InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where No Hanyou Has Gone Before ❯ Settling In ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inu-yasha or Star Trek Voyager. And I am not getting for any money for this story.

A little more info on Harry: He's like Kagome in that he was a little naive at first, and he's always polite. He wants to get home the most out of the whole crew. But He's also like Shippo in that he is the youngest and has I guess you'd call them strange relationships with women. Kind of like Shippo, (at least in the anime). Shippo seems to have more relationships with girls than either Inu-yasha or Miroku.

Oh and the Doctor has a mobile emitter that lets him walk around and not be confined just to rooms with Holo projectors.

Anyway on with the story:

Chapter 2

Tuvok, the security chief took Kagome and Inu-yasha to some guest quarters, after finally convincing Inu-yasha that there was nothing they could do to get Naraku at this time. They were taken to separate quarters, much to their disappointment, but they didn't make a fuss.

Inu-yasha surveyed his room. There was a bed and a few furniture items, he was used to that. But the room had no windows he couldn't see the sky. The place smelled stale, as if they hadn't been used for a while, no other smells penetrated the room. Thankfully though, the low hum that had assaulted his ears when they arrived on this strange ship, was gone.

He was hungry so he went to the magic food dispenser, that that Tuvok guy had shown him how to use earlier. To his and Kagome's surprise Tuvok spoke to it and food had appeared in it out of nowhere.

'This would come in handy in my time, maybe we can take it back with us, if we ever get back that is.' However Tuvok warned them that they couldn't use it more than once a day because energy needed to be conserved. 'That's stupid.' Inu-yasha thought. 'Food gives you energy how could depriving us of it conserve energy. Stupid Youkai, stupid Humans, Stupid ship.'

He wasn't sure he trusted it anyway, so instead he plopped down on the bed and closed his eyes. After a minute of tossing he sat up and tapped his foot impatiently. 'I'm bored,' he thought as he left the room.


Meanwhile Kagome was having a different problem in her quarters. She wanted a bath, she needed a bath, but Tuvok said they didn't have baths, instead he showed her how to use something called a 'sonic shower.' She sighed, 'Well as long as it gets me clean. I'm still covered in Inu-yasha's blood.' It's not that she found his blood disgusting, she just couldn't walk around the ship covered in it much longer.

She shed her clothes and stepped into the shower stall and turned it on. She felt every pore being scrubbed at once, and let out a squeak of surprise.


Inu-yasha wandered the corridors of the strange ship, not really thinking where he was going. He was subconsciously following Kagome's scent and was surprised to find himself outside her room. He stared at the door blankly for a long minute, then he heard a surprised yelp come from within. 'Kagome!' He stepped towards the door, it didn't open and he was about to use his Tetsaiga when he remembered the button on the door. Kagome had failed to lock it after Tuvok left so it opened to let Inu-yasha in.

He rushed to were her scent was the strongest. What he found stopped him dead in his tracks. There Kagome was, not a stitch of clothing on her. He stared and she stared back, before she came to her senses yelled "SIT!" and grabbed a towel to wrap around herself.

'Well she's obviously all right.' Inu-yasha thought relieved and a little grouchy at being sat. It was then he noticed the sound coming from where Kagome had been standing. It was even more irritating than the constant hum from before and he covered his ears.

"What the hell are you doing just barging in here?" She whirled on him, now noticing he was clutching at his ears. "What's wrong, what is it?" She asked now worried.

"Make it stop." He wined.

"Make what stop? I don't hear anything."

"That." He pointed at the shower. "Oh. Gomen nasai." She went and turned it off.
"I guess only you could hear it with your sensitive ears." She reached out to stroke one but he growled. "What's wrong now?"

"You think I'll just forgive you for sitting me if you pet me." He said gruffly.

"Hey you're the one who barged in on me. I'm the one who shouldn't forgive you."

"You were the one screaming."

"You were worried about me? Gomen." She said hugging him tightly, causing them both to blush slightly. She backed away, but did not break contact. "So what were you doing outside my room anyway?"

"You were too far away." He said it so quietly she almost didn't hear him, nor did she believe what she thought she heard.
"You heard me."
"Well yeah, but..."
"Well I'm not saying it again." He turned from her, dislodging her arm from his. 'He must be worried. This situation has even got me a little on edge.' Though Kagome, so she decided to change the subject.

"Are you hungry? I'll, oh what was the word?"

"Replicate." Inu-yasha supplied.

"Uh yeah, I'll replicate us some food. What do you want?" She walked over to the wall with the strange device on it.
"Ramen!" Inu-yasha answered instantly.

