InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Protector of Her Heart ❯ Midsummer ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 17: Midsummer
“Are you sure of this, Lord Naraku? It seems to me that the Princess Kagome is safe enough with her knight protector. After all, he did defeat the most trained knights in the country for his position,” Lord Bankotsu responded warily.
“It is not so much a matter of security, but more a matter of propriety,” Naraku spoke, a small grin on his face. “One such as the princess should not be traipsing about the Midlands, like a commoner! Living like a peasant is not suited for someone with royal blood, like her. And on top of that—”
He paused as the dowager queen walked into the darkened council chamber, looking a bit surprised that Lord Naraku was there as well. Nevertheless, both men bowed to her. “Your Highness,” Lord Bankotsu asked, “Is everything all right?”
It was clear that the queen found it a little unnerving that Naraku was there as well, but she directed her attention to Bankotsu. “I was coming to ask if there was any more news on Kagome, but it seems you were already discussing this subject.”
Naraku stepped forward, his eyes glinting slightly as he spoke, “Lord Bankotsu informed me that there was word she was traveling in the Midlands and present, and I was concerned for her welfare.”
“Concerned for her welfare?” the dowager queen asked, , sweeping her skirts aside and sitting down, her gaze never leaving his face. “Whatever do you mean, Lord Naraku?”
Sighing slightly, Naraku spoke, “If I may speak plainly, Your Grace, I believe that the Princess shouldn't have to suffer like a mere peasant in the Midlands. That is why I have sent several of my men back to collect her and make sure she returns to the castle safely.”
“You have already sent them?”
Naraku shrugged, but she barely caught the calculating look in his eyes. “I only want the best for the princess…and my future bride.”
The queen reminded him sharply, “She is not your betrothed yet, Lord Naraku.”
“Of course,” he added at once.
“But the princess does need a promise of marriage, and soon,” Bankotsu cut in. “And since Lord Naraku has already offered and given an agreeable settlement on the matter—”
“I would like Kagome to meet this man and have her opinion before we promise her into any arrangement, Lord Bankotsu.”
Lord Naraku cut in, unexpectedly, “I agree, Your Grace. Why should the princess be forced into anything if she does not agree? I merely say I am anxious to meet her...and if she if she will approve of me.”
With his small speech, the dowager queen glanced at him. He seemed attentive to Kagome at least, wanting her approval, but…she vaguely remembered seeing Kagome's knight when she was sick, and remembered how attentive he seemed to her as well.
She knew Kagome was in need of a husband before her eighteenth birthday, and judging by how Lord Naraku spoke of her, he seemed like the perfect man to pick as her husband, but still…perhaps it was only her motherly worries about the whole thing.
After all, she knew Kagome was a child capable of great love, perhaps, hopefully, more like, she would come to love this man if he was always this attentive to her. With a sigh, she thought, I hope so…it would make things so much simpler if she was able to love the man she is to marry…
* * * * * * * * *
“We're getting closer to a village,” Inuyasha said, sniffing the wind, not even casting a glance back at Kagome.
“Good,” she replied, also eager to keep her gaze off him. Ever since…that they had been avoiding each other, only speaking when it was needed
Kagome blushed slightly when she remembered that kiss they had shared only days before. The action that was so wrong, but felt so right…She could remember clearly the feel of being in his arms, the sharp jolt down her spine when his lips touched hers…and the wonderful way her heart raced before she suddenly pulled away, terrified…
Unnoticed by Inuyasha, she wrung her hands in a nervous gesture as they continued on. No matter how much she liked the kiss, Kagome knew pulling away was the right thing to do. Even though Inuyasha was a prince, he was only a prince because there was no heir to take place on the throne if King Sesshoumaru were to unexpectedly die. And once his brother finally mated and had an heir, Inuyasha would be back to what he had always been, the bastard son of the King Inu no Taishou, nothing more.
In her country, he was nothing more than a knight, much, much lower than she was. When propriety was concerned, she shouldn't even dare to have a friendship with him at all. Hadn't she learned from infancy that a princess had to only socialize with those in her class, and not lower? Besides, if anyone found out about…that in her country, Inuyasha could be in danger.
