InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ugh College ❯ Shippo's First Date ( Chapter 53 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Enjoy my beautiful people!!!!!!

I do not own Inuyasha.

I do own The Solstice Rose because I made them up.

P.S. Yayzer is MY word cuz I made it up so :p

Last time:

“Weirdos,” Hitoshi muttered.

They all nodded in agreement.

This time:

Operation: Spy on Shippo and Kiara
Black trench coats & sexy shades
Eavesdropping earpieces
Miroku shutter-upper
Slut repellant

“Alright we got everything on the list!” Kagome announced.

“What’s the Miroku shutter-upper?” Inuyasha asked.

“Sango,” Kagome answered simply.

Miroku gulped.

“And the slut repellant?” Hitoshi asked.

“You guys,” Sango replied.

“What?” they asked in unison.

“Shippo is hot; girls will be trying to ruin his date, so we will use you guys as distractions while they continue your date. Basically all you have to do is take off your shirts,” Kiyomi explained.

“And if they don’t leave us alone?” Inuyasha questioned.

“We have Kiyomi kick their ass,” Kagome responded as if was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Why Kiyomi?” Miroku asked.

“Uh, did you see what she did to Yoko when she touched Hitoshi? She almost dropped her from a 50-foot high platform! Besides, it was her idea,” Sango clarified a matter-of-factly (A/N: factly is not a word either).

“That was so damn funny,” Hitoshi laughed.

“Of course you’d think so since she called you hers, but it scared the crap out of us,” Miroku shivered.

“She shouldn’t have touched him then,” Kiyomi muttered.

“Anyways, Shippo said he was taking her to the movies and then for a walk in the park. He said he was gonna pick her up at 8:00 since the movie starts 8:30 and it’s 8:15 so it gives us fifteen minutes to get there. Let’s go!” Kagome ordered.

They walked out the door until Inuyasha remembered something.

“Wait, what movie is he taking her to?”

“New Moon!” the girls squealed.

The guys groaned.

(Me: Hey, whoa, whoa, hey…don’t be dissin’ my movie. Besides, my husband is in it! <3)

(Joseph: What? I’m not in that movie)

(Me: I meant Taylor Lautner a.k.a Jacob Black aaahhhh! He took off his shirt and I screamed and then he climbed up the window and I screamed louder and OH MY GOSH!!! *drool*)

(Joseph: Psh, no big deal)

“Oh my God, remember when he was shirtless in the rain!” Kagome squealed.

(Me: I know!!)

“I liked when he when he turned into a wolf, aahhh, so sexy!” Sango shouted.

(Me: That boy has one nice ass!)

“That boy has one nice ass!” Kiyomi squealed in unison with me.

(Joseph: You just had to ask didn’t you Inuyasha)

“Alright girls, break it up, we’re gonna be late for the spying,” Hitoshi announced ushering them out the door.

(Me: Yayzer! I gonna watch it too!)

(Joseph: Me too!)

(Me: Remind me why you’re at my house again?)

(Joseph: Oh so cruel)

At the movies inside the New Moon theater:

“Bingo! There they are, two rows a head, and nineteen rows from the right,” Sango reported (they’re whispering).

“Alright, got ‘em! Put in your eavesdropping earpieces,” Kiyomi ordered.

They all, except the guys who were being some serious party poopers, put in the earpieces. They watched closely as Shippo put an arm around Kiara and pulled her close. The girls bit their nails trying to hold an ‘aww’. Then they were suddenly distracted when Taylor Lautner took off his shirt to wipe the blood from Bella’s head. They shot out of their seats and screamed,

“AAHHH, HE’S SO SEXY!!!!!” (A/N: at least that’s what I did, teehee)

Everyone turned around and looked at them as if they were crazy. They tensed as they saw Shippo about to turn around and let out a sigh of relief when Kiara distracted him by leaning her head on his shoulder. They bit back another ‘aww’ and sat back down. They continued to watch the couple and let out a quite ‘aww’ as Shippo rubbed her ears gently causing her to sigh in content.

“Hey, that’s my thing,” Hitoshi pouted.

Kiyomi giggled and leaned against his chest kissing his chin.

“And I love it,” she mumbled.

She trailed kisses up and down his neck making a satisfied growl rumble low in his chest.

“I think it’d be wise for you to stop teasing me before I take you right here and now,” he whispered hoarsely.

She pouted and turned back to watch Shippo and Kiara, but noticed the movie was already over. They panicked as they saw Shippo and Kiara coming their way.

“Quick we have to hide!” Sango whispered.

“Where, there isn’t anyone here anymore!” Kagome whispered back.

“Damn it, he’s gonna see us and then he’s gonna fire us and then-,” Kiyomi hyperventilated.

The girls’ panicking was cut off when their fiancées spun them around and crashed their lips against theirs; it was the best act casual plan ever! The guys waited until Shippo and Kiara were out the door until they pulled away panting slightly, Shippo walks too slow! Not that they cared.

“Alright, they’re gone let’s go,” Inuyasha ushered.

They took the girls’, who were in a daze, hands, dragged them out of the theater, put them in the car, and followed Shippo’s white jaguar to the park. By the time they arrived, the girls had snapped out of their daze and were currently on total stealth mode as they followed, at a good distance, behind Shippo and Kiara. They quickly dove behind a bush once Shippo and Kiara sat down on a bench in front of a fountain, which was currently turned off.

They turned their earpieces on and started to listen.

Shippo’s P.O.V.:

‘Damn it, I was hoping for the fountain to be on to heighten the mood’
I thought sighing.

“So, did you enjoy the movie?” I asked turning to Kiara.

“Yeah, it was like the book except for a few parts.”

“In short, you liked the Taylor Lautner parts.”

She giggled, “Guilty as charged.”

I chuckled at how cute her laugh was, “Thought so.”

“So what about you, did you enjoy it?”

“To be honest, I didn’t get to watch any of it,” I wrapped an arm around her, “I was too busy admiring your beauty.”

Kiara’s P.O.V.:

I looked away so he wouldn’t see my blush because, even though I play it off as if we were just friends, I’ve been in love with Shippo since, well, forever.

“I-I’m sure you d-don’t mean that,” I stuttered.

‘Smooth. God you’re such an idiot!’

I tensed as he tilted my chin and leaned in closer.

“But I do,” he whispered huskily sending chills up my spine.

He leaned in and I counted down the seconds mentally before our lips touched.




Jus t as he pressed his soft lips against mine, the fountain suddenly came on illuminating beautifully. I moaned into his mouth and wrapped my arms around his neck allowing him the entrance he was begging for as he persistently nibbled on my bottom lip. Here I was, Kiara Neko, kissing the love of my life, Shippo Kitsune.

Third Person P.O.V.:

Shippo pulled her on his lap and pressed her tightly against him as she entangled her hands in his silky, auburn hair. He was losing his control. He crept one of his hands up her red halter-top and massaged one of her breasts.

“Shippo…” she moaned against his lips.

Realizing that he was trying to take her in the park, he slowly ended the kiss pulling his hand from under her shirt. He smirked at her flushed skin and her attempts to capture her breath. He trailed feather like kisses up her neck and nibbled on the edge of her ear.

“You have no idea how happy I am to be here with the one I’ve loved since preschool,” he whispered.

Her eyes widened and she looked into his eyes, while her own were watering.

“Do you mean it?” she asked hopefully.

He nodded and was taken aback as she crashed her lips down on his. She pulled away, hugged him, and whispered in his ear,

“I love you too Shippo, I’ve loved you for so long.”

(A/N: Review!)