InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Protector of Her Heart ❯ A Whole New World ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 16: A Whole New World
They next day, Inuyasha and Kagome set out from the palace of the Demon Lands, with Inuyasha carrying Kagome on his back, anxious to get out of the country as soon as possible. At first, Kagome found this type of travel unusual, but soon got used to it.
As she leaned against his back as they flew through the air, the wind blowing back her black hair and billowing her silk robe, she couldn't help but think on the situation revealed the night before.
Though people thought her naive, she wasn't stupid. Kagome knew that something was happening, something that could put them both in great danger. Her heart stopped whenever Inuyasha touched her, or when he came too close. She found herself longing to be closer to him, to have him hold her and never let go. And her dreams were filled with thoughts of her silver haired knight.
Over and over, she tried to convince herself it was nothing, since she knew that if things got out of hand, they would be crossing barriers no one dared to tread. It could be nothing more than simple laughter and smiles—a summer's fancy, and would end once came the cold weather of fall.
He can be nothing more to me than a friend. Kagome reminded herself. That is all.
It was awkward, with both of them silent like this, so Kagome tried to find something that they could both talk about. Taking a look at their current position, Kagome asked, “Are you sure this is all right, Inuyasha? I mean…it does seem…odd…”
“Keh, it's no trouble,” Inuyasha replied, as they sailed past the trees in the dark forest. “You're not that heavy, woman.”
Giggling slightly, Kagome couldn't help but lean closer on his back, feeling him tense up slightly. “Still…wouldn't it be considered scandalous if anyone caught us this way?”
“Well, excuse me, princess, but I don't exactly have a horse right here in my pocket. You'll just have to deal with it. Besides, being the princess of the Human Lands is dangerous in this country, so I have to get you out of here quickly.”
“How much longer until we're in the Midlands?” she asked, glancing at the dark forest of the Demon Lands as they ran through it.
Inuyasha replied, “At this rate, about a day or so if I don't stop. Once we're in the Midlands, we'll blend in more, so we can take it at a slower pace.”
Smiling, Kagome spoke softly, “I'd like that…When you talk about it, it seems like such a beautiful and peaceful place…I want to see it, and experience it firsthand.” To know what it would be like to have a different life…when I wouldn't have to guard my thoughts at all times around you…
And so their journey continued on, Kagome eventually falling asleep on his back as day turned to night. Inuyasha was true to his word and never stopped, keeping on his goal as he felt her slumber, her warm breath on the back of his neck. But there was one moment, when he paused briefly, if only to get a look at the princess as she slept.
She was so beautiful, so innocent in sleep, that he felt such a melting in his heart that he never knew before. A lock of hair had fallen in front of her face, and without thinking, Inuyasha brushed it back behind her ear, to reveal her face. She wore a small smile in sleep, and at that, he couldn't help but smile as well, feeling warmth in his heart.
When he finally sped up again, he mused upon how natural it all seemed, him carrying her like this as they journeyed on towards the unknown…Of course, it had to seem natural. It was his job to protect her, wasn't it? He was only doing his job, nothing more.
However, when the moon decided to sink in the sky and night turned into day, there was a smile on his face yet again. And even though all night he had told himself he was just protecting her, there was a nagging feeling in his heart that there was something else… something wonderful. At that something was close…on the verge of being fully awakened.
* * * * * * * * *
They passed into the Midlands without incident, and from there, their days took on a routine. Kagome didn't ride on Inuyasha's back anymore, but they walked through the country, seeing and exploring it, and opening their eyes to its wonder.
When Kagome first saw the country, filled with plains and tall grass, and meadows with dozens of wildflowers, her breath caught in her throat, enthralled by its beauty. They passed villages filled with ordinary people doing their daily comings and goings, and while villages were mainly full of humans, an occasional demon and even hanyou could be seen, being treated by the villagers as equals. For Kagome this was something amazing to be seen, with human and demon alike getting along, and living happily.
It truly was a whole new world to the “spoiled, naive princess” and she took it all in with wide, curious eyes.
For a girl that Inuyasha assumed didn't get out much, she could certainly walk however many miles they traveled without complaint. In fact, he couldn't help but stare sometimes as she seemed to be enjoying it, picking up wildflowers as the passed, and braiding them together while they walked, making a flower crown and remembering making them years ago with her brother when they were young.
He saw yet another side of the princess he had never seen before, her playful, fun loving spirit, hidden behind years of learning her modest duty. She wasn't like other women, reserved to their place in society. She was truly her own person, now released from the bonds of propriety.
