InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Walk of Destiny ❯ Romeo & Juliet ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I really don't see the point anymore. I mean, every time I write this, do you read it? I mean, you would have to be stupid to believe I was the person who created the anime series “Inuyasha,” and that I was spending my free time writing the continuation to post it free on the net. I would be losing a nice wad of cash, just because I was revealing everything. So for all those stupid people who still don't get it-----I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA!

Walk of Destiny

By angelwings1

Edited by Kelli G

Chapter 13---Romeo and Juliet

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The stars were numerous, scattered out in a black world. Each one was divided, separated, but invisible lines tied them together. The constellations had given several of the small dots their own string of friends. Friends that would never desert them, never leave them. Nothing would change where they were. No hand would shift them apart, for the invisible strings still kept them close and happy.

But those handfuls...

The ones that were dim and forgotten.

They would never find that place.

They would live alone...forever...

That was his destiny. He believed it now more than ever.

Just when he had begun to hope that he could actually find that glow of happiness he glimpsed in her, he was snapped out of his dream. He turned to face the cold, dark world he was meant to suffer in, alone.

The nightmare was real. He had gotten close, and his claws had cut her down.

He had gotten too close.

He wasn't meant to be anywhere, with anyone.

He had been sentenced to the place between his world and theirs. He knew she didn't want it this way, and he wished it didn't have to be.

But this was it.

This was who he was.

His blood would not allow him to be happy where she was.

Inuyasha listened quietly to the noise behind the door, hearing her pained whispers. His stomach turned at the smell of their blood, hers and the kit's.

'Don't worry, Inuyasha. They'll be fine.'

He shouldn't have to be told that. He should already know. If it hadn't happened, then he wouldn't see those weak smiles, those frightened faces.

Stupid stars... stupid destiny...

If only he could choose his path, instead of being forced onto it. Everything would be so much easier, happier.

But the jewel was gone. Kagome had sacrificed her time for his, and now he had made her sacrifice a waste. He couldn't be close to her. He had tried and now it had gotten him here, with her blood on his claws.

He had lost everything he had built over the last four years. He didn't want to risk her life for his happiness.

But maybe...

'...I have my own way of making your true demon blood surface. You would have all the strength your transformation could offer. You might still be as rash as when you fought before, but you would be in control. You wouldn't even suffer any memory loss.'

Angrily, the hanyou shook his head. He didn't want to. He would rather live in exile than take Sakura's help.

He just needed to...needed to...

...what could he do?

There was no jewel...

No spell... nothing left to break his curse. Sadly, all he could do was beg for mercy.

Shuffling in the back room broke him out of his reverie. His gold eyes instantly snapped onto the exiting slayer. He was on his feet in seconds, along with several of the villagers. "Well?"

Sango smiled weakly, exhausted from the last two hours. "They're both fine. Lost a lot of blood, but they're both young and strong. They just need to rest."

Visibly defying the huntress's words, Kagome stumbled into the room, clenching her long green robe shut. Miroku and Kohaku quickly followed, reaching for the miko's arms.

"You need to be in bed!" the monk persisted loudly, struggling against her hands.

"I don't need a bed!" Kagome snapped, her eyes fiery. "I'm needed--"

"In bed!" Kohaku finished, surprisingly louder than normal. "It's no good to stretch your energy thin!"

"I'm fine!"

Sango immediately pressed both her palms against the miko's slim shoulders. "BED! NOW!"

Kagome began to fight harder, somehow overpowering the three. She didn't need this. This mess needed to be cleared up.

When her brown eyes happened to fall on his quiet figure, Kagome went still. The others froze as well, glancing between the two. The invisible tension grew thicker.

Though she loudly voiced otherwise, he could see the strain in her jaw. The young woman pushed away from the arms of her friends, this time finding no restraint in them, and shakily walked towards the quiet hanyou.

When she reached for his shoulder to steady herself, he quickly took both her arms. Just as soon as she had regained her balance, their arms lowered.

