InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ To Remember You ❯ Worrying About You ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
InvincibleInuYasha: Hallo! Yeah, I'm waiting for Inu Yasha to go on. So, I'm going to write now, because I'm bored and you guys just want to read what happens. But I'm tired, it might not be so good. I'll make it as juicy as I can lol.

Disclaimer: *Yawn* No, Inu Yasha does not belong to me. Too bad.

::Chapter Twenty-one: Worrying about You::

I didn't get any sleep last night. Why would Hojo propose to me? We've barely seen each other for the past two years! I don't really want to marry him, but I don't know how to refuse to him without making him upset.

I got up and went downstairs. The sun was barely beginning to rise above the horizon. Inu Yasha yawned widely and almost bumped into me, his long black hair swishing all over his face, "Oh, hullo." His eyes were nearly closed and he didn't seem to care what was going on. I stuttered, "G-good morning, Inu Y-yasha" Inu Yasha blinked a few times and opened his eyes wide, "What's up? Why are you acting so weird?" "Oh, I'm just tired I guess." I tried to yawn and faked one. Inu Yasha shrugged, "Okay. Are you going to make some breakfast?" I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, let's go to the kitchen."

The skillet started to sizzle as the oil fried. I turned to face Inu Yasha. By then his hair had changed back to it's usually silvery sheen with little silver ears poking out. I said, "There's something I have to ask you about." Inu Yasha stared at me, confused, "What about?" I whispered almost inaudibly, "Hojo asked me to marry him." But of course, back in his hanyou form, Inu Yasha's keen ears heard me anyway, "WHAT!?" I said, "Don't worry, I'm not going to. He didn't bother to talk to me for two years, so why should I, even if I really did like him." Inu Yasha sank back into the chair, slightly calmed, "Okay then. So what did you want to ask me about it?" "I don't know how to say no without making him feel bad." Inu Yasha rolled his eyes, "Who cares! You said he didn't bother to talk to you, you shouldn't care much about how he feels." "But he used to be my friend! He gave me gifts, he took me out on dates when you were bugging me to go back down the well. The least I could do is consider his feelings when I say no." Inu Yasha sighed angrily, "Fine. But I have no idea how you can reject him without making him feel like he's a loser."

I pouted angrily and was about to 'Sit' Inu Yasha when the phone rang. I answered it, "Hello?" An unfamiliar man's voice was on the other end, "Is this Kagome Higurashi?" Inu Yasha had gotten up and stood closer to me so he could hear. I said, "Yes, who is this?" The man said, "This is the Tokyo hospital. We have a patient in critical condition. In a few of his possesions he had with him your name was found. Would you please report to the hospital immediately?" My heart started to beat faster, "Critical condition? Who is it?" The man replied, "Inu Yasha is what it says on his license." I dropped the phone and froze. Inu Yasha came closer to me and said, "C'mon We have to get to the hospital."

Once we were inside the hospital, I ran to the information desk, "Where's Inu Yasha!? What room is he in!?" The nurse went over to her computer and typed in a few letters and numbers, "He's in room E-7. Fifth floor in ICU." Inu Yasha and I ran up the stairwell and found the ICU hallway. To the right was a small room and the door was labeled E-7. But there was only another nurse there, changing the sheets of the bed. The sheets were stained with blood. I shouted, "Where's Tatsuya!?" The nurse continued to peel the sheets off of the bed and toss them into a large laundry cart, "He's in the OR right now. He'll be there for about another hour. You can wait in the Recovery room."

