Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kurome ❯ Deafened Hearing ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
S.N.: Yo. Sorry for not updating Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. My dad’s internet was down since there was a thunderstorm. It would seem the house was struck since his phone didn’t work either. Anyway, on with chapter 2! n_n Lets see if anyone can pick up on the trend with title names…. You ever think of how uncannily alike Riku and Sephiroth look? They have tad similar attitudes. Standoffish, a tad cold, bit of a loner; major for Sephiroth; etc. …. that popped into my head recently. Anyway, I decided to dedicate this chapter to my readers as a belated gift from me, even though it was my birthday yesterday. Enjoy!

Ages equal same

Disclaimer: I no own. #goes into emo corner#


Deafened Hearing

Riku stared at the ocean shining a peachy-pink from the setting sun. He sat on the sideways, slating-growing paopu tree. A few birdcalls could be heard overhead and behind him.

The two of them had just defeated Xemnas of Organization XIII. The duo had a few fights between the leader Nobody, but it paid off in the end. Organization XIII was done for.

The platinum haired teenager sighed. He had felt… empty… since they had gotten back to Destiny Island. Riku’s aqua eyes blink as he took in the appearance of the sun. It was setting and would start disappearing soon.

‘Why do I feel so… incomplete? I should be happy for getting my life back to normal as normal as it can get. …. So, why the empty-and-there-is-something-else-there feeling?’

The eldest teenager let out a huff of air. Sure he had given into the darkness, but Sora had forgiven him. As did everyone else who had known. But, should he really be forgiven that easily?

Did he really deserve forgiveness? Riku shook his head, as long as his friends accepted him back, he was fine. Out of the darkness and back into the light. But, a bit of darkness still loomed over his heart.

‘That’s what worries me. Will I be easily manipulated again from that speck of darkness? I don’t want that to happen. …. I don’t want to destroy my friend’s and my friendship.’

The sun was sinking and 4/5 of it still showed above the horizon. The color was darkening and so was the sky. The aqua-eyed lad blinked and looked above him. The stars were coming out.

‘Setting my previous thoughts away, are any of the other stars up there a new world we haven’t been to? If we do go there, would we be linking it to the darkness? … no heartless and nobodies do that.’

A nagging feeling gnawed at the innings of his mind. He would, all because of the darkness over his heart. Once connected to the darkness and it stays with you, no matter how good you become.

Riku lowered his eyes to the white sand under his feet. He didn’t want to unintentionally harm innocent people. The guilt would eat away at him if it did happen. The platinum haired lad blinked, he wouldn’t like that one bit.

Sighing, the teenager hopped off of his perch and looked at the sunset before walking to the wooden bridge. But, what type of worlds are the ones they haven’t been to? Are the normal, ones they can go to, no worry?

‘Maybe. Not all worlds are the same. Take the Pride Lands for instance. Sora had to become a lion. And Donald a bird that flew, as well as Goofy a turtle. Atlantica is another world for example.’

Riku gave up on thinking after the thought and walked on the beach to the dock where the boats were tied up. His was the only one here. Sora and Kairi were already home and probably in bed sleeping.

Or playing video games. Being together alone is another that crossed the platinum haired teenagers mind. The two were getting closer and were with each other if they weren’t with him, Selphie, Wakka, or Tidus.

Oars hitting water filled his ears, as Riku rowed back to the mainland. By now the sun was completely below the horizon. The sky was a midnight blue and the stars were out. It was peaceful.

Sighing, Riku soon his shore. He got out of his boat and pulled it high enough onto shore so it wouldn’t get swept away by the tide. Now to go home. He walked quietly in the direction to his home.

It was a quiet walk, some houses had most windows lit up. Signaling they were awake and maybe active. Others were completely dark, or close to it. His house was probably like that.

The stars twinkled innocently above him. The ones that were taken over by darkness were back. Having rejoined the others in the sky. Was their world like that? Having disappeared and reappeared?

Aqua eyes looked up as his house came into view, but one thing made him blink. A window was lit up. His bedroom window. He could see a figure in said window, and Riku recognized it as his mother.

Swallowing a bit, a habit he picked up when his mother ended up waiting for him, the teenager walked to the front door and opened it. He had always hated making his mother wait up for him.

The stairs creaked loudly to him as he ascended them. Forcing him to go to his destination. His bedroom where his waiting mother was. Riku walked as quietly as he could to his door and stood in front of it.

“I can tell your out there. …. Your footsteps stopped in front of your door.”

Damn. His mother wasn’t happy, not happy one bit. In fact she was probably pissed, she especially was when he retuned the other day after missing for a year. She had every right to be mad.