"Thank you," she whispered, fiddling to get her bangs from her eyes. "Can I please be alone with Inuyasha?"

Everyone glanced at each other.

"Kagome..." the huntress warned wearily, "you shouldn't be up."

The miko half-smiled. "Please, Sango. Just for a moment. See to Shippo. I won't leave the hut and you'll be in the next room... Please."

Her sister's weary plea did not settle well with the slayer, but the broken hanyou was in desperate need of her comfort. Going against her better judgment, the slayer nodded, then shuffled the villagers out and the rest of the group into the back room.

She could spare them a moment. Besides, Inuyasha might do some harm to himself if left alone.

Inuyasha kept his head bowed, his bangs keeping his shame private. Her face was too pale to look at. It reminded him too much.


He did not answer. He could not answer. Her voice sounded so forgiving, so worried for him. Neither of which he deserved. It just made his stomach twist painfully tighter.

"Look at me, Inuyasha."

Too guilt-ridden to deny her, the hanyou slowly raised his gaze from his feet, stopping at her sock-covered ones. He could not will his eyes higher.

"Look at my face, Inuyasha."

Her command broke the curse on him, and he managed to drag his eyes upwards to meet her cloudy brown ones. The worry in them was plain as the sun in the sky, and as passionate as its heavenly fires. She stared deep into his eyes, pushing past the hundred veils he hid behind.

"I don't blame you," she whispered firmly, never diverting her gaze. "You know that."

His eyes instantly darted down, newly ashamed.

"Yes," he choked, unable to find a stronger tone. His head nodded limply. "But it does not change what happened."

"You didn't have control over what happened," she insisted, repeating the speech she always gave. "It wasn't your fault."

"Then whose fault was it?" he growled softly, quickly looking back up at her. Kagome flinched when she saw how desperate he was for an answer. "There is no one to blame but me, Kagome."

She shook her head, clutching his sleeve. "No, your demon half--"

"Me," he interjected, the pride in his eyes collapsing. "I am a demon."

"But you cannot control it," she rushed, tears beginning to fall. His gold eyes glanced at her shoulder, then at her tears. Neither was aware when his thumb brushed aside one of her teardrops.

He ducked his head, a strange light in his eyes growing stronger. "Then it's time I learned."

The finality of his tone was frost to her veins. "W-What?"

The noise of the front door startled them. Inuyasha was already growling by the time she had turned around. "Rashu?"

The lord glanced between the two, his surprise showing plainly on his face. "My lady, I did not believe you would be awake after such a great injury."

Kagome sensed Inuyasha stiffening behind her. Remembering Rashu’s role in this matter, the miko scowled at him. "And I am surprised to see you still here, after what you’ve done."

"I did nothing wrong," the priest replied, his chin lifting too high for normalcy. "It is the will of Kami that I take down all demons."

"Not in my village," she thundered back. Ever since it had happened, her mind had galloped out of control. She had been impatient to get a hold of this man. "I don't know what sort of god you believe in, but Inuyasha is not evil!"

The other door noisily swung open, and feet scrambled behind her. She heard her family voice their wonder, but she ignored them as Rashu stared incredulously at her.

"You saw him!" the man shouted, his face growing red with frustration. "He struck you and your people down, and yet you still protect him!"

She could sense their eyes. It seemed to her as if even the stars themselves were waiting silently on her answer. More importantly, she knew he was waiting.

"Yes, and I always will."

The priest gasped as if for air, his shock plain. His tanned finger jutted out, pointing wildly behind her. "You protect a being who deserves death by your hand. By Kami, you are a miko who took a vow to do so!"

Kagome's heart began to burn within her. "You're twisting everything I believe in! I never swore to kill all demons, and I never heard Kami call me to your blood bath! Kami gave me these powers for reasons I don't know, but they weren’t meant to be some sort of weapon in your man-made holy war!"

