InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ To Remember You ❯ Get Well Soon ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
InvincibleInuYasha: How are all of my adoring fans!? Hmmm? Okay, not many of them but whatever. I only have three reviews so far. I need more motivation! There is barley anymore inspiration for my story. I'm having a hard time thinking as it is! So... REVIEW! Onegai, I really need some more people to comment on my work, good or bad. Flames are good! They help me notice what's wrong with many stories. Then they can be perfect when I fix them! YAY!

Disclaimer: Nope. I do not own Inu Yasha, I'm tired of saying it.

*Chapter Seven: Get Well Soon*

Oh my God! "INU YASHA!" I screamed out for him. He's in pain, he's unconscious! I struggled against the pain on the right side of my body to get out of bed. One of the nurses in the room pushed me back onto the bed, "Quite, please! We're doing the best we can to help him, he'll be alright." I felt the tears running down my cheeks, "He's hurt! What's wrong with him!?" The nurse continued telling me, "He is suffering from severe frostbite. Whenever he moves at all, it will hurt him. It is the same with you, except only one side have been frostbitten because the young man gave you his jacket. You're very lucky." I kept on crying. Why did he take off his coat!? He's such an idiot! He got himself injured for me!

I saw the other nurse return with an injection and an air mask. Inu Yasha was fidgeting around in discomfort or something. The doctor took the injection and stuck it into Inu Yasha's upper arm. I saw Inu Yasha's body tense up, then relax back into his pillows. "What did you put in him?" The doctor turned to me, "Oh, it's just a painkiller. With this he won't feel as much pain. Next we'll give him a mask with some numbing and sleeping gas. He needs to go into surgery soon." I watched as the doctor put down the needle and picked up the air mask. He attached it to a small machine and the he put it over Inu Yasha's nose and mouth. Then the nurses moved him to a stretcher and brought him out of the room.

An hour went by. All I could think of was Inu Yasha. Why did he do something so risky like that to help me? He could have died! Then I heard a knock at the door, "Kagome?" "Mom!" Mom ran up to my bed with Souta close behind, "Oh, you're finally awake. You were asleep for two days! I was so worried." Souta smiled, "Yeah, there was this freak blizzard, and then there was an earthquake! And you and Inu Yasha were in the paper!" "We were?" Souta nodded, "Yep. Some people said they were in the cafe you guys were in and they said that when there was too much snow, Inu Yasha got the door open. Then the earthquake started and Inu Yasha carried everybody outside and everybody was safe because of him!" I bit my lip, "Oh yeah. The building would've probably collapsed on all of us if we didn't get out soon." Mom said, "It did collapse. It seems that after you two had collapsed in the snow the ambulance came, then the building fell. If Inu Yasha didn't help everybody out, I'm not sure if any of them would be here. You too. He risked his own life. He gave you his jacket and almost froze to death, but he saved you. Inu Yasha saved many peoples' lives the other day." Wow. That makes him a hero, "Really? Wow. I guess that means I owe my life to him."

Mom and Souta left after they made sure I was getting better. A nurse came to tell me more. Apparantly, I had pneumonia. It wasn't too bad, but I'd have to be in the hospital for a month to make sure I would be okay, and another week more for my frostbite to be healed. But Inu Yasha wasn't so lucky. He has a severe case of hypothermia, and his frostbite was at least three times worse than mine. He'd have to stay in the hospital for four months. He'll be missing a lot of school. I hope he doesn't get left back again! The nurse kept talking to me for a long time, but I didn't really listen. I was really worried now. If Inu Yasha doesn't get better soon, he could... die. No, he will get better. He has to. Inu Yasha from the Sengoku Jidai would never give in to his injuries ever. And now I'm almost certain that he's been reincarnated into the Inu Yasha I know now. He has to be.

I woke up and looked out the window. It's dark, I was sleeping for a while. I turned my head to the other side of the room to see Inu Yasha back in his bed, still unconscious. I got up carefully, it still hurt to move. Then I limped over to the side of Inu Yasha's bed and sat on a chair. The blanket was pulled up only to his waist, and his chest was bandaged. His arms weren't though. They were covered in blue and purple spots, along with his neck and part of his face. It was pretty horrible to see a face you're so used to turn into something so quickly. I took his hand softly, not wanting to be the cause of more pain to him. His hair had been tied back into a ponytail. I'm so guilty. This was my fault. I shouldn't have gone to school. It was closed anyway. Then we were cooped up in that cafe and then this whole mess started. Now look where it got us! Inu Yasha especially. There was a big chance that he could get worse in time. I started to shiver. Inu Yasha really could die. But, I don't want him to die. In the little time we've known each other, we've become great friends. I don't want to lose another friend! I started crying again. "K-Kagome?" I looked up. Inu Yasha was awake, "Inu Yasha. Are you okay?" He tried to smile, "I will be. What about you? Are you okay?" I nodded, "You saved my life Inu Yasha. The doctors said I would have frozen to death if it weren't for you. I owe my life to you." Inu Yasha sighed. He sounded upset, "Inu Yasha? What's wrong?" He looked at me, "Oh, it's nothing. I was just wondering if... everybody else is safe. Are they?" "Yes, they are. You know, you were in the paper. As of now, you're a hero!" He laughed, "Good. My efforts didn't go unrewarded." I smiled, "Yeah. But, you won't be able to leave the hospital for four months. I don't know what it means but, I just don't want you to get left back again for missing so much school, you know." He smirked, "Whatever. If they want to leave me behind, I'll just drop out. I put up with school this long, I don't want another year." "Oh. Well, whatever then. I'll be in the hospital for another month. But when I get out, I'll come see you everyday!" He laughed, "Okay then." Then he winced a little bit, "Please, don't try moving Inu Yasha! You'll be in more pain!" He nodded slightly, "Fine. Well, I'm going to sleep then. I'm tired." I smiled, "Good night."

I limped back over to my bed and lay down. The weather was really strange that day though. A blizzard like that should have been really predictable. And there were black clouds too. Maybe... maybe this could be Naraku's doing. His damage to the past is probably affecting the present! Damn him. So now everybody will suffer. Poor Inu Yasha has to suffer so much. The pain he has to put up with must be unbearable. Why did it have to be this way? He didn't have to save me. He wouldn't be in this pain right now if he just left me there. Too many lives have been lost because of me! I don't want another one to be taken! And it's because of me. I don't deserve to live when others' lives have been shortened because of me. I don't deserve to live...

*End Chapter Seven*

InvincibleInuYasha: Short? Yeah. I didn't know what else to think of. I don't really think like Kagome I guess. But, I'll do better next chapter because it's Inu Yasha's PoV! So yeah, I'll try harder. Now, as for you readers out there, you have to review! Duh! Ja ne!