InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Things You should NEER do to Sesshomaru... ❯ Sesshomaru ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Washu (Not Kirie)
I was bored, again, so enjoy. Oh, and I own nothing, DUH!!!!!! All the fallowing will get you killed by Inuyasha's resident Inu-sex god.
Balance a treat on his little nose and tell him he can't eat it until you say go.
Wave your left arm in his face and go, “Whoooo, look what I can do!”
Try to find out if he's ticklish.
Ask him where the Tetsiga is.
Mock him for not owning said Keba (Fang/ the sword)
Ask him why he has Rin if he hates ningens so much.
Tell him he has a nice ass.
Pat said ass.
Try to play fetch with him.
Tell him how much like his brother he is.
Tell him Miroku wants to bare his children.
Tell him that Jaken is gay and has a crush on him (Come on, we all know it's true, and he deserves to know).
Pat him on the head and say, “who's a good dog? Is it you? Yes it is! You're a good dog!” when he dose something good.
Put makeup on him while he is asleep.
Don't let him know he has makeup on and then make sure he `accidentally' runs into his brother.
Continually poke his man boobs.
Poke his other man like parts.
Tell him Inuyasha (and/or Naraku) is bigger.
Sing the “I know a song that everybody hates” song.
Teach the song to Rin and tell her it's Sesshomaru's favorite.
Copy him.
Scratch his little belly while he sleeps and see if his leg wiggles (tell me the results).
Ask if he is gay, and if not why dose he have flowers on his kimono.
Ask him if his arm is still in Inuyasha's eye (I just really want to know, it's been killing me. Not obsessed *Eye twitches* )
Dare him to dance like a monkey (OK, sorry, I'm watching Invader Zim)
`K, well, um the end and stuff. So review if you want. And uh, read my other stuff, (Promise it's better!) and REVIEW that. Please! I'm beging you! I spelled begging wrong! Bye!