By this point, the words were not coming from anything she had thought of at length. They came stampeding straight from the faith which burned in her heart. It was as if someone else had put the words and the doubtless belief in her voice, and forced them out through her tongue.

"Kami would not grant me the power to release him from a spell four years ago, and then let me become his close friend, only to murder him now. Kikyo and Kaede both refused to kill him, and they were both mikos!"

"Disgraced!" the man shouted. "Both of them fell to horrible fates because of their failure to keep Kami's law!"

"Your law!" Kagome shot back. "I have never heard of this law, and I've seen much of these lands, and know more than you ever will about the nature of demons. I won't believe in just whatever a person spouts!"

Rashu's mouth fell open, completely at a loss for words. This woman was nearly half his age, and nowhere near an experienced priestess, yet she went against him with confidence he had never dreamed she would possess. Moreover, he could not deny the immense power that was radiating from her body, surpassing even his father’s in strength.

What else could he say?

"How dare you!"

Kagome frowned. "How dare I?! You are the one who came to my village and turned my friend's hand and will against us. It was not his hand that tore my flesh, but yours!"

He shook his head, unable to stop the world from turning against him. This wasn't right. "No..."

Breathing hard from the adrenaline, Kagome took an angry step forward. "Get out."

Had he heard right?

"Get out of this village!" she commanded, fearlessly ordering this man who outranked her. "Take your people and leave before the morning, or I will personally shame you in front of them by escorting you out."

The priest stumbled back, glancing at the angry faces that glared at him. He was suddenly at their mercy, even the silent hanyou's.

"My lady, please, hear me out!" he pleaded one final time, already knowing how hopeless he had made the situation.

"I have heard and seen quite enough," she replied evenly. Kagome then leveled her chin in the same manner he had done earlier. "We're done."

Rashu defiantly advanced, palms out in frantic desperation. He had finally been struck off his mighty pillar, and knew it.

Sango, Miroku, and Kohaku quickly stepped in front of the miko, glaring down at the man. The huntress even went so far as to grip the hilt of her sword in a silent threat as she confronted the priest. "Do as she says and get out!"

He stopped, his eyes darting towards the sword. He then glanced at the slayer's face, judging the enormity of her threat. He knew she would carry out what she advertised.

The man turned back to the miko, unwilling to leave just yet. "I must say, I am shocked that someone as powerful as yourself would allow the lowest of demons to be at your side."

Kagome glowered back at him. "Sango, Miroku, Kohaku, please escort Rashu back to his people and then politely show him out of the village."

The priest's face grew red as the miko turned her back to him. "Hanyous are beings even fouler than full-blooded demons!"

The two slayers quickly imprisoned his arms, dragging him backwards towards the door. He struggled against them with each step.

"Hanyous are either the result of a sinful union between human and demon, or the exchange of human purity for demonic power!"

Kagome pressed her hands firmly against the hanyou's chest as he half-heartedly stepped towards the shouting man. Once Rashu’s voice had died down behind the front door, she felt Inuyasha tremble with, she guessed, weariness.

"Don't let him get to you," she whispered, smoothing the front of his kimono. "He's trying to work you into a rage again."

"He's doing a good job."

Kagome grimaced as she noticed how weak his anger was. The fire she had once loved was dead. When she looked hopefully into his face, she saw only shreds of life there. It seemed to her he was only a shell of his former self.

"Inuyasha?" She hoped his name would waken him from this deadened state.

His eyes flickered, having heard her, but they remained dull and kept straying from her face.

"Inuyasha, please," she whispered earnestly. Her hand daringly swept over his brow, then trailed down, scooping up his chin. Yet his eyes continued to fight against her, refusing to meet her own.

Growling with worry and utter frustration, she yanked at a fistful of his white hair. His lips curled into a twist of pain, and obediently he turned to look at her. Still there was no anger in him.

