InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where No Hanyou Has Gone Before ❯ Obstacle ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
ch. 9: Obstacle

Disclaimer: I do not own or claim any rights to Inu-Yasha by Rumiko Takahashi, or Prophecy by Larry Nemecek & J. Kelley Burke And Raf Green & Kenneth Biller

Continuing were last chapter left off, for those of you who have seen "Prophecy" I have change it slightly to account for Inu-Yasha and Kagome.

The bridge crew is on high alert, due to a small band of Klingons that have taken over Engineering.

"Oy Captain." Inu-Yasha seems to have figured out how to use the COM's system. "We've got a problem."

"Not now Inu-Yasha, we're in the middle of a crisis." The Captain said.

"Tuvok to the Bridge."

"The Klingon's have taken Engineering." Tuvok and Inu-yasha said simultaneously.

"Tuvok try to get to Engineering. Inu-yasha just go to Sick Bay and be with Kagome, it's the safest place on the ship." Janeway said into her COM badge warningly.

"No fucking way am I gonna sit back and wait for the problem to go away. I'm going to Engineering now." Inu-yasha said.

"No, Inu-Yasha..." Janeway whispered warningly again.

Just then a band of Klingons beamed onto the Bridge and opened fire, their ringleader, T'Greth of course.


Inu-Yasha heard the weapons fire over the COMs and then silence.

"Damn." Inu-Yasha got in the "Tubo Lifter" and proceeded to Engineering. He was going to help the Voyagers whether they wanted him to or not.

Lucky for him there were a few Engineers who escaped the transport by being elsewhere when it happened. About three to be exact, Torres' second in command, Lt. Carey, Vorik, and Susan Nicholetti. They were also accompanied by a Klingon Inu-Yasha had not had the pleasure of meeting yet.

"Why is he here?" Inu-Yasha eyed him warily.

"He is here to help." Vorik informed him in the same cold manner as Tuvok, seeing as they are both Vulcans and all.

"But he is a Klingon." They all stared at him. "And they're taking over the ship."

"Non- believers, a fanatical, dishonourable, petty, small group of Klingons." The Klingon said with disdain.

"Oh, well what are we waiting around for." Inu-Yasha asked after being somewhat put in his place.

"We are trying to get the doors open." Carey said. "If you'd care to join us we could use the extra help."

"It would be an honour to fight by your side." The Klingon clapped him on the back nearly throwing him off balance.

Lt. Carey raised his phaser and nodded to his other Engineers and the Klingon then to Inu-Yasha he said, "get ready and follow my lead." As he threw the final switch, (or glowing button on panel in this case,) and the doors opened.



A few shots were fired but they were now in a Mexican stand-off way.

"My security team should be joining Inu-Yasha by now. You're not worried about your friends in Engineering?" Janeway kept a close eye and a careful lock on T'Greth.

"Hah, What can one yippy little puppy do against ten of my men." T'Greth responded, not knowing Inu-Yasha's determination or the help he now had.

Janeway was just stalling for time, she new that even though she had ordered Inu-Yasha to stay out of this he wouldn't, he was almost as stubborn as herself in that respect. Weather or not he could actually take on ten Klingons at once didn't matter, Tuvok and his security team would be there soon to help him out. Until Engineering and the Bridge were hers again she wouldn't rest.

With a nod from Janeway the Bridge crew, weapons in hand, fired on the Klingons once again.

Paris fires from behind his work station but a blast knocks his weapon away. Having no choice but to make a grab for his weapon or get his head blown off, Paris makes a dive, rolls and fires on T'Greth.



Inu-Yasha rushes forward and encounters no resistance, well that's not entirely correct, if by resistance one means a line of big hulking Klingons nearly twice his size then yes okay, resistance. Three went down instantly as the Voyagers took their shots. The Klingon (whom no one has bothered to ask the name of, because I can't think of one.:)) Is in a battle of strength and beliefs with a fellow Klingon.

Inu-Yasha made a slight grunt of disappointment at seeing some of the Klingons being taken down so easily, but he now came face to face with one of the bigger ones.

"We are warriors you and I, we don't need cowardly weapons to decide our battles, we have the Sword and the Bat'leth , (he waves his weapon in a menacing gesture) honourable, manly, fair weapons." While the Klingon was talking the others surrounded Inu-Yasha.

"Quit snapping and fight, turtle head." Inu-Yasha forged into battle.


Bridge (Some of this section's dialogue is taken directly from the episode.):

Janeway, and Paris move toward the prone figure of T'Greth.