But, now, there was another reason. He could tell. If there was anyone who could read her basic emotions ad reasons behind them, it was Riku. Him, and his deceased father. He could never forget his mother’s distraught face at the news.

Grasping the door handle, Riku opened the door to his room. His mother was sitting on his bed, her blonde hair in it’s usual braid over her left shoulder. Cool gray eyes looked up to meet his.

Riku’s mother stood at the sight of her son. He watched as she kept her angry piercing gaze on him all the while. Her anger was clear in her eyes. Which was unusual for her, seeing how they were usually under a mask.

“You left this morning and now you show up if all times. You now how worried I was?”

Riku was going to answer, but she wouldn’t let him talk. Her emotions usually got the better of her, especially her anger. Nothing could stop his mother once she got started on something.

“Of coarse you don’t. That was why you didn’t come back this afternoon or late afternoon. You don’t care if I’m worried. Why else would you have disappeared for a year and not contact anyone?”

Riku’s mother’s words hit a place in his chest, causing him to wince slightly. She was still holding that above his head. When would she drop it and focus more on not letting him leave?

She gave a huff and briskly walked past her son to her room. There she opened the door and let it slam behind her. The sound echoed in the deafening silence of the house. It made Riku wince again.

‘Why does she never let me speak when she asks questions? …. Why does she have to be like this? She knows what to say to make me go on a guilt trip. I personally hate it when she does do it.’

Sighing, Riku closed his door gently and stripped himself of his shirt, arm warmer, vest, pants, socks, and shoes. Walking to his dresser, he grabbed a muscle shirt and baggy sleeping pants. Both were black in color.

The platinum hair teenager sat on his bed. He couldn’t sleep yet. No, his mother’s words were still in his head. He knew he wasn’t insensitive. At least, Riku didn’t think of himself as such.

‘Off of that topic, what did King Mickey need? Especially if he said go to his castle in a week. …. A week. Since we got it yesterday afternoon after our fight with Xemnas, which would make it six more days. Hope Sora doesn’t forget…’

Shaking his head a bit, the aqua eyed teen laid upon his bed on his back and turned his light off. Riku’s limbs felt as if they were of lead. He didn’t want to move his limbs at all. But he couldn’t get to sleep.

Blinking, the teenager stared at his ceiling for a few minutes. Nothing flowed through his mind. His mind felt overloaded, but it was empty. Riku had a feeling he wasn’t going to sleep well.

Though one thought wandered in unnoticed.

‘I wonder what the king will want and say in six days…’


Annoyingly bright sunlight filtered through his window. Groaning the slumbering mass on the bed turned, so its back was facing said window. a crown of silver hair peeked out from under the blanket.

Riku kept his eyes shut as he was in a semi-conscious state. One where you know you’re awake, yet at the same time you fall asleep and forget you were ever awake beforehand. A slight headache wormed its way into his mind.

His mother opened the door, expecting to see it empty. But to her surprise, her son was still in bed at this hour. Better lazy and still in bed than gone and probably dead or dying. Riku being lazy she could handle.

He was at least home and even though he was lazy, at least she wasn’t left worrying over him. Sighing, Riku’s mother walked up to his bed and fixed his blankets that were in a mess all over him and his bed.

Walking out of her son’s room, she mused over where his features came from if neither her or her late husband had silver hair. Let alone aqua eyes of the ocean. It could’ve been recessive genes.

‘I will never know, but I do know he is my son. A paternity test proved it. At least there is no more worrying and fretting over that.’


About two hours later, Riku opened his aquamarine eyes. The sunlight was more bearable now that it was in the afternoon. He turned onto his side and faced the nightstand, looking at the clock residing on it.

1:00 PM.

The platinum haired teenager blinked a few times at the time he read. One in the afternoon. …. One in the afternoon. …. Afternoon…. Riku blinked once more at his clock.

The eldest teenager bolted up in his bed, sheets falling and pooling on his legs. How had he stayed asleep for so long?! Riku let his gaze go around his room. A second time. His door was open.

‘My mother must’ve come in to check on me. …. But why didn’t she wake my up? Usually she would have…. …. She didn’t want me to leave today, why else? I can’t say that I blame mother.’

Sighing, the platinum haired lad flopped back down onto his back. What was he going to do being cooped up in the house? He could play video games, but that would only last for so long.

Staying like that for a few more minutes, Riku stared at his ceiling. A blank, glazed over look overcame his eyes. He was bored. Blinking, then breathing deep, the sixteen year old sat up on his elbows.

A girl. She was in a dream he had. Stormy blue eyes, raven hair, ivory skin. She looked a bit confused, standing by a large tree. The girl looked his age. Also, it was as it she could see him and Sora.