His eyes burrowed into her, digging deep into her brown ones. Distracted by the intense look, her hand numbly released the captured hair. "Inuyasha?"

"I'm leaving, Kagome." He spoke abruptly, his words rushing out. "I don't know for how long, but I'm leaving. I need to learn how to control the demon blood within me."

"What are you talking about?" Kagome cried. "Your demon half has grown too powerful! How could you possibly control it after four years of it controlling you?!"

"Shut up for once, wench."

His half-choked command stopped the miko. Her wide eyes stared at him, completely surprised by the weakness of his tone. He had never acted like this. He had always been rude or silent, hiding from their watchful eyes. Now he couldn’t even hold back the rasp in his voice, or the defeat in his posture.

What was in his head?

What had stolen his pride?

Kagome thought she knew what was behind this change, but she didn't want to accept it. If she had known this would happen...

'Destiny!...Did she know?'

Kagome recalled the child's tears. 'Did she know this would happen?'

"I'm leaving now."

Her face flew up. "What?"

"I'm leaving now, tonight," he repeated, a little stronger this time. "I have to."

Kagome suddenly felt as if an ocean already separated them.

"Please, don't," she whimpered. If he left...

He ignored her and slowly began to pull his outer shirt off. The red fabric caught her eyes, but her brain had already begun to slow. She didn't even register that he had dropped the collar over her head, the rest of the shirt flopping down. Unconsciously, she pushed her arms through the sleeves, not even realizing how different this moment was from the countless other times he had given up his shirt to her.

It was only when Tessiaga was pressed into her hands that she started. "Why are you doing this?"

He looked her sternly in the eyes, refusing to let her see how shaken he really was. "I'm never going to hurt you again."

Kagome clutched at his arms, her fears mounting. "Don't leave..."

Inuyasha froze. If he could have, he would have given her anything else she wanted, and at the moment it was requested. Yet, he could not bend to her desperate plea. "I have to."

'Don't leave me.’

'I don't want to leave.’

He pulled his arms from her grip and pressed her limp hands firmly against her chest, Tessiaga crossing over her heart. Even through the thick robes she could feel the coldness of the sword.

She searched his gold eyes frantically, wanting something in them to tell her he would stay. He didn't hide the truth from her, only shook his head quietly. Both of his hands slid up to her shoulders, gripping her tenderly. "I met a demon during the battle the other day. She can help me get my demon side under control."

Kagome nodded slowly, aware that there was more. She cringed as she saw Inuyasha's jaw twitch. "But in exchange, I must fight with her against Rashu and his people."

The summer night suddenly turned cold.

She didn't know whether to argue or to support him. Her legs began to tremble and her chest heaved for air.

He was going to leave her. He was going to fight.

'I'm going to lose him...’

Destiny's tears flashed into her mind.

What would this war do to him?

Kagome had faith that he would live through the battle. She had no doubt of that.


He would be fighting with the same creatures who destroyed their village... who killed Kaede... He was too loyal to ever willingly go against his friends.

And yet, he was ready to slander his name by helping the enemy... just so he would never hurt her again.

For her...

"I won't let you!" Kagome cried frantically, the room ringing. She could see the pain in his heart, in his face, in his burning eyes. It was killing him.

Tears began to stream from her eyes, blurring her vision as she pushed herself into his chest.

'I won't let you do this for me!’

'I've decided.’

His arms came around her, pressing her closer. Her body shook violently. He held her firmly, trying to will away her own pain.

She wasn't ashamed of him. She wasn't upset because he chose to rally with demons.

She knew he didn't want this. He would rather kill them than help. They had been the ones to destroy his home, ruin his life.

Perhaps he had just as much hatred for these humans as he did the demons.

But this wasn't for vengeance...glory...power...

It had to be for her...for her...

Kagome felt as if her chest were ripping in two. She did not deserve such loyalty and devotion.