Kagome certainly didn't want to see him dragged off to prison for treason, and that's what it was—to place an inappropriate touch upon the princess was one of the worst kinds of treason. It didn't matter if the touch was a mistake, or, Heaven forbid, even wanted, the fact of the matter was that because she had allowed such a thing to happen, he could be in danger for his very life.
And if he got in trouble for her foolishness, she would never forgive herself.
But…even though she regretted putting him in danger, she could never forget that kiss. It would be something, a little secret moment of happiness that she would treasure always. The first time a man's lips had touched her own had been something wonderful, something wanted, to know she was in the arms of someone who cared for her as much as she cared for him.
And even though she knew such a thing couldn't happen again, she couldn't help the nagging feeling that perhaps, she did want it to happen, one more time. Kagome kept her eyes downcast for a moment, not daring to look up at the man next to her. After all, they were alone, in the Midlands, no one would know…and for once, in a long while, she felt freer than she ever had before.
She noticed how his eyes kept flickering back to her, how he almost said something many times…did that mean he felt the same way? That even though it was wrong, no one would know, and that they didn't need to care?
Was it…was it truly all right to act on selfish desires, just this once?
“Kagome!” Her head popped up as she heard a familiar voice. Even Inuyasha looked a little surprised as they saw two people coming towards them, looking weary but happy. One was dressed in long, black robes, and the other was dressed in leather armor of some sort…and was that a small animal on the tall one's shoulder?
“Are you all right?” the voice asked again, and as Kagome recognized it, all suddenly became clear.
Her face brightened as she ran towards them, now realizing it to be her friends. “Sango!” she ran towards her friend, not having seen her in months, leaving Inuyasha to catch up. “What are you doing here?” she asked, glancing curiously at the man she recognized to be Lord Miroku and her fox demon friend Shippou.
The monk grinned, with a look of mirth in his eyes noticing the princess's new attire. “We were concerned about you, Your Higness, but it seems that Inuyasha had everything under control.”
“Keh, course I did,” the hanyou muttered, looking slightly uncomfortable, before glancing over at Sango, not recognizing her. “Who are you?”
“Oh,” Kagome turned back to her knight. “This is my friend Lady Sango, the one who lives with her brother on their estate most of the time.” This made her turn back to the exterminator, raising an eyebrow. “Speaking of that, why are you all the way out here?”
“The monk and Shippou showed up at my estate, looking for shelter,” she explained, “And when they told me about what happened to you, I was so worried that I decided I wanted to help as well.”
“As you can see, I'm fine,” she assured them. “Inuyasha rescued me and killed the dragon, and we've been heading back for a while now. He's been taking care of me.” she added, lowering her eyes.
Grinning, Miroku spoke, “I see, but forgive me Your Highness, but may I ask where you got that?”
Kagome instantly blushed up when she noticed he was looking straight down her blouse to the view below. Crossing her arms over her chest, and glancing down at the skirt and vest below, she muttered, “Well, my clothes were torn up, you know, or would you rather I didn't wear anything at all?”
The monk was about to comment on the latter, but then he noticed something…strange. Inuyasha, whom had been at the point of ripping someone's head off when it concerned Kagome before, now looked at her with a softer look. A look of—no, it couldn't be—longing?
Figuring the monk wouldn't dare comment now, Kagome turned to talk to Sango about topics long undiscussed, while the monk slinked next to Inuyasha, who was still looking at the princess with that saddened look in his eyes. “So, why are you gazing at the princess with that look of longing in your eyes, Inuyasha?”
“Huh? Wh-what?” he demanded, going bright red in the face. “I am not!”
Always bashful, eh, Inuyasha? “Well then, could you tell me what did go on between you since you bravely rescued her from her kidnapper?”
The hanyou replied, “Just what she said, I rescued her from the dragon, took a small detour across the Demon Lands, and then we ended up here.”
“Nothing else?”
The hanyou gave a small growl, yet his cheeks were aflame all the same. “No! Nothing else!” With that, he marched off, leaving the grinning monk and the confused fox behind. As Inuyasha went off in a foul mood, Kagome glanced back, only for a moment, before returning to her conversation with Sango.
“What was that about, Miroku?” Shippou asked.
“Ah—nothing,” he replied, but the smirk never faded from his face. Well, it seems he has definitely fallen for her, as she has probably already fallen for him.
