InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Things You should NEER do to Sesshomaru... ❯ *dose a little doance for no apparent reason* ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Yet More stuff not to do!!!!!
Still me…
Greetings! It is I the amazingly bored chick who has way too much free time!!!! Ha ha! Well, now that I have been weird…TO THE REVEIWS ( O.o )
shadowolf 02: Ok, soooo…not his tail!!!!!!!!!! And despite the really hot *drools* things he could do with his tail (which the fluffy thing is not!!!!) I think I like him better tailless…sorry
Dragon Rider Menoly: Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Men in tights!!!!!!!!!!! You sound as crazy as me ( O.o )!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and…*bows* thank you grate reader for your compliment! I love it when people do that! =^-^=
Dark Angel Of Love: Used your stuff? But of course! I write for my readers (and their complements)!!!!!!!!!!! Uh…Miru? Why our beloved Sesshomaru of course, see it started as “Shomiru” and then I shortened it. It's the name I gave my man, well, that and Kyoshi (quiet one). No clue how the evil zombie in the third movie go in his eye and no, that is not his tail!!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry pet peeve)
Shadow-King: *bows until my back hurts* And yours is my favorite type of review!!!!!!!! So, thank you, thank you sooo much, oh, and I updated…obviously.
Kagome_the_Yorkie: *bows some more* Whoa!!! Way too much bowing for one update. Oh well, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!! Glad you enjoyed!
Because of a suggestion made by one of my reviewers, I will now be bugging the other members of Inuyasha! So if you don't like it…DON'T HURT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm just fallowing orders…blame them! And now for the easiest of all the targets…
Things Not to do to Inuyasha!!!!!!
1. Two words, “Play Fetch!” (and for those of us who have seen episode 133, we know it works)
2. Braid his hair while he's sleeping so when he takes it out in the morning it's all curly.
3. Take a picture of him with braided and curly hair ( ^-^ )
4. Yell sit and watch him freak out, and then realize that your not Kagome.
5. Poke him with one of those giant foam fingers
6. Yell “Your Number 1!!!!!!!!!” while you poke him
7. Say the foam finger is possessed and then throw it at him and cry, “NO!!! It Will Eat Your Brain!!!!!!” (more O.o)
8. Have Jaken dress in a monkey suit and then run past Inuyasha screaming, “Ha Ha, I am Naraku look at me go! Wheeee…” (this may just weird him out)
9. Trap him in the feminine care section at Wallmart and Never let him out (Mwah ha ha ha)
10. Make him watch everlasting streams of “My little Pony” (oh the evil of it all!!!!)
So grumpy is our favorite hanyou! He deserves it after taking Miru's arm so unjustly, but poor everybody else! And now…lets go back to the you know your obsessed thingy…
You know your obsessed with Inuyasha (the show not the individual) when…
1. You find your self acting out senses from the show…
2. In public…
3. Out loud… ( don't laugh, I've done this…not crazy O_o)
4. You have honestly considered dieing you hair silver.
5. The one person who said Inuyasha sucked in front of you is still in the hospital.
6. You've seen the show in the original Japanese (waves)
7. You think that the Japanese version of Inuyasha sounds like an angry Spanish midget (waves some more)
8. You fantasize about what would happen if the characters came to life
9. The mention of new episodes makes you do a little dance
10. You have a specific little dance reserved for Inuyasha related stuff
And once again good bye…Yes we have no bananas…not crazy! O.o see yah…