Inuyasha's arms began to shake as he pressed his cheek to her dark crown. He stared at the floor, trying to keep himself in one piece. 'I'll never hurt you...never again...’

Her blood smelled thick in his nostrils, the distinct scent churning his senses.

'Never again... I'll kill myself before I let the blood rage take me again... I need to leave. I need to get to the Bone Eater's Well.’

Inuyasha hugged her tighter, wanting to hold onto these last few seconds before he left.

'Tessiaga and the fire rat robe will protect her while I'm gone, and so will Miroku's barrier. They'll watch out for her while I'm away.’

His eyes grew hot and wet. His skin itched, as if with fever. If she was hurt while he was away, it would be on his head. He was her protector, and to leave her under the protection of others was his doing. His fault...

His heart stopped. 'For all I know, she could be dead when I return...’

'If you stay with her, she'll be dead anyway.’

He angrily swallowed the bile gurgling in his throat. 'I have no other choice.’

With one last frantic breath, Inuyasha rubbed his cheek against her brow, fighting against the tangles in her hair, and leaned forward.

He felt as if hell itself was about to swallow him. He didn't want to believe this was it.

Kagome didn't even hold back her sob as she felt him press a quick, desperate kiss to her temple. It was supposed to send her heart into the heavens and bring the fires of hell to her cheeks, but it only left her cold. It had been a kiss from his heart, to say farewell to her.

Then, instantly, he was gone, flying past her and out into the sunlight. Kagome whirled and began to run after him, following at his heel. She reached for him, called his name, would do anything to keep him with her, but she was forced to watch him leap over the rooftops and out of eyesight by the time she had pushed the door aside.

Kagome fell to her knees, covering her bitter moans with a white hand. She had waited so long for him to give her some sign of tenderness, to finally admit there was something more than close friendship between them. She only wished it had not come from him when he was so broken and lost, as if it was the only thing keeping him afloat.


The air was thick with blood, churning heavier with each breath. The wounded soldiers angrily snapped at each other, guarding their small space amongst themselves. Several had already broken out into fights, tearing out more flesh and spilling new blood. It was a sick world they had created at the foot of the hill. And none of the Blood Four thought to separate them.

After all, the fights would knock off the weaker soldiers, leaving the strongest for use.

Only Sesshoumaru entered the hordes, Jaken following obediently at his heels. He strode through the tangle of bodies, not even trying to dodge the sprays of blood. He was stone.

The only acknowledgement he gave was when he wielded his sword, lifting the curse of wounds from the best fighters. Even if his mother believed in letting the weak die, he did not. They would need every demon they could get.

It was hard enough turning up new soldiers. Favors and loyalties were called on, but that hardly made an efficient army to fight with. These last centuries had made demons stupid; they had begun to believe they were as strong as, or stronger than, he and the other members of the Four. Sesshoumaru was certain new demons would arrive to claim this army for themselves, foolishly bringing about their own deaths.

However, demons had begun to trickle in from different corners of the world as well, hoping to seek favor with the Blood Four. Most of those who came for this purpose were well past their prime, having been around since the Fifth Age. They knew just how strong the blood lines were in the four houses, and knew that to gain favor with them would strengthen their own meaningless positions in the world.

Some came out of hatred for humans. Some only hated this particular group of humans. Some came merely to feast off the kills.

The only ones who did not come were those who did not want to see the four houses rise back to their former glory. They knew once the Blood Four regained their possession over the land, they, too, would become the property of the Four.

And no demon was property...

The Blood Four kept on the hillside below the Bone Eater's Well. Their injuries were but scratches in comparison to that of their soldiers’, but their irritation and impatience was far greater. They were getting tired of waiting.

Sakura was busy circling the well, counting each full turn she made.

It had been nearly twenty-four hours since she had spoken with the bastard son of her dead mate.

She was not unnerved by the long wait. She had thought it would take him some time before he came to her. It was well-known that the pup was rash and ill-tempered, much like his father. He took little time to think things through, especially when protecting his human pack.