* * * * * * * *
They continued on throughout the Midlands, the group seeming much merrier now that they had their friends alongside them. However, there were two that weren't relieved by the sudden intrusion. While they seemed to laugh alongside their friends, occasionally, both Inuyasha and Kagome would glance in each other's direction, turning away once they were spotted.
“We should stop to take a rest soon,” Lady Sango yawned, taking a moment to stretch. “And now that we know we don't have to fight some dragon to get you, Kagome, I'd like to change out of my armor into something a little more appropriate.”
“I agree,” the monk grinned. “Beautiful Sango should change into something more carefree, but alas, I hate to see that outfit go—”
“Don't you dare!” she hissed, smacking away his hand as it advanced.
Inuyasha glared at the two. “Keh, are you humans so weak that you need to stop so soon? It's not even dark out yet!”
This time, it was Shippou that popped up with a retort, “Oh, come on, Inuyasha!” the fox rolled his eyes. “Don't tell me you didn't stop when it was just you and Kagome!”
Both the princess and the knight had a flash of what happened last time they had `stopped' and both of their faced flamed bright red. The monk couldn't help but snigger slightly at the scene, while Shippou merely grinned at being right in his assumption.
Since it didn't look like anyone was going to stop them, Sango went off to go find a secluded bunch of trees, threatening the monk severe bodily harm if he even attempted to get a peek. Grumbling, Miroku sat in the tall grass, fumbling with one of their bags for a bite to eat with Shippou helping him. That left Kagome and Inuyasha standing close togehter, too afraid to speak or even look at one another.
We can't keep doing this, she realized, her brown eyes glancing up at her handsome knight. It'll only make things harder for us…one day, we're going to have to accept what happened and move on…it'll be better if we do that sooner rather than later. “You shouldn't worry about them dragging us behind, Inuyasha,” she spoke, making him turn sharply as she continued, “They can probably keep up with you faster than I can.”
“Kagome…” he murmured, his amber eyes softening while she continued to speak, in a whisper so they wouldn't be overheard.
“You know…even though I am glad to see Sango and the others…I'm kind of sad that they showed up so soon…it means that I'll have to go back to the palace sooner; back to my old life…” A life without you…
Realizing what she had meant to say, she blushed up once more, covering her face with her hands and turning away from him, sitting down sharply amongst the tall grass. I'm such a fool!
Shocked by her display, Inuyasha sat next to her, not sure if he should continue or just turn away and let things, once again, be forgot. But the grass was so high, that it hid them from view, and feeling that sense of aloneness with her once again made him brave. Gently, he placed a hand on her shoulder. “Kagome?”
Her brown eyes snapped open at the touch. She thought for sure he would just walk away and leave, but he didn't. Daring to turn back, she looked him in the eyes when he asked, “What were you going to say?”
Kagome didn't want to tell him, for some reason, telling him this would acknowledge those feelings which she had taken before to just be silliness, but… “I don't want to go back,” she spoke softly, her eyes never leaving his. “I just want to stay here, forever…” With you…
She…she doesn't want to go back? She wants to stay here? He was nearly struck dumb at her statement as she blushed and continued, “I realized something while I was here…I realized I didn't need the life I left behind. I could make it, as just a poor village girl. I would have a lot to learn, of course, but…I could live this life. And seeing how it makes me feel…how I can be free in ways I could never be before…I want to.”
“Oh?” Inuyasha asked skeptically, but grinned slightly all the same. “Wouldn't you miss the life of a pampered noble? To have everything you ever wanted and everyone waiting on you hand and foot?”
Kagome couldn't help but giggle slightly at that. “Only a little, I suppose…But I can get used to anything, especially if it meant getting rid of the burden of nobility.”
The hanyou snorted. “Right.”
Playfully punching him, the princess retorted, “I mean it!”
“Well, what's with this `burden of nobility' crap? Yeah, you've told me before you hate it, but it doesn't seem like it's that bad.”
Rolling her eyes, Kagome huffed, “You just wouldn't understand.”
With her statement, it got quiet as the hanyou turned away, “You're right, I wouldn't.”
Her chocolate eyes opened wider as she realized what she had said. Turning back to him, she shook her head, saying, “Inuyasha…”
Inuyasha waved it away, “It doesn't matter. I knew it before, after all. I've just got to remember my place when we get back there, you know.”
