InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ugh College ❯ Emiko ( Chapter 63 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hello my wonderful readers! This is the last chapter :( but I was looking at my traffic for all my stories and its really good! Except for my first story that was a total fail T_T eh but it gets some maybe i should revise it. Anyways, I am really happy that everyone enjoys my fics and I'm grateful so thanx 3! I've had so much fun writing this story. Enjoy!
I do not own Inuyasha.
I do own The Solstice Rose because I made them up.
Last time:
She frowned, "It will be difficult now that she's pregnant."
This time:
Hitomi stepped into the room clearing her throat to get everyone's attention. They turned and she bowed.
"Lady Kagome, may I have a word with you," she asked and glanced at Inuyasha, "alone."
"Of course," Kagome answered warily standing up.
Hitomi lead her to the dining room and sat down Kagome sitting opposite of her.
"Kagome," she breathed, "I know I'm about to ask a lot of you and understand I don't want to bring you stress on you or the baby."
"Hitomi," Kagome cut in worriedly, "what's wrong? I've never seen you so...excited before."
Hitomi bit her lip and pulled a black nodachi sheath with white roses engraved on it. You could tell by the artwork it was old, but it was anything but dull so Hitomi must have kept it in good shape. Kagome looked from the sword to Hitomi with a confused expression.
"I need you to kill Masashi with this sword," she stated looking her dead in the eye.
Kagome's eyes widened and her breath hitched.
"You want me to do what?" Kagome asked her tone cold.
"Let me explain," Hitomi pleaded. "The Inu are the oldest demons, beside the dragon, who ever came to Earth. While the dragon inherited the power of the sun, the inu inherited the power from the moon. The power from either sources is immense and any demon would kill to have it. Such as Masashi. He was literally thrown out of hell for trying to take over it. He came to Earth in search of power. He knew about the powers of the sun and moon and came to take them, starting with the moon. Can you guess who was the first Inu to receive the power of the moon?"
Kagome listened intently and pondered over the question until it clicked,
"Yes, back then her name was InuTsukiko. She was no different then she was now. Anyways, the clan soon disowned her for befriending a human and mating with a dragon. The human was Midoriko and the dragon was Tatsuya. You being a reincarnation of Midoriko and Hitoshi of Tatsuya. You were a miko who was cast out for mating InuTsukiko's brother InuEiji, or Inuyasha, and Tatsuya was considered tainted for being mated to a dog. But you were all happy with each other. You and InuEiji had married but on the day that Tatsuya and InuTsukiko were to be married Masashi decided that if he couldn't have her no one would. He cornered Tatsuya first and, when he had finally weakened him enough, he raised a long sword and threw it towards his heart. But InuTsukiko jumped in front of him and it drove through her back through her heart and through his sternum and his heart. They died instantly."
"Masashi wasn't worried though. He cut himself and dripped his blood over their wounds so that they would be reincarnated until he died. This continued to another life and it ended similarly. We were all there. Me, Sango, Miroku, Sesshoumaru, Rin, Kouga, Keichi, Izayoi, InuTaisho, etcetera. We are all tied into this and we all suffered in one way; being attacked by Masashi's demons. If we want this to stop you have to kill Masashi."
"That part I don't understand. Why do I have to do this."
"Because your the one that almost did it last time. He killed Kiyomi last time with this sword and you put a scar along his back with this sword. He is going to do everything like he did last time only changing a few things. He doesn't know that I remember how he was weakened last time. He's expecting everyone to try and kill him but you because your pregnant and he knows you wouldn't dare do anything to hurt the baby. In the third round of his little mimicking game, he knows that as long as your out of the way his most threatening piece is gone. Kagome I know you don't want to hurt the baby, but, if Kiyomi dies and Masashi lives, her death will be definite.
Hitomi gave a small smile, "It's a girl I saw her."
"Then Kiyomi won't die?" she asked hopefully.
"I only saw that vision because I didn't receive your answer. If your answer is no, then that vision can change."
"That's kinda of cold isn't it," Kagome laughed bitterly.
"I'm willing to make you hate me to protect the ones I love," Hitomi glanced at her stomach, "born or unborn."
Tears slipped down Kagome's cheeks. She sniffed and nodded.
"I'll do it," Hitomi nodded and got up, "but when?"
Hitomi laughed a humorless laugh and walked to the door leading to the gardens.
"The same day as always, April 7th."
On April 7th:
"Well sweetheart, this is the big day!" Izayoi squealed looking at her daughter in the mirror.
It was a simple wedding in clear part of the Takahashi's backyard. Everything was either black or white. Kiyomi's dress was a strapless white gown that accented her curves. Her makeup was simple consisting only of light blush and clear lip gloss and her hair was half up half down.
"You look great darling," Mizuki praised. "Your lucky you inherited your father's looks and not your mothers."
Izayoi slapped her and straightened out her blue kimono as if nothing happened.
"Not on my wedding day!" Kiyomi groaned.
Hitoshi paced in the ball room where the after party was being held. He was so nervous he felt like he was going to throw up. Never had he felt this way.
"Calm down son all you have to do is say 'I do', " InuTaisho encouraged.
Hitoshi just nodded in response and watched as he walked away to fetch Izayoi and Mizuki. He then felt another presence in the room and spun around to me amused red eyes.
"Masashi" he hissed, "What are you doing here?"
Masashi chuckled, "Oh don't worry, you'll remember soon."
Suddenly he was in front of him and Hitoshi was flung back against the wall. Hitoshi growled and threw a table straight towards him. Masashi shattered the table but Hitoshi got him in the jaw. Masashi laughed again and grabbed Hitoshi by the throat watching as he clawed at his wrists and turned purple.
"Looks like this the last time I'll have to do this," he grinned.
With Kiyomi:
Kiyomi felt uneasy like something was wrong.
"Whats wrong Yomi?" Kagome asked as Hitomi finished putting her hair in a bun.
They heard a crash from downstairs and Kiyomi wasted no time running out the door.
Hitomi met Kagome's worried glance and handed her the nodachi.
"He's here."
At the ballroom:
Kiyomi ran in unnoticed and watched in horror as Masashi threw Hitoshi against the wall. He breathed hard and clutched the wall behind him. Masashi smirked and pulled out an extremely old long sword.
"I've always been good at darts," he mused.
He drew it back and threw it at Hitoshi's heart. Tears slipped from Kiyomi's eyes and, without a second thought and as fast as she could, she collided against Hitoshi and wrapped her arms around him. The two's eyes widened as the sword pierced their hearts. Hitoshi wrapped his arms around her and they slumped to the floor.
"Damn and I thought it'd work this time," Masashi muttered in disappointment.
He sighed and slit his wrist walking over to the two figures struggling to breathe. He grunted as a sword was thrust through his heart as well. He staggered forward and turned his head to his attacker who still had a grip on the swords handle.
Kagome glared at him with tears in her eyes.
"I win this time bitch," she snarled.
She pulled the sword upwards cutting all the way through his shoulder. He laughed and laughed until it became nothing but a gurgle as blood spilled out of his mouth and he dropped to the floor. Kagome ran to Kiyomi's side.
Kiyomi smiled weakly, "You did it Kags."
"We remember," Hitoshi coughed out.
"No you guys hold on I'll get help you'll be ok," Kagome insisted desperately.
"No Kaggie not this time," Kiyomi whispered.
"But we'll be back don't worry," Hitoshi assured hoarsely.
They smiled at her and embraced each other tighter with the last of their strength until their eyes closed slowly.
"No," Kagome muttered, "No! You can't leave now! What about the baby? Your supposed to be with me when I go through labor!"
She sobbed and didn't stop even when everyone else came in.
"OH MY GOD!" Izayoi screamed.
"Kagome," Inuyasha shouted running to her.
He pulled her into his arms and rubbed her hair staring in disbelief at his dead brother and sister.
"What happened!" InuTaisho roared.
"M-M-Masashi killed t-them," she hiccuped.
"And you killed him?" Inuyasha asked tears stinging his eyes.
She nodded and continued to cry. Izayoi and Sango collapsed and sobbed for all they were worth and Miroku and Rin comforted them sharing silent tears. InuTaisho and Sesshoumaru howled mournfully letting all demons who could hear know of their loss. And all the while Hitomi watched from a distance with cold hard eyes from already seeing this before.
"It's finally over," she whispered walking away.
6 months later:
Kagome stood over Kiyomi and Hitoshi's grave with Inuyasha at her side and a one month old baby girl in her arms. The two shared a grave because no one was able to pry them apart, so they shared one.
"Here she is you guys, your niece Emiko. She looks just like Inuyasha except for the black tips on her ears," Kagome said giggled as the baby sucked Inuyasha's thumb much to his disliking.
"She's a very happy baby. She didn't cry when she was born, she actually came out smiling that's why we named her Emiko," she explained.
"Smiling child," Inuyasha declared proudly.
"Just to let you know, we all miss you very much and me and Inuyasha wish you could have been the first to hold her," Kagome stated smiling sadly.
A tear rolled down Inuyasha's cheek which he quickly wiped away.
"We caught Naraku. He committed suicide while we were chasing him. Jumped off a sky scraper and through a truck of glass and into the concrete," Inuyasha said smiling evilly as he explained his death.
Emiko laughed at her father's funny, yet scary, face.
"Well we have to get going, sorry to cut this visit short," Kagome frowned.
"We're going to finish unpacking, we bought a house in the Hakurei complexes like we planned Hitoshi," Inuyasha said brightening a little at the subject.
"We'll visit sooner bye," Kagome whispered turning around and walking towards the limo. She strapped Emiko in and walked to the other side of the car Inuyasha holding the door open for her. They both got in and turned to Emiko as she started giggling uncontrollably. They peered at the heart shaped locket in her tiny hands and raised their eyebrows.
"Where'd she get that?" Inuyasha asked.
"I don't know?" Kagome shrugged.
She took the locket in her hand and opened it up. Inside was a picture of Kiyomi and Hitoshi and on the right was and inscription that said: We love you baby girl. We'll always be with you.
Kagome and Inuyasha smiled at each other knowing that they would indeed see them again.
(A/N: Well that's the end! T_T I'll miss it. Ja Ne! Oh and I'm thinking about doing sequel maybe.)