InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ugh College ❯ PE Class, Sweet PE Class...Kind Of ( Chapter 33 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do not own Inuyasha.

I do own The Solstice Rose because I made them up.

Last time:

“So how was that for showing off?” Kiyomi asked crossing her arms.

“Yeah was that good enough?” Kagome said laughing.

“Yes thank you,” they said kissing them on the cheek.

This time:

“Well, well, well if it isn’t the Higurashi bitches and the whore who’s attracted to playboys,” an annoyingly familiar voice sneered.

The girls turned around to see none other than Yuri and Kikyo.

“And if it isn’t the persistent bitches who can’t understand that my brother in law and my mate/fiancé have and never will love them,” Kagome shot back.

“Oh so that’s what your calling them now? Can you say desperate,” Kikyo laughed.

“Can you spell desperate?” Sango asked.

“Shut the fuck up you whore,” Yuri growled.

“No Yuri you shut up. You and I both know that the only reason why you cannot stand me is that your ‘man’ chose me and not you. So, stop bitchin, leave my sisters the fuck alone, and get a life,” Kiyomi snapped.

And with that, they walked away leaving two stunned girls behind. They walked into the gym highly agitated; they immediately went to the punching bags. As they attacked the punching bags with fierce punches, the guys stared at them warily.

“Should we walk up to them?” Inuyasha asked.

“I’m kind of scare to,” Miroku said.

“You guys are acting ridiculous,” Sesshoumaru said with Rin by his side.

“You’re in this class?” Hitoshi asked.

“Yes, you probably didn’t see me because I was always surrounded by those aroused college girls,” he finished shuddering.

“But I, however, keep them at bay,” Rin put in proudly.

“Sweet, little, harmless Rin protects the big, strong, scary Sesshoumaru?” Hitoshi mocked quirking his eyebrow.

“You’d be surprised,” Sesshoumaru replied.

“Can’t be surprised if we don’t know what it is,” Inuyasha shot back.

“You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you,” Sesshoumaru sighed.

“Just tell us man!” Miroku shouted.

“Fine,” he moved them away from her, cleared his throat, and whispered, “She has the… evil eye.”

“She has the what now?” Inuyasha asked.

Sesshoumaru sighed.

“You know that look Izayoi has on when she is really pissed, you know the one where her face is blank but her eyes have a look that would make the devil commit suicide,” he explained.

“Mother of mercy!” Hitoshi cried out in horror.

“And the worst part is… it’s more terrifying than Izayoi’s,” Sesshoumaru stated.

“Dude that’s scary,” Inuyasha said.

“Actually it’s kinda sexy,” he mused.

“Of course you would think that,” Miroku muttered.

“Anyways, go comfort your mates,” Sesshoumaru ordered returning to Rin.

“He’s right we have to find out what’s wrong,” Inuyasha stated bravely.

“Oh Inuyasha, always the valiant one! You are our savior! Now then… where do you want your funeral to be at and what type of padding would you like for the coffin. May I suggest cotton or maybe velvet?” Miroku suggested suddenly bringing out a pen and pad.

“Shut up he’s not going to die… ok probably,” Hitoshi admitted.

“Gee thanks,” Inuyasha said sarcastically.

“I’m just saying man, she was raised by Kiyomi, she’s a miko, and she’s obviously stronger than any normal miko, I mean look at her punching bag. It’s made out of the toughest leather money can buy and she’s destroying it, all of them are,” he explained.

His eyes widened as he saw the fresh deep holes in it.

“Holy crap I’m gonna die!” he shouted.

“Ok now we’re just stalling,” Hitoshi, sighed.

(Me: I’ll say, now stop being punks and get your asses over there before I hurt you)

“Whatever, you’re in our heads, what can you do?” Inuyasha scoffed.

(Me: Exactly, I’m inside your heads. Thus, I can do very bad things)

“Damn you’re evil!” Miroku whined.

“She’s right let’s go,” Hitoshi said taking a deep breath.