Inu Yasha and I went to the Recovery room like the nurse told us to. Once there, we sat down, and I started crying. Inu Yasha hugged me and whispered, "Don't cry Kagome. They're going to fix him up. He's going to be alright. Please don't cry." I looked up at him, my eyes puffy and red from crying, "I didn't want to cry. Like you, Tatsuya hates to see me cry. I didn't want him to wake up and see me crying. But I can't help it! I don't know how he is, or how he's holding up. I don't even know how he ended up coming to Tokyo, and getting into the hospital! And what am I supposed to think after seeing those sheets covered in blood!?" Inu Yasha sighed, "Back in Sengoku Jidai, we didn't have the great treatment like you have here in your time. I remember seeing... seeing my mother die. The medics then just couldn't help her. She just screamed in pain every day and night. I was just a kid. I didn't know what was wrong with her, or how to help her. I'm sure that if she had been treated here, in your time, she would have been healed. She wouldn't have suffered as much. You told me once that in these hospitals, they can cure so many things that people have no clue about in the Sengoku Jidai. I'm sure Tatsya will be alright." He had a distant expression in his eyes. Sad and longing. Whatever it was that had been wrong with his mother probably would have been healed, had she been here. He sighed again and asked, "You want to go on a walk? Maybe it'll take your mind off of Tatsuya for a while." I nodded, "Okay."

We walked around the hallways of the hospital. Inu Yasha's really nice. He kept talking to me the whole time, probably trying to make me think about something else other than Tatsuya's well-being. But even so, I was still really upset, "Inu Yasha, this is really scaring me. It reminds me of when we found you in the well." Inu Yasha stared down at me, "Did I really look that bad?" I nodded, "I was really freaked out. I thought you were dead. And when I saw you there in the well, you looked just about ready to die. I didn't know if you were going to live or not. Once we got you all fixed up, I had to go to school. But I never concentrated there. My mind was all on you, wondering if you were okay, what if you got worse, and how you got through the well alive. I mean, I really did think you were dead." Inu Yasha smirked, "Well, half-demons die hard. Tatsuya will definitely be okay, especially if he's my incarnate." I playfully punched Inu Yasha's arm. A minute later I said, "We'd better get back to the recovery room. Tatsuya might be out already."

And I was right. We went into the recovery room, and there was Tatsuya, asleep, and completely torn apart. His arms, legs and face were covered in hundreds of little but deep gashes. Blood matted his hair. His chest was heavily bandaged. A doctor came to us, "He was in an awkward car wreck. The car was on a brige when it fell. But the bridge is covered in massive holes. There were also thousands of spiders. He was lucky to even have survived." Inu Yasha asked, "Do you know how the holes in the bridge got there? And the spiders?" The doctor said, "Some people who had been at the scene said large, root-like tentaces potruded from underneath the pavement and broke through the car. But the spiders, nobody has a clue about. Paramedics reported that a man's remains were being devoured by the spiders." Inu Yasha's eyes narrowed. I knew what he was thinking. Naraku. I asked, "Is Tatsuya going to be better? Will he live?" The doctor smiled, "Of course he will. We won't let this strong fellow die on us. He's too young." He paused for a moment, "The strange thing was that when he first arrived here his hair was dark and he had ears right on the sides of his head. But in the middle of the surgury he suddley convulsed. His heart stopped for a moment, we thought we had lost him and we brought out the defibrilator. But then his heart began to work again. He showed signs of agitation, but then his hair changed to white and dog ears grew on the top of his head! Quite like yours!" He pointed to the top of Inu Yasha's head. Inu Yasha growled and the doctor backed off. He continued, "We didn't know what was going on, but once he stopped convulsing, his heart rate was much stronger, even though his heart was nearly punctured by a large stab near his sternum. It went right through him. I'm surprised he survived, but at this rate, he may be one of the fastest patients to recover from a trauma case such as this!" I sighed and picked up Tatsuya's hand. He's going to be okay!

