InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unaware ❯ Chapter 20 ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I do not own Inuyasha & Co.
Well, I have made some changes in my schedule. I will now have the time to write up more than one chapter this week! So, keep watch for more fiction as I aim to bring you all a Happy Holidays with my fiction as my gift to all of you, my readers. Well, with that, I bring you my first gift in the twelve days of Christmas (winks).
Chapter 20
The next week past by quickly as the day of the wake came by without much time for preparation of Inuyasha's soul. Kagome had tried to hold herself back from asking him to talk about what was about to happen. Seeing him stare off into space in a daze at times was hard on her. Supposedly, according to what he had divulged to her earlier that week, his funeral leave ends after the weekend of the funeral. To her, she wasn't sure how easy it would be for him to focus on the task of his job that soon after entombing his wife.
Not only that, but he had told her that he planned to go to the police with his information. Not knowing much about his relationship with Jakotsu, things would be unfolding that she couldn't control even if she tried. As he sat upon the couch, a cup of cold tea beside him to calm his nerves, she eyed his black tresses in thought. He looked so handsome with the black color framing his olive skin, but the silver of his natural color had always reminded her of purity and stature. Which one she liked more was irrelevant as the days passed, and she became accustomed to the dark that framed his gorgeous face.
When the morning of the wake arrived, it was hard for Kagome to get Inuyasha out of bed. At one point, after jostling him harshly enough to gain moans of protest from him, he pinned her beneath him and growled at her as he asked her to just relax and let him prolong the inevitable. At her scowl for his actions, he let her go and left her as he occupied the bathroom with a slam of the door.
As Inuyasha started the water in the shower, Kagome sat up in the bed and cried silently. This was to be the hardest day of his life so far, and she had just pushed him to get to the funeral home on time. The last place he truly wanted to be. She even thought about not showing up with him right away so that he could have some moments alone with his wife to grieve before the friends and family show up. As she heard mumbles of protest come from the bathroom, she stood from the bed, and silently opened the door.
As she entered the steam filled room, she saw through the nearly transparent curtain that he wasn't doing anything but leaning his hands on the wall and let the water drench his neck as it traveled down his back. She stood there in silence as she heard his raspy breathing as he let himself go in what he considered total privacy. She stood for a few moments more as he let himself break down as he sank to his knees.
Kagome then lost control of her legs as they carried her towards the curtain. He didn't move as she swept the curtain aside slightly and wrapped her body around his in comfort. He remained for a moment, and then turned around as she led his face to her bosom for comfort.
He held her tightly as he asked, “Can I really do this? Can I make it through today and tomorrow? Maybe I shoulda had her cremated and not told anyone about it. What was I thinking?”
Kagome ran her hands up and down his back tenderly as she replied with, “You're strong, Inuyasha. Kikyo knows that. I know that as well. I will be by your side, unless you ask me not to be.”
At those last few words, he lifted his face to eye her longingly. Kagome caressed his cheek as she gave him a reassuring smile. His only action was to lay his cheek upon her chest again as she held him to her naked and wet body. As the water went cold, the two lovers continued to hold back time in that watery sanctuary.
Shippo was asked to remain home with his grandmother as Kagome and Inuyasha headed to the funeral home. Shippo complained saying he wanted to be there for Inuyasha. They just felt that he was a bit too young to be exposed to pain and suffering. Plus, the last thing Inuyasha wanted was to seem weak before Shippo. It was a good thing to. When they arrived, the funeral home was empty and it gave them a chance to pay their own respects properly.
Inuyasha was entranced by his wife's body as soon as he stepped up to the casket. With how beautiful she looked, he couldn't help but smile. “She looks great, doesn't she?”
“Yes. She looks as if she's at peace.” Kagome replied as she too looked upon the woman's body with grace in her eyes.
“She looks the same as she did when we first married.” Inuyasha began, gaining Kagome's full attention as he continued. “She wore this same dress on our first anniversary. I took her to see a Broadway Play. She looked so happy that night. It's as if it was yesterday.”
“Inuyasha…” Kagome sighed as she watched his lower lip quiver slightly. She rested her hand on his shoulder as his eyes went misty. That was when the front door of the funeral home opened with a squeak.
