Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Roxas's True Love ❯ Chapter 5

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Temari92: Sorry for the long wait!! I have a lot of stuff on my mind since I’m going to Florida on July 6. So I won’t update until like one day after that date or on that date. I’m visiting my cousin and she has a computer, so don’t worry I will update even when I’m at flortida. So enjoy the fic!!

Chapter 5.

Temari smiled, “Now what?”

Roxas smiled back, “Well I was suppose to disappear so I could give the part of Sora I have within myself back but when you came, somehow I didn’t disappear and I don’t feel Sora within me no more. It’s like I’m my own person now.”

Temari smiled, “Well, where is Sora?”

Roxas turned around and pointed to Sora sleeping in the pod. Temari walked over to him and looked at the chain around his neck with the kingdom crown on it. Temari touched it and then looked up at Sora again.

Roxas looked at Temari confused, “What is it?”

Temari shook her head as she jumped back down and walked over to Roxas, “He looks familiar and that necklace…I swore I seen it somewhere before.”

Roxas looked at Sora and then back at Temari, “Well when he wakes up we can ask him.”

Temari nodded and they walked over to a corner and sat down. A few minutes later they were startled when Donald and Goofy came rushing in and started to call Sora’s name. Temari and Roxas just looked at them weirdly and watched.

Sora yawned as he stretched and jumped down. He grinned as his friends hugged him.

Temari and Roxas watched as Sora, Donald, and Goofy started to talk and then tried to recall what happened before they came to this place. Temari got up and started to walk quietly out of the room followed by Roxas. They were almost out of the room when Sora, Goofy, and Donald noticed them.

Sora ran over to them, “Who are you?”

Temari and Roxas grinned as they laughed nervously and ran out of the room. Sora looked at his friends and crossed his arms, “That was weird.”

Donald looked at Sora, “That boy looked just like you.”

Sora’s eye’s widened, “Really?!? Hmm…that girl…I know her from somewhere. I just don’t remember.”

Goofy scratched his head, “really? Maybe she was your girlfriend from a long time ago.”

Sora jumped, “What!!?? No way, I would have remembered something like that. Maybe she was a childhood friend of mine?”

Donald shook his head, “It doesn’t matter. We have to find the king and Riku.”

Sora nodded, “Right.”

Temari and Roxas listened from the other room.

Goofy looked at Jiminy, “What’s your journal say Jiminy?”

Jiminy looked in his journal and read out loud, “It says thank Namine.”

Roxas and Temari looked at each other and blinked, “Namine???”

Roxas and Temari walked into the room with the smashed computer and found it completely fixed as if nothing happened to it. Roxas walked over to it and looked, “Weird.”

Temari walked over to the next room and looked at Roxas, “Come on.”

Roxas nodded and ran to catch up with her. They walked up the steps and came to the room with the no floor. Roxas walked up the steps and looked around. Temari heard footsteps coming and tried to walk over to Roxas but found that she couldn’t move. She looked down and saw nