InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Well La De Frickin' Da ❯ How Did That Happen? ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Nine

The next morning, Miroku was on his way to pickup Kagome, when he noticed her walking on the sidewalk. He drove up to her and started driving at the rate she was walking. He rolled down the window and hollered. “Hey Kagome, I didn’t know you were in a hurry to get to school today.”

To Miroku’s surprise, she didn’t answer and kept on walking. He blinked in confusion before saying, “Kagome, did you hear me?”. She kept walking. Miroku didn’t know what was going on, but InuYasha had been right. She wasn’t acting like herself.

Miroku sighed. Well, if she was going to ignore him then he just had to make her notice him. He honked the horn until she cringed and turned around. “Hey Kagome!” he said as she looked over at him.

“Oh hey Miroku, didn’t see you there.” she lied as she inwardly slapped herself for turning around.

“You didn’t see me?” he asked. “But I pulled up next to you and said hi. How could you not see me?”

“Oh I’m just having an off day.” she replied with a fake smile.

Miroku eyed her suspiciously. “Is something up?” he asked as Kagome shook her head. Miroku sighed. “Alright. Well, get in. Sango’s probably waiting.”

Kagome shook her head. “No that’s aright. I think I’ll walk to school.” she said.

Miroku furrowed his brow at her. “No I don’t think so. I wouldn’t be much of a friend if I let you walk to school. So, get in.” he replied and when she didn’t moved he rolled his eyes. “Don’t make me get out and drag you in here.”

Kagome attempted to smiled, but decided, why fight it? She was a good distance away from the house and besides, it was just a ride to school. She just wanted to get this over with.

She got into the car just in time for Miroku to speed down the road towards Sango’s house.

~ * ~

At school, Kagome avoided Sango, Miroku, and InuYasha as much as possible. The bell to start first period rang as she sat down at her desk, which was next to Sango’s.

“Well, today class we’re going to have a pop quiz.” Ms. Kaede said getting a groan from the class. “It’s over the skills we learned yesterday.” When the class had quieted down she went around the room passing out the quiz. When all the quizzes were out she stopped at Kagome’s desk. “Kagome, after class I would like to speak with ye.“ and with that she walked away.

Kagome watched as her classmates worked on their quiz. She had gotten out of doing it because she hadn’t been there to learn the skills they had. She looked over at Sango to find her staring at her. She assumed Miroku told her about her little stunt. She watched as Sango tore off a piece of notebook paper and started to write something.

Kagome’s curiosity was fulfilled when she tossed it onto her desk. Kagome unfolded it and read.

Are you okay? Miroku said you were acting a bit strange this morning.

Kagome sighed. Of course she wasn’t okay. She hadn’t gotten much sleep last night. Her arm was still killing her and most of all, she wasn’t allowed to be friends with her.

She grabbed her pencil and wrote back.

Of course I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?

When Sango got the note back she was a little disappointed. Her friend was lying to her, but if she didn’t want her to know then she wasn’t going to force her.

I don’t know. I mean, if something’s bothering you, you know you can trust me right?

Kagome read the note slowly. She didn’t want Sango being suspicious of her. She just wanted to be left alone before this got out of hand.

Yeah, I know. You better finish your test before you run out of time.

Sango read what she wrote and sighed. It was official. Kagome was keeping something from them. She could only hope that InuYasha would find out what was troubling her.

After class, Kagome walked up to Ms. Kaede’s desk. “You wanted to speak with me?” she asked as Ms. Kaede finished graded one of the quizzes.

“Ay.” she replied. “Ye are not busy this afternoon, are ye?”


“Because I would like for ye to stay after school.” she finished as Kagome shook her head.

“I don’t’ know ma’am. My father wants me home after school and--” Kagome started only to be cut off by Ms. Kaede again.

“Nonsense! Your studies are very important, Kagome. I’m sure your father will understand if ye are late just once.” Ms. Kaede replied, but sighed when she saw the look on Kagome face. “How about I give him a call? Then he’ll know where ye are and everyone will be satisfied.”

Kagome watched in horror as Ms. Kaede called her father up. She didn’t want to think about what he would say when she got home. She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard Ms. Kaede talking to her father. “Hello? Mr. Higurashi? I’m one of your daughter Kagome’s teacher’s . . . no she hasn’t done anything wrong . . . I just wanted ye to know that Kagome will be staying after school today . . . she should be home around five . . . yes I’ll tell her. Have a nice day, Mr. Higurashi.” she said as she hung up the phone. Ms. Kaede looked over at Kagome and smiled. “Your father says as long as ye are home at five ye may stay.”