In his eyes, she wasn't a spoiled princess any longer, but a happy, playful woman. And a beautiful woman, at that.
After several days of travel on foot in the Midlands, passing villages and meadows filled with sweet wildflowers, they came a gently flowing river, a perfect place to stop and take a rest. Kagome, a little stiff because she still wasn't used to walking so much, stretched as she yawned, “Should we stop for some lunch too, Inuyasha?”
“Hmm? Uh…yeah, whatever,” he said fairly quickly, blushing slightly when he realized he had been lost in his thoughts about her…again. “There's probably some fish in the river, I suppose.”
Kagome gave a tired sigh. They had eaten meat he had caught ever since they started their trip back, and frankly, was tired of the monotony. Glancing around, she noticed some berry bushes by the river. “Hey, Inuyasha, do you think those are good enough to eat?”
The hanyou glanced at the bushes and took a sniff. “Yeah, I guess so.”
Smiling slightly at the anticipation of something other than meat for lunch, Kagome replied, “All right then, I'll go collect them while you get the fish.”
Inuyasha couldn't help but watch as she walked over to the berry bushes, her tattered silk robe swaying in the wind behind her. Once again, her smile had struck him dumb, and he needed at least a minute to move his legs once more. When he did, he gave a “Keh!” before heading towards the river. Whenever she smiled, it was always the same. Why did she have to have such a…such a beautiful smile like that anyway?
Trying to put it from his mind, he glanced at the river, cool water on a hot summer's day. Shrugging, he removed his shirt (he parted with the tunic long ago to disguise their true identity) and waded into the stream.
Kagome continued to pick berries, now having quite a bit collected in her nightgown. She sat on the ground, looking for the ripest ones while occasionally sampling one or two. They tasted delicious, with a slightly tangy taste to them, but like every food from this land, they tasted completely fresh.
Smiling once more, she stood up, holding her tattered nightgown in her hands to carry the berries, looking for Inuyasha. When she saw him, her mouth dropped open and her hands released her nightgown, causing all her well picked berries to fall to the ground.
Kagome saw him, wading in the stream, catching fish with his bare hands, without a shirt. She wasn't so stupid as that she didn't know what men looked like under their clothes, but…she had never seen a man like this before. Water droplets clung to his hair and ran down his bare chest as he continued to work, oblivious to the woman secretly staring.
She couldn't help her eyes opening wider as he moved, his bare muscles flexing in the sunlight. Kagome felt her heart pound faster as she watched him, silently wondering what those powerful muscles would feel like under her bare fingertips…
A scarlet blush popped up on her face as she sharply turned around, and sat down again, covering her face in shame. How could she think such thoughts? Handsome he may be, but it was over the line now…After all, no matter what she was beginning to suspect her feelings were leaning towards, all they could be was friends, and she could never, never forget that.
But still…she was fairly certain that not many men she had met could measure up to him when in a state of undress like that…
“Kagome?” She nearly jumped at hearing his voice so close, turning to see him back with several fish in hand, and thankfully, all of his clothes put back on. He noticed the blush on her face, and the strewn berries all around. “What happened?”
“You…you startled me is all,” she said quickly, gathering the fruit up once more. However, she didn't notice the skeptical eyebrow Inuyasha had raised, having seen them on the ground before he called out to her.
But, the incident was forgotten quickly, and the hanyou asked, “I've got the fish…do you need anything else?”
Kagome's eyes flickered towards the river. “I'd like a bath…” and glanced down at the tattered nightgown as well. “And perhaps some new clothes as well.”
Inuyasha took a sniff towards the wind. “There's an abandoned village nearby. You might be able to find something there.”
“Abandoned?” Kagome asked, as they put down their meal and walked towards the village, seeing it appear on hill before them. “But will there be anything left?”
“Probably,” he assured her. “Around here, there are a lot of abandoned villages because of demon attacks. Usually the humans just drop what they're doing and get out of there, and never come back.”
When they came upon the village, it indeed showed some signs of having been attacked. The huts had been charred, and some had collapsed. Wagons lay on their side through the torn up, muddy street, and there was a particular eeriness about the village, that left no question to the imagination about what had happened here.
If Kagome had been a girl of any weaker constitution, she wouldn't have been horrified by the sight. But she had faced the horror of the demon lands, and wasn't to be intimidated now. They searched the huts until at last, Kagome found what she was looking for. “Aha!” she exclaimed, holding up something made out of blue material.
“What's that?” Inuyasha asked, coming over to where she had found it, in a chest beside a bed that had been knocked over.