At the sound of someone entering the funeral home, Kagome and Inuyasha turned to see if they were guests for Kikyo, or another wake in one of the other rooms. Once the person came into view, Inuyasha was surprised. It was Kikyo's mother. Inuyasha's breath caught in his throat at the sight of her as she looked upon him in contempt. Inuyasha just stood rooted in the spot as the woman eyed him and finally decided to step towards him.
Somehow he knew what was coming as the emotional mother approached him. He braced himself for a smack of some sort, but was shocked when the woman embraced him tightly. He stood in shock for a few moments when she decided to speak to him for the first time in years.
“Inuyasha. I am so sorry. So sorry for everything I said all these years.” The woman sniffled. Inuyasha then relaxed and accepted the apology with an embrace in return. “Inuyasha, will you forgive me?” She asked as she looked up at his melancholy expression.
“Yes.” He replied simply as they both embraced a bit longer. When the embrace ended, she righted her clothes and stepped back to see the changes in her estranged son in law.
“Your hair! What happened to your hair?” she asked as she flipped his black locks draping over his shoulder.
“Oh, I lost a bet. That's all. It's not permanent don't worry. The silver will come back soon.” Inuyasha shrugged. At the notice of friendly family banter, Kagome decided to take one last look at Kikyo and then take a seat to watch them interact.
Kagome couldn't help but smile at the cheerful conversation the two had. She remembered how he talked about Kikyo's family and how they disowned her for marrying a ruffian. It wasn't what she expected, but she could tell he hadn't expected the woman's mother to show up either.
As the two chatted and laughed about old times, Kagome heard the squeak of the door again. She turned to look over her shoulder to see who else had arrived to see Kikyo when she noticed a businessman dressed to the hilt with long silver hair and an air of richness in his demeanor. She had gathered the man to be Inuyasha's older brother by the gold eyes, and the long silver locks. He eyed her shortly as he stepped past to meet his brother by the casket.
As the two in laws chatted, Sesshomaru looked upon his sister in law's body. After a few moments of respect paid, he turned to the bouquet of flowers laid upon the closed end of the casket and pulled out a single sterling rose. He smelled it for a moment, and then laid it upon the woman's chest. Kagome's first impression of Inuyasha's brother died at that moment. To see him show such affection for his brother's wife left a warm feeling about the fact that she would be his next sister in law in the future.
Kagome then looked down to her purse as she pulled out a packet of tissues to blot the tears falling at the show of affections before her. Since Kikyo's mother arrived, Kagome felt as if she didn't belong. She hadn't known Kikyo until her life took a turn for the worst, and these people were new to her as well. She decided to bask in the fact that what Inuyasha had thought to be a harsh day had started out better than he thought it would.
To Kagome's surprise, the seat beside her creaked as someone decided to occupy it. She didn't look to see who it was since she knew there was only one other person in the room, save for the two reminiscing by the casket.
“You are good for him.” Was all she heard from the man beside her. She continued to watch Inuyasha interact with his mother in law as she replied with, “Thank you.”
“I underestimated you. You both have been good for each other since the beginning.”
“The beginning?” Kagome asked as she turned to look upon the owner of the masculine voice.
“Yes. Through his relationship with you, he has become aware of where he belongs. He's not the only one who has benefited from this intervention either.” Sesshomaru replied as he turned to look upon the woman who brought his brother such love and kindness.
“What do you mean?” She asked.
“I have found someone I hold very dear. Your ex-coworker, Rin.”
“Really? Wow. She did go nuts when she mentioned she had met the older brother. It's nice to finally have a face to go with the name.” Kagome said as she reached her hand out to him. He took her hand in his and kissed it. “Same here.”
Kagome's gaze turned into one similar to the look of a deer in the headlights as he smiled slightly and then turned his gaze towards his brother. “You look surprised.”
“Oh, yes. I am. Inuyasha, he hasn't really said much along the lines of good things about you since I met him. I'm actually a bit confused.” Kagome admitted.
“And that's not a surprise. Inuyasha and I haven't gotten along all our lives. He just knows he can trust me when it comes to matters high above his awareness.” Sesshomaru stated.
“Oh, I see. What is your take on your brother?” Kagome inquired.
“He doesn't think often when it comes to certain situations, and he ends up hurting. At times, he can be considered somewhat of an idiot, but he somehow gets by in the end. He and I are like night and day.” Sesshomaru replied.
“Yeah, he can get himself confused often, I've noticed. But, that is what makes him so interesting. The way he thinks, the paths he chooses. He's a one of a kind.” Kagome replied with a smile as she watched him talk to his mother in law.