Kagome pictured her father saying that with a bit more malice and it send shivers up her spine. Kagome offered her teacher a smile and nodded. “Thank you Ms. Kaede. I promise to study hard for that quiz tomorrow.” and with that she rushed out of the classroom.

How could she make it home by five if she had to walk home? There was no way she was going to be able to do this.

~ * ~

When the bell to end the day rang, InuYasha, Miroku, and Sango walked out of the school. InuYasha quickly looked around for Kagome, but didn’t see her. “Do you guys know where Kagome is?” he asked.

Sango looked over at Miroku then back at InuYasha. “She had to stay after. You know, to study for a math quiz.” Sango replied as a thought struck her. She smiled as she walked over to him and playfully nudged him with her elbow. “You should stay after with her InuYasha. It’d be the perfect time to find out what’s been bothering her.”

InuYasha thought about this for a second. “Do you think I’ll be able to find out? You said yourself that she avoided all the questions you asked her. She didn’t even come to lunch.” he replied.

“I think if you play your cards right you’ll be able to win her trust.” Miroku said. “I think you should be heading toward the library, my friend.”

InuYasha smiled as he patted his friend on the back into the school. “Wish me luck!” he hollered.

“Good luck!” Sango and Miroku yelled in unison.

InuYasha headed towards the library trying to think of a way to get her to open up to him. What if she didn’t want his company? The library had tons of tables. What if she moved to a different one when he sat down?

InuYasha fehed at the thought. Well, if she moved to a different table then so would he. He was going to find out what was up with her before the day was over.

When he got to the library, he saw Kagome at one of the front tables with her nose in a book. He walked over to her saying, “Mind if I join you.” as he pulled out one of his text books.

Kagome looked up at him with confusion. These people just didn’t give up. She even had to eat lunch in the girl’s bathroom to avoid them. Now they were scouting her out in the school’s library. “Um, I don’t . . .” but before she could finish he sat down in the seat across from her.

“So, whaddya studying?” he asked trying to make conversation. He already knew what she was studying for. “Ah, math.” he answered his own question when he peered over at her book.

“Yeah.” was all Kagome replied with.

InuYasha stared at her for a second before saying, “Do you need help with anything? I mean, math isn’t my strong suit or anything, but I catch on here and there.”

Kagome merely shook her head.

InuYasha sighed. This friendly talking thing wasn’t going to work and he hated beating around the bush. “Alright Kagome the gig is up.”

Kagome looked up at him with a shocked expression. He couldn’t possible know about her father, could he? “Wh-what are you talking about?” she asked playing dumb.

“you know what I’m taking about, Kagome.” InuYasha pressured. “You’ve been avoiding all of us and you haven’t been yourself lately.”

Kagome mentally sighed. “Oh, well I’ve just been busy and--” she started, but InuYasha butted in.

“Don’t give me the busy excuse.” InuYasha threw back at her. “You weren’t at lunch and in study hall you wouldn’t even look at me. Miroku and Sango said you‘ve been giving them the same treatment. I want to know why?”

Kagome put her math book up in front of her face. “I’ve just been busy and I’m not lying.” she replied as she felt InuYasha push the book back down.

“Look me in the eyes and say that.” he said as he peered at her.

“I, uh, I’ve jus-just been . . .” she said as she got lost in his amber eyes. She still couldn’t place what it was about his eyes, but she knew she could look into them forever.

“See you can’t even say it.” he whispered. “Now why don’t you tell me what’s been bothering you?”

Kagome was struggling to hold back tears as she gently scratched her whelped arm unintentionally exposing some of it to InuYasha.

His eyes went wide when he saw it. He picked up her arm and carefully pushed the sleeve up causing Kagome to cry out in pain. He had never seen a burn that big before. “Ho-how did you get this?” he asked in a stunned voice.

Kagome trying to pull her arm out of his grasp, but he wouldn’t let her. “I was cooking and I accidentally when I went to pulled the food out, being the klutz that I am, I dropped it in the oven. So I had to clean it up. I just left my arm in there too long.” she lied. She had planned what she was going to say if anyone happened to see it. She just prayed that InuYasha would buy it.

InuYasha swallowed the lump in his throat. “You got to get this thing check out Kagome.” he said as she shook her head. “It’s getting infected! Come on, I’ll take you to the clinic myself.”

He courted her out of the school, since the school nurse had already left, and toward his car.

“But InuYasha , I have to be home by five!” she told him as he opened up the car door for her.

“That’s the last thing you should be worrying about Kagome.” he said as he got in on his side then started the engine up.

As he drove down the road all Kagome could think about was what her father would do if she got home late.