They walked hesitantly towards the girls who were punching and kicking their targets as hard as possible.

“Kataki is something wrong?” Hitoshi asked.

“Yeah you seem upset Sango,” Miroku said in worried tone.

“Yeah if you keep going at this rate you’re going to hurt yourself,” Inuyasha added in.

The girls stopped except Kiyomi.

“Calling my sisters whores, ha, they have no idea who they’re messing with. I was trained by the best and haven’t lost a fight yet (Masashi does not count), and I sure as hell will not start now,” she grunted between punches.

Hitoshi came up behind her, brought her arms down to her side, and rubbed them.

“Now then, tell me what vial being had the nerve to upset my precious little kataki,” he purred sending shivers up her spine.

“Your, and Inuyasha’s, groupies called Kagome a bitch and Sango a whore,” she growled.

“Sorry, but can you be more specific, we have a lot of uh… groupies,” Inuyasha explained.

She shook her arm from his hold and shot her arm at a new spot of the punching bag making a hole; loads of sand fell to the floor. Everyone turned their heads toward them and gaped at the hole in the bag.

“Kikyo and Yuri,” she hissed.

Inuyasha and Hitoshi snapped their heads toward the direction of the ones spoken of and glared at them. The two girls were leaned against the wall chatting until they heard their names spoken. They grinned stupidly as they saw Inuyasha and Hitoshi walking toward them and immediately started fixing their hair.

“What the hell is your guys’ problem?” Inuyasha barked.

“What?” they asked dumbly.

“You think you can just harass our mates and think we won’t hear about it! Do you not see how pissed they are? You’re lucky you’re not dead yet! Honestly we’ve told you since junior high, we’re not interested in you, we do not intend on dating you, and we sure as hell won’t have sex with you, so get over it!” Inuyasha shouted.

“But we didn’t do anything,” Yuri said innocently.

Hitoshi snarled punched the wall, one inch from Yuri’s face.

“Don’t lie to me you dirty bitch! I have had enough of this! You constantly grind and feel on me, you call me and I don’t even know how you get my number and you harass me to no end. Now you’re messing with my mate and I will not take it. Now if I ever see you and Kikyo within 10 feet of any of us, I will break the rule about guys hitting girls,” he whispered menacingly in her ear.

She trembled in fear as he withdrew his hand from the hole in the wall.

“Alright maggots line up!” the commander yelled.

They all immediately lined up.

“Now then, as you know, my son substituted for me the few days I was gone, and I would like to congratulate Kiyomi on her win against the basketball captain Keichi,” he chuckled, “Forgive me but that’s just sad.”

“In my defense I had no idea she was that good,” Keichi defended.

“Yeah, ok, whatever let’s you sleep at night,” Kiyomi laughed.

“It’s true!” he whined.

“Yeah and I didn’t laugh when I put those pictures of you in the girl’s uniform on the internet,” she exaggerated.

“You didn’t!” he shouted in outrage.

“Oh yes I did. I posted it on some picture-sharing website and it got over 2,000 comments in a few hours! Yeah, hella girls said you were sexy but there were more guys,” she explained laughing harder.

“That’s just cruel,” he said.

“Well maybe you shouldn’t have looked at my chest,” she pointed out

“I wasn’t!” he lied.

“The devil is a lie, I saw you! You and I both know that’s the only reason I could have made that layup is if you were distracted, your defense would’ve been way too hard to get past,” she reminded.

He sighed in defeat and shut up making her smile triumphantly. They ran laps for the rest of the period, took showers, and headed for the dorms. Miroku pulled Sango away from the others.

“Hey Sango, uh, can I ask you something?” he muttered nervously.

‘Why the hell am I so nervous?’ he asked himself.

“Sure, what is it?” she asked.

“Uh, would you like to go to the fair with me tomorrow night?” he asked.

“Of course,” she replied brightly.

“Uh, great,” he said rubbing the back of his head.

(Me: You are so awkward gosh)

(A/N: Review!)