`She truly loves him. He did say to me that she was the true woman for him. Maybe he's right, seeing as she considers him to be a treasure meant just for her.' Sesshomaru thought as he watched Kagome watch Inuyasha. His heart warmed at the thought of being able to talk with Kagome on an intimate level on personalities.
Kagome suddenly felt his eyes bore through her as she watched ahead. She felt butterflies in her stomach dance as she turned her gaze to the man beside her. “Something wrong?”
“No. I like you, Kagome. You are perfect for my younger brother. I only hope he can protect you better than he protected Kikyo. It would be a shame to hear of anything happening to you.” Sesshomaru said as he stood and walked towards the casket once more to give his regards to Inuyasha.
Kagome watched the man as he stepped up to Inuyasha and shook his hand. After a few moments, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru shared a brief hug, and then Sesshomaru stepped towards the back of the room. Inuyasha then hugged his mother in law as she followed his brother. Kagome watched as he gave her a smile and then turned to his wife. He leaned on his hands on the edge of the casket as he looked upon the body of the woman he had spent so many years with as Kagome stood and made her way to his side once again.
Not many more guests came for a while, so Inuyasha and Kagome decided to leave the funeral home for a light lunch. They figured not many more people were going to come at that point in the day since most of them were still at work. Little did they know that while they were gone, three men visited Kikyo briefly and then left before they returned.
Naraku made it a priority that he and her co-workers get the chance to see her on their lunch break. Naraku knew he and Bankotsu weren't going to be able to make the funeral the next day. They both would be heading out on a business trip for the weekend. Jakotsu, however, was as available as the wind at any notice, day or night. So, the three of them had the chance to pay their last respects alone.
The rest of the night was steady with visitors of people who all knew Kikyo in some way or another. Either from the office, or from just bumping into her on the street. Inuyasha began to gain some depth into the parts of Kikyo he never knew about. She had plenty of friends she talked to on a daily basis. However, since she didn't really bring much frustration home, or anything along those lines, he never knew most of the people even existed.
Kagome did her best to remain either at his side, or at a distance depending on how he reacted to people at the time. If he was happy, she sat in the chairs. If he were melancholy, she'd arrive at his side immediately. The point of her being there was to be supportive, but not to let people know he had a love interest at the time of his wife's shooting. With the possibility of the whole thing with Jakotsu going to court, she wanted to make sure she was careful of her own actions.
Inuyasha just tried his best to keep himself collected and calm while the groups of friends crowded him at times. He had even gained some friends just by chatting with them over how lucky he'd been to have such a wonderful woman in his life. Of course, some of the lady friends told him how they couldn't understand why they hadn't had kids, and he just shrugged and said it wasn't in their plans.
Kagome listened in on those conversations, and she chuckled inwardly. She knew his ideals had changed dramatically as opposed to what he was disclosing. He was happy to look upon Shippo as his own, and to have a legitimate reason to be able to be a child himself, he just couldn't pass that up.
Once the funeral director came forward and announced the times for the funeral and such for the next day, everyone grabbed their belongings and filed slowly through the front door, leaving Inuyasha and Kagome to leave last. As Kagome drove them home, she heard sounds from the man in the seat beside her. As she took a glance, she noticed he had fallen asleep.
`Poor thing.' She thought to herself as she grabbed his hand and drove home smiling.
The next day was the day Inuyasha had dreaded for the past month. The funeral. The last time he'll have his wife near. He was reluctant to get up in the morning, but Kagome became a drill sergeant just for that occasion and helped get him looking spiffy in his black and white suit. Kagome got herself all dolled up in her best black dress and did her makeup with waterproof mascara, knowing she'd cry at least a few tears. As she did her hair, Inuyasha sat upon the side of the bed, slumped over and stared off into space as if he was just a puppet. Kagome tried not to pay attention to his present state, knowing there was no hope of helping him to smile. After two hours of preparations with the two of them, they headed out to the church to get there on time.
As the guests gathered at the church, Inuyasha took his seat in the front pew beside his brother, and Kikyo's parents and family. Kagome sat beside him in comfort, and by his request, even though she was far from family. He wanted nothing more than to hold her hand for support and to have someone to rub his back when the tears started to form through the service.
