InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Child is This? ❯ Teachers and a party ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~~ Sesshoumaru's P.O.V. ~~
After a quick trip to the Computer store they walked out with one laptop with the Office package and anti virus software. I let her spurge on a wireless mouse and a good carrying bag for her computer. It was not a real high end model but like I had said she could save up her money to buy a better one later. It was built tough though for it was a trucker's laptop so her accidental drops or her shaking it wouldn't break the computer.
She was beaming the entire way home running her hands along it like some priceless artifact. I couldn't help but feel her contentment through our bond and her happiness. When we arrived home she stayed to help unload her things though most were much too heavy for her to carry. I let my maids take most of it like her clothes that would be freshly washed before being returned to her, while I took her books and toys. Her room was pretty much undecorated as of yet but I would allow her to choose her own style since I would not be in here often.
Luckily there had already been a bed in here so I set most of her things on that. Though perhaps now that I look at the room I should take her shopping for her own furniture. While the pieces were serviceable they were most likely not to a little girls liking.
“Kagome.” She turned towards me from the small bookshelf she had been placing her books upon.
“Yes Sesshoumaru?”
“Would you like to go shopping for your own furniture?” her eyes danced at the question.
“May I? Do I really get to choose?” her voice eager.
“We could go tomorrow first thing. And you can choose your wall color or colors. This way we can have this cleared out and painted and ready for you to move your new furniture in here in the afternoon.”
“I would really like that. Is it possible for me to paint my own mural?”
“If that is your wish.”
“Could we then pick up some paint supplies for me too tomorrow? I always wanted to learn how to paint.”
“Would you like lessons in that as well? I was trying to find something non school or training related for you to do. Something you would consider `fun'.”
“I would like to learn how to paint. I also have interest in the harpsichord and piano. Music of almost all kinds I enjoy. Reading I love as well as cooking.”
“You might not be able to take all that on at once but I am sure we could change it from time to time. For reading I have no problem getting you books and for cooking I am sure Aiko would love to teach you.”
“Oh that would be great!” she said as she raced over to me to hug my leg like she does in my office. I patted her head and decided to leave things as they were since they would be rearranged tomorrow.
“Then perhaps you would like to help pick out your teachers for your training and school work?” she nodded and we headed to my study where Aiko brought a late lunch in.
“These are the two trainers I had in mind. Here is a monk of some reputable degree and a priestess that used to have her own school but had to shut down due to lack of pupils.”
“hmm. I think I will go with the monk.”
“Why?” he asked curious as to what she saw that he didn't.
“Well there are still visible youkai and there is no way that there are no new monks or mikos to be trained so there must be some other reason she had to close down. Most likely she became too greedy or has a bad attitude.”
Thinking about it I could see that as a reason for her closing and decided that she could always be a back up if the monk didn't work out. Underlining her name I then showed her the possible tutors and she looked them over.
“Nothing stands out to me Sesshoumaru.”
“Then perhaps we should give them a trail period? Two are available right now and if one could come over next Monday we could see how well you work with the first one and if you don't like them we could move on to another. How does that sound?”
“I like that. So the first on your list is Kagura W. Should we call her?”
“I believe I should. How about you run along to Aiko and see how supper is coming?” I already knew that there was no supper except at my father's house like it was every year on my birthday but she didn't need to know that.
“Okay!” she scrambled out of the over stuffed chair and out of my office to finish packing up my treats I believe. Picking up the phone I called the number and let it ring.
“Is this Kagura Wind?”
“Yes this is she.”
“Very well. I have some business to discuss with you.”
“What kind of business?”
“Your name came up on a search I did for private tutors. Are you still teaching?”
“I can if the money is right and up front. The last two clients have stiffed my bill.”
“I can assure you, you will be paid on time every week. I have an exceptionally bright child doing sixth grade work. She needs a teacher that can adapt as fast as she can.”
“How old is she? Eight, ten?”
“She is four.” There was a long pause.
“Four you said?” her voice obviously voicing disbelief.