There was another uncomfortable silence between them before Kagome turned to him and spoke softly, “That doesn't really matter much anymore.”
The hanyou glanced at her skeptically. “What do you mean?”
When she glanced back at him, he saw something in her eyes that made his heart stir. She looked a little nervous, but overall, her eyes radiated contentment…happiness at being here with him. “Well…if you think about it, I'm a princess, and you are a prince, aren't you?”
Amber eyes widened slightly, but he turned away quickly. “Not really. It doesn't count since the minute Sesshoumaru gets an heir, I'm back to what I used to be; a nobody.”
“But for now, you're a prince, and that means…” He turned so his eyes met hers. “We are equals.”
“Equals…?” he repeated, slightly stunned as a smile came upon her face. We're…equals? But…we can't be…in her country it doesn't make any difference…
Noticing Sango coming back, having changed into a simple, green cotton dress fashioned like Kagome's, Kagome stood up. Smoothing the wrinkles out of the skirt, she glanced back down at the hanyou who still looked surprised by her comment a moment before. “Besides that, we are both people born into this world, with one goal in life—to live happily. I suppose you could say we are equals for that as well.” With another soft smile, she left to rejoin her friends, leaving a bemused Inuyasha behind.
When it was clear they were going to continue on their journey again, Inuyasha stood up, recalling her words in his mind. Equals…we are the same because of our goal in life…not who we are…
And for the first time in days, a loving smile came on his face when he glanced back at the princess, the most amazing, beautiful, wonderful woman he had ever known.
* * * * * * * * *
It was dark by the time they reached the next village, but they didn't have to worry about not being able to see through the pitch black that night—several tall bonfires had been lit, and many people were out at this dark hour, feasting and laughing. A small group of people were playing fast tunes on a variety of instruments, to which couples were dancing around, looking happy and carefree.
Both Inuyasha and Miroku stared at the scene, confused. “What the Hell is this?” the gruff hanyou asked, for some reason the display making him uncomfortable.
It was then that Sango gasped in realization, “Oh! Kagome, do you know what day it is?”
“What?” Kagome replied, looking confused.
“It's Midsummer's day! Remember, how we used to dance around the bonfires when we were children, before Kohaku got sick and I had to more back home?”
“Midsummer?” Kagome did remember. She remembered the tall fires, the laughing and dancing couples, the flower crowns, and maidens sleeping with flowers under their pillows, dreaming of their future husband. Midsummer was the festival of life, of love, when a man and his sweetheart leapt across the flames together, if they landed without a mark on them, then their hearts were one and they would never love another in their entire life. Thinking about this tradition made her glance back at Inuyasha for a moment, her heart beating faster when her gaze met his.
“Well, do you think we should stop for the night?” the monk asked, glancing at the festivities. “It certainly seems livelier then traveling alone for a few more hours.”
“It does cut into our traveling time…” Inuyasha muttered, glancing away with a blush. He felt the same thing Kagome was. Though she wanted to spend a few hours laughing with her friends, the implications of this festival and what was going on between them was something they could not divulge into now.
Shippou looked up at the hanyou, his eyes wide and pleading, “Please? It'll be fun!”
The hanyou glanced at his other companions. Both Miroku and Sango looked eager, and Kagome…she said nothing, but she didn't need to. Sighing, he made his decision. “All right, but we're leaving tomorrow.”
“Then come, my friends,” Miroku grinned, leading them towards the long table loaded with mugs full of ale. “Let us begin the festivities, shall we?”
Some villagers, who were laughing and clapping along with the dancers glanced at them curiously, but then shrugged it off, figuring the more the merrier. Sango, tugging slightly at the sleeves of her more modest blouse asked Kagome, “So, it is Midsummer after all, do you think you'll find your true love tonight?”
Kagome's cheeks turned bright red as she was handed a tankard full of ale, sitting down at one of the rough wooden benches. “Well…um…I doubt it…I mean, I'm hardly in the position to…” she rambled on, but her eye caught Inuyasha's for a moment, before she turned away sharply, taking a sip of the cool drink.
At this, Inuyasha, who was sitting at the other side of the table, cut in, “You shouldn't be drinking that.”