Hiding it behind her back and grinning like a fox, Kagome replied, “Just wait and see.” And with that, she marched back to the river, leaving the hanyou wondering about what it was she had found. Back at their makeshift camp, he cooked the fish on a fire he had started, his sensitive ears hearing her splashing around in the river behind him, as he held his back to the river, not daring to turn even an inch.
Sometime later, he heard Kagome coming back, so he turned to see her walking towards him…and then he was stunned still.
Simple clothes suited her, he decided, mouth hanging slightly open as she came closer. She wore a simple peasant's blouse, which was cut low enough to draw any man's eyes, while over top of the blouse was a black vest, tied up tight enough to accentuate her already barely modest chest. She had also found a blue skirt and petticoats that puffed out slightly and swayed in the wind as she walked. Inuyasha could also see that she had tied some blue ribbons in her hair.
Smirking slightly, Kagome asked, “Well, what do you think?”
A bright red blush grew on his face. He couldn't tell her what he really thought…He was hardly believing what he was seeing as it was! “Uh…it's um…” Thinking fast, he added, “It's better than what you had on before.”
Was it his imagination, or did she look a bit disappointed? But that look soon faded as she lifted her skirt slightly and sighed, “The shoes don't match, though.” She had managed to find some brown boots, but they were greatly faded and didn't look well at all with her outfit.
“That doesn't matter,” he said quickly, looking away just as fast. No man in their right mind would look at her feet when she was in that.
They ate their lunch in silence, though Kagome couldn't help but notice Inuyasha staring at her a few times. When she did turn to him, as if to question why, he became flustered once more, and glanced away. Though when he was sure she wasn't looking, he stole a glance once again. She doesn't even look like a princess anymore…you wouldn't even suspect it here…She just acts like a normal person…
Kagome glanced up at him again, making him one again turn away quickly. “What?” she asked.
“Nothing!” he shouted quickly, blushing scarlet.
Sighing slightly, a small, mischievous smile came on Kagome's face as she looked at him and asked, “Inuyasha…?”
“Hmm?” He glanced back at her, noticing she was no longer smiling, but looking slightly nervous. “What is it, Kagome?”
Glancing at the ground and twisting her hands in her lap, Kagome began, “It's just that…you've…you've done so much for me, Inuyasha, saving me, taking care of me like this…”
The blush came back again, this time much more prominent. “Well…um…I mean…I'm supposed to…”
“I know you're supposed to, but still…” Kagome glanced at him, Inuyasha noticing she was getting closer. “It means so much to me, what you've done…”
His face was bright red. “Er…K-Kagome?”
“And Inuyasha…I just want to say…” she was avoiding looking in his eyes, but that didn't stop him from blushing profoundly. He couldn't help but be caught up in the moment, his heart racing. What's she going to say…what's she going to say?
Kagome now looked him in the eyes, a smirk on her face as she patted his head. “Good Boy.”
Stunned, it took the hanyou a minute to process what she had said. When he did, she was already up and running, laughing into the wind with a sound like church bells. “Kagome!” he yelled, jumping up and running after her, the insult forgotten as he chased her down, both of them running through the tall grass, with resting birds and butterflies scattering on the breeze at the disruption. Simple, beautiful laughter was all that was heard as the knight chased the princess, eventually catching and gently bringing her to the ground in his arms, a playful capture.
Sitting in the field of sweet smelling flowers, their laughter died down, but smiles were still on their faces as they remained in each others arms. Kagome glanced up into his beautiful amber eyes, sparkling in the sunshine, and in a moment, their smiles faded, replaced by a stare.
However, when a bird chirped nearby, the moment was ruined as they both looked away, blushing slightly, and he released her to sit next to him, both feeling very awkward after that last moment. Kagome glanced at the variety of colors and shapes of the flowers nearby, and began to pick them, fascinated by the multitude that existed in this land. It still felt odd when they weren't talking, the silence making them more uncomfortable, so Kagome sighed, looking up at the sky, “It's so peaceful here.”
“Huh?” he asked, finally glancing back at her.
“This place…Where humans and demons can live together, in peace. Just cooperating, and not fighting at all…” Glancing at the array of flowers in her hand, she added, “It's like the land picked up this peaceful quality as well.”
Inuyasha couldn't help but stare at her last statement. She had noticed something that he had thought only he had. Kagome finished, a small smile coming to her face at the thought, “People here just live to survive, without any hidden motives or anything else.”
However, at this, the hanyou snorted. “They get tons of trouble from both the Demon and Human Lands, wanting to claim this land as their own.”