“That is what I said. She might even begin to skip some of the higher grades though I am not sure. She might wish to take them for expanded learning it will depend on how well you cover the subjects the first time.”
“How long would this position be for?”
“Most likely only a few years but should you succeed you will receive a bonus check for an entire year waiting for you at the end of the agreement. That way if you have a hard time finding employment elsewhere, which I doubt for I would give an excellent endorsement, you will have a year to find something.”
“That would be considered quiet the offer if I knew how much I would be being paid.”
“I have allotted up to 70,000 a year pay. That would also only be for teaching in the mornings only; she will be miko training in the afternoons and has her other lessons in the evening.”
“I see a bright child with miko abilities. Is there anything else I should know about her?”
“She is a handful of energy like many youth of her age but because of her intelligence her acts of mischief are not so easily gotten out of.”
“I have dealt with such before. Very well I believe the pay is right and if it is only going to be mornings that will leave me time to prepare each days lesson that afternoon.”
“That is what I thought. However, her schooling will not be five days a week.”
“Oh? How many days a week am I going to be needed?”
“She will be attending all week long. Since she can not go to public school I see no reason to give weekends off. She will learn to adjust to her schedule very soon. She has not been challenged enough.”
“All week?! But I do have a life Sir. I can not work seven days a week every week.”
“Then you will not be paid 70k. Each day less a week means fifteen thousand less. If you need a day off so badly I will include two floating days that will allow you to take off if needed. I am not going to pay extra for you to get laid woman. This child shall be your life as long as I am paying you. Remember what I said there is an additional seventy thousand dollars at the end of the contract. No strings attached.”
“I …”
“This is a very limited time offer Ms. Wind. I am a very busy youkai and there are others on my list.”
“May I meet her first? If she is so important to you then I can not agree to teach her without meeting her.”
“Very well. We will give you a trial run shall we say? One week to see if you two can get along.”
“That would be fine.”
“Then I shall see you Monday Ms. Wind. I will give you a number that you are to call for all details of getting here and what hours you are expected. A word of warning Ms., Wind.”
“If you dare harm Kagome, even if it is punishment for disobeying, you will not see the light of day again, am I perfectly clear?” silence met his ears and he could almost swear he heard her heart pick up speed.
“Yes Sir, perfectly clear.”
“Good, take this number down.”
“I have it.”
“Call this number tomorrow and they will have all the information you will need.”
“Very well.”
“Have a good day Ms. Wind. I am looking forward to meeting you.”
“Yeah. You too.”
Hanging up he was glad that was over with. She sounded like a woman who could work with Kagome but he would with hold judgment until later. Finding the monks number he called them next.
“Hello. Fushin residence.”
“May I speak to Reizo Fushin?”
“This is he.”
“This is Sesshoumaru Inu no Tashio. I was calling to see if you were available to teach a young miko that I have in my care.”
“You have a young miko? How young?”
“She is a child genius and is four years old. She was training with her sister but she has not the power or the time to teach her properly.”
“Ah! I see. Hm. How powerful is she?”
“I am unsure how to describe it, it is just very strong. On par with the high level miko's at the temples here in Tokyo. I would not be all that hesitant to place in a third circle or even possible the second circle as far as I have seen.”
“That is very high for such a young child.”
“She has had training already like I said she is a child genius and has had at least a year and a half training. She can already create strong enough barriers on a moments notice to almost stop one of my attacks.”
“That is certainly very impressive. What exactly did you need me for?”
“She will need a one on one trainer for several years. She will have a private tutor in the mornings and you would be here every afternoon. If she surpasses what you can teach her I will look for another teacher, however, until then I am sure my pay for your services will make taking any other student unnecessary. I looked up your public information and along with your salary I am willing to do health benefits and your choice of two others like eye care or dental for your immediate family.”
“What would be my pay then?”
“I was going to start you on around sixty five thousand.”
“I know this is going to sound like looking a gift horse in the mouth but why so high? I mean you are including benefits.”
“This is not a five day a week job monk. When I said every day I meant it.”
