InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Therapy of Each Other ❯ Why the Hatred? ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: sorry for not updating in forever, but we had a restless full house with Me, my husband (Cliff), My daughter (Kayana), my sister (Christine “Crit”), My brother-in-law (Skyler), my mother-in-law (Rebecca, but I just call her Mom), and our best family friend(Dave) staying with us in a 3 bedroom house. It was super hectic. But now Crit and Sky are gone, my mom and Dave moved in. Dave stays in the guest room while Mom sleeps on the couch. She loves to play Neverwinter Nights online till way late so she just made the couch her bed. So now things are a bit calmer and I'll have more time to write. I'll update this when I can.
Oh, I explained in the first chapter “Jajauma” means “Bitch”. But let's move along!
Chapter 6:  Why the Hate?
3:45 pm. It was almost time for his first time to help tutor Kagome. He still had guilt tugging at him from the earlier training session. He thought he'd enjoy putting her through pain like that. But her sad, brown, trusting eyes. But he growled at himself as his conscience yelled at him,
“She is lost and scared! Helpless and you seem to be her only comfort… You are special to her. NO ONE should have to fear being alone.”
  He got mad and threw a pillow at the window. That's right… He was alone most of the time. Without his friends at school, His father and mother were dead and he lived with his full inu youkai half-brother, Sesshomaru, Who thought of himself as a high and mighty government official. Basically all he did was provide Inuyasha a place to sleep and food. He lived in a lavish house with everything he could ever ask… but though he had it all and was very popular at school… He felt lonely, He rolled over and looked at the clock as he thought himself through. He remembered the first time he met Kagome…
“Ok, Class, please sit down.”
He heard from the hallway, then he heard from the teacher,
“Ok, Class, we have a new student, Please give him a warm welcome.”
Then she looked at him and waved him in. As he entered the class, he noticed all everyone gasped. It was a majority of humans, the youkai also gasped, but the girl's mainly did it from his beautiful looks, but he noticed one did not really care. She sat in the back. She was chubby, not fatty, but a little overweight. She gave him one glance, then returned to doing her paper. The teacher held him beside her as she said,
  “Class, this is Inuyasha. Please welcome him.”
The class said together in a sing-song fashion,
“Hello, Inuyasha.”
   All but Kagome... This annoyed him. Usually he was at the center of everyone's attention. This annoyed him, but it also was a relief that the “class fatty” was not interested in him. Or could it be she likes him, but is too shy to look at him? But then he looked over a bit to the side and noticed a girl with long black hair that was in a pony-tail. He was lead by the teacher to right behind Kagome. He saw Kagome sigh and continue to her paper. He glared at her back, but his eyes kept reverting to the black-haired girl in the front row that actually looked similar somehow to the chubby girl. He leaned back as class continued.
  At lunch, Kagome sat with her 3 friends, Eri, Yuka and Ayumi. They talked about the new test till Inuyasha passed the table and bumped his arm into Kagome's shoulder, spilling her Jell-O onto her lap, without apologizing. Kagome looked back and growled at him. He ignored her, but thought,
“This may be a little more fun then I thought.”
But as Eri helped her with her Jell-O, Kikyou came up to the table. All girls said,
“Hey Kikyou,”
Kikyou glared at Inuyasha and he felt like an arrow pierced though his heart. Kikyou looked down at Kagome and said,
  “I wouldn't expect anything less from him… I have a creepy feeling about him.”
All the girls glared back at him, as he sat with Miroku, his back to them, but he heard every word. So that girl's name was Kikyou? But since he did that to Kagome, it seemed she was not so happy. Kikyou continued,
“Kagome, be careful about him.”
Kikyou walked away. Kikyou was Kagome's cousin. They didn't speak to each other much, but Kikyou was a priestess-in- training at the shrine Kagome lived at. Inuyasha's ears twitched. He had to be a little bit more careful. Kikyou was beautiful and spunky, but with a soft side. He sensed it... Kagome was the chubby girl's name, ne? Hmm. He got a smirk. He was the main bully at the last school, always having a victim, but his brother said they'd be there a while. As Kagome glared at him one more time. He thought,
“I found it”.
   After school, Kagome was walking to the bike rack when Inuyasha stopped her. She looked up at him with an annoyed look and said,
“What now? You seem to have something against me. What did I do?”
He sneered down at her.
“I don't need to tell you anything.”
She brushed by him and said,
“Good, so leave me alone.”
She made the biggest mistake. She let him know of her annoyance of him. This made him all the more persistent,
  “Where do you think you are going, fatty?”
She stopped and glared back at him with a growl. He growled back and said,
“Don't look at me like that… Jajauma!”
Her eyes got big. H were only in 4th grade and he called her that. But she turned and began to quicken her pace and said,
  “You may drink from the toilet at home, but you don't need to talk like it”.
