inuyasha could have a few more precious moments…
The wind blew her long black hair in to her face, making her turn slightly to tuck the rebellious strands behind her ear. When she turned, her eyes got a glimpse of something in the distance. Kagome turned her head sharply to get a better look. There, on a hill somewhere miles away, appeared to be a castle. And not just any castle…it was large, demanding, and even though it looked slightly run down, it had a commanding aura of respect.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome asked, pointing towards the castle on the hill.
She watched him as he first saw it, his eyes going wide with realization and then soft with memory as he replied, “That's the palace of the Midlands…or what used to be the palace. No one's lived there for about two centuries since the rebellion.”
The princess looked back at their friends, who were coming closer and closer. Soon, their whispered conversation would be cut short. “Inuyasha, do you think…do you think we could visit it?”
“What?” the hanyou gave her a curious glance. “Why?”
“I want to know what it looks like on the inside,” she replied simply. And I want to spend more time with you…
Somehow, he got her meaning loud and clear. Sighing, the hanyou closed his eyes for a moment and spoke, “All right, we could probably convince the rest for a little detour, I suppose.” But only because this means were close to the border, and I just want more time with you before you return to being a princess and I to a knight…
I don't want this to end so quickly…Both the hanyou and the princess thought, eyes downcast at the realization.
* * * * * * * *
“Wow, it looks even bigger close up,” Shippou spoke, glancing at the towers above him. The old palace was built as a fortress; tall and commanding. But there was also a simple beauty as well. Broken stained glass windows could be seen from the front entrance, and ivy crawled up the side of the rough stone, coating old busts and carvings engraved in the walls.
“What are you waiting for, come on!” Kagome looked back at her friends, grinning, as she grabbed Inuyasha's hand and pulled him up the steps.
Miroku shrugged, then knelt down before Lady Sango and asked, “Shall you need an escort, fair lady?”
Unable to help a giggle, she replied, “Thank you, kind sir.” Miroku rose, and took her hand with great care, leading her up the steps in a parody of court life. When Inuyasha kicked open the door hanging off its hinges, they were met with the entrance hall. It was vast, dimly lit from grimy windows, and covered in dust, but beneath the age, there was a beauty to it that could be seen.
Kagome glanced at the moth eaten tapestries, showing mostly humans, but some demons and even a hanyou wearing the crown of the Midlands. Glancing at a water spotted mirror, she could almost see a reflection of what this place used to be, magnificent and strong. The colors had faded and the laughter was all gone, but what was left was a memory of greatness.
“How could the Midlands have been overrun, with rulers like this?” Kagome whispered, her eyes on a bust of a queen that had smashed to the floor in a struggle.
“Demons never liked this place,” Inuyasha replied. “Humans didn't like it either…neither wanted to imagine a place where everyone lived in peace…and so they rebelled and over through the monarchy, two hundred years ago, leaving the country in disarray.”
“I know that,” she answered sharply, looking back at him. “What I'm saying is, how could such a thing happen and leave the country like this for so long without anyone doing anything about it?”
Inuyasha was silent for a moment, before his amber eyes turned back to her. “Because no one wants to fix it. The Midlands are no more but a source of raw materials to both kingdoms; why should they care about the current state of its people? This place represents peace, and neither the Human nor the Demon Lands want to admit that both races can live alongside and tolerate one another.”
“Do you think that perhaps someday this might be fixed? That one day, someone will come to their senses and put a king on the throne, to rule again and stop the countless attacks on the people?”
Once again the hanyou was silent, lost in thought and conflicting memories. “I don't know…I hope so, but…it's unlikely. Even if an idea was put forth, the Human and Demon Lands could never agree on who could rule it; both would want someone from their country, not willing to listen to reason.”
Even though Kagome hated the truths of the world, she sighed, and could not argue. For now, with the state of diplomatic relations between the two kingdoms, there would never be compromise. At least, not in her lifetime.
After they finished talking, both princess and knight noticed that they were quite alone in the entrance hall. Sango, Miroku, and Shippou had disappeared. “Hey, where did they go?” the hanyou muttered, glancing around.
Though Kagome wasn't worried. Her friend was more than capable of handling anything that came by. And besides…their excursion had done the one thing that both of them had wanted for a while, the chance to be alone.
* * * * * * * *
“Are you sure it was all right, to leave Inuyasha and Kagome alone, Lord Monk?” Sango asked, stepping up the slippery, circular stairs.
