InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ugh College ❯ Her First Warning ( Chapter 58 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Damn it’s been a long time since I’ve updated! Enjoy!
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I do not own Inuyasha.
I do own The Solstice Rose because I made them up.
Last time:
"Kagome," Inuyasha breathed caressing her cheek, "let's make a family."
This time:
Kagome opened her eyes and stretched leisurely loving the feel of red satin sheets beneath her. She sat up and looked around the lovely bedroom of the cottage. It was circular as was the king sized bed and painted red and white. The floor was wooden and painted white. But what caught her attention was the closet with a note on the door
She swung her legs over the side of the bed, stood up, and walked to the closet. She took off the note that read:
To my beautiful wife,
I have decided to start this day off with a little game of hide and go seek. I have left clues, four in all, all over the island and, when you find me, I will grant you one wish. The first clue is on one of the outfits in the closet I picked out for you.
Good luck,
The Sexiest Man Alive
She giggled and rolled her eyes; this was so corny! But it was cute and it might be fun so what the heck.
She opened the closet and her jaw dropped; this was going to be harder than she thought. All the outfits were the same color, red and white, and there was a lot! She started to think; knowing Inuyasha, he picked out something revealing so that would lead to…aha, found it! It was a grass skirt that ended at her knees, a white cloth with white plumeria flowers on it to wrap around her chest, and sandals. After putting it on she took the note off the cloth around her chest, which read:
Congratulations, you found the first clue. Hope you like your outfit. I thought since we’re out here in the Pacific I thought it would be nice for you to look like a normal islander. Anyways here’s the first clue: I’m hiding behind a staircase that is rough but smooth at the same time.
Well the next clue obviously wasn’t in the cottage, so she walked outside. She instantly saw what he meant; the waterfall. Smooth water rolling over the rough rock. She crossed the bridge leading to the small island, took off her sandals, and stepped into the warm, clear tropical water. She walked deeper into it until she was waist deep in the water. Kagome then examined the waterfall; there was nothing pinned to the rocks, so the only other explanation was it was either behind the waterfall or in the water. She decided to check behind the waterfall first. She dove into the water and swam to the right side of the waterfall grabbing onto a ledge. She peered behind the thin space separating the water and rock and saw a little note duck taped to the rock. She squeezed through carefully avoiding the water as she grabbed the note. She then put the note in her mouth and climbed the side of the waterfall to find somewhere to sit, which she found on the second level of the waterfall.
She grunted as she pulled herself over the ledge and sat down opening the note.
You found the first clue, now here is the second: I have climbed up the stairs and moved through a red forest. Now I am in a wide clearing resting on a giant.
Kagome let out a breath making her wet bangs move from her eyes. She tilted her back to see two short levels left to climb.
“I guess it won’t hurt to exercise a little,” she shrugged.
She stood up, went in front of the rock wall, and hoisted herself up to start climbing. Once she had reached the top of the forth level she jumped onto the grassy platform at the top. She sighed and stretched; it wasn’t as much work as she thought. She turned away from the waterfall and to view her surroundings; she found the red forest.
Kagome gaped in awe at the thousands of red plumeria flowers around her. With mouth slightly agape in awe, Kagome walked through the red forest. As she walked, she picked a plumeria and put in her hair. Then she reached the clearing and instantly saw the ‘giant’. It was a huge boulder in the middle of a grassy clearing, and there, sticking up like a flag, was the third clue.
She ran toward it, hopped up, and climbed to the top grabbing the flag. She sat at the top and read it.
Third clue: I am awake now and ran all the way to the beach to freshen up in the salty water. I am now drying on a hard platform with to fans.
‘Ugh! The beach is all the way over there! I swear ima kill him!’
She groaned, jumped off the boulder, and ran toward the beach.
Once she arrived, she looked at around for a stone platform; there were a lot. Then she found one between two short palm trees. She slowly walked towards it and saw a little white clam shell rested on it. She picked it up and opened it to find the fourth clue. She opened it.
The last clue: Count to twenty and then turn around.
She closed her eyes, counted to twenty slowly, and turned around. She gasped as she felt Inuyasha’s lips against hers. She automatically wrapped her arms around his neck moaning. He smirked then pulled away.
“You found me,” he whispered huskily.
“I didn’t find you, you found me,” she pouted.
“Aww what’s wrong?”
“I ran all over this island only for you to find me!” she whined.
“Hey, it was a nice time…for me,” he muttered.
“For you? Wait a minute,” she growled, “it was for you! You had me run all over the island in a revealing outfit just so you could watch! Well let me tell you something Inuyasha Takahashi, I-.”
Inuyasha pressed his lips against hers again then pulled away.
“Was it really such a bad thing for me to want to see my sexy new why running around half naked?” he asked.
“Well yeah!” she snapped.
He looked down at her with his ears flattened and big puppy dog eyes; he was definitely related to Kiyomi.
She sighed, “I guess not.”
He grinned and picked her up bridal style. Before she knew it, they were in bed again.
With Hitomi:
Hitomi sat on her bed in her room on her bed meditating. Her room was purple and white with a queen-sized bed, a bathroom, and wooden furniture.
She shivered slightly feeling a strong evil in the room.
“Get out before I call the guards,” she ordered coldly.
“I want you to stop interfering,” Masashi replied just as coldly.
“I have done nothing,” she huffed.
“You’re giving them clues!”
“And what are you going to do about it!” she snapped.
He growled and turned away, “Just stay out of my business girl or you’ll be sorry!”
With that he disappeared.
(A/N: Review!)