InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where No Hanyou Has Gone Before ❯ Privacy ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu-yasha or Star Trek Voyager. And I am not getting for any money for this story.

(#Authors note, see bottom of the page, whenever you feel like it, so as not to interrupt the story.)

Thank you for your continued support ;) Enough of the mushy stuff (That was sarcasm.) Now on with the story.

Chapter 4: Privacy

Kagome followed Inu-yasha to the Turbo lift in silence. Mesmerised by the slow swaying of his long silky black hair.

She thought to herself, 'Not as beautiful as his silver hair but still gorgeous.' She sighed.
'Wait a minute I'm supposed to be mad at him, or he's supposed to be mad at me, I don't even know anymore.' She grumble silently to herself as the doors to the turbo-lift opened.

She thought back to not a half hour ago when she'd been sitting in her room sulking at the walls, after her talk with Harry.

She thought back on their argument and how stupid it had really been. 'Inu-yasha how could you think that I'd want to be with Sesho-maru, a demon who's tried to kill you on numerous occasions. Come to think of it he hasn't tried to kill Inu-yasha lately and he's even saved him a couple of times. (I'm still not sure if they where intentional or not.)
He has even saved Kohaku from death, after we took his shard, what we thought was the last shard.' She shook her head to rid herself of her dark thoughts. 'But Sesho-maru is so not my type.

And the whole Koga thing I always thought of as a friendly rivalry, though Inu-yasha always took it seriously, like I would ever leave him. Besides Koga's pretty much left us alone since we took his shards.

Then of course there's Kikyo, but he's kept his promise not to leave me to run to her since Mt. Hakurei. (#1)
So I guess we just fight now as an excuse.'

She sighed she was ready to forgive him.

All thought of their fight left her mind as she got a call from the Doctors and she rushed to Inu-yasha's side.

And here they were.
Back to the present, Inu-yasha was leaning against the wall of the unmoving turbo-lift, pointedly not looking at her. She realized with a start that they hadn't told the lift where to go so she blurted out their deck number and it started moving.

"I'm tired of this fight." Kagome sighed.

"Me too. But you're right, I am a hippo critt. I... 'm sorry." (#2)

Kagome blinked at him for a few moments. 'It must be his human blood he always talks so honestly during this time.'

"Don't worry about it. I've told you before I understand." she moved towards him and gave him a quick hug. But as she pulled away Inu-yasha brought her back for a lingering hug and nuzzled the top of her head. She felt calm with him here like this. She felt safe and loved and could forget about all their little problems. She almost hated it, for the fact that it would end sometime and because of their problems.

They were still positioned like that when the doors opened to reveal two crewmen and they pulled apart awkwardly.

Kagome spoke then, "Um, what floor is this?" After a bit of a confused look from one of the crewmen she had her answer and was dashing down the hall with Inu-yasha in her wake.

"I guess they haven't figured out that you can halt the turbo-lift for those more intimate moments." Commented one crew member to the other.

"Good thing too, we've been waiting a whole ten seconds for the lift as it is." The other crew member responded as they stepped onto the lift and the doors closed behind them.


Tom stomped after B'Elanna a little peeved for her moodiness, especially when he didn't do anything.

He finally caught up to her when she stopped for the Turbo-lift doors to open.

"B'Elanna..." He started but was cut off by a quick raise of the hand. The doors opened and they stepped in.

The doors closed and he was about to start again when she turned to him with a wide cat like grin on her face.

"So how'd you like my lame excuse?"

"What?" He was totally dumbfounded.

"Sure it was lame but I had to get out of Sick Bay some how. You just know the Doctor would have found some excuse to examine me just because I happened to be there."

"Yeah that was pretty lame." He grinned. "But you know you are due for a check-up pretty soon. Maybe I should drag you back there."

"Don't you start on me too."

"Kidding." He put up his hands in a defensive, placating pose. 'I may not have been talking about her but she has been moody lately and more confusing than ever before.' But he wisely kept his mouth shut for once.

"So, truce?" She stocked towards him, grin back in place.

"Truce." He pulled her towards him and set his lips upon her in a passionate kiss. He broke for the briefest of moments to command, "Computer halt-turbo-lift." Before getting back to ravishing his wife. 'Looks like we won't be getting much sleep tonight.' And neither will there unfortunate neighbors. (#3)


Back in their quarters, Inu-yasha sat on the bed, he looked a bit uncomfortable. 'Maybe that's why he was in such a rush to get out of the Doctor's. He wants to be alone.' Thought Kagome.

She tentatively took a seat next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. She let out a big yawn not even bothering to cover it up.


"Mm." Was her only reply.

"You've had a rough day. You should get some sleep."

"Me? What about you? Are you all right? Do you feel any different from when you normally transform?"

"No, I'll be fine in the morning, you should sleep." He was being oddly calm.

"Doesn't this worry you?"

"Not any more so than usual."

"So it does worry you. Just let me be worried for both of us all right."

"You do enough worrying. Don't deny it I know you're worried even if you do trust them."

"Am not. Let's just drop it, We're both tired." 'But he's right even if I do trust them I was still worried they might turn prejudice against us, against him. Deep down I really was, being in a strange place and all. But I didn't have to worry after all. After I let my fears slip in the Captains room this morning I realized it was a bit foolish. Course now I'm worried about a whole different set of circumstances.' She sighed and leaned into him more.

"Now go to sleep." He said a little more forcefully and gently laid her down on the bed, after which he slid to the floor to sit leaning against the bed.

"Inu-yasha, your not going to sleep like that are you?"


"You're not planning on sleeping at all."


"Yes you are, come here, there's plenty of room." She said blushing only slightly as she patted the bed beside her.

"W..with you?" He gasped.