Though Kagome was only following Inuyasha's request, she heard murmurs of shock to see Inuyasha sitting beside another woman. Kagome did her best to ignore them and pay attention to the man beside her as she felt a hand rest on her left shoulder. She turned to see Sesshomaru eyeing her in kind, as he turned his eyes towards those who emitted the whispers she and he heard. As soon as his stoic eyes met there's, the murmurs ceased, giving Kagome a reason to sigh in relief as she thanked him quietly.
The sermon given by the priest was beautiful and meaningful. As he spoke about the woman laid before him, Kagome paid attention to the story of whom this woman truly was, and how Inuyasha had known her to be. A woman no other woman could rival at heart. A kind woman who gave of herself willingly, and had a good heart. A woman who put her all into everything she achieved and was special in every action she performed for others.
Kagome couldn't help but smile to know she no longer had to suffer through the life Inuyasha had described the woman to have. How he loved her was the biggest issue. Until the bullet took her away, she was his everything. His life. Kagome silently hoped she could fulfill that void he now harbored as she looked to the broken man beside her. Sure, he expressed on enough occasions what she now means to him, but with the tears in her eyes, she decided she would not even think about comparing herself to the woman laid out before the crowd of people who came to pay their respects.
It turned out that Kikyo was well known, not only in the business world, but she also had made a nice sized group of friends. Kagome had only just a few people on her list. Her family, of course, the nurses she used to work with, and Inuyasha. His brother would take some warming up to, but nothing like this woman before her had turned out.
Once the ceremony at the church ended, the congregation of people then lined up to pay their respects to the family, and to the deceased on their way out to their cars to continue the funeral procession to the cemetery. Unbeknownst to the group of survivors, one man hung back in shock as he saw Inuyasha greet and accept sentiments from the other guests.
Once the procession arrived at the cemetery, they all followed the pallbearers as they carried the casket to the burial plot. Kagome walked beside Inuyasha, her arm linked in his as he watched the casket with melancholy eyes. The only distraction was Kagome patting his back to remind him that he wasn't alone. As he looked to the woman beside him to catch the smile she sent him, he held her hand in his as he then looked upon the casket once again.
As the casket was laid upon the supports above the grave, the guests gathered around, with Inuyasha and Kagome in the middle. The priest then began his prayer and last words of her entombment before lowering her body into the ground. Once the flowers were removed and handed to each individual to toss upon the casket in last goodbyes, Inuyasha held the rose to his nose and took one last sniff to remember her by. Kagome eyed him as a tear formed and slowly fell from his eye. The priest then signaled that it was time to let her go.
Inuyasha looked to the rose, and then to Kagome. She smiled and nodded for him to go. He let go of her arm and stepped up to the grave. After a loud sniffle, he kissed his rose, and then knelt down to lay it gently upon the casket. He eyed the single rose for a moment and then stepped away with his head held low. Kagome walked up next and held the rose between her hands in silent prayer that Kikyo be safe and happy in the afterlife. Once she was finished, she tossed her rose and then followed Inuyasha towards a tree across the way.
He stepped up to the tree and leaned his hands and head against it as he tried to compose himself. Kagome silently stepped up behind him and began rubbing his back.
“It's over. I'll never see her again.” He drawled out to the woman behind him.
“I know. It's time you let her go and move on.”
“No, not yet. It's not over yet. Her spirit is not at rest even though her body lies in the ground. Jakotsu needs to be brought to justice first.”
“That could take months. Years even.” Kagome pointed out in concern.
“I have no choice.” He replied as he turned and rested his back against the tree. “I have to do this for her. Plus, the last thing I want is that bastard coming after you, now that you're with me.” He stated as he held her in his arms.
“Inuyasha, I don't even know him. Why would he attack me when he doesn't know our relationship?” she asked as his eyes found their target. Inuyasha stiffened at the glare Jakotsu sent him across the way. The look of utter shock and contempt. He hadn't done what he set out to do. To free up the opportunity to make his move on the man he loved so much.
Inuyasha knew things were going to get hairy now that Jakotsu was looking upon him as he was now. The black hair told the man everything he needed to know. Inuyasha had hurt him with the act he put on that night. However, to see Inuyasha as he was at that moment, holding another woman who looked almost identical to Kikyo, the woman he worked so hard to remove from the equation, the sight sickened the man as he stormed off in another direction.
