InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ugh College ❯ Older Siblings Are Eviler ( Chapter 44 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do not own Inuyasha.

I do own The Solstice Rose because I made them up.

Last time:

She disappeared leaving the rest of them to continue their planning.

This time:

Kagome and Inuyasha sat in his old room just reveling in each other’s company. She sat up against the headboard while Inuyasha lay on her chest purring as she rubbed his ears. Kagome was in her own world as she thought about the nightmares she’s been having. In her nightmares, Naraku had been, well….molesting her. It was horrible because she felt like it actually happened, as if she could feel those cold hands violating her. She snapped out of it as she felt open mouth kisses being trailed up her neck. He nipped and sucked until he made it to her mouth. She obliged willingly and let him slip his tongue into her mouth. She moaned as he rubbed her breast and roamed her mouth. They eventually pulled away for air and panted as they tried to catch their breath.

She smirked and cupped his face, “Have I ever told you what an amazing kisser you are?”

“You told me many times, just not in words,” he whispered seductively.

She giggled and pushed him down so that she was on top. She rubbed her hands up and down his chest, leaned down toward his ears, and nibbled on him making him growl in pleasure.

“So what level am I on when it comes to kissing?” she asked.

“I don’t know, how bout you give me a sample,” he suggested coyly.

She smirked and pressed her lips against his, slipping her tongue in his mouth. His eyes widened at how willing and forceful she was, he liked it. He moaned and pulled her closer. She roamed his mouth and rubbed his ears making him moan louder. She pulled away so she could breathe and had to hold back a laugh at the blissful look on his face.

“So?” she pressed.

“…aaaaaaaahhhhhh,” he sighed.

“Well YouTube viewers, we’ll let you decide. Do you think Inuyasha rated Kagome’s kissing as breathless?” Kiyomi asked a video camera that had been filming them the whole time.

“Or, do you think Inuyasha’s reaction was called Distol Uranium Masticular Bi Acetone Systonic Shit? Nigahiga you guys rock I hope you don’t mind that we used that,” Hitoshi stated.

“You can vote now by adding a comment and we will reveal the results next week on,” she started and then continued with Hitoshi, “Horny Siblings!”

“HITOSHI, KIYOMI!” Kagome and Inuyasha shouted in unison.

“Ah, hurry Sesshoumaru get the camera to the computer and post it!” Kiyomi shouted.

Sesshoumaru nodded and disappeared. Hitoshi and Kiyomi ran through the house trying to run away from their pissed brother and sister.

(A/N: Listen I know that these chapters have been short, but it’s hard juggling school and to stories everyone likes so have mercy. REVIEW!)