Kagome sweat-dropped, then whirled on him. "But you can have anything, according to Tuvok. You could probably even have green eggs and ham. (She muttered the last part to herself). Why would you want Ramen?" She huffed.

"But I like Ramen." He gave an almost child like stare.

"Okay fine." 'I can't argue with him when he looks so annoyingly cute.' She then told the replicator, "One large bowl of Ramen and one order of Tsukimi Udon." To which the thing replied, "There are 50 different varieties of Ramen available..." To Kagome's great annoyance it even started listing them.

"Wow 50, that supermarket of yours didn't have that many." Inu-yasha said in au as he walked up to the machine and stared at it in reverence.

"Well you can't have all of them." She said slightly amused despite her annoyance.

"I know that. But it's just so hard to choose." He scratched his head and smiled to himself, just because he knew it annoyed her.

Finally after much deliberation, they got their meals and ate them joyously, seeing as they hadn't eaten since early that morning, 900 years ago.

Inu-yasha finished quickly and clanked his bowl down on the table. He got his impatient look on again.

"Inu-yasha, be a little patient, they said that they needed to repair the ship before we can go after Naraku. There's nothing you can do now."

"Yeah well it's taking too long. I probably could have swum to shore by now."

'Shore? He thinks... Oh! That's too cute, but how to break it to him.' "Uh, Inu-yasha."
He scowled her way. "We're not on the water. We're in a space ship. And from what little the Captain told me, we're about 60 years from Earth."

"Whaaat? What's a space ship? And how're we supposed to get home?" 'I'll probably make it but Kagome will be an old woman by then.'

"The Captain said she'd try to get us home." Kagome looked at him trying to be reassuring but she didn't feel all that reassured herself.
"As for a space ship well they have them in my time, though not this big and I've never been on one.
We're in space, Inu-yasha, up among the stars, we are actually travelling in space." She said with a twinge of excitement.

Inu-yasha stared at her blankly. 'How could that be? Travelling in the stars? But Kagome says it's true, I guess I'll have to believe her.' He shrugged. "Oh." was all he said.

"But..." Kagome started. 'Oh, never mind. Sometimes he can be so dense.'

"We should get some sleep." Inu-yasha stated.

"Hai, the Captain wanted to see us in the morning. Tuvok said he'd come escort us to the meeting room."
"What? You don't like him?"
"Reminds me too much of Sesho-maru, except for the dark skin and hair."
"Oh really? He kind of reminds me of Miroku."
"So you think he's a pervert?"
"No, baka. " She playfully hit his arm. "He's just so composed, you know what I mean?"
"I guess." He shrugged noncommittally.

"You should get some sleep." Inu-yasha stood to leave.
"Wait. " He halted and turned towards her. "You can stay here if you want, I mean unless you'd rather go back to your room." She new she was babbling.

"Sure." He sat himself in his usual way by the door. Kagome smiled to herself while she got under the sheets. She was still wrapped in the towel since she was to tired to decide what to do with her still bloody uniform. They both nodded off quickly, each secure in the company of the other.


Meanwhile Tuvok stood ramrod straight in front of the Captains desk.

"How are our guests?" The Captain asked Tuvok.
"Inu-yasha proved a bit difficult, however the young lady, Kagome was able to keep him in line."
"I'm glad of that, of course we have dealt with our share of misfits haven't we." She smiled warmly, a smile which was not returned, but accepted never the less.

"I have been monitoring their movements, strictly as a precaution of course."
"Of course."
"It seems the boy got restless and has made his way to the young ladies' room. It appears that is where he intends to stay."
"So no rampant dog demons running around the ship tonight."
"Apparently not." Her slight joke was lost on the Vulcan.
"Very well. We'll discuss how to help them tomorrow after I hear their story. Just keep a light watch on them for now.
"Yes Captain."
Tuvok left the Captain to her thoughts on how to best help their new passengers.


Inu-yasha was up early, or at least he assumed it was early. He got up out of habit, having gotten up at sunrise just about every day of his life. Without seeing the sun though he had no idea what time it was

His restless movements caused Kagome to wake up. She decided to clean her uniform with the sonic shower, which proved fairly effective, and was soon dressed again.

Both were slightly startled by the chime of the door. Kagome fumbled with the control panel beside the door until it finally opened to reveal Tuvok.

"Hi." Kagome greeted as cheerfully as she was able that early in the morning.
"If you are ready you will both accompany me to the staff room." He turned not even giving a second glance to see if they were following.