“They'll be fine,” the monk, who was leading the way assured her. “Didn't you see them? Both talking about politics and stuff that didn't seem very interesting. Besides, it gives us a chance to explore.”
But the exterminator wasn't sure. “I don't know…” she glanced back towards the entrance hall, through the open door leading towards the hall. She could no longer see her friend and her knight standing by the mirror anymore. She was worried; what if something happened? Or worse…what if something happened that was dangerous to both of them?
Lady Sango had suspected something when they found Inuyasha and Kagome missing last night, at the Midsummer festival. Her suspicions were aided when both of them were missing in the morning as well. They had a habit of disappearing together, and if what was happening while disappearing was what she was afraid of…
“Sango, are you coming?” Shippou asked, glancing back down at her.
Sighing, she decided to put such thoughts out of her mind for now. Kagome was responsible, and that was the important thing. “Coming,” she replied, following them up and coming out in a narrow corridor.
“What's this?” she asked, glancing at the chipped stone and torches littering the floor.
The monk shrugged, “Apartments, I suppose.” He marched up to the largest, and grandest door he saw at the end of the hall, and pulled it open with a tug. “Aha! Look at this, it's the king's chamber!”
“The king's…” Sango wondered following him. It had indeed been a magnificent chamber at one time. A thick layer of dust lay on the floor, with statues and many fine things strewn about. The curtain from the bed lay in tatters, with the floor marred with droplets of blood and the marks of swords. It was obvious that this place had once been a battlefield.
Shippou glanced at what was left of a canvas painting on the wall. “It's so sad...”
Glancing around at the destruction, Sango noticed something odd. “There's something I don't understand, Lord Monk,” she asked, looking down to see a particularly large bloodstain. “If there was a battlefield, then why aren't there any remains of bodies? It's just empty.”
The monk seemed to think on this for a moment. “Well, either the triumphant demons ate the bodies after the battle was over—”
Ate them?” the exterminator gasped in horror.
“Or the humans dragged their dead from the palace and burned them once the battle was over. The latter is more likely…demons want fresh meat, not something that had been killed for a while.”
Feeling a little queasy, Lady Sango replied, “I see…”
Seeing an opportunity, the monk suddenly pulled her close and held her in his arms, to her shock. “But never fear, dearest lady, for I shall protect you from the violent castle spirits even if it costs my life…” She probably wouldn't have protested if his wandering hand hadn't strayed at that moment.
Still blushing, Sango slapped him away, staggering back a moment, her heart racing despite it all. Damn him! Even when he's being a lecher he's sweet…Why does he have to be so sweet? She wondered, standing off and turning away, putting on a grand show of anger.
But even to her protests, the monk had a grin on his face as he noticed the redness in her cheeks that wasn't from rage.
* * * * * * * *
The palace chapel was magnificent—its high ceiling was painted with scenes of fields and flowers, and with little children running through the grass, laughing happily. Visions of the next world were carved into the walls, partially covered by ivy upon the walls. Stained glass that was cracked and spotted still allowed light to shine in, with the colors reflecting on to the stone floor.
As Kagome stepped down the aisle, she saw some wildflowers and grass growing through a crack in the floor, making the stones uneven. “Even in decay, it still is beautiful,” she whispered, seeing Inuyasha nod behind her.
Walking closer towards the altar, she felt a draft brush against the bare skin of her shoulder, revealed by the low cut blouse. She quickly lifted the fabric to cover the skin revealed—feeling very nervous like this in Inuyasha's presence for once. She wanted to glance back and see what he thought of this place, but her heart raced and she became nervous at the thought, so she kept her eyes fixed on the stone altar of the chapel.
The altar was a large stone, carved with scenes of the Midlands entwined with religious scenes as well. It was faded, and the wood and painted colors that once embellished it were long gone, but it still held that ancient quality that made Kagome feel as if she had stepped into another time.
Standing there, alone at the altar in this chapel, she began to imagine what it would be like when she stood before an altar in her own wedding. She knew she had no choice in the question of being married…it was imagining to whom that was the challenge. So many men had come and gone along the road to matrimony, that she couldn't imagine what sort of man she would eventually end up with. Her fantasies on that subject had always included herself dressed as the virgin bride, with a faceless man at her side.