"Grant me a warrior's death. I beg you." He begged, rather pathetically for a Klingon mind you, even if it would be a warriors death, the most glorious death of all, again for a Klingon that is.

"Sorry," Janeway looked down at him, not particularly sorry at all, "No 'mercy killings' on my Bridge."

Janeway looks at Paris. "Get our people back.

"Yes ma'am." Paris said, though not with his usual cocky attitude. It was a bit anti-climatic and he wouldn't feel better until they had their people back and he could see his wife again.

"Tuvok, Chakotay..." The Captain shouted into her COM badge, clearly angry that her ship had been taken over by a people she was trying to help, no that wasn't quite right it was only a small number of them, but she was glad to regain her authority and she didn't hesitate to use it. ""



When Chakotay and Tuvok finally reached Engineering they found an oddly relaxed yet none the less cocky Inu-yasha sitting atop an unconscious Klingon. It was a bit of a war zone with bodies of Klingons spread around Inu-Yasha like a pin wheel, they were unconscious but otherwise all right. Further inspection found most of Engineering intact. They could see Carey and the others making what little repairs were necessary.

"What took you so long?" Inu-Yasha grinned toothily at them.



Inu-Yasha burst into sickbay and straight to Kagome, still holding onto the Klingons he had carried there like two sacks of potatoes.

"Kagome, you're all right."

"Yes what did you do this time?" They were less aware of the commotion on the ship than most in Sickbay. Plus they had been dealing with coming up with a cure for the Nehret, so Kagome was a little out of the loop.

"Eh?" Came Inu-Yasha intelligent answer.

To which Kagome pointed out the Klingons' awkward position.

Though several seconds later Tuvok, Chakotay, Vorik, and Carey each came in carrying, or rather dragging there own load, with the Klingon carrying his much like Inu-Yasha had.

Chakotay explained what was going on.

"See I didn't do anything wrong." Inu-Yasha plopped each Klingon onto the floor unceremoniously.

"I didn't say you did." Kagome defended herself.

"Well you thought I did something."

"Okay I'm sorry for doubting you, but you did pick a fight earlier."

"This wasn't like that."

"Oh no? You always rush in and don't think about getting hurt."

"I didn't."

"You could have."

"Could not."


"Enough!" B'Elanna screamed from her recovery bed. "I've had a long hard day and I am in no mood for your flirting."

A momentary silent, awkward blush and Kagome had the presence of mind to protest. "We weren't."

"I said, enough already." B'Elanna sat up as the Doctor tried to push her back down to rest again.

"Sorry." Kagome and Inu-Yasha chorused as even Inu-Yasha was chastized.

Then the Captain came through the doors making Sickbay even more crowded and she demanded explanations.

At her inquiry the Doctor stood proudly by his now cured Klingon Patients.

He was about to go into another of his long-winded speeches on how he cured the Nehret when Janeway admonished him. He realized it would probably be best if they all thought B'Elanna's baby had cured them, as their rightful saviour. She was after all a very important part of the procedure, a procedure that the Doctor lamented no one would hear of.

"Good work all around." The Captain said then turned to B'Elanna and in a gentler voice said. "I'll send your husband to get you once I relieve him of bridge duty."

"No need Captain, I'll come find him myself. If I have the Doctor's permission of course." Ever after appointing the Doctor her baby's Godfather she showed him a little more respect, since usually she would just attempt to leave anyway, permission or not.

"I would rather you stay to rest a while longer, but as I don't believe you are in any danger and Lt. Paris is a capable enough nurse to take care of any problem that should arise, you may leave."

"Thank you Doctor." The Captain and B'Elanna left.

The Doctor made sure there was no permanent damage to the Klingons and treated them for the Nehret. Several other Klingons helped Security escort them out and headed down to the planet to be punished by their own people, one would assume.

Now that the threat to the ship was over and the Kuvah'Magh had come to the rescue, so to speak, they began the task of inoculating the rest of the Klingons. Inu-Yasha remained to make sure there was no further trouble. There wasn't any until the last group of Klingons, who included Karita, Inu-Yasha's amorous Klingon friend.

"Inu-Yasha!" Said Karita excitedly as she approached him.

Inu-Yasha took a half step behind Kagome.

"You can relax I didn't come for you, but as long as you are here..." She trailed off since there were no words necessary to describe her actions.

Oh you need my words to describe it, well, she enveloped him in a bone crunching hug, it was over quickly enough but it left Kagome and Inu-Yasha gasping for air. Kagome from shock and Inu-Yasha more from the fact that well only after she released him could he breath air into his lungs again.