"Lady Sakura, this is a waste of time," Aki shouted from the bottom of the small hill. He lay stretched out on his back, a bored expression on his now-human face. "While we hold, they regroup. We do not need this half-breed."

The female noble glared down at the handsome man of golden skin. "You do well to mind your elder, pup."

Aki smirked, happy to have gotten a rise from the old demon. His sister laughed quietly and rubbed shoulders with her brother.

"She is unyielding," Cynthia whispered as she lazily ran her crown against his chin. "Just like a reed."

Aki stroked his sister's bare arm tenderly in almost staged practice. His gold eyes kept to the pacing dog demon, waiting for the noble to hiss at them. Sakura broke their mischievous spirits, however, when she merely continued pacing. She would not let a pair of demons half her age get their joy from watching her fur ruffle.

Seeing they would get nothing more out of the dog beast, the twins returned to watching her son travel through the army, sword in hand. Aki's face became grim as he watched Sakura’s son wielding the blade. He had never seen such metal, that brought demons back to life so easily. With barely a swing, a fraction of the army had returned to full strength.

Aki snarled at the demon, unnerved by the power. It was a craft not caused by demon hands. He could smell the scent of demon forgery, but the life in the metal came from somewhere else.

"Sakura," the face dragon thundered, slithering up the hill to her. "Remind us why we should even wait on this hanyou."

The woman didn't stop her pacing. "He is friend to the humans in the village. If he sides with us in the war, they shall not side with the other humans. It is best to keep the village priestess out of the fray."

"We wouldn't even need the hanyou," the lord spat, “if your son had done what he was supposed to!"

The two dogs looked at the dragon, and the other leaders glanced expectantly between them. Sakura stared at her son with no expression on her face. She knew he had spared the girl.

Her son was not so weak as to have lost to the priestess. Sakura certain of that. Why else assign the miko as his target? If he had killed her, it would have proven that the miko held no importance to him. Ironic how he had returned with disgusting, bloodless hands.

She was beginning to wonder if her only pup was out for her blood. By keeping the miko alive, he was forcing her to soil her own claws with the human's blood. Perhaps he hoped that she would die by the priestess' arrow?

It would not be the first time in history that an heir had killed the parent for power. She herself was a prime example of such a dangerous inheritance. It was only fitting that her son might follow in her footsteps.

Fortunately, she didn't believe his mind was focused on her land. He hadn’t crossed her borders since she had killed his father. Why would he start to take an interest now?

Sakura resumed her pacing, skillfully angering the dragon. "I don't think you have much room to talk, Shiro. He might have failed to kill a miko, but you failed to kill three ordinary humans!"

The purple beast growled angrily.

She eagerly licked her red lips. "You even took a chance at the miko yourself, and failed there as well. So who else is to blame, but you?"

His fangs glinted back at her. Below, Aki pushed away from his sister and hurried up to the leaders. "She's right. You haven’t gained a single true kill since we started this. At least my sister and I took down the elders. Maybe you’re getting too old for this."

Shiro whirled on the cat-like man. "And maybe your prey was weak, kitten."

Aki hissed at the dragon, claws raised. "Do you need me to show you how strong I am?!"

Ready to aid her brother, Cynthia was on all fours in mere moments. The demon army went silent as they saw the two lords circling one another. Sakura scowled, unsure on whether or not to break them apart. Maybe it was best to let them kill each other; that would leave only two lords left for her to fight with. She was sure it would lessen her headache, as well.

"My lady Sakura!"

The fight faltered as everyone on the hillside turned to face the approaching black fox-demon. Sakura did not move to meet her servant halfway, forcing him to go the greater distance to her feet. He bowed respectfully on one knee, a dead tradition from the old age.

Sakura smiled. If he had returned, that meant there was news on the hanyou. "What do you know, Kurso?"

The fox-being stood upon her question, his short figure reaching only to her elbow. "He comes this eve to the well. He was only a short ways behind me."