The doctors had said that it would take another half an hour for the anesthesia to wear off. So Inu Yasha and I went back to the wating room. Inu Yasha still looked angry. He hissed, "It was definitely Naraku. That asshole. If only I could go back and-" I yelled at him, "NO!" I quickly covered my mouth, forgetting I was in a hospital. Once everybody turned away, I said, "Inu Yasha, you can't. If you're really right, then Naraku may have cursed you. If you go back, he'll kill you!" Inu Yasha snarled, "I don't care! First he tries to kill me. He knows he can't get to me right away, so he attacks my reincarnation! I can't just let him try to kill me and stand there." I bit my lip, "Still, he has the whole Shikon Jewel. His power is practically unstoppable by any demons. Even you." Inu Yasha grimaced, "He tortured me. He made me believe you were dead. And he enjoyed watching me suffer. I can't let him get away with that!" I grabbed his arm and pleaded, "Inu Yasha, don't go looking for him. He probably already used the Shikon Jewel for infinite power or something. He'll kill you in a second. The only person who might have even the smallest chance in defeating him is... the protector of the Shikon Jewel." Inu Yasha glared at me, "Kagome, don't tell me you're planning on taking on Naraku yourself."

I shook my head, "I know I can't do it alone. So I'm going to see if Tatsuya can go through the well." Inu Yasha whirled around and grabbed my shoulders, "Kagome, are you crazy!? He can't protect you! How long has he been alive? Fourteen, fifteen years?" "He's nineteen." "Exactly. He's never been to the feudal era, so he won't know what's coming, he hasn't been around long enough to become skilled enough to combat demons. Plus, he's got freakin' holes punched through his body! How's he supposed to fight!?" I said clearly, "First of all, I wasn't going to bring him to the Feudal Era in this condition. Second, when you had holes punched through your body, you fought anyway. Plus, you're in more danger of Naraku. Third, who else is going to save the world, past and present?" Inu Yasha held up his hand in a fist and lifted one finger, "One, you don't know how long it'll take Tatsuya to recover. Once he does, it might be too late and Naraku may have damaged you're time beyond repair." He lifted a second finger, "Two, I only fought in that conditon because you or other people were in danger. I'm not going to let you just die." And another finger, "Three, I can save the world. I don't care how, but I will."

"No, you can't." I said, "Naraku now knows all of your weaknesses. He knows everything that sets you off.. He'll take advantage of your demon blood and make you target me or Tatsuya or whoever else is near. But even though he's your reincarnation, Tatsuya is a lot different than you. Naraku will see you, but it'll be a different person." Inu Yasha sighed sadly, "I might as well go. Since I have a reincartion, it means I'm going to die between then and the time Tatsuya was born. I don't belong in this era anyway. It would be better if I just went alone." I hugged Inu Yasha, "Don't say that. You're not going to just die like that. Don't put it in your head or you really will." Inu Yasha sunk his head low, "I just want you to be happy. Even though I wish you could love me forever, I know it'll be Tatsuya that you love more. I'm old news, I should go." Tears came to my eyes. I could never think of Tatsuya more than him. "Inu Yasha, what are you talking about? I'm not going to try to choose any of you any time soon. I just want you to stay here, safe." Inu Yasha turned away, "It can't be that way. I'm going to die sooner or later, I know it. I don't want you to be upset by it. And besides, the reincarnation is always the one that gets picked." I blinked, "No they don't." Inu Yasha smirked, "Then why do you think I picked you?" I smiled and said, "Probably because you didn't want to go to hell." Inu Yasha chuckled, "Yeah I guess. I didn't love Kikyo enough to give up my life for her just yet. You made me realize that." A nurse came up to us and asked me, "Are you Kagome?" I nodded, "Yeah." The nurse said, "Your friend is in his room waiting for you." I smiled and asked Inu Yasha, "Aren't you coming with me?" He grinned and said, "Yeah."

::Chapter Twenty-One End::

InvincibleInuYasha: Okay, my fingers are freezing off. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. So I'm gonna say a quick sayanora!

P.S.-Yea, so I was wearing gloves around the middle of the chapter when I was typing it. If there are any spelling errors, well, gomen nasai. Lol. It's cold here. I can't wait until spring is here! Oh yea, and about the little part where Inu Yasha talks about his mother's death, I'm not so sure about. I heard that in the third movie, they tell you a lot about his past, including his mother. But I haven't seen the movie yet, seeing as the second movie only just came out in America last month. So if ya can, e-mail me or something and gimme some clues as to what happened with Inu Yasha's mom. Thankz!