InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Yeah, He is ❯ Jinenji ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha

Chapter 13: Jinenji

&nbspThe sounds of someone stirring awoke Miroku just before sunrise. He sat up just in time to see their guest step outside. He was about to question the stranger, but was cut off as the young man grew rather large, and his skin took on an almost orange tint. Miroku stood in awe as the creature that now stood before him laid its gigantic blue eyes upon him.

"I'm sorry to have woken you." Jinenji spoke quietly so he would not disturb anyone else.

"It's not a problem." The monk assured him. "So, your human night comes upon the full moon?"

"Yes, though I wish it came more often than it does." He turned his gaze to the sky. Looking at the moon's afterimage in the slowly brightening sky.

"Why exactly are you here?" He questioned the giant hanyou before him.

"There are many reasons." Jinenji sighed. "My mother passed quite recently, and without her I didn't have any real reason to stay in that village. I gathered all of my herbs and headed out searching for Kagome and Inu Yasha. They were the only ones that ever treated me with kindness, aside from my mother. I followed many rumors until I made it here. I was hoping they would be around." The monk took a moment to digest what was being said.

"Wait a minute, are you the Jinenji that they retrieved Sango and Kirara's antidote from?"

"Yes, so the young woman inside was the friend they needed the medicine for?" Miroku nodded in answer to Jinenji's question. The others inside of the hut began to stir. Miroku looked at Jinenji, then at the door.

"It seems we may have to work out some accommodations for you. If you don't mind eating breakfast outside, we can begin working on that this very morning." He smiled up at Jinenji, who nodded and smiled back.

"That would be very kind of you."

&nbspExplanations were given, and plans were made over an out door breakfast. Kaede even knew of the perfect spot to build. Not only would there be room for a comfortable home, there was enough space for Jinenji to replant his herb garden. With all of his knowledge of the many plants, and the fact that he kept many rare ones in his possession, would make him quite useful. It was also agreed that two smaller huts would be built on either side of what they were now referring to as the main house.

&nbspThough quite shy, Jinenji held unimaginable strength that could very well have rivaled Inu Yasha's. With his adroitness at hauling logs, and help building from Sango and Miroku, they were able to finish the two smaller huts by the end of the day. Construction on the main house would occur the next day.

"I do not see why you insist on building such a large house just for me." Jinenji stated. "I would be perfectly fine in one of the smaller places. You can take the larger house, and start your own family." Sango and Miroku both blushed at the comment. "Did I say something wrong? You two are together, are you not?"

"They are, but they have not officially told anyone because they were waiting for Inu Yasha and Kagome to return. Which is still a few days away." Kaede answered for the crimson couple.

"Oh, I am sorry for any troubles that I may have caused." Jinenji stood. "Please do not think me rude, but I would like to turn in for the night." They all nodded, and he stepped into the nearest of the two huts. Everyone was tired as they cleaned the last of their meal, and took the small trek back to Kaede's hut.


&nbspEri had gone home saturated with so much information that she wasn't sure she had even heard everything that was said to her. She promised everyone that their secrets would be safe with her. With a little bit of help from Kouga, Inu Yasha was brought back upstairs. Kagome promised him that she would join him after she had a shower. Kouga took some time alone to talk with Mysiu about the situation with Kagome and Inu Yasha. She reluctantly agreed and left the room to make sure all of the teenagers in the house were properly in bed for the night. When she stopped by Inu Yasha's room, she noticed Shippou curled up on the floor. She walked over to him and nudged his shoulder a bit.

"You can go sleep on Kagome's bed if you like. It's better than the couch you slept on last night, and certainly mor comfortable than the floor." She whispered to him. He stood up sleepily and followed her out of the room.

&nbspThe next morning, Kagome left reluctantly for school under the promise that she could return at lunch, and then, only if she went back to school afterwards. When she reached the gate, her friends greeted her quite happily. Eri was a terrific actress, she gave no hint as to the things that she knew. No off handed winks, nothing. This came as a great relief to Kagome. In fact, she was having a fairly normal day, for her anyway.

Once Kagome left, Inu Yasha refused to come out of his room. Saying he was busy. Mrs. Higurashi had no clue what he was up to, but since he didn't have a television in his room she was sure he wasn't learning a new language. She just sighed and spent her time cleaning house as Trin did her best to teach Shippou how to read. Kouga was at a business meeting, and Grandpa was busy with one of his occasional shrine tours. The day passed pretty much without incidence.

&nbspWhen Kagome came home for lunch, there was a hot bowl of ramen sitting on the counter next to a ham and cheese sandwich. Next to the sandwich, there was a note.

&nbspDear Kagome,

&nbspTook Trin and Shippou to the park, Grandpa is with us.

&nbspYou better be back at school by the time we return. See you tonight.



&nbspShe set the note back down and grabbed the food. Kagome took it upstairs and headed into Inu Yasha's room. She smiled at him and he grinned back at her.

"Hi, looks like Mom made you a ham sandwich." She giggled at the look he gave her, indicating that he didn't find her joke very funny.

"Put it down, I have something to show you, and I don't want you dropping my lunch." He gave her a serious look as she set the items down on the night stand. When she faced him, he was sitting on the edge of her bed with an impish grin on his face. Then, he stood up.