Inuyasha watched Jakotsu as he took off. Once he was out of sight, Inuyasha looked at Kagome as he said, “Kagome, you have to get out of here. Go to Sesshomaru, now. He'll take you home safely.”
“Why? Why can't you take me home?” She asked curiously.
“I have some unfinished business to take care of. Go, now.” He commanded as he left her side. Kagome huffed a bit as she then eyed the crowd of people walking away from the grave. She couldn't see Sesshomaru anywhere.
As she stepped away from the tree, she heard footsteps behind her closing in quickly. She began to notice the rhythm and began to pick up speed when she felt someone grab her arm from behind and she was then led into this secluded part of the cemetery no one knew was there. Once they past through the brush, she was hurled at the intricate gravestone in the middle of the circle of trees.
“You, who are you?” she heard a man ask behind her. As she righted herself against the gravestone, she turned and faced an unfamiliar man. “I asked you a question, woman. Who are you?”
“No one.” Kagome replied in a nervous tone. The man then approached her forcefully, pinned her to the gravestone, and held her head back by the ponytail as he looked down at her in disgust.
“You lie. You're his new lover, aren't you?” He growled.
“I honestly don't know what you're talking about…” she replied as he pulled her ponytail back even further causing her to gasp and yelp in pain.
“Your name. Tell me your name!” He demanded.
“Ka…” she gulped.
“Ka…gome…” she gasped as she tried to breathe under the intense pressure on her throat.
“Tsch…It figures…” He said as he released her and stepped back. “You look like her, even your name is similar. What, are you family or something? Does he have a thing for sisters?”
“No. I am no relation.” She spat between gasps.
“Heh…Figures.” He spat as he paced before her.
“Why would you say that?” Kagome asked.
“You two won't last long.”
“How would you know?”
“He still pines for Kikyo, and he always will, princess. Sure, he may want your comfort now, but I assure you, it's not because of who you are. It's because you're practically her twin! He's replacing Kikyo with you now to quench his loss of his darling wife!”
“You're wrong!” Kagome spat. “You know nothing about us!”
“Oh, I know enough. I've known him for years, while you've only known him since his wife was shot. He told me of how he loves his wife, and how he can't think about living without her eyes, her smile, and her kisses. I bet you do him the same as she did. I bet he sees Kikyo while he's inside you.” He said in a tone laced with venom as he gained a look of malice in his eyes.
“I'm no whore, and he sees me as I am. He realized that through all this, he was meant for me, not Kikyo. You know nothing of what he's been through, you asshole!” Kagome shouted.
He stood before her, his breath laced with venom as he panted in anger. His eyes bore through her very soul as he scrutinized her. “This won't last long, mark my words. You're light will be snuffed soon.” He threatened as he stumbled through the brush, leaving Kagome panting as she stood against the gravestone.
Inuyasha panicked as he realized he had lost the man he wanted to confront. On top of his disappearance, Kagome was nowhere in sight either. He could only hope that she had found and left with his brother before the jerk could even dare threaten or harm her. As he neared the tree he last left her at, he heard a voice behind the row of trees just a few feet behind him.
He listened for a moment when he caught the sounds to be a woman crying. Suddenly, something clenched in his chest. As he swallowed loudly, he began to panic. As he searched the row of trees for an entrance, he called out to Kagome. Once he found a break, he forced his way through and then stopped.
There he saw her kneeling on the ground with her head in her hands as she cried. He ran to her and knelt down as he took her crying form into his arms. “What happened?”
“He found me…He forced me to tell him who I am and what I am to you. He told me lies…He hurt me…He said he will kill me!” She exclaimed as she leaned into him for more protection. Inuyasha held her tightly as he swayed her back and forth. He became angered as he panted and seethed at what that bastard did to Kagome.
“Shhh…It's okay. I'll protect you. I'm right here. He can't do a thing to you. I promise you that. You'll be fine. I'll get him behind bars before he can even touch you. I won't let you suffer like Kikyo.” He promised in a shaky voice. As the numbers of people in the cemetery faded, the two lovers held each other tightly as the sun blazed above.
Cliffy Alert! Yes, this is the end of the chapter. Sorry, but my mind doesn't go any further…Please don't be mad at me. Be mad at my brain (points at my temple). Nice chapter, ne? I hope this one satisfies as you await the next chappy to be posted later this week, I hope. Well, `til next time! Ja ne!