InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unbreak My Heart ❯ Hanabira ni Kioku ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and all related characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi…
Chapter title: © Aa! Megami-sama
note: rated PG-13, R in some parts for adult situations and suggestive sexual content (lemon/lime/fluff) Please respect this rating.
Special thanks goes to my beta reader Lynda!
by: Angelstars
email: beta reader: nekochan (614)

Warning: Slightly lime scented with small suggestive scenes. (PG-13)
Unbreak My Heart
9.9 - Hanabira ni Kioku (Memory of Petals)
last chapter
Shippo held onto Inuyasha tightly moving his gaze upward to the girl he called mother. “Kagome…” he whispered feeling the hanyou struggle to move, he diverted his eyes away from her and set them upon Inuyasha once more. “Inuyasha, don't move!” he begged.
To Late.
Inuyasha regretted the sharp movement when he blacked out once more, but not before hearing Kagome's voice call his name.

The last of Kagome's pleas went unanswered by the injured hanyou. His own body fighting to stay awake but his senses told him otherwise as he drifted into a deeper comatose sleep, finding comfort in the presence of total darkness.
Kagome dropped to her knees and gathered Inuyasha and the cub into her chest, desperately willing the broken and bloodied boy to be alright. Shippo could feel her trembling shivers from where he tightly gripped onto Inuyasha's chest, his small nose picking up the scent of salty tears and his acute hearing focusing upon her shaky words.
”Kirara!” Miroku summoned for the fully transformed saber-toothed cat.
Kirara landed swiftly in front of him as he lifted Sango's limp body onto her back followed by helping Kagome bring Inuyasha atop.
Myouga impatiently paced the floor of the hut for the Monk to finish his prayers. Inuyasha had been laid to rest in another room, along with Kagome and the kitsune-cub. Sango had regained consciousness not long after they had set back to the safe-confides of the village.
”Myouga-sama, one should remain calm and concentrated at a time like this” Miroku evenly spoke, still locked in meditation.
The flea-youkai, to wrapped up in thought, ignored the houshi's words. He had felt the premonition of fate and tried to warn Inuyasha, not that it had much of an impact on the young lord. Myouga had been close by, just out of the way and safe from the line of fire. He had watched Kagome with awe - he had been mislead about the `Dark Miko' rumour, Kagome was anything but corrupt, it was the jewel itself that had been making her estranged powers awaken. Kagome had no idea how to take charge of it, she had not been taught at an early age how to recognise the symptoms, so naturally she would be more aware of it when confronted with Inuyasha, being a half-demon, than any other.
That had answered that question.
Still, the one thing that confused him the most was that of Inuyasha-sama himself. Inuyasha, had not sensed the demon-creature shouki, nor did he attempt to fight back-not to mention Inuyasha's life was incredibly threatened. So why did his demon blood not take over? Tetsusaiga had been knocked from his grasp and the demon was crushing him to no end.
He sighed reaching no conclusion, only Inuyasha himself would be able to answer that reasoning, but right now, Inuyasha was fighting another battle. One of life or death.
Inuyasha felt his body curse with pain before everything suddenly stilled, when a soothingly calming affect washed over him, temporarily paralysing him.
Slowly, he opened his eyes to nothing but darkness before his cat-like sight kicked in. He could feel something warm weighing heavy on his chest but could not see what it was. He tried to move, but it was futile and brought only pain as a prize for his efforts, another sigh escaped his lips as he gave once again into blissful slumber.
Kagome wringed out yet another cold-wet cloth before placing it atop of Inuyasha's forehead, he had been suffering from a high fever for several hours now and it was worrying the girl senseless. Shippo had refused point blank to separate from Inuyasha's chest and had remained there the entire time Kagome and Miroku cleaned up as much of Inuyasha's wounds they could find without disturbing the already healing flesh.
It was the fact Inuyasha had been unconscious for over four hours that had gotten Kagome into such a panic it had raised alarms in the cubs mind, hence the heart wrenching cry from the Kitsune when Miroku had insisted he leave Inuyasha's warmth. Shippo had learned, after his parents had died, to survive he had to grow-up fast, but he was still young and very much so attached to Inuyasha as much as Kagome (Not that he would openly admit that). His mind screamed at him to be brave for Kagome's sake, but his child-like senses were now vulnerable to the fact Inuyasha may die.
Kagome had not moved away from Inuyasha's side and was now laying next to the inert hanyou, her head firmly pressed up against his chest with a protective arm clutching him gently over his bandaged stomach. The kit had curled up on the opposite side, his own head and ear resting above a irregular flaccid heartbeat.
Tears lay heavy marks as mournful sleep over took both Kagome and Shippo that night.

Inuyasha's eyes jerked wide open, his breathing came to him in short gasps and his heart was beating so fast it was threatening to knock him back out. He scrambled to his feet whipping his head back and fourth in search of her.
Darkness, the whole world seemed to lack of any colour as his eyes searched out for any signs of movement or sound he could tune into…
When he felt a pair of wandering hands softly ran over his chest caressing him lightly causing his skin to jitter with pleasure.
Kagome? his mind called out.
The hands ran freely over his entire body, caressingly lingering and teasing his sensitive skin. He gasped upon feeling soft lips scorch his bare flesh.
Kagome? his mind called out once again.
He slowly grasped onto reality and flickered his eyes open focussing on the girl above him. She smiled wholeheartedly and leaned down to touch his lips with her own.
”Kagome?” he rasped breathlessly after she pulled away.
She smiled once again and shushed him bringing her dainty finger to his nose, playfully berating him.
”Where is this place?” he spoke again
”Safe” came her only reply before she picked up where she left off, trailing soft kisses across his chest and stomach.
Involuntary moans escaped Inuyasha `s lips with every soft pressure. Sudden realisation struck him as he remembered the argument in the woods, soon followed by the pain of Kagome's miko energy but the pleasure of her kiss at the same time.
Those forgotten memories clear in his mind as his eyes shot open.
The mark.
Kagome now lay underneath him, bright, desirable eyes radiated with passion as he lowered his lips to hers in a tender and loving kiss. One that she returned in kind as her hand moved up to cup the back of his head and caress his silver mane. He slid his arms around her and held her to him, burying his face in the curve of her neck and breathing in her scent…
He remained that way for a time inhaling her unique, sweet intoxicating scent that could only be described as purely innocent perfume of petals and dew-drops off the finest leaves, before beginning to kiss his way along her nape scrapping his fangs over her sensitive and delicate skin. Kagome's moans of pleasure only fed him with more desire to suckle off her, reddening the bruised and puncher marks that now appeared under her skin.
end flashback

The following day came and went without much change. Kagome and Shippo had not left Inuyasha's side and refused to eat when Sango had called them in for their evening meal. Miroku was still locked in constant meditation only resting when need be. Myouga had even stuck around long enough to see over the houshi's attempts of solitude prayer.
Sango and Kirara had been trying to keep themselves busy, helping the village women out in the local gardens and wash areas. Kirara would not usually wander far from the hut, now that Kagome was back along with the Shikon no Tama, most demons were out for blood and all aiming for Kagome's.
The word had spread that the reincarnated Miko had at last `Come of age' and most of the village mourned along with Kagome. It would be of great loss if the hanyou, the village and Inuyasha no Mori's protector were to die from such wounds, the village people had come of custom with Inuyasha and Kagome's presences in the time they shared there. (Inuyasha's Forest or Forest of Inuyasha)
Most, if not all of the village people, (to some extent) gained a little respect for the hanyou, not one of pureness, but one of trust.
Some believed that the hanyou had been punished enough over time and now deserved to live in peace.
The priestess Kaede had proved that much after leaving her grounds and land to Inuyasha.
Two days had trudged slowly along, the minutes had turned into hours and the hours into days and still Inuyasha showed no signs of life. His heart was still uneven and his breathing had gotten worse. However, his temperature had cooled off, thanks to Kagome's constant wet-cloth changes and herbal therapies she had learned from the recently departed Kaede.
Sango was just getting the last of the remaining food to leave in the room for Kagome and Shippo when Miroku broke his meditation.
”Miroku-sama!” She rushed to his side.
”It is all up to Inuyasha now,” He informed as he opened his eyes and let out a long sigh.
Sango nodded with a silent understanding. “I've been trying to keep busy for the last few days, its not been easy and Kagome and Shippo haven't left that room all this time.” She let loose her own dejected sigh.
”Of course there are always other ways to keep oneself busy,” Miroku replied with a small grin suddenly playing upon his lips.
“Cursed hand or not, houshi-sama?” Her eyebrow twitched upon feeling the unwanted attention around her rear. “You can't use that excuse anymore!” She gritted through clenched teeth.
”So does this mean you won't be bearing my child anytime soon?” He asked innocently, rubbing his reddened hand marked cheek.
”Don't even think about it, houshi!”

1 day later…
With Inuyasha's temperature completely broken and most of the severe wounds finally starting to heal over, she had enough confidence in the hanyou's ability to mend quickly and thanks to her efforts she had managed to keep him alive.
3 days had now passed since Inuyasha had lapsed into unconsciousness, but things took a turn for the worse. Kagome had not slept at all the night before having stayed up to nurse the sickly Kitsune, whom had worried himself ill. Lack of food and distress added to the kit's newly burning temperature, and Kagome's fears had once again surfaced. Sango had taken the feverish shivering cub into the comfort of Kirara's fur, the small cat helped lull the cub into peaceful slumber allowing its heartbeat to be substituted from that of Inuyasha's.
Kagome sighed and watched on helplessly as Miroku finished the task of cleaning up the more infected areas of wounds. Inuyasha's demon blood helped the healing process, but infection had set into some of the open injuries when his body was weakened by the high fever.
”Kagome-sama, you need some rest.” Miroku insisted.
”I can't sleep while Inuyasha and Shippo need me” She replied quietly, lowering her gaze from Miroku's concerned look.
He sighed and gathered the remnants of bandage and herbs before resting a hand upon Kagome's shoulder. “I understand,” he uttered, offering her a reassuring smile.
Kagome gratefully returned the smile. ”Arigatou, Miroku-sama”
Miroku nodded before leaving Kagome with her thoughts, 'Sleep would be a good thing, but I'm needed right now'
Neither of the humans noticing the small twitching of Inuyasha's ears.
Kagome sighed and made her way over the slumbering boy and brushed a quivering finger over the hanyou's face, before moving around to the other side of the futon and slipping under the covers to join him. She rested a hand upon his chest and lay on her side with her head tightly tucked under his nape.
Inuyasha felt the small gesture of warmth trace his face and forced himself to move and to at least open his eyes.
She had lain in silence for what seemed like hours when she felt Inuyasha start to stir beneath her. She smiled slightly, relief washing over her when his eyes slowly opened.
”Inuyasha?” She whispered soothingly, brushing his cheek with the back of her hand before moving herself off his chest to make him more comfortable.
Inuyasha managed a small groan in reply before tightly closing his eyes once again.
”I feel like shit,” he rasped after a few moments.
”You don't look so hot either” Kagome managed a small chuckle.
”How long have I been out for?” He asked quietly, only now feeling the twinges of painful bruising and healing bones.
”A little over three days”
"I've been unconscious for three days?" he yelped with a sharp jolt.
”Hai” she replied, firmly but gently pushing him back down to settle him once more.
”That demon did a lot of damage to you…” She started, “I don't know exactly what happened, but that lowlife youkai got what was coming to it!”
A small smile crept upon his lips when he touched his fingers to her lips to still anything else she was going to say.
”Ursai,” he hushed her playfully.
Kagome felt her heart skip a beat the moment his fingers made contact with her skin. She swallowed nervously feeling the heated blush rise upon her cheeks before lowering her head slightly in a vain attempt to hide her face.
Gently, he stroked a loose hair away from her face and cupped her chin, lifting her face to meet his eyes. A small sleepy smile appeared on her lips as she whispered a tiny “Gomen.”
”Go to sleep, Kagome. It's my turn to watch over you now.”

Next chapter: 10 - Mamotte Ageru (I'll protect you)
Inuyasha is awake but still weak, Kagome sneaks over to her world to ask her mother something important, and Shippo finally finds out the truth behind the Higurashi shrines saviour (Inuyasha and Kagome's guardian angel) all this and more in the next chapter of Unbreak My Heart.
A/N: Once again I thank all my reviewers, readers and e-mailers! arigatougouzaimasu! I bet you're all relieved that Inuyasha finally remembers that faithful night he and Kagome first mated. Oh and that he's finally awake! Poor Shippo tho '( the next chapter should tie all the loose ends of the story together - plus I'm working on my review responses and epilogue so look forward to them sometime soon too!
Once again, this story can be found unedited at (click on my penname to take you to a direct link from my bio)