InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Things You should NEER do to Sesshomaru... ❯ Moo, yes... Moo ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I have returned! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha! And now, back to the original idea! To the Reviews:
Biggest anime fan 3: Boredom is my main source of inspiration! And yes, I'm getting married! It was perfectly romantic and something along the lines of “So… uh… if I were to like get you a ring for your birthday… do you think you would like… say that you… liked it?” And on my birthday there my darling fiancé was, down on one knee with a ring box! I'm 18 young I know, but we've been together most of our lives so for us this is natural.
Biggest anime fan 3: Yes I missed you! And I really missed your Fan Fics as well!!!! Here I was for so long, alone and sitting at my computer with nothing to read! UPDATE OR DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Biggest anime fan 3: Thanks! WHY IS THERE NO NEW CHAPTER UP YET?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? It's nice of you to say you like my work!
Ditch13: Thanks *bows* Everyone's welcome to use any of my ideas in their fan fics as long as they give me the Title so I can read it! Cyber pocky to you!
JasonC: Isn't it though? And no, I'm not crazy… I just seem like I am…
Biggest anime fan 3: It's just been so long! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO END ON A CLIFHANGER!!!!!!!! Why? Why? I missed you too T_T Puddin' Head is doing well… still the centered one, only now I've got my own computer and internet! YAY!
kik: I too am a fan of Sesshoumaru (as you can probably tell). Thank you very much for your praise *bows* Well now Miru (what I call Sesshy) in a tux is ganna be floating around in my head for the rest of the night.
What the reviewers had to say:
1. Look the Inu lord in the eye and call him Sesshy or better yet, Fluffy! (by the wonderful Kik)
2. Dress him up in a tux [ok, now try getting that image out of your head] (also by Kik!)
Things no to do to Sesshoumaru:
1. Keep him locked in a room with Gir from Invader Zim!
2. Ask him what kind of breed of dog he is,
3. Insinuate that he is a chiwawa (yeah, you heard me)
4. Get the chicken dance stuck in his head!
5. Tie him up and then begin to sing a never ending stream of Christmas carols to him (Marry x-mas!)
6. Hide a cat bell somewhere on his body, but don't tell him where.
7. Tell Inuyasha that the bell is there so he'll always know when Sesshy is coming.
8. Feed him peanut butter and then watch as he tries to get it off the roof of his mouth (those with dogs and peanut butter know what I'm talking about).
9. Dress him in women's lingerie…
10. Make sure Inuyasha and Naraku see him in said lingerie…
11. Ask him if he want's to do the time warp again in his lingerie (Random Rocky Horror Picture Show reference)!
12. Set off fireworks (drives all dogs crazy!)
13. Look at him and sadly announce that poor Rin is pregnant, and that he should be ashamed of himself (don't laugh while you say it)
14. Have Rin ask him were babies come from! (the O.o face has returned!!!!!)
Well, that is all for today (I so love ending on random numbers!) Alas, still no bananas in sight…T_T where ever will I find my daily dose of potassium?! Where?!!! R&R or the crazy author will come and eat you! Perhaps then I shall get the potassium I so need… we can only hope….