InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well La De Frickin' Da ❯ Something's Going On ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Eight

Kagome’s eyes fluttered open and she found herself staring her bedroom ceiling. She sat up a little too fast and felt the reason she had blacked out shoot pain through her. She looked down at her now whelped arm and grimaced. She knew her having friends would come out sooner or later. She was just hoping it would be later.

Kagome was brought out of her thoughts when her father barged into her room. He glared at her when he said, “There’s someone here to see you.” but his eyes were telling her to get rid of whoever it was and that she was going to get later.

She sighed as she made her way to the front door. She was shocked to see Sango standing there holding school books. “Hey Kagome. I brought your homework for you. I’m guessing you’re not feeling well?”

Kagome quickly looked down at her exposed arm and panicked. She moved her arm behind her and then with her other hand pushed down her sleeve despite the pain. “Yeah.” she lied as she glanced over her shoulder to see if her father was anywhere near them.

“Well, if you’re feeling any better you’re welcome to join us down at The Laud.” Sango replied and then added, “It’s just a place where we like to hangout after school.”

Kagome nodded, but she knew perfectly well that she couldn’t go. “I wish I could Sango.” she said as she unconsciously cradled her left arm against her chest. Sango eyed her suspiciously as Kagome’s father walked up behind her.

“You must be one of Kagome’s friends.” he said in a voice Kagome hadn’t heard since the night at the hospital.

“Um, yes. I was asking her if she was feeling better than she could come hangout with us. We really missed her at school today.” Sango replied.

Naraku looked down at his daughter. “Well, are you feeling better? If you are you should go with her.” he said and Kagome looked at him with confusion.

This had to be a trick. He would never just let her go with Sango. Especially when he at just punished her for becoming friends with her. “No I don’t feel well enough yet.” Kagome said as she smiled apologetically at Sango.

“That’s alright.” she replied as she handed Kagome her books. “Hope to see you at school tomorrow, Kagome.” Then she walked back toward Miroku’s car and before she got in she waved goodbye.

Kagome watched her drive off before shutting the door. “It seems you’re smarter than you look, girl.” she heard her father say. She turned to look at him to find him glaring at her. She quickly looked down at the ground, avoiding his gaze. “I don’t want you seeing her or any other friend you’ve managed to make. Do you hear me? I don’t want you to be the reason someone else is dead.”

Kagome looked up at her father with pleading eyes, but didn’t say anything against him. “Yes sir.” she replied as he walked into the kitchen. She sighed as she made her way back into her room and grabbed her purse off her closet door handle.

The clothes Sango bought her where still stuffed inside. Kagome smiled sadly because she knew that, however silly it may sound, was the only thing she had left reminding her that at one time . . . she did have friends.

~ * ~

Sango walked into The Laud deep in thought. Something didn’t add up. Her father seemed too . . . interested in what Kagome would do.

“Sango over here! Sango!” Miroku shouted for across the room as he waved his arms like an idiot causing Sango to bow her head in embarrassment. She walked over to where InuYasha and Miroku were sitting then sat down next to her embarrassing idiot.

“So, how did Kagome seem to you?” Miroku asked as he draped his arm around Sango’s shoulders.

Sango didn’t know how to answer. To her, Kagome looked healthy, but for all she knew it could just be a virus or something. Although, her father definitely gave her a weird feeling. “She looked well, but . . .”Sango trailed.

“But what?” InuYasha asked peering at Sango who couldn’t seem to finish her sentence. “What happened Sango?”

Sango let out a sigh. “Well, I met her father,” she replied, “and . . . I don’t know, he just . . . he just gave me a weird feeling is all.”

“A weird feeling? How so?” InuYasha asked.

Sango told Miroku and InuYasha about how she had asked Kagome to join them if she was feeling up to it and how her father walked up behind her. “It just seemed like he was testing her.” she finished.

“Testing her?” Miroku asked.

“Yeah. Like he wanted to see if she’d actually leave with me.” Sango said as she tried to make sense of everything. “He just gave me a bad feeling.”

InuYasha didn’t know what to think. Kagome’s father was testing her? Oh how he wished he had brought Kagome her homework so he could witnessed this so called “test”, but he was soon brought out of his thoughts by Sango’s cell phone.

Sango flipped open her phone. “Hello? . . . Oh hey Dad . . . I’m at The Laud with Miroku and InuYasha . . . What is it?” Sango asked as her eyes went wide. She looked over at the guys as she placed her hand on the receiver. “I’m be right back.” and with that she walked toward the girls bathroom.

Miroku raised an eyebrow at InuYasha. “I smell trouble.” he said as InuYasha nodded in agreement. “So . . . what do you think about Kagome’s father?”

“No clue, but I’m wishing I could have been there.” he replied. “Do you think her father was the reason she missed school today?”

Miroku nodded. “That’s exactly what I was thinking. She said that her mother died when she was nine, right?”

“And her brother.” he added as Miroku looked at him in confusion. “She told me her mother and brother died in a car/train accident.”