"I'll miss you my brave little warrior. Take good care of your mate, Kagome." The Doctor had to administer her treatment as Kagome was still in a state of shock and it was minutes after Karita left before she could move again.


Captains Ready Room:

"Well Tuvok, according to Lt. Carey Inu-Yasha lead the charge into Engineering and was instrumental in helping to subdue the Klingons, perhaps there is a spot for him on your Security team after all." Janeway said almost teasingly since she already knew the answer.

"With a lot of training and discipline I believe he would make an adequate security officer." He responded.

"That's high praise Tuvok."

"Although Inu-yasha was quite instrumental in retaking Engineering, and has proven himself a good fighter, yet again, he himself does not wish for the position, and frankly I would rather take on the tedious task of training Neelix in security."


The door chimed and Janeway bid Inu-Yasha, Kagome, and Chakotay to enter.

"You wanted to see us ma'am?" Kagome asked.

"Yes I wanted to congratulate you on helping Lt. Carey in Engineering." Janeway addressed Inu-Yasha.

Inu-Yasha had been ready to yell at the Captain for being so trusting and naive, for blindly helping people. But he couldn't, she had helped him and Kagome out after all, and for some reason she instilled a strong sense of loyalty in him. So instead what he said was, "Happy to help."

"Kohlar would like to thank you as well, in fact he' has invited you and the rest of the crew down to their new planet for shore leave."

"Really Captain!" Kagome said excitedly, but now wasn't the time for shore leave, even if they did need it. "I mean, thank you Captain but we don't want to put you out."

"It's no trouble we have to stay here a day to help the Klingon's settle in, if Inu-Yasha can stand a slight vacation." At Inu-Yasha's slightly put-out look she continued to say. "Don't worry this was only a diversion from our real mission, I am determined now more than ever."

"Speaking of, perhaps we should ask for the Klingon's help in fighting Naraku. Surely some of them would be willing to stay and help fight such a powerful enemy. And I think we need all the help we can get." Chakotay thought out loud.

"Captain need I remind you of the mutinous actions they performed only hours ago." Tuvok countered.

"...they aren't all bad." Kagome chimed in.

"No, this is my fight." Inu-yasha said, partly because he agreed with Kagome.

"Oh so you don't need our help either." Retorted the Captain.

"I didn't say that, exactly..."

"Don't worry I agree this is not their fight. Rest up, because soon we begin the hunt anew."


It was a lovely shore leave, if a bit hotter than they were used to, and now they were on their merry way again.

Mess hall:

Tom, and B'Elanna sat on one side of the table and Inu-Yasha, and Kagome sat on the other side, discussing the yesterdays events over dinner.

"So you didn't kill him after all that?" Inu-Yasha admonished Paris, for not killing T'Greth.

"Oh believe me I was tempted," Paris half joked. "But that's not how we, how I do things."

"Good." Inu-Yasha gave him a knowing smile.

"So your child really is the Kuvah'Magh, isn't it?" Kagome asked in au of the past few days events, they couldn't all be coincidences after all. Klingon's running into the only ship in the quadrant with a pregnant Klingon, that very Pregnancy helping to cure a debilitating disease, and finding a suitable planet for the Klingons to settle down on so close by, nope not a coincidence, not that many.

Tom and B'Elanna shared a look that clearly said they had already disgust this.
"As far as we're concerned anyway." Tom said with a proud grin.

A few minutes passed and Kagome felt an odd presence and by the looks on Paris and Torres' faces there was something behind her, so she turned around cautiously. Ah the Delaney sisters, twin sisters, overly cheery sisters.

It was too late to issue a warning to Inu-Yasha however since Jenny, or was it Megan, they were twins after all, began to rub his ears.

Meanwhile Harry sat down on a third side of their table.

"Inu-Yasha, we heard what you did, you're so brave." One of the sisters nearly giggled as she pet him.

Tom, B'Elanna, and Harry did there best to try to cover there amusement at the situation. As uncomfortable as Inu-Yasha looked, Kagome looked even more so, her eye had a strange tick to it. They sat down on the other side of the room. Though Kagome seemed to still be twitching and Inu-Yasha looked like he had just survived, well, the Delaney sisters.

"You probably should keep a closer eye on Inu-Yasha, he's becoming pretty popular with the ladies." Harry warned Kagome, the same way Tom used to warn him about the very same Delaney sisters.

Paris leaned into his wife and whispered. "It's got to be the ears."
Her response, a very Klingon guttural laugh.


More coming soon.