InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ This is Me ❯ Morning Shock ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: If you think I own Inuyasha then you must think I'm Rumiko Takahashi. Well since I'm not her I don't own Inuyasha so don't sue.

Thanks to the people who have reviewed for this story: AsianEyes, sabriel7, Emerald Night, Queen Klu, Morlana, Inu Girl, StarAngel ejgHorseLady, The Torn Angel, kokoro, Sakura hanyou, Gaurdian of the Hell Gates, FallenSk8rAngel, sparkel, Nicole

I got 18 reviews so far!!!

It's been a week. I'm busy at the moment but I think I've kept you waiting long enough. For those of you who didn't know this IS AN INU/KAG FIC!!!!! There! The fourth chapter of `This is Me' is here. Just continue scrolling down the page. Enjoy!

This is Me'

By Fenikkusu Ice

Chapter 4: Morning Shock

The sun had just barely risen over the mountains when Sango, Miroku and Kirara were woken up by the shouting of the frantic hanyou who had by now just had his demonic powers returned to him. That action had earned him a couple of bumps on the head.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow! Stop hitting me, damn it!" Inuyasha managed to yell out just barely dodging Sango's fist that would have connected with his head.

"What the hell were you doing, waking us up so early in the morning?" Sango shouted.

`Wow, she must be really angry if she cursed,' thought Miroku, smirking slightly. "Yeah Inuyasha. What made you so you would wake us up at such an ungodly hour?" Miroku lost his smile to a look of annoyance.

"Kagome's gone."

"WHAT!!!" the group of travelers, with the exception of Inuyasha, shouted, causing Inuyasha to fold his ears back.

"Why would she leave?" Sango sent Inuyasha a glare in which the hanyou got the message loud and clear.

"Shippo's gone too," stated Miroku.

Inuyasha returned Sango's glare. "Look I had nothing to do with it ok? She and Shippo weren't here when I woke up."

Sango's glare changed into a look of concern. "Then we better look for her."

"Feh, hopefully before she gets devoured by hungry demons."

Miroku and Sango shot him a look that clearly told him to shut up. Inuyasha unfortunately wasn't too bright this morning.

"Shippo probably followed her to see if she was all right, but that brat's too weak and stupid to protect Kagome. Not to mention he's small and Kagome couldn't shoot an arrow right if her life depended on it."


At the same moment Sango's hiraikotsu and Miroku's staff connected with the hanyou's head, and he collapsed on the ground, unconscious with two HUGE lumps on his head.

Sango's face was a colour of red that rivaled Inuyasha's haori. "The nerve of him! Kagome and Shippo for all we know could be in danger right now and all he does is insult them!"

Miroku's control on his anger wasn't much better but his voice was calmer as he spoke. "Inuyasha should learn when to shut his mouth."

Sango turned to Miroku. "I want to look for Kagome and Shippo but as much as I would like to, we can't leave him here."

Miroku nodded. "I agree, so we should bring to Kaede's village and then search for them."

Sango agreed as they brought Inuyasha on Kirara's much larger transformed self and brought him to the village.

Kaede had a look that said, "explain it to me later," as the taijiya and the houshi got on Kirara and headed off.


There we go, the fourth chapter of `This is Me'. I'm sorry that this story is progressing rather slowly but I'm still waiting for some song ideas here! I've only got ONE and I've used that in the first chapter unless it's a different `This is Me, That was her' song. The one I've used was one of `Dream''s songs. Anyway I'm planning on Kikyou meeting Kagome in the next, next chapter so be patient.

See ya,

Fenikkusu Ice