InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Their Daughter's Journey ❯ The Prelude's End ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Shirou!” Kagome called as the group scoured the foliage for their missing companion. After a sleepless, tireless night of combat, still they could not rest. They could not abandon her son.
“Kagome!” InuYasha called out, motioning the priestess nearer to him. He knelt, resting his arms on his knees as she ran to him. She let out a gasp, cupping her mouth at the sight of splattered blood staining a patch of grass. InuYasha came to his feet and she burring her face in his chest.
“He's not here.” Here ears perked as she stared up into her husband's eyes. “He was, but his scent disappeared. He's alive, Kagome. You can rest now.” With the passing of his final sentence she fell unconscious into his arms.
Sango and Miroku ran towards them when they spotted her fall. “Is she alright?”
“She's just tired. We should go back and rest while we can. I don't think this is over,” InuYasha declared, eyes narrowed at the bloodied ground.
“What do you mean?”
“They aren't going to give up that easily. For whatever reason, those demons are after us, and I'm certain they'll return tonight.”
The couple gasped, their aching bodies cringing with the knowledge of their next fight. “But what about the children?” asked Miroku, worrying for the three they sent away.
“They'll just have to learn to take care of themselves.”
“You cannot be serious, InuYasha!” he shouted back.
“I don't like it either but we have no choice!” There was a small pause as the parents took in his words. “If we go to them, we'll only put them in more danger. They'll be ok.” With that being their only reassurance, they nodded and the four of them headed home to prepare for the second onslaught the demoness decided to prepare for them.
“Shouldn't we go back?” Kazumi asked, looking behind them as they prepared to continue on. They had stopped to sleep late last night, and already they woke and continued to travel. They had to keep moving.
“No,” Satoshi replied bluntly.
“But what if the battle's over? Or what if they need our help?”
“We can't stop now. If they wanted us to return, they would have sent Kirara to come find us. They didn't. So, we keep moving.” He packed what little they had brought with them and started walking away.
Kazumi groaned. “You're so stubborn! I can't believe you!” She turned to her golden-eyed comrade. “Kikyou, say something! Don't you think he's being ridiculous?”
She stayed silent, glancing back at Kazumi then to the sky. “I think…” her voice trailed. She thought back to the words her mother whispered to her the night before: Sesono is alive. What was meant by that, she had no idea. If it were true, then what happened back then?
What was she supposed to do now?
“…we should keep going.”
Kazumi was shocked. She thought that, at the very least, her best friend would agree with her. Of course, she was proven wrong. She heaved a sigh. “You two are hopeless.”
Not more then ten minutes later, a question arrived in Kazumi's mind. “Where are we headed, anyways? I know we have to get away as far as possible, but you have to at least have some idea, right?”
“Not a clue.”
The two girls came to a dead halt, disbelieving faces staring at them as though he was insane. He looked back at them, wondering the cause for their sudden stop. “What's wrong, you two?” He could see the rage building up in Kazumi as she tried to hold back her anger.
“You can't be serious!” She clenched her fist in annoyance, resembling her mother. “Some leader you turned out to be! I cannot believe your incompetence! What a fool.”
“Kazu, calm down, I'm sure it will be fine,” Kikyou assured her friend, trying to cool off her temper. Though Satoshi was the more stern of the two, Kazumi had the least patience, especially when it came to her brother. She had so much respect for him, but when he did stupid things like this, she could do nothing more than scold him. Being so absentminded, he never put much thought into his actions, making hi intelligence meaningless in times of need. Kikyou was very use to acting as their mediator because they were like this even as children. Still, sometimes it got to be too arduous a task.
“Fine.” Her rage subsided, if only for the moment. “Kikyou, can you lead us to a village? We need to eat, though my brother fails to take that into consideration.” She glared once more at him, scoffed, and returned to face the hanyou.
“Of course.” She sniffed the air once, twice, before catching a scent. “I can vaguely smell food and sake, so I don't think we're too far from the next town. It's straight ahead.”
“Thank you. At least there is someone here who I can rely on.”
“You're so harsh…”
A/N: It's been so long since I updated….I'm so sorry! I started my final year in high school and with trying to raise my marks for university I just sort of forgot about all my fanfiction. But I'll start writing it again, though not as frequently as I did in the summer. Please be patients, few fans that I have. I know this chapter is short and boring, but I wanted to close up the “beginning ark”. Basically, the real storyline is going to start now, mainly focusing on Kikyou and her friends traveling together. Don't worry, it gets more interesting then that. Ironically enough this story is now longer than the original one that I made and completed 7 years ago yet it's just starting. I told you it was going to be long!
Also, I'm going to be making more art for this story. I hope to draw one drawing for every few chapters to give you guys a better visual of what's going on.
To my newest mediaminer reviewer: Thank you for your review! What happened between when Sesono was “killed” and when the story picks up again is going to be revealed in the future. There is actually a lot of important information in that timeframe but if I explain it now some of the plot will be revealed, but trust me, there are going to be plenty of flashbacks later on to better explain things. Also, I agree that Shirou is too much like InuYasha, he acts that way because of how he was raised and because he looks up to InuYasha, but his character will develop later on as she story progresses.
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