InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Things You should NEER do to Sesshomaru... ❯ Hey ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

So many Chapter, So much Boredom!!!!
Hi *waves*
Good marrow to ye all ye readers and reviewers! I am so bored…eth? Anyways, I figured that since my last chapter was so short I would write back a bit quicker…hi. On with the reviews!!!!!!!
shadowwolf_02 (nsi): Taking over the world? I have no idea what your talking about (Mwa ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!! Or, uh, nothing, again). And yes, I am crazy, what's your point? So, you are happy for the fuffernutter thingy? Good, I was afraid you'd be annoyed cause it's yours and all, but thanks for the suggestion. And I'm glad that the story thus far has made you laugh as, well, that is the point of it…bye (and for the complement, you may receive France once phase 4 is complete, or, uh…shush!!!!)
Dark Angel Of Love: So glad you liked!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha, cool suggestions, thank you! *bows* so much love from my audience!!!! Worry not for your bad spelling cause I too am spelling inept, so yeah…byeness (Thank You Come Again)
Kirie: Hello…me…And yes, I too love the Mr. Peanut thingy, but then you know that don't you? *twilight zone music plays* Get out of my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, what's with all the xo's? I never knew I loved myself so much, I'm kinda touched (in more ways than one) HEY!!!!!!! Shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not speaking to you now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you this weekend.
Biggest anime fan 3: Hi, so, we meet again, in case you were wondering, the crazy one writes this fic! So, you know what that means (dunt dunt dun…) UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update now!!!! Oh, and really glad you liked it. :^) (dose that look like Doug? You know from that old cartoon? Or is he more like Skeeter?) See you in the next review! Bye…
And now, well, you know the drill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Tell Seshomaru that Rin has a major crush on Kohaku (Sango's little brother) (poor Kohaku :^(
2. Write a Sess/Inu fic and read it to him (shivers) (Courtesy of Dark Angel Of Love)
3. Every time he wins a battle burst into song, singing “We are the Champians”
4. Make up a Seshomaru related thyme song, with the line “And under the puffy pants are neon green tights.” Somewhere in it.
5. Sing it to Inuyasha and the Inu Scooby gang.
6. Put his hair into pigtails while he is sleeping (thanks again to Dark Angel of Love).
WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you hate new stuff read no further. That's right people, I am leaving the original thyme for the time being, if you ask though I shall return to it (or if I get bored.
You know your obsessed with Miru if…
1. White hair is your # 1 turn on.
2. you are reading this fic.
3. If mm is one of your favorite sites.
4. You fallow this fic.
5. You wonder how the hell the zombie got into Inu's eye unnoticed (AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! How did he do that…must…know…)
6. You know what the hell I was just talking about.
You freak out when anyone calls that fluffy thing his tail and then explains what it really is (it's a pelt that is commonly worn by Japanese's higher ups)