She grinned hungrily in the direction of the forest. "Perfect. Now you all shall see that this is in our favor."

Just as the fox had said, the white-haired hanyou walked out of the forest a few moments later, his blood thick with his restrained anger. Stopping just outside the darkness, his gold eyes studied the group of waiting demons suspiciously.

Sakura instantly noticed the hanyou's lack of weapon and clothes. She guessed he had given them to the miko for protection.

He was an easy one to figure out.

The she-beast quickly decided to start up a conversation. "I knew you'd come."

Inuyasha didn't answer right away. He was unnerved by the amount of demons before him. It was definitely too late to turn around now.

Finally, he turned his glare on her. "So, I see you decided to have a party for me."

She sneered. "Yes, of sorts. Of course, we couldn't start until the guest of honor had arrived."

His eyes darted back to the other lords, giving a little more attention to his half-brother at the bottom of the hill. He wondered what Sesshoumaru thought of this.

"Let's get on with this," the hanyou growled, walking the rest of the way towards her.

He wanted to hurry. The sooner this war was over, the sooner he could get back to her.

Of course, there were others who preferred to keep him waiting. Shiro quickly got between the two canines. Sakura crossed her arms, unsurprised. "Get out of the way."

"Not until he proves his allegiance," the dragon shouted, his teeth longing for the hanyou.

Inuyasha's rage boiled, his demon side dangerously close to the edge. "Isn't my being here proof enough?!"

"Not by my law!" Shiro snapped. "You can easily run once you have what you want."

"He won't get very far," Sakura grumbled, leaping over the lord's tail. "He's surrounded."

The old demon wasn't satisfied. "He'll run the moment we turn our backs."

"Then run faster than him!" she hissed over her shoulder.

Instantly the dragon was silenced. Anything he said in response would only discredit him, which he was not fool enough to do.

With the annoying monster quieted, Sakura approached the hanyou, watching him carefully. His muscles were twitching beneath his tanned skin, the blood vessel in his neck throbbing. Fire was in his eyes, and his nostrils flared in and out. She could smell the demon in him growing stronger with her approach.

He was doing incredibly well at restraining his darker half.

She sneered at how everything was falling into her lap.

The grass rustled behind her; the others were impatient to see what she would do.

All eyes were on her, bent to her will. It was a power she wanted to bleed with, and now she had a small whiff it, if only for this breath.

She inhaled the air eagerly. "You're confused, aren't you, Inuyasha?"

He kept silent, eyes on her. She hadn't expected an answer, anyway.

She stepped closer, leaving only a few yards between them. "I come from a strong house, like your father, Inuyasha. I know a great deal that others do not."

"Means dirt to me," he grumbled, his hand where his sword had once been.

She shrugged. "Perhaps to you it does, but that is because you are very ignorant of what goes on in the demon realm."

"I know enough," he snapped childishly.

"If that‘s true, you would have known that hanyous can control their demon half simply by sampling the blood of a relative. Specifically, a full blooded demon."

Inuyasha's eyes widened for a fraction of a second, then quickly narrowed on her. "How's that supposed to do anything?"

'Surely that would make things worse, if I were to have even more demon blood in me.’

"It's very simple," she answered calmly. "Experienced demon blood is easier to control. Your human blood constantly fights your demon half, making it wild. With thicker blood, your human side will weaken."

"It will make me a full-demon?" he asked incredulously. 'That's not possible. I would never have needed the Shikon Jewel if it was so easy.’

"No, it doesn't make you a full demon," Sakura laughed lightly. "Full demons are stronger than hanyou, as you know. The blood spell just allows you to hone in on what little demon strength you do have. It does make you stronger, and more able to control your demon half, but you would be nowhere near as powerful as someone like myself."

Inuyasha scowled. 'This is too easy. There's got to be more to it.’

"Why haven't I heard of this before?"