"Oh like I'm going to try anything. Come on, you need your rest too."

"Keh." It only took a little bit more prodding to get him into bed and even then he lay stiffly beside her.

"There, that isn't so bad. Now go to sleep." She said as she turned her back to him and he to her.

"I wonder what everybody's doing back home." Kagome said quietly after a while.

"Your family is probably fine, same as they always are. The monks probably groping Sango and then she's clobbering him."

"You're probably right, but I meant I wonder what happened to them. You know, did they have a good life? I really miss them."

Inu-yasha just Keh'd but then turned quiet.

To brighten the mood somewhat and take her own mind off the subject she said. "You know that Sonic Shower thing is amazing, you should try it, now that you can't hear it. "

"Feh. I don't need it."

"Still, I wish I could take a long hot soak in a tub."

"You and your baths. Now go to sleep."

A short minute later Kagome was fast asleep, witnessed by her light snoring. Inu-yasha, of course was wide awake, being in the habit of not sleeping on his human night and having Kagome in the same bed, he couldn't get to sleep even if he wanted to.

He thought about what Paris had said to him earlier. "Kagome is here, now and it's clear you care for her too, why waste the time you have together? And if you never get back, you'll have all the time in the world together."

'Keh just because she's there? I wonder if that's how his relationships go?' But then he realized he really didn't care. 'I want to be with Kagome because she is Kagome not just because she's here.'

Sometime in the night Inu-yasha shifted on to his back, maybe he did drift off and hadn't noticed. He opened his slightly sticky eyes for one thing, a clear sign of more than resting his eyes, and he felt a hand that had not been there the last time he checked.

He glanced quickly at Kagome to make sure she wasn't about to wake up. 'I need to remove her hand from my... well my... um... down there.'

He slowly closed his hand over hers so as not to wake her.
He quickly snatched it away and held it to his chest, to discourage anymore groping. Kagome snuggled in closer rubbing her nose against his sleeve, before settling again. 'Damn it's gonna be a long night.'


Inu-yasha noticed Kagome begin to stir. He scrambled to untangle their limbs before she woke up. However in doing that he over shot and ended up in a tangle of bedding on the floor.

"Inu-yasha?" Asked a groggy Kagome as she peered over the side of the bed.

"I'm all right." He fought with the sheets.

"Inu-yasha!" She exclaimed, when Inu-yasha looked up at her, her eyes where wide with terror.


"Y..You're still Human!"

He had a brief start of panic before realising, "It's probably still night time." 'This nights lasting forever.'

"Oh, yeah you're probably right." She gave a sigh of relief but just to be sure, "Computer what time is it?"

"Thirteen Hundred hours." The computer drone uncaring that it was not the time they wanted to here.

"One o'clock p.m.!" She screeched, and a look of panic crossed both their faces.

"We've got to get you to the Doctor's." Kagome sprang up and dragged Inu-yasha out the door, still tangled in bedding might I add.


Sick Bay:

"What's happening you said he'd be fine? He should be normal by now." Kagome berated the Doctor.

"Normal being a relative term of course." The Doctor snidely remarked.

"Oi." Was Inu-yasha's come back.

The Doctor made throat clearing noises, Kagome found this odd as he did not actually have a throat to clear. "Well as I said before I have never seen a case like this, but if it would make you feel better I can keep him here and run some tests."

"Yes that'd be great. Thank you Doctor. . . , I never caught your name."

But before the Doctor could give his usual explanations that he did not have a name and it was a long and complicated story, Inu-yasha burst out, "Oh hell no, I'm not staying here."

"I really would like to run some tests, It should only take a few minutes."

Inu-yasha moved to protest more, but Kagome stopped him with a look. Not her usual 'I'm pissed at you for being so stubborn and this is for your own good.' look, but a worried look that silenced him and he agreed with a nod.

"Glad you've come to you're senses. I'll just get some things ready." The Doctor moved off into his office.

Worried that they'd be arriving at the planet soon and that Inu-yasha would try to fight Naraku in his present form, Kagome followed the Doctor into his office.

"Can't you keep him here longer, knock him out or declare him unfit or something? Just keep him here and out of danger." Kagome pleaded.

"I am not in the habit of delivering false treatment. But more importantly the Captain is not in the habit of letting civilians tag along on away missions."

"That won't stop him. He'll do anything to get Naraku, if he's anywhere on that planet. . ."

"But he's not anywhere on that planet."


"Ah so you haven't been informed. Sorry to say but your impulsive friend may be disappointed. They found the shuttle but no 'bad guy.' It's a salvage operation now. But take heart, they found a warp signature of another ship, he's most likely on it and we'll be tailing him shortly." He walked away leaving a dumbfounded Kagome.

'Great not only do we sleep through the news, and Inu-yasha's still Human in the middle of the day, Naraku has us on another wild goose chase. What is he up to and how am I going to break the news to Inu-Yasha?' She trudged back to the main room to break it to him.
'This just isn't turning out to be our day is it. And it started out so well, waking up in Inu-yasha's warm arms.' She sighed in defeat.


End ch. 4

A little shorter than usual but that's all I had planned for this one, the next chapter should be more action packed.

# Author's notes:

1) "Mt. Hakurei." I'm not sure if that statement is true or not but it is in my story.

2) "hippo critt.": I know that's not how you spell it, but I don't think it's a common word in Inu-yasha's vocabulary so he says it a bit strangely.

3) "And neither will there unfortunate neighbors." First off the whole Turbo-lift gag was a nod to all the Voyager fan fiction with the obligatory sex in a Turbo-lift story line. While the walls of the Captains ready room may be sound proof, walls in individuals quarters are not. Also a not to the episode "Someone to Watch over me."

Anyway, tell me what you thought and stay tuned, Chapter 5 is coming soon.