Thinking of the man with no face, she had always concluded that he was head over heels in love with her, and she with him. Though she knew better, her imagination had always given them this beautiful love, so deep that nothing would be able to pull them apart. And so, lost in her imagination, Kagome closed her eyes. She saw it now, the beautiful chapel, fully decorated and full of light, no more a scene of decay. Herself dressed all in white, a bouquet of roses in her arms, the priest standing before her, clothes in robes and ready for the ceremony to begin. She could see the man she loved walking towards her, taking her hand in his with a beautiful smile on his face, as they knelt before the priest to seal their love forever…
“What are you doing?” Inuyasha asked, making Kagome's eyes snap open and blush. She wasn't just blushing at him catching her daydreaming, but also because he was in the very same position her dream husband had been seconds ago.
“It was…nothing,” she answered quickly. “Just…imagining.”
But the hanyou wasn't going to let it go so easily. “Imagining what?” He folded his arms and raised his eyebrow, giving her a skeptical look.
Kagome did tell Inuyasha many things about herself and her life, but she was not ready to tell him what she was just thinking about. Shaking her head, she replied, “Nothing, just a stupid thought…Pay it no mind.”
“Don't…don't ask, Inuyasha…” she spoke softly, turning away. “You don't want to know.”
Her odd tone caused him to ponder it for a few seconds, when he realized what she had been thinking about. Kagome must have been thinking about weddings, and didn't want to upset him. She was right; knowing that caused the hanyou to remember that when they got back in the Human Lands, they couldn't be like this anymore, and she would be married off to some idiot, whenever that was.
Sighing, Inuyasha looked away as well. Why was he cursed to feel this way about a woman whom he knew he would never have in the end? But how much he wished it wouldn't have to be this way! Why couldn't they just stay in the Midlands and never return, at least so they would never have to be split apart. Here in the Midlands, they could allow themselves to be selfish and have what they want, because no one would know…but back in the Human Lands, if their small affair continued, they would certainly be found out and then…Kagome would be in danger. And even though he didn't want their time together to end, the hanyou knew he could never willingly put this woman in danger.
“Your thoughts,” he finally allowed himself to ask. “Were they nice?”
Glancing back at him with a curious expression on her face, Kagome replied, “Yes…they were.”
His heart felt like it had dropped into the pit of his stomach. “Are you…happy?”
Realizing what he was doing, Kagome glanced back, her eyes meeting his. “Yes…” she paused for a moment. “Because I am not marrying a man because I have to. I am marrying him because I love him, and he loves me.”
Inuyasha's amber eyes widened at the thought. “Kagome…”
“Before my father died, I always thought I would love the man I would eventually marry, and he would love me,” Kagome explained, looking away for a moment, towards the altar with a content look on her face. “But after that…with all the betrothals, I began wondering if it was possible to find love at all. I thought my heart had turned to stone, only to find a man to be wed to so I would no longer be a spinster, and that love was only something in stories. I thought I could never feel for a man for any way except friendship, and that was to be my fate.” She stopped for a moment, then turned and met his eyes. “Until I met you, Inuyasha.”
“Kagome…” he murmured her name once more, his heart restored and racing at her soft words.
Turning away, the princess dressed as the peasant girl glanced back at the altar, stepping into the small beam of light cast by the hole in the stained glass window. “There was a song in my childhood, about a woman standing at the altar, waiting for her true love to come and marry her. I can't remember the words but, I always felt like her, standing, and waiting for them to come…Even though I probably won't be able to love the man I marry, I…always hoped that perhaps…”
Inuyasha came closer, his eyes filled with pity and longing that would not go away. “Kagome,” he began, making her turn to look at him, her eyes holding the same amount of longing for what they couldn't have. “What if…what if you didn't have to marry a rich idiot because of your position? What if you could choose…would you…”
“Would I what?” she asked, but she didn't need to; she knew what he meant.
Glancing away for a moment and suddenly feeling very nervous, the hanyou asked, “If you could have that dream of yours…where you're happy…then…” he stopped short, but still was unable to tear his eyes away from her. He shouldn't be asking this! He shouldn't even be suggesting it! But…he wanted to know. He had to know…before they left this to stay in the Midlands and went back to their separate lives.
“Inuyasha,” she murmured, reaching up and gently caressing his cheek. She broke free from all confines of her life and did the one thing that she knew would haunt her memories for months to come, “I do.”
