InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ugh College ❯ Condom ( Chapter 54 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I twisted my ankle in boys’ basketball practice and it’s killing me!

Joseph: Don’t worry Nattie, I’ll be your doctor!

Me: Hells no! I’m going to the practice tomorrow anyways.

Joseph: I heard the pop when you were playing and I was on the other side of the court! Besides you can’t even walk.

Me: For the sake of my education I must watch the boys’ basketball team! Even if I have to watch them play shirtless AGAIN, I must attend the practice to prove my loyalty and devotion to the team!

Joseph: Bull! So that’s what this is about! You want to watch the guys play.

Me: Teehee, it’s confirmed all guys with the name Jacob are sexy! Example: Jacob Black.

Joseph: Jacob…? Jacob…you like Captain Jacob!

Me: Yeah!!! He’s so cool and sexy and *sigh* strong!

Joseph: Yeah, I saw that fucker carry you to the car and feel up on your legs; he’s a perv.

Me: You should talk! I couldn’t walk so he carried me to the car and he was trying to see where it hurt.

Joseph: Hmph whatever, I heard him telling you two bend lower when we were shooting free throws!

Me: He was telling me to bend my knees since I’m short!

Joseph: Whatever let’s you sleep at night.

Me: Don’t you love our meaningless banter? Anyways, enjoy!

I do not own Inuyasha.

I do own The Solstice Rose because I made them up.

Last time:

“I love you too Shippo, I’ve loved you for so long.”

This time:

At the bar on November 7th:

It was closing time at the bar and everyone (the staff) was cleaning up. Shippo burst through his office door with a huge grin on his face. He skipped (…no comment) over to the girls and jump stopped in front of them. It had been two weeks since Shippo a Kiara went out on that date, so they all had a pretty good idea why he was so happy. They decided to play along anyways.

“And what, my dear boss, are you so happy about?” Kagome asked smirking.

“Well if you must know,” he exaggerated, “somebody was deflowered last night.”

“Well it sure as hell wasn’t you,” Inuyasha muttered.

“Oh my gosh, you and Kiara…had sex!” Sango asked whispering the last part.

His grin grew bigger and he nodded.

“Well before we celebrate your love making,” Kiyomi cut in, “did you use a condom?”

He looked at them with an honestly confused face and asked, “What’s a condom?”

“You don’t know what a condom is?” Sango asked incredulously.

“Should I?”

“If you don’t want to get Kiara pregnant!” Kagome shouted.

“Did you take sex education?” Kiyomi asked.

“Yeah but I decided to fall asleep since I already knew about the body and stuff,” he waved off.

“They also gave you tips on how to prevent getting STDs and getting girls pregnant you idiot!” Inuyasha snapped.

“Will someone please just tell me what a condom is?” Shippo pleaded rubbing his temples.

“SHUT UP MIROKU!” they all snapped not wanting him to poison Shippo’s mind.

Hitoshi walked up to Shippo and knelt in front of him.

“You see Shippo, a condom is a close-fitting rubber covering worn by a man over the his precious jewels during sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy or the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, also known as STDs,” he explained.

Shippo blinked and started to blush.

“What’s wrong?” Hitoshi asked.

“I can’t believe you just told me that,” he shot out of his seat and ran to his office and before shutting the door yelled, with a deep blush on his face, “You’re sick!”

He slammed the door and they all blinked.

“I can’t believe he didn’t know what a condom was.”

“I can’t believe Hitoshi knew all that.”

“And I can’t believe it’s not butter. Now let’s go!” Miroku ushered.

And with that, they all left.

With Kagome and Inuyasha:

“So what do you want to do now?” Kagome asked.

Inuyasha and Kagome were sitting in his room on his bed. She was sitting up against the headboard with his head in her lap as she pet his ears. He purred and nuzzled into her lap until opening his eyes when she asked a question.

“Hmm…let’s have sex,” he suggested bluntly.

She giggled and flicked his nose.

“I’m serious,” she laughed.

“So am I,” he replied.

He got up, hovered over her, pulled her leg so that she was completely underneath him, and started kissing her neck. He then stopped and looked into her eyes.

“I can’t wait to marry you,” he whispered.

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Me neither.”

With Kiyomi and Hitoshi:

Kiyomi sighed and collapsed on her bed lying on her stomach, she was so sore and exhausted. She didn’t know why, there hadn’t even been that many customers that night. She rested her head on her arms and closed her eyes for a while. She yelped when she felt someone crawl on top of her.

“It’s only me love,” Hitoshi whispered in her ear, while nibbling on it.

She relaxed and purred as he continued to nibble on her ear. He stopped, much to her disappointment, and rested his chin on the top of her shoulder blade.

“It’s so cute when you purr,” he cooed.

“It’s not a purr it’s a…blissful growl,” she defended.

“Whatever you say,” he chuckled.

He started kissing her shoulder and made his way over to her neck.

She moaned and pleaded, “Baby, not tonight, I’m too sore.”

He stopped and looked at her worriedly.

“Where does it hurt kataki?” he asked.

“My legs,” she answered.

“What part?” he asked.

“Just my calves,” she responded.

He felt her calves and saw that they were only small, but those little fuckers hurt the most. He simply ran his knuckles over them and, like that, they were gone. Kiyomi sat up and rubbed her legs, the pain was gone!

“You were right, you do have magic fingers!” she muttered in awe.

“Now then,” he pushed her back on the bed, “how about I finish what I started.”

(A/N: Review!)