Now that was a wrong thing to say. He growled,
“You are now a prejudice fatty! Besides, I don't drink from the toilet!”
She yelled at him,
“Well, you keep calling me fatty!”
Then he stopped her again by the sleeve and asked,
“I found out from Miroku that you are only in Third Grade. Why were you in my class today and not after lunch?”
“Because I am in 4rth grade level math and I come in during math time, right before lunch…”
“Your favorite subject in school!”
…… And from that day, they've been at it. And as the years went by, it grew more heated, but more fun for Inuyasha. When Kagome hit 5th grade, she got her glasses, braces and began to try to ignore Inuyasha, which made him to despize her more. That's when the physical abuse started. One of the first things he did was when she tried to run and hide, he caught her, pinned her and slapped her saying,
  “You can't get away from me.”
He started to sadistically take pleasure in her pain. Everyday. Her mother thought it was just her running with “The guys”. And she was not allowed to tell her cousin, Kikyou, for Inuyasha had an insanely big crush on her, but after trying to go out with him in 8th grade, she dropped him, He was too mean to everyone else, but he still chased after her.
End of Flashback
As he thought about it… His hate was not the dark kind of hatred, it was the “hate” and disgust that developed when he was young that drove him to get high off of her pain. But he thought and remembered why he began to tease her. Because it was fun. But he thought of how she was now. Slim, firm body, helpless. She was not the same Kagome. It was her body, but not her, but why was she adoring him? What was it? His beauty? His ears? His hair? Eyes? What ever it was, it comforted her, even after earlier when he tried to get sadistic pleasure from her pain. But… But…
His face softened
Someone yelled through the door. He snapped out of his day dreaming and looked at the clock, with a profanity, he jumped off the bed and ran to the door and opened it to see Sango.
“Keh! Let's get this over with…”
     Inuyasha sat bored as the tutor tried over and over to get a response from Kagome. Kagome just looked over and stared at Inuyasha. He lounged in the chair, watching as the tutor named Kirara patiently sat and showed her number and color cards. Kirara was a beautiful Neko fire youkai. She was in humanoid form but  had two tails, dull golden long hair with black bangs, red eyes with heavy black around them, a black diamond on her forehead and swirled black designs on her wrists. After about 45 min, Inuyasha said,
“Why are you doing this? She's not going to answer you?”
Kirara explained the way Sango explained to him,
“Even so, this with stimulated. All senses need to be stimulated to help her learn about the world faster.”
Inuyasha then asked,
“Is she going to be like this forever?”
Kirara put down the cards and looked at him.
“She only has a 40% chance of total physical and most mental recovery. But she will never be the same. The Kagome you knew before is gone. Even if all her memories return, she still will not be the same.”
This sent a shock down Inuyasha and a punch in his stomach. Kagome? Never the same? He looked at her in her eyes. He got a knot in his stomach. But he jumped when Kirara said,
  “It's your turn to try.”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes and sighed,
“What's the use? If she will never be the same… There is no use.”
Kirara bore her fangs and snapped,
“Wheiter that is or not, She is still human and we can't give up!”
Inuyasha growled as Kirara got off the bed and Inuyasha took her place. Kagome was sat up not to far, supported by the bed. Inuyasha pushed the table away and  Kagome slowly rolled her head so she could look at Inuyasha. Kirara stared at them in shock. Inuyasha glared coldly in her eyes, baring his teeth a bit. Kirara felt nervous, but Kagome was not bothered. Inuyasha looked over to Kirara,
“Aren't you supposed to go away now?”
Kirara shook her head,
“This is important, I need to teach you what you need to do.”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes and looked at Kagome, whose eyes were fixed on him. He thought,
“Why me?”
 Later, it was her dinner time. She did not respond at the tutor session except just to stare at him. It annoyed him. He sat down as usual and she watched him as he plopped in the chair as usual and grumbled, but he looked at her annoyed,
  “Why do you refuse to talk? To walk? To move? I have a feeling you can.”
He carefully watched her eat. Her hair was clean and washed, she smelt nice and he was more careful then usual. At the last spoonful, he said,
“Ok and this is it, I…”
She did something he least expected. She slowly and slowly reached to him and gently took his wrist. His eyes widened. Her touch was cool, but soft. He looked at her. Then pictured what she was… then what she is. She looked at him, with desperate eyes that read,
  “Please don't go yet”
They were easy too read, Bu then, something slowly developed on her face. A smile. She slowly smiled. He starred at her in shock. He wanted to stay, but he growled at her, gently took her hand off him and placed it beside her. Her eyes were sad as He firmly said,
 “I'll see you in the morning”.
He stormed out, confused, He grumbling, as she looked after him.
A/N: I was tempted to make it a bit longer, but I'll save for more. I have an idea now of  the relationship will draw out, I'll try to update when I can. Till then, Kudos