Miroku seemed to be considering this. “Maybe Sango’s reading too much into this. I mean, maybe today’s the anniversary of their deaths and she wanted to stay out of school?”

“Maybe.” InuYasha replied, but something was telling him that it wasn’t something as simple as that.

At that moment, Sango walked back over to them and sat down saying, “I can’t believe this!”

“What happened Sango?” Miroku asked. “You seemed distressed when you walked away.”

“That’s an understatement.” she mumbled then she sighed. “My dad and Itsuka are getting married next Wednesday.”

Miroku furrowed his brow. “Doesn’t that seem a bit rushed?” he asked as Sango shook her head.

“No.” she replied. “Apparently, they’ve been planning this whole thing behind my back for six months.”

“Six months!” Miroku exclaimed. “Why would your father keep something like this from you?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” InuYasha asked. “She’d be acting like this.” Sango glared at him and Miroku shook his head in disbelief. “What?”

“Nothing InuYasha.” Miroku replied as he comforted his girlfriend. “So, they’re getting married next Wednesday?”

Sango nodded. “Yeah. I have to go dress hunting with Itsuka tomorrow after school.” she replied annoyingly.

Miroku smiled. “This is perfect. You can use this time to get to know her.” he said as Sango looked at him like he were crazy. “Come on Sango. She’s going to your stepmother. You might as well get to know each other a little better.”

“Fine. If I be nice will you get off my back about this?” she asked as Miroku nodded. “Good.” Then she brought him into a heated kiss.

InuYasha smirked at his friend’s weird way of agreeing with each other, but when their kiss started to get more passionate, he got up and walked over to the counter and ordered himself a coke.

~ * ~

Kagome stood at the kitchen stove cooking dinner for her father and herself when walked out of the living room and grabbed his coat. He started to make his way to the door when Kagome asked, “Where are you going?” and she silently wondered where she got the courage to do so.

“Out. Dinner better be warm when I get back.” he said as he walked out the door. Kagome stared after him wondering how long she would have to keep his dinner warm when the phone rang.

Kagome jumped at the sound and went over to it and picked it up. “Hello?”

“Hey Kagome. Sango said you looked okay.” she heard InuYasha say on the other end. “So do you think you’ll be coming to school tomorrow?”

Kagome was a little surprised that InuYasha had called her and couldn’t help the blush that spilled onto her face. “I-I think so. Why?”

“No reason. Just thought I’d ask.” he replied coolly. “So Sango’s father’s getting married next Wednesday. Sango wanted me to tell you that she was inviting you. Do you think you can make it?”

Kagome hesitated for a moment. She wasn’t supposed to be friends with them. Who knew what her father would do if he found out she was going to continue this. No, she wouldn’t disobey him again. “I don’t think I’ll be able to.”

“Why not? Sango’s going to want to have all her friends there.” he replied and Kagome froze at the word.

She kept telling herself that they weren’t her friends anymore, but she couldn’t make her herself believe it. “I know, but I just don’t think I’m free that day.”

“You don’t think you’re free?” he asked. “What’s with you Kagome? Is something going on that you’re not telling us?”

Kagome inwardly groaned. She didn’t know how much longer she could keep this up. “I just can’t go. Okay InuYasha.” she snapped at him silently apologizing. She didn’t want him to hate her, but she just couldn’t risk being friends with him or any of them. “I have to go.”

“Sure. See ya tomorrow.” he said as he hung up. Kagome looked at the receiver when she heard the dial tone. She couldn’t’ help but break down in tears. She wanted to be friends with all of them, but . . . Her father’s words just kept running though her head.

“ I don’t want you to be the reason someone else is dead.”

She quietly walked back over to the stove and finished dinner. Hoping her father would get home soon so she could retire to bed early.

~ * ~

InuYasha sat silently at the counter as he gazed at his phone. He couldn’t stop thinking about the conversation he had with Kagome. “Something’s up with her.” he whispered to himself. “And I’m going to find out what it is.”

“hey InuYasha!” Sango hollered from their table. “Where’d you run off to?”

He smiled at them as he made his way back over to them. “I just wanted a coke. Is that a problem for ya?” he asked.

“What? Did it get too hot over here for ya?” Sango asked with a smirk as InuYasha rolled his eyes.

“Now I know you’ve been with the lecher too long.” InuYasha stated causing Miroku to look at him with a shocked expression.

“How do you know that I’m the lecher?” he asked. “She could be the mastermind behind it all.” Sango just smiled innocently.

“Nah, it’s all you.” he said sending Miroku into a sulk. “Anyway, I just got off the phone with Kagome.”

“Oh?” Sango asked much more interested in this conversation. “What’d did she say?”

“Well, I invited her to your father’s wedding, I hope that’s alright?” he asked and Sango just waved it aside. “And she said that she couldn’t come.”

Sango furrowed her brow. “What do you mean she can’t come?”

“Just as it sounds.” he replied. “She didn’t sound like herself either. I think you might be right about this father thing.”

Miroku and Sango were both looking at him intently now. “Something’s going on and I’m making it my personal business to find out what it is.”