They couldn't wait any longer as all propriety left them and they fell into each other's arms, kissing passionately. Kagome felt as if her body was on fire as Inuyasha kissed her until she felt for sure that she was floating on air. The feelings she felt for him flooded her senses, loving what he was able to do to her when they kissed. She felt his lips kiss a trail down her cheek to her neck, where, growing bolder, he kissed her at the base of her neck. Her arms pulled him closer, with a tear sliding down her face as he continued this sweet torture, never wanting him to stop.
In that moment, all cares that she had kept inside her flew. She wanted him to keep doing that, worshipping her body with his lips. Kagome wanted to be able to let him lay claim to her and her to him, wrapped around each other, never to part. She wanted him to be the man she married that day on the altar, for them to always be like this and never to part. And the one dream she had thought but had never dared to acknowledge—she wanted them to run away from their lives in the Human Lands, to stay here, for all eternity, without anything to say otherwise.
And, if there had been no interruption at that moment, perhaps all those things would have come true.
“Kagome!” Sango called, rushing down the stairs. Her voice was far upstairs; she couldn't see them, but Inuyasha and Kagome froze for a moment, then, like always, pushed away, blushing furiously.
All of Kagome's previous thoughts filled her head as her blush deepened. Good God, how could she have thought and imagined those things! How could she have dared to imagine running away with him, despite the fact that…she knew how much she wanted that now.
She flipped her hair over her shoulder in the front, to hide the mark Inuyasha had made, both glancing away uncomfortably at the thought. A second later, Lady Sango burst through the chapel door, looking worse for wear. “There you are, Kagome,” she said in relief. “There's…there's something you have to see.”
“What?” Kagome asked, unable to keep from glancing back at Inuyasha at this interruption. “Is it something in the castle?” she walked closer, noticing her friend had already torn her green skirt on a stone from running so quickly.
Lady Sango shook her head. “It's…well, Kagome, it's something unexpected, but I think you are the best person to deal with it right now.”
Confused, Kagome followed her anyway, pondering what on earth it could be that would send Sango into such a state and interrupt her and Inuyasha in one of the most blissful moments of their lives. When Sango led her out the front door, Kagome gasped and stepped back a moment, hating her life as a princess even more.
In front of the palace were a group of soldiers. Soldiers from the Human Lands. And, with a single horse and trunk decorated in the royal colors, she knew they could have only come here because of her.
Miroku and Shippou were already out front, looking frazzled at the sudden intrusion. “I do not understand this, but I'm sure if you speak to the princess you'll find this is unnecessary—ah, there you are Your Highness,” Miroku said, noticing she had come. “As you can see, these men have come to, ahem, `insure your safety', but as I was explaining, I do not see the need…”
Kagome felt Inuyasha steady her for a moment as she got over her shock and slowly walked down the steps, all men turning and bowing towards her. “Your Highness,” they all spoke in unison. “We came to ensure that you are safe and unharmed. Such being, we will now escort you back to the Human Lands, without you having to worry about such a filthy disguise any longer.”
The princess could not understand why they came. Didn't Lord Bankotsu and her mother trust Inuyasha enough to get her back safely? Wasn't that the whole reason that he was assigned to her, to keep her safe? He had already defeated Ryuukossei, so why would they be worried about her safety now? She took a small breath and spoke in her commanding regal voice, which she hadn't spoken in for a while, “Good men, I appreciate the concern, but you are not needed in this situation. I am sure you know of my knight protector, Inuyasha,” at her voice, the hanyou stepped forward, giving his best glare. “He was commissioned to me because he was the victor in a battle of the best knights in the kingdom. He is more than capable and he has already defeated the dragon that kidnapped me. He is escorting me and, as you can see, I am quite unharmed.”
The men seemed a bit thrown off by her praise of him, and the captain, who had a red hair and beard, stood up and spoke, “We understand how capable he is, Your Highness, but now your knight has done his part, and we shall do ours. While unharmed you may be, is it fit for the heir of the Human Lands to be traipsing about the Midlands, dressed in the clothes of a common whore?”
Kagome's eyes grew wide at the accusation, and her hand flew to make sure that the mark Inuyasha made moments ago was covered, but she still couldn't help the fact that the only clothes she found were a little revealing, could she?
The hanyou, on the other hand, gave a low growl. “Don't you dare call Kagome that!” he warned, baring his teeth at the man he now couldn't help but hate.
Rolling his eyes at the angered hanyou, the captain said, “While she needed to be kept disguised in this land, it is not necessary for her to dress below her position any longer. We have brought you some more suitable traveling clothes, Your Highness, so when you make your appearance back at the palace, you won't look like some common tavern wench.”