“Oh. I see. So every afternoon would be spent training the miko you have in your care.”
“Would there be times I could call in sick or something? I mean you know I have a wife and while we are waiting a little while to have children if this takes years we will probably be trying for a child relatively soon. We would be able to afford to on the salary you are saying you would supply.”
“I will not hinder your choice on having children monk. Should there be a time that you would need a slightly extended leave I am sure I could train her myself if I had advance warning. However, your pay for that time would have to be reduced though you would still have full health coverage.”
“I can understand that I would not receive pay for time that I did not work. I was trained to work hard my lord. Perhaps instead of you training her I could find a suitable replacement? One that would be Okayed by you first of course that way I would only split my pay with my sub instead of being reduced?”
“If you find an acceptable replacement I see no problem with that.”
“Very well. When would you like to meet my lord?”
“I am going to give you a two week trial to see how you get along with the miko. If you are suitable then your benefits will start immediately after you sign the contract.”
“That is gracious of you.”
“I believe you should come to supper tomorrow. I will be busy during the say and you can bring your wife. The address that is listed with your number is not in the safest part of town monk.”
“That is what I meant when I said the salary you would provide would allow us to try for children. We could move closer to our family near the north end of town.”
“I live in the north end monk. However, there are two pool houses here that for a slight cost to your pay I would remodel and you could rent the house from me as long as you are the miko's trainer. If you lived on the grounds you would not need to travel and your wife could replace a maid I am having trouble wife if she is found acceptable. Then you would have full health and four choices in additional coverage.”
“I do not know what to make of such a generous offer.”
“My miko said she got a good feeling about you. If her feelings are accurate then I would be remiss to not offer a deal that could be refused for her sake.”
“You sound very much attached to this girl.”
“She is important to me monk. I will not hide that. If you harm her in any way you will not see your death but you will feel it.” He heard a rather large gulp.
“I would not dare my lord.”
“So long as you understand that monk. Come to dinner and meet the miko. You will have proper introductions then.”
“Very well. I will make sure we are there. What time and location?”
“The Inu no Tashio manner. It is not hard to find and be here by six p.m.”
“Is there any dress code that I should be aware of?”
“Your wife may wear anything decent however, I would prefer you in your robes for I wish the miko to remember your status first and that you are a man second.”
“Ah. To impress on her that while I may be friendly today that if I become her trainer that she would have to be my pupil first not a friend?”
“Very well. I shall let you get back to your busy day I am sure you are having while I make my arrangements.”
“If you have any problems call 1-555-5956.”
“I have it.”
“good. Evening Reizo.”
“Evening to you my lord.”
Hanging up he wondered if he did offer too much but he had placed conditions on everything and it all was dependant on how Kagome took to her teachers. He would have to find teachers for her hobbies as well but this came first and he was sure that it was almost time to leave for the party his father always threw. Leaving his office he found his little mate and his cook playing cards at the island in the kitchen.
“Where is supper Kagome?”
“Aiko said she wanted us to go out! She forgot to go shopping today and said that all the food we have is not proper for the my second night here!”
“Then I suppose we should go somewhere then?”
“Do I get to choose?”
“I do not see why not. Go run and tell the driver and I will follow.” Giving an apologetic look to Aiko she jumped down and ran off.
“I know what today is Aiko.” She merely nodded her head and smiled mysteriously. Curious as to her reaction I left.
Getting into the car with a hyper Kagome was a new experience as she tried every button and nob in the limo as we traveled. She giggled time to time as she would look out the window and then wink at me. It almost made me smile to see her so happy. I kept my mask but opened the link to allow her to know that I was content that she was happy and it only made her glow more.
After almost an hour in the Tokyo traffic we came to a stop. While I was semi expecting my father's home since I had not really paid attention as I had been watching Kagome I found myself at the beach. There was only one ship on the dock and it was glowing with lights and I could see a few of my father's friends in the port holes of the ship.