Glancing back at him, trying not to notice how handsome he looked by firelight asked, “What?”
That,” he repeated, pointing at the ale. “You've only had wine at banquets. You shouldn't push it.”
Her eyes flaring, Kagome countered, “I'm not a child, Inuyasha. I can drink whatever I feel like. And if I want to drink ale and get drunk like a commoner, then just watch me!” With that, she took a long sip out of the tankard, making all her friends stare at her.
However, when she glanced back at the hanyou over the top of her mug of ale, she had a look of mirth in her eyes, and a fox-like grin. She nudged her friend, “Come on Sango, care to show our brave, strong men that they're not the only ones who can drink?”
Slightly stunned by her friend's carefree behavior, Lady Sango immediately shook her head. “I don't dare, I have a bad memory of what happened when I was twelve and found our estate's mead stores.”
“Oh, tell, tell, my fair lady!” Miroku laughed, before she smacked him lightly, a small blush upon her face.
But while Sango and Miroku still fought, Inuyasha and Kagome were still at it, though this time, their argument had taken a light hearted tone. “You already told me once you don't like wine, how will you be able to handle that, then?”
“I'll show you, then,” she grinned once more, nearly emptying the pint as she took another drink. And Inuyasha, not to be outdone by a woman, especially not a spoiled, noble princess at that, emptied his tankard in one gulp as well.
“That's one,” the hanyou smirked. “But I doubt you'd be able to go any further without needing some help.”
“Oh, we'll see about that!” A small chuckle escaped her as she grabbed for another mug. “I'm warning you, I won't let any insufferable knight beat me!”
Sango, who finally noticed what they were up to, warned, “Kagome! You're going to get drunk!”
Who says I'm not drunk already, Sango? Kagome thought to herself as she glanced back at her knight with a happy smile. Drunk on all this, this feeling of being completely free…without having to worry about what is right or wrong… Perhaps it was this festival, or that she had finally come to a conclusion she should have come to long ago, but whatever it was…she felt like she had woken up from a deep sleep, free to make her own rules. And those rules were all that mattered now.
“I suppose you're right,” she spoke to her friend, setting the mug down. “After all, I don't want to be too drunk to dance!”
“What?” was all Inuyasha managed to say as Kagome grabbed him and dragged him off towards the dancers. He was slightly unnerved by her lighthearted behavior, something he had never seen in her before, but soon, he, like her, threw all cares into the wind.
The music was light, and upbeat, with a bouncy tone that was so different from the formal, rigid music she heard at banquets in the Human Lands. Kagome laughed as Inuyasha twirled her in his arms, and her laughter brought a soft smile to his face as well. Soon afterward, their friends joined them, Miroku convincing an almost reluctant Sango to dance with him as well. Shippou was left rolling his eyes, sitting on the wooden table feeling slightly left out. But he wasn't left out for long as young girls came up to him and squealed when they thought he was the cutest thing they had ever seen.
Finally, with one last trilling note, the song ended, and Kagome found herself in the air after Inuyasha had lifted her up. The end of the song was met with claps and laughter from some of the drunker villagers present. When her feet touched the floor again, Kagome's arms were still around Inuyasha's neck, his strong arm gripping her around the waist…Their eyes met and all laughter and sounds around them faded as they felt the feeling of being in each other's arms, where they wanted to be.
The small peasant band started up again, but instead of all couples joining themselves in carefree dancing, each couple got in a line, heading towards the bonfire. “What's going on now?” Inuyasha wondered, watching a human man take his lover in his arms and leap over the fire.
Kagome's heart caught in her chest. One of the many traditions was happening now, the leaping over the bonfire to ensure that neither one's heart wandered. On one hand, it seemed like a fun thing to try, if only just for tradition, but…what would be the outcome if it came out in their favor? Should they try it?
But the recklessness that had seized her earlier wouldn't go away this easily. “Come on, Inuyasha!” she smiled, leading them to their place in line. “It's tradition, after all!”
Behind them, they heard that Miroku had convinced Sango into the line as well. “Come, my fair lady, you don't want to spoil tradition now, do you?”
