InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Therapy of Each Other ❯ Patience Makes Perfect ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7: Patience Makes Perfect.
    A month has passed by. Despite Inuyasha's still ugly attitude toward Kagome, with his help and what he called “encouragement”, Kagome has gotten stronger. Now she can sit up by herself and even feed herself. Unfortunately, even spending morning to night with her, and despite his conscience kicking and wracking at his brain, Inuyasha refused to smile back at her gentle, warm smiles, her gentle touches, her little improvements, despite him throwing the flash cards hard against the wall which ended up in him storming out of the room, or growling profanities, but not once did he ever insult her. Inside he did want her better. But there was one thing he oddly enough enjoyed a bit was physical training. He did not intentionally harm her, but the exercises have gotten A LOT more challenging, and no matter how much he did not like her, he was a teenage boy and did enjoy massaging her slender legs and arms, which made Sango and Kaede kind of wary, but as long as he wasn't getting sexual, they were just cautious. At least since her legs have gotten more toned, he was not required to stretch her “Glutes”. But it still was awkward to think most of her improvement was his doing. But still, she could not walk, or talk and her motor skills were not too well, but they started her on American Sign Language. She got signs down like “Drink”, “Food”, “Potty” and she invented her own sign, She'd  slowly put her hands up to point at each side of her upper head, symbolizing Inuyasha's ears, meaning “Inuyasha”. People laughed the first time she did it. Everybody was so proud of Kagome and Inuyasha, but this annoyed Inuyasha. He didn't want associated with Kagome in a positive sense at all.
    “Ok, Breakfast”
He growled as he would whisk in like he usually did. Kagome would quickly sit up straight and have a bright glow about her as she warmly would close-mouth smile at him. She was always so excited to see him, despite his cold stares and,
“Would you stop looking at me like that? What the hell do you think I am?”
   He would toss the tray of food on the roller hospital table and push it in front of her. He would turn on the T.V. and watch some action show while she ate. She too would watch as she ate, reverting her eyes from Inuyasha to the television and back. Inuyasha would sigh and sit as patiently as he could and just wait. Kaede would always talk to him about how “Patience Makes perfect”.  If he was patient with her, she would improve before his eyes. He'd look over and sneer at Kagome. But after every sneer or unneeded growl, He'd rethink why he did it. He looked back at her. She was getting neater at eating. She ate with spoons and forks. She was not ready for chopsticks just yet. She warmly smiled at him. He could not help but to think if he should just give her a chance. She was alone, scared, and nervous when he was not around. When he was with her, it was her comfort time. Her smile faded a bit when she noticed he was staring at her. His brilliant amber eyes intent on her. This caused her first blush. Inuyasha saw this and quickly looked away, feeling the heat in his own cheeks. He growled at himself.
 “Just hurry up Jajauma… I need to eat too you know.”
The smile returned on her face. In an hour, they would continue her walking therapy. She still needed Inuyasha to hold her and move her
She paused and then began to eat again, but he turned back to see her try to scoop up the apple sauce with a fork. He leaned over and said,
  “No no no! You don't pick it up with that… here.”
He gently took her hand and gently took the fork out of her hand and placed the spoon in it. She watched carefully. He finished and quickly let go. She didn't want to and quickly caught his hand and looked at him with gentle eyes. He glared at her,
  “What the HELL do you think you are doing?”
But he didn't move his hand, he just impatiently watched as she studied it, but then he began to calm a bit as she ran her gentle, soft fingers along the creases… then she would do the same to her own hand. The look on his face softened. She was curious about their similarities. Though his face showed dismay, inside he felt calm. She traced along his claws. They weren't really sharp. Dulled like dog claws. He bluntly said,
“Hands, these are hands. You are touching my claws.”
They were both surprised. But Kagome continued. She gently touched his wrists. His arms were covered by the undershirt under his paw print scrubs. She pulled on the rail to scoot closer. She ignored his growls.
“What the hell do you think you are doing?”
He acted like he was going to leave till she tugged on his shirt. He stopped abruptly and glared at her and grabbed her hand,
“You are REALLY pushing me this mo…”
Before he could finish, she gently began to study his face. Her gentle touch seemed to melt all the anger away, all the spite… He just gazed into her curious eyes and watched her as she partially opened her mouth and gentley cupped his cheek. His eyes almost became heavy. She traced his features. He gulped. He decided to try to keep it from turning too tender, he gentley took her hand and made it into a pointing position. He slowly made it point to his nose then her nose,
Then from his eye to her eye,
She seemed intent on learning, looking as if she were paying attention. Inuyasha seemed to get lost in the moment, gazing in her eyes from time-to- time, teaching her parts of the face until she touched his lips. He shivered, a good shiver, and got a little red in the cheeks, but reverted her hand to her own lips, his fingers grazing them over as well. They felt like cushioned silk. He found his breath to short and his heartbeat race. For a few minutes, he forgot this was Kagome and enjoyed her gentle touch, the feel of her skin, the look of her intent, sparkling chocolate-cobalt eyes, her raven hair shining from the rays of sun beaming in from the window. It seemed slow motion and it was a gentle moment, till, that is, Inuyasha got aware again. He got flashbacks of what happened before she got shot. She got the best of him, but this time she was genuine, not acting, Confused and mad, he smacked her hand away from him and stood up,
  “Don't EVER do that again!”