Why Sora was in his dream, I have no clue…

Anyway, her lavender dress was pretty on her he had to admit. She and the tree looked to be on a shrine, holy grounds. Something about her gave him the impression of something pure.

Someone like her would never like him. He had given into the darkness. And was pitted against his friends. Then he clad himself in it to be able to use it after he lost to Sora’s Nobody, Roxas.

Riku considered it a miracle he returned to his normal self after the Encoder machine of Ansem the Wise exploded. He felt happy he wouldn’t be thought of as a member of Organization XIII.

Bringing a hand up to rub the bridge of his nose. His headache was gone from when he woke up a second time, kind of. He wondered who that girl was. She didn’t appear to be from this world or any he has been to.

Riku’s eyes widened and he bolted up into a sitting position. She must be from a world he and Sora have yet to go visit! The platinum haired lad swung his feet to the side of his bed and stood up.

The aqua eyed boy went to his dresser to pick out clothes for the day. …. It was his usual attire. Black shirt, white/yellow with a bit of blue vest, blue pants, white arm warmer, and socks. And of coarse, clean boxers.

Riku put his pajamas in a hamper next to his door. It was his turn to do laundry. It was a bit of a system him and his mother came up with when he was a boy. Every other night he would to laundry and dishes the other days.

It helped his mother around the house and she could get some time to herself. Riku didn’t mind doing house work, it gave him something to do and preoccupied him when he was bored.

Walking out of his room, Riku walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Food cooking filled the air. His aquamarine eyes looked to his mother’s back as she was in front of the stove. She was fully focused with her cooking.

“Could you set the table, Riku?”


Guess he wasn’t going to leave while she was cooking. Telling Sora his idea would have to wait. Walking over to a cabinet he knew the dishes were, Riku pulled out two plates. He, then, went to the silverware drawer.

The platinum haired lad walked over to the dining table. He set one plate and a set of silverware at one seat on the other plate and set at another seat. The two seats, as it would seem, were across from each other.

Riku’s mother turned off the stove and put the food on a serving plate. She brought that in first then went back to get the side dishes. The mother of one set the dishes in between the two dinner plates.

The two sat in their respectful seats. Neither said grace, for Riku’s mother had stopped doing it since his father had died. Riku never wanted to say it, he didn’t want to upset his mother. It was her husband who was the religious one.

The two ate in silence. Neither could come up with something to say, even if they did, none of them spoke. It was a tense, but not uncomfortable, silence. Riku’s mother’s eyes stayed on her plate.

“Were you going somewhere?”

Riku’s eyebrow twitched at the scrutiny in her voice. Accusing him that he would say yes and leave her alone. His mother never really wanted to be alone. She vowed to die before Riku, of old age of course.

“I was going to see Sora.”

He watched as his mother’s gray eyes narrowed and glared a bit. She wasn’t friends with Sora’s mother. The two had been a bit of rivals since they were kids and when they were their (Riku and Sora’s) age, they grew distant.

Riku’s mother blinked before she looked away to the island separating the kitchen and dining room. A sigh escaped her lips and she resumed eating. Apparently, the conversation was over.

Riku wasn’t going to leave the house.

He knew his mother would end the conversation and he wasn’t going to see Sora. His mother had always frowned on his friendship with Sora. Now she frowned upon his friendship with Kairi as well.

The rest of lunch was still quiet, however, the quietness was uncomfortable and tense. Riku’s mother finished first, bringing her plate to the kitchen to be washed. Riku soon got up after her and put the leftovers in the fridge to pick at later.

Sighing, the aqua-eyed boy looked at his plate. There were a few pieces here and there. He wasn’t really in the mood to eat. Even if he hadn’t eaten yesterday. Riku grabbed his plate and brought it to the kitchen.

He left his plate and silverware on the counter by the sink. The platinum haired lad could feel his mother’s scrutiny on him as he walked back to his room. He didn’t really feel like going outside today.

Gray eyes looked at the suds in the sink when her son left her sights. Something was bothering him. He had always believed there were more than one world out there. …. Could there be more than one?

Then why was he gone for a year without contacting anyone? That Sora kid was gone for a year as well, though she had forgotten he even existed for the better part of said year. Was he son on some other world?

‘If he was, then I can understand why he never said anything. He didn’t want to be classified as a loony. I guess he gets that trait from me…’

If he was, she would support him. If there was something greater out there, to keep the other worlds safe, she would let her son travel. Would someone out there keep him happy, though?


S.N.: Chapter 2! Yeah, I consider Riku the eldest teen out of him, Sora, Kairi, Wakka, Tidus, and Selphie. Yeah, his mom is an OC, but kind of plays a minor role, so she’s not all that important, kind of. T.T no Sephiroth in this chapter. R&R.