They followed a few steps behind. "What'd I tell you. Sesho-maru." Inu-yasha whispered.
Kagome sighed slightly and took his hand, as much for her own comfort as his. He didn't protest.

A short "elevator" ride later and they arrived at their destination.

There were six people seated around a long rectangular table. The Captain sat at the head of the table with a big bay window behind, that provided Inu-yasha and Kagome with their first look at the space outside. It was rather intimidating, and they stood in au until they were prompted further into the room by Tuvok.

They sat down in the remaining chairs. Inu-yasha looked decidedly uncomfortable. Whether from the chair or the people, Kagome couldn't tell.

"Good morning." The Captain greeted them, and they nodded. "Let me make some quick introductions, Tuvok you know is my security chief. Chakotay here is my first officer." She gestured at a husky dark-skinned man with a tattoo on his left temple. "My pilot, Tom Paris." The tall light-skinned man with blue eyes they had met yesterday. The woman they had met yesterday was introduced next, "B'Elanna Torres, my chief engineer." A petite woman with cranial protrusions. 'Must be a youkai.' Thought Inu-yasha and Kagome. "Harry Kim our head of Operations." An Asian man with a kind open face. "And finally Seven our Astromentrics expert." A tall curvaceous blond woman with mechanical implants. 'How many Youkai do they have?' Inu-yasha wondered.

Kagome however voiced her own question, "Excuse me, what is Astrometrics?"
"Well we have a room devoted entirely to scanning and mapping the stars at long range."
"Oh, Thank you."
"You're welcome." The petite brown-haired Captain answered with a warm smile.

"Now lets get down to business..." They discussed ship functions and when repairs would be done, mostly formalities and routine stuff. Inu-yasha squirmed and was growling slightly.
He couldn't take it anymore. "Enough of this shit, what are you doing about Naraku?" All eyes turned towards him, including a very perturbed Captain. Kagome wanted to crawl under the table and disappear, she nearly slapped her forehead at Inu-yasha brashness.

Tom Paris broke the silence, "You're not the patient type, huh?" Everyone else gave him a 'your one to talk,' look, but it seemed to lighten the mood slightly.

The Captain decided to forgive the interruption for the time being. "We have been making Naraku a top priority. Need I remind you that he has killed a member of my crew." The Captain and Inu-yasha shared a small scowling match. Kagome wasn't sure who won, but somehow she suspected it was the Captain.

"Now, what can you tell us about Naraku?"

Kagome and Inu-yasha took turns telling their story filling in for the other were they had left out a detail. They were careful to omit the personal side to the story which was difficult since it was very personal to them.

When they had finished the Captain turned to them with a sympathetic look. "If Naraku has the ability to absorb humanoids, we should keep our distance, I will not further endanger you or my crew. Seven, your report." The tall woman took a step forward and read from what looked like a PDA.

"Sensors tracked Naraku's ship for .247 light-years before the trail disappeared. However there are several M-class planets in the vicinity."

"What's a light-year? And what the HELL is an 'M-class planet'?" Asked Inu-yasha a little annoyed.

"It just means he is nearby and has most likely landed on a planet capable of sustaining life."

"So what're we waiting for?" Inu-yasha asked anxiously.

"Well until I get warp drive back on line, we'll be running on impulse..." Said B'Elanna.
"Which means it'll take about 3 days to reach the nearest planet." Finished Tom. "Unless we take a shuttle."

"Yeah, lets take this, shuttle thing." Piped in Inu-yasha.

"Even with a shuttle it would take a day, and I'll probably have warp repaired before then." B'Elanna shot a look at Tom to say sorry, knowing how much he loved to fly his shuttle.

"Once we're there we should be able to beam him into confinement again." Harry spoke up.

"Oh 'cause that worked so well last time." Inu-yasha said sarcastically.
"Inu-yasha, they're working on it." Chastised Kagome.
"Oh like they're working on getting us home?"

The Starfleet officers watched somewhat amused as their little argument went on for a few more minutes.

"I think you and B'Elanna finally met your competition for most argumentative couple." Chakotay leaned in to whisper to Tom, who just smirked.

The Captain finally broke into their fight. "I have put a team in charge of returning you home, however Naraku is our first priority."

"Feh." Inu-yasha then abruptly stood and left.

"Dismissed." The Captain remarked raising an eyebrow at Inu-yasha's now empty chair.

Kagome stood quickly to follow, then remembered herself and turned to bow. "Thank you." She left just as abruptly as Inu-yasha.

'We may have dealt with our share of misfits before but I don't think I'll ever get used to it.' Thought the Captain ruefully shaking her head.