“That is true,” she added, but continued, “But in order to stop the attacks, and let the Midlands live in peace, they need to have a strong ruler to make this land a country, not just territory to be fought over.”
They glanced at each other for a moment, but looked away again, in silence. But this time, it was Inuyasha that finally broke it. “I also like it here more than anything else…life here is simple.” Kagome glanced back at him, noticing the intensity in his amber eyes. “And because there are a few hanyous running around…I'm not constantly stared at, or thought of an abomination that doesn't deserve to live…I'm just another person, out there to survive in the world.”
“Inuyasha…” she whispered, as he turned to her, and to her surprise, was smiling slightly.
“Here, I can be who I am…not just someone hidden behind what other people see.”
While Kagome saw him smile, her heart jumped a little in her chest. I like his smile, she decided instantly. He hardly ever smiles, but I love to see him do it anyway…I want to see him smiling, and happy…As his gaze came upon her, with a feeling in his eyes that made her heart race once more, she added, I want to make him happy…
Their gaze held for a moment, as Inuyasha looked down at the princess, whom didn't look at all like a princess now, she just looked like an average girl…one of the same class as him…equals…
Though it was hard, Kagome tore her glance away, staring back at her small bouquet of flowers. “I feel like a young girl again here,” she admitted, her voice soft. “I have nothing to worry about, no cares…not about money, politics, or…” She couldn't help it, she stole a small glance back at him. “Marriage.”
He flinched slightly at that one word, that one word that sparked so much inner emotion when connected with her. Why did one word affect him so? Why is it now whenever he thought about it connected with her, he was torn between feeling immensely happy or extremely angry?
Once again, Kagome smiled that sweet smile that never failed to melt his heart. “Here, out of every place I have been I am content…with you.”
Like an idiot, he nodded, but replied, “Yes…I…content here…with you.”
Their gazes locked, amber to brown. Hearts pounded as they couldn't bear to turn away, not when entrapped within a warm look like this. Kagome remembered something she had said before…she was like a normal girl, no longer a princess, with no worries or cares…
No blushes came this time as they continued to stare longingly into each other's eyes, neither one moving. Slowly, gently, Inuyasha raised his hand, and, in a bold move, placed it on her cheek, rubbing yellow pollen that had come to rest there away with his thumb. To his surprise, and to hers as well, she leaned into his palm, her heart doing flip flops with the feeling of him touching her. Her eyes closed a moment to savor the feeling as his hand traced her cheek, his fingers coming to rest under her chin, turning him towards her.
Her eyes opened to be so close to his, that for a moment, Kagome found herself drowning in amber, her heart racing so fast she thought it would burst. There were no more thoughts, no more objections from either as they came closer, their hearts leading the way.
Slowly, as if in a dream, their eyes slowly shut, their heads slightly turning as their lips came together for a gentle kiss.
It was like nothing Kagome had ever experienced as Inuyasha's hand that had been resting on her cheek found its way to her waist, pulling her closer into his arms. Neither could pull away from the spell that made her fist her hands in his shirt, and made him hold her tightly against him as if she would disappear at any moment. A wonderful, rapturous feeling rose in their chests as for the first time, they followed their hearts, leading them to the wonderful world beyond reality.
And thus, in that moment, the princess and the knight unlocked the dark future yet to come.
“No!” Kagome cried, her eyes snapping open as she pushed away from Inuyasha, to land on her back, propped up by her elbows, facing him. Her eyes were wide and fearful. They couldn't have…they couldn't have…and yet…it couldn't be!
In turn, Inuyasha felt the shock and horror of the realization of what they had just done. They had kissed. A princess and her lowly knight. A hanyou and a human. It should never have happened. And yet it had. Why had he been so foolish as to do it? Why couldn't he stop himself? He knew he had been attracted to her, but this? This was way over the line of friendship they had tried to establish. Had he learned nothing with Kikyou?
He suddenly stood up, Kagome's eyes following his every move as he stood there for a moment, before lowering his gaze. Suddenly, he took off in the opposite direction, wanting to get as far away from her as possible.
She didn't call after him. She knew he would come back. But right now, she couldn't bear to see him…not after what they had just done. They had just kissed…her first kiss. It was awkward, and inexperienced by both…the most wonderful thing she had ever experienced. But…
Kagome hid her face in her bouquet of flowers, disguising the tears growing on her face. They could never be friends now, of that she was certain. But they could be what they both obviously wanted…it was taboo. It could never exist, and even if they tried…one of them would get hurt because of it.
Why? Kagome wondered, feeling tears on her cheeks. Why must my life take this dangerous turn now?