Kagome looked back, and noticed the blush on her friend's face. She couldn't help but stifle a giggle. “Just keep your hands to yourself,” Sango muttered, but all the same, looked a bit flattered at the attention he was giving her. It seemed that her friend, whom Kagome had never seen blush in the presence of a man in all her life, had found her true love this night.
Have I found mine? Kagome wondered, daring a glance back at Inuyasha as they neared the bonfire.
When it came their turn, both stared at the flaming embers before them, the fire leaping higher than they realized. Both paled instantly at the sight, were they foolish to try this? After all, what would it accomplish?
But they had no choice as both Miroku and Sango pushed them on. “Go on, prove yourself to your lady,” the monk laughed, Sango smirking giddly as well.
Suddenly, that recklessness that had seized them all came up in full force, when Inuyasha grabbed Kagome and pulled her into his arms, with one hand cradling her to his chest, while the other was underneath her knees. She gave a small gasp and being pulled up in his arms, and blushed slightly at the hoots of the crowd as Inuyasha got a running start towards the bonfire. “Inuyasha!” she cried as he leapt into the air, much higher than the flames reached. She had a death grip on his shirt until they hit solid ground again, not a hair singed.
It took a while for her heart to stop racing when the crowd clapped, shouting congratulations on their `assured futures'. When she felt the trampled grass under her feet once more, the villagers placed a small crown of flowers on her head, like all the other women whom had made it across. When Kagome glanced back at Inuyasha, she noticed he had a smile on his face as well, and soon reached down to take her hand in his as they watched both their friends attempt to take the leap.
It looked like the monk was going to try Inuyasha's example, but since Sango had promised bodily harm if he touched her like that, he settled for wrapping one arm around the waist, jumping across with surprising agility for a human. They also landed happily, though when Miroku grinned as she was crowned and told her that her heart must have chosen him quickly, she blushed fiercely and yelled that it was only tradition, nothing more.
There was more dancing, more drinking and feasting, but…after Kagome finished one more dance with Inuyasha, she felt his strong hand take hers, leading her away from the festivities, into the darkness of the forest.
They found themselves in a small, but beautiful glade, with the half moon shining and reflecting off a small, trickling pool. They could hear the sounds of the Midsummer festival, but they sounded so far away as they stood in the darkness and gazed at each other. Unable to keep the smile off her face now, Kagome admitted, “I've never had so much fun in my life.”
Amber eyes glanced at the crown of white flowers on her head, naming her queen of his heart. “Yeah…”
When their eyes met, her heart raced again, much like it did that day in the meadow… “You know, when I first met you, I thought you were nothing but a stuck up, spoiled princess,” Inuyasha admitted softly. “But, I guess you could say you've certainly proven me wrong, woman.”
Chuckling slightly at his statement, Kagome agreed, “You've proven me wrong too. I thought you were just an annoying man that would never be agreeable. I thought I'd never be able to get along with you…and now…we've become so much more.”
As her eyes continued to stare in his, he nodded silently. No more just a princess and a knight…not a hanyou and a human…but just a man and a woman, under the stars…
“I was wrong…” he muttered to himself, thinking of how he had thought after Kikyou, he would never love again. The feelings he felt for Kikyou paled in comparison to what he was feeling right now for this woman.
Kagome looked confused for a moment at his odd statement, but shrugged it off as she reached up and pulled a leaf out that had settled in Inuyasha's silver hair. His strong, but gentle hand cupped hers, sending shivers down her spine as the tips of her fingers touched his cheek ever so slightly.
Holding her hand brought them closer together, all the longing and feelings they had inside being released as they stared into each others eyes, wanting for so long what could not be allowed. But Kagome, who had been so careful of everything before, threw caution into the wind. She wasn't at home, she was here, in the Midlands, where no one would know. For now, she could be that peasant girl she had always dreamed of.
For now, Inuyasha could be in her arms, where she wanted him to be.
Inuyasha dropped her hand as they couldn't wait anymore. Arms flew around each other in a longing embrace as both princess and knight lowered their defenses and kissed passionately, never wanting to let go. As he kissed her with all the feelings in his heart, she responded, and this time, didn't let go.
Tonight, they were together. Tonight, they were both queen and king of each other's hearts, and no laws, propriety, or people were going to say otherwise. Tonight, even against a future of hardship, they were content. And that was enough.