Kagome took my hand and lead me to the dock that had been decked in lilies which surprised me again since I had only mentioned off handedly to Kagome one day what flower I liked. I had done it so she would quit going on and on about her favorite flowers and trying to guess mine. She had squealed and when she asked why it was my favorite I said that it was because of how it grew. It rose from the depths of the water and the muck to become a beautiful flower and it impressed me. It was simple and not gaudy like the newer cross breed plants, it was something that reminded me of older Japan before the technology. She had called it romantic and I had snorted. I have never told anyone what flowers I have liked before and my father always had tried to guess by trying new flowers every year. When he asked I only had ever said that they were nice. Now I had a feeling that he knew. How long did he talk to Kagome?
The boat was also simpler then most of the modern ones. The style was impeccable but it was built out of timber and steel rather then all steel and iron. The slight wooden sent calmed my stomach. I would never admit it aloud that while I could swim and fly I was sitting it something that rocked that made even my stomach rebel slightly. I had never embarrassed myself by being sick though I had come close. It was part the enclosed smell that ships got in the steel ones, the human unwashed body along with the sting of metal that was never welcome.
Here I felt almost like I was still on land and the smaller waves of the evening tide made the boat almost still. At the top of the stair case I was announced along with Kagome but only as Kikyo's sister and my sister-in-law to be.
The party was only close friends this year another surprise for even those that attended. For usually my father would invite almost two or three dozens available females to try and tempt me. If I spoke to any at all they would be there the following year if they were still available. For the first time in over a century there were no females. While it might have been a little suspicious it was also relaxing. These were collogues and friends of my family and if anyone did by chance probe Kagome for anything unusual they would keep their mouths shut, hopefully.
There was tables places around the edges of the room to leave space for dancing and gathering in the middle. Though quiet a few were already seated talking amongst themselves.
The night went quickly and with our incident. Even my brother had calmed down and offered a relatively friendly toast. Over all it was much more like the evenings I had envisioned for a long time. The food was only Japan cuisine and some were delicacies that I had not had in decades. If I had known that taking a mate would make my life this much easier I might have given in before but I was glad that Kagome was my mate. Though it was so early to really tell I could easily see her hand in how the evening went and the toning down of the things my father usually did.
Instead of being put on edge I was actually relaxed for the better part of the evening that I was even able to forget that I was on a boat. After the majority of people left and I could see that even my hyper little mate was winding down I went to my father to ask him to bring the evening to a close. He nodded and tapped his glass for silence.
“Everyone! I wish to first of all thank you all for coming again this year. However, there is yet another change to the old routine that I wish to share!” a few mummers were heard. “For the first time in almost a hundred and fifty years my speech shall be short for I no longer have the right to complain about my sons not seeing anyone seriously! My youngest as you all know is going to be mated and married within the next two months. And my eldest has finally decided to see some one seriously!” cheers had gone up at Inuyasha's announcement but mine fell short of truly sounding happy for me. “As you all have noticed the lack of pretty female company and my usual party bash. I had hoped to give Sesshoumaru some relief from all the mating and wedding talk since my youngest has had his ear for the better part of the past four months.” People nodded knowing heads and smiled. “While my boy is seeing someone I shall not tell you her name yet for that would spoil the surprise! So over the next few decades I shall finally become a grandfather!” Cheers went up and some raised their glasses. “My friends this has been a happy time for me and I wish you all the best now get out of here! Until next year!” Again laughs flowed throughout the room and the guests filed out slowly but surely.
I was holding Kagome by the time the last of the guests left and she dosed contentedly against my shoulder. It had been a long day and while much had been accomplished there was so much more yet to do. I loaded myself and Kagome into the lime and was taken home where I set her once again on my bed. Going to the bathroom I changed into some silk pants and a loose shirt that was left unbuttoned. When I got back Kagome was curled up in the center of my bed looking for all the world like a little puppy with her knees under her chin. Chuckling I pulled her into my arms as I slipped in and placed her back against my chest and one arm under her neck and head. My other arm was over her stomach holding the covers over her. Slowly I drifted off and for the second night of my life I fell deeply asleep.