“Wh-what?” This was all happening too fast. One minute she had been kissing Inuyasha, feeling happier than she had ever felt in her life, and now everything was crashing down, sending her back to her old life that now seemed nothing short of torture.
Seeing Kagome's distress, Inuyasha, now close to snarling at the men upsetting her, walked forward and looked the captain in the eye, speaking gruffly, “You are not in the position to do this to her. I am her chosen knight protector and I outrank you. If I say I can get her back unharmed, then I can do it without anyone's help!”
“Yes, but listen closely, hanyou,” the captain replied, his voice holding the same amount of dislike. “You are her knight protector only until she is betrothed. Your step up in society is no more once the princess is good and wed.”
“That doesn't matter!” Inuyasha snapped, his nerves at an end. “Right now, I protect her, and now my judgment is the only one that matters!”
The captain was not deterred by Inuyasha's words, and his mouth formed a small smile. “Did I not say that you are her protector only until she is betrothed? I believe now your judgment is no longer valid.”
That phrase hit both hanyou and princess like a ton of bricks. “What…what did you say?” Kagome asked, afraid. No…please, oh Gods not now!
“We were sent to aid Her Highness by Lord Bankotsu, head of the King's Council, and,” the captain added with a grin, “Lord Naraku, the princess's new betrothed.”
Betrothed! A hand shot over her mouth as she stumbled back, falling and landing on the stones of the steps of the Midland's palace. Though Inuyasha rushed to her side, her heart felt like it could sink no further. No…this can't be happening! Why now, of all the times?
When Kagome glanced in Inuyasha's eyes she could see the same amount of hurt and shamefulness in them. Betrothed…she was betrothed now…The feelings they had in their hearts were now sins…their trysts could be seen as adultery…Oh, anything but that word!
Blinking past the tears in he eyes, and trying to keep herself together, Kagome stood up, not taking the help Inuyasha offered and spoke to the men, “I understand the concern, gentlemen. But it was stated that he is my knight protector until marriage. Until then, he will remain at my side. And to this betrothal…I have never met the man, nor given my consent, so for now, it remains unofficial.”
The captain nodded, “We quite understand that, Your Highness, but you also must realize that in order to be married before your eighteenth birthday, you have precious little months left to search for a man to become your betrothed, and with this new offer, perhaps you could rectify that problem.”
I know…but…how could I have wished for a man to suddenly appear months ago, and now I wish that he had never come! Biting her lip nervously, Kagome asked, “Who is it that sent you?”
“We were sent by Lord Naraku, who had the approval of Lord Bankotsu.”
“My mother did not know of this?”
The captain shook his head. “No, she believed your knight protector would be sufficient.”
Kagome felt a small warmth in her heart, knowing her mother trusted Inuyasha to take care of her. “I see…” This was all just a dream, nothing more…Now I am woken up, and have come back to reality. This is my life, not the life of a carefree peasant girl.
No matter what I want…I can never forget my duty to my country…
“Kagome…” Inuyasha asked, coming closer to her, but she did not turn to look back at him. She couldn't bear it.
“We will go back at once,” Kagome spoke to the captain in a dead, flat voice, hearing shocked gasps from her friends at her words. “Prepare the horse.”
But no one was more shocked that Inuyasha. His eyes were pained, hurt as he looked on her, arguing, “Kagome, what are you doing? You said before that you didn't—”
“I have no other choice,” she replied softly, her words penetrating his heart like arrows. “I have a duty to my country that I can never forget, Sir Inuyasha…it would be good if you remembered yours.”
Knowing she broke his heart, she turned, and went towards the soldiers, accepting their help as they helped her on to the horse, making sure she didn't look back at Inuyasha at all as her previous companions and the new guards began their slow march back to the Human Lands.
Kagome could see the looks in the eyes of their friends as they kept on, and she didn't dare check to see how the hanyou was faring. She knew he was feeling the same as she did. Hurt, broken hearted, and betrayed…She remembered what happened earlier in the day, when she had been in his arms feeling loved and had almost admitted to him those feelings now sealed away…
She knew it would be the last time she ever felt truly happy. The dream was at an end, and would never return. Knowing this, She hid beneath the curtain of her hair, not caring if the mark on her shoulder was exposed as the tears rolled down her cheeks, never stopping.