Sakura's smile twisted darkly. "Because hanyous are not meant to live. They weaken our race, weaken our houses. Do you know why there are so few hanyous? Because demons hunt them down. When one is born, the demon parent usually kills them. It is a disgrace to father a half-breed, to show favor on the human race. It is even greater shame to perform the blood spell."

She knew each word was slowly tearing at him. She could see the small glimmer of hurt in his proud eyes when he growled, "Yet you are ready to perform what others never would."

'He actually has a brain. What a surprise.’

She glanced behind her, seeing the demons brooding silently behind her, their expressions full of anger. She would be the first in five generations to perform the ritual, and no one seemed happy to see it done.

"I'll let you in on our secret, Inuyasha," she said, her voice as guileless as she could make it. "The fewer humans in this war, the better for us. With the Hasu Ly Blade in the priest’s hands, we are at an enormous disadvantage."

Her lips pulled back in disgust at the thought of being out-done by a mere human. "Your miko is a powerful one, and even though my son denies it, I believe if she was on the same side as the other humans, we would lose."

Inuyasha glanced at his brother. 'I’m not surprised you think Kagome's weak. You always have thought little of her. But did you say that to Sakura to keep her away from Kagome, to protect her and Rin?’

"If you are with us," Sakura continued, "your miko would stay out of it. She would never fight against you."

'That's true,’ Inuyasha thought, remembering. 'She didn't fight me earlier when the blood rage took me.’

He looked hard at the noble's eyes, the cold suspicion refusing to go away. 'But I still feel like I'm making a deal with Naraku.’

Her eyes were just as cold, her smirk just as daunting.

Sakura frowned suddenly, seeing that his doubt was growing. "It's now or never, Inuyasha. This is your only chance to control the curse within you. I won't ask you a second time, and there is no longer any jewel for you to wish on."

Inuyasha glanced down, thinking of the person who had brought him to take favors from his enemy. He couldn't hurt her again. It would undo him.

Slowly, he raised his face back to the she-devil, and nodded. "Fine, do it."

"Exactly what I wanted to hear," she replied smugly. Smirking once more, the dark mistress turned around, eyes on her son. Sesshoumaru frowned, realizing what this meant.

Sakura nodded. "That's right, my son. You’re needed for this spell. Only the blood of family will work, and you are all that is left of his."

Inuyasha's mouth gaped in surprise as Sesshoumaru's face grew dark.

"I will not help him," the lord replied firmly. He meant to kill him one day, not help the mutt grow stronger.

"I don't want his help," Inuyasha shouted, equally disgusted.

Sakura glared darkly at her son. "Stop this childish quarrel and do as I say, or you will have quite a problem with staying alive."

Mother and son gazed at one another for several long moments. They both knew that, were they to fight, she would easily win. She had several centuries behind her, along with the power of her own house and that of his father, one of the great lords from the last age. She was one of the longest reigning nobles because of her skill.

He was no challenge to her, particularly with one arm.

His will was hers.

Silently, the lord began to walk towards his brother. Inuyasha backed away quickly, his eyes turning darker. "No way!"

"Best do it, little brother," Sesshoumaru replied, his voice burning with barely-suppressed rage. His arm jutted out, wrist exposed. "My blood is the only thing that can save you."

Inuyasha looked towards the snarling crowd. 'If I refuse, I'm dead.’

It was too late now. His decision had been made.

If it had been a different place, a different time, then Inuyasha would never have sunk his fangs into his half-brother's wrist, drank the blood that was not his own, or felt the heat scarring his throat.

Sakura grinned as she saw the red liquid dripping over her son's arm and down the hanyou's chin. 'He's mine now.’

Inuyasha quickly pushed away from his brother, his vision blurring. His arms violently swung out to catch his balance as his head swam. Her name swallowed the whole of his consciousness as needles pierced his scalp.


A howl broke through the evening, an omen that no one could change the fate of the stars.