He made a fist while glaring at her.
“How dare you?! Even now! Since when the hell do you think you have the best of me?”
Kagome just looked at him blankly and confused, almost looking as if she were going to cry. More and more she began to understand emotion. Anger, happiness, sadness. Inuyasha closed his eyes very tightly and brought his fist up, breathing hard, till he gave one final snarl and burst out of the room, grumbling a few obsinities under his breath.
“Who the hell does she think I am?”
Then he found himself touching his cheek. The essence of her touch still present. He stomped into his room and plopped into the recliner.
“What the hell just happened? Her touch… her…she...”
He growled again as memories of what just took place moments earlier ran through his head. His face softened as he thought about how special that probably was for her. He couldn't help but to feel at least a bit like a jerk, but maybe she remembers embarrassment and would not want unneeded contact from him again. Then he caught himself saying,
  “I'm better off alone anyway”
But was that true? Was he really? And did she deserve to be alone?
“She has Sango and her family”.
But then again he thought, her family could only visit once in a great while and she never really interacted with Sango. It seemed the unavoidable thing was like it or not, Kagome liked him.  He thought about what Miroku said to him a month ago,
“Well, think of this as a new start… take yourself out of it and think about her. She's not exactly in the shape to be bullied and for some odd reason she has taken a really big liking to you, which is a big deal… Look at her now… She's different… you are probably different. I think this is a good time to start over. What happened in the past is gone and over. She needs your help… And I think you may need her's… What I'm saying is I think you may need eachother...”
“Wait a minute! What?”
He asked himself as the memory continued,
“…You are the only person she responds too. Inuyasha, I think it's time you put your hatred behind you because it will do neither of you good, besides, what's  the point anymore…”
“No! It won't change… I can't stop! Not now!”
Then he got a flashback of the tender moment just a few minutes ago.
“Damn… it's too late…ain't it? Dammit! Dammit!! DAMMIT!!”
With a few harsh obscenities under his breath, he began to realize he was already loosing to a pointless battle.
“What goes around comes around, ne?”
“Oh shut the f… up!”
He huffed as he readied himself to go take Kagome to the fitness center to train. He was angry. He all of a sudden was loosing it. 10 minutes of her touching him. But He won't give in so fast, he still had at least SOME fight in him. He arrived in Kagome's room. Kagome had the usual warm smile. He sighed and lowered the rail. After what just happened, scooping her up from her bed to put her in her wheel chair felt strange to him, but he dare not show it, except a gulp. Kagome too tensed up.
Inuyasha wheeled her by the weight machine that he had been working her on for the past week. He stood by it to do some minor adjustments till some movement caught her eye. Down away were Miroku and Sango, who as of late have REALLY started to flirt with eachother. Kagome would watch them and sigh, wishing that she too could have the same kind of feelings with “someone” as those two did, but she saw Miroku do something that made Sango giggle, then with a smile lead Miroku down the hall. Kagome looked over to see Inuyasha bent away from her, adjusting the weights. Kagome thought since Sango seemed to enjoy it, maybe Inuyasha may like it.
 “Ok, got it all set, are y…”
  He froze and gulped as he felt something or “someone” touching him. He slowly looked back with a look of horror, shock and embarrassment as long and behold, Kagome was touching his butt, smiling at him.
“Um…what do you thing you are doing?”
Kagome began to look nervous then they both looked down the hall as they heard a slap echo and Miroku yelling,
“Itai! Sango!”
Kagome quickly got the hint and rested her hand on her lap, looking away with red cheeks. Inuyasha was bright red, shivering a bit and he kneeled in front of her,
  “What the hell is up with you today? When all a sudden is it ok for you to touch me? Especially THERE! No touching without my say! Got it?!”
Kagome didn't understand all of the words, but knew she did something wrong. She stared at her lap. Inuyasha looked shocked. She had NEVER looked guilty. Did something happen to her too? Inuyasha looked at her with a raised brow. She looked at him from the corner of her eye. He still had a little red on his cheeks, but was a little upset still.
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A/N: I'm looking forward to the next chapter… hehehehe. I decided that I promised a fluffy story and she is still pretty early in recovery…so…you'll just have to see.
Oh. Many of you may think why Kikyou is never a bad guy in any of my recent stories. Watch epis 147-148 and you'll understand. Beware of crying really loud! I wailed… not kidding, wailed and sobbed so hard and hard for 2 hours… I… threw up…and I showed a friend of mine whose not cried in 3 years it… she cried her eyes out. It was sad… but till next time, Kudos!