InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Love ❯ I'm Taking Her Back! ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I DO NOT, ABSOLUTELY DO NOT OWN INU CAST!!!!!!! -Sniffle- though I wish I did.

AN: if any of you want to add me to your update list its cool, but plzzzzzz review too………sigh………. I know I'm a review freak, but……………anyway continue with the chapter. Just ignore this blab of poor excuse for an author's note.


Review Replies~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Fluffysgirl229- Glad that u like the new chappy. Um…….did you have an unexpected love?


Unexpected Love Chapter 7: I'm Taking Her Back!

Sesshoumaru didn't even sleep, if he does at all. He decided to get up and go for a little walk around his castle. He had a lot on his mind and it was disturbing his sleep.

(I feel as though Kagome is hesitant. I know she still is in love with my idiotic half-brother, and I don't want to rush her into anything. If she will go back to my brother, then all I can do is love her from afar. If I care for her, I can at least be happy for her, right? I just wish she would get over Inuyasha, but I fear that will never come to be...)

He went to a secluded part of the woods near his home and sat at a very large lake. The lake shined silver in the moon light, and it seemed to bring comfort to him. He remembered the first time he had ever laid eyes upon Kagome. He was very jealous of his stupid brother, but he wasn't sure why.


It was a nice day; the wind was blowing, the sun was shining and the group was rather content on the weather. Sesshoumaru stood atop a hill looking down, when he noticed his half-brother. He saw he was with 3 humans, and a kitsune. He looked over each one, and he laid his eyes upon Kagome. He couldn't describe the way he felt, and he could only stare as they walked towards his cliff. He heard a voice reach his ears, but it was distant...

"Hey, Inuyasha, who's that?"


"That guy on the cliff."


"Who's that Inuyasha?"

"He's my stupid brother. HEY WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT!?"

"A poor excuse for a man wielding the Tetsusaiga."



After some intense fighting, Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha broke apart. Kagome and the others were standing behind Inuyasha, and he could get a good look at this girl. After that very day, Sesshoumaru had changed.

*End Flashback*

Sesshoumaru broke out of his trance, and was aware it was now morning. He thought he would go and wake Kagome, but when he came out of the woods, he saw she was already awake. He didn't want to risk her seeing him stare, so he went into the castle again.

Kagome had woken up herself and went out on the balcony. It was a gorgeous morning, and she was wrapped up in the warmth of the sun.

"Kagome, Kagome!"

"Huh? Oh, Shippou, where did you come from?"

"From outside..."

"Were you playing with Rin?"


"Oh, well go ahead and go play some more."

"Ok, bye!"

"Have fun!"

Just then, Miyu opened the door to her room.

"Come with me Kagome. We will continue our training."


Meanwhile in some forest………~………. ~…………~…………. ~…………~…………~……~< /div>

"GO AFTER HER! Gods, Inuyasha, you've been moping ever since she left. You know where she is, just go," yelled Sango who was fed up with the hanyou's situation.

"I must agree with Lady Sango on this one. Inuyasha, is it such a big deal to go after Kagome?" asked Miroku in an eerily polite tone of voice.

"Just leave me alone. It's not worth it. Even if I go I'd just get beaten to a bloody pulp," sighed Inuyasha uncharacteristically.

"Go, and get Kagome or else you will be facing a crying Sango," stated the monk harshly.

Inuyasha's face turned to horror then quietly packed up his things and made his way speedily to the Western Castle. (Kagome, are you really in love with Sesshoumaru? Please wait for me. I love you, I really do. Don't fall for him, wait for me. I'm coming for you.)

"That stubborn dog; come, Sango let's catch up to him."

Sango called Kirara then blasted forward at full speed smiling; obviously glad that she's finally getting to see Kagome.

*&*^*%*$*#*@*!*&*^*%*$*#*@*!*&*^*%*$*#*@*!*&*^*% *$*#*@*!*

Miyu's head snapped up, "I sense one demon, two humans, and a hanyou coming towards the castle fast.

Kagome's head bolted up too, "Did you say hanyou? -Closes eyes and concentrates- I sense them too. It's Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, and Kirara."

"I can smell my half brother. He's here to take her back. I will not allow him to do that."

About ten minutes later Sesshoumaru could see a red blur rapidly growing. By this time Kagome and Miyu are already beside the Western Lord waiting anxiously for the hanyou.

AN: Sorry about the short chappy. Not in the mood to write right now so sowy. I promise I'll try to write more the next time and R and R. Ja ne Evilfire4321.

P.S: Notice this is a cliffy, mwahahahahahahahahahahaha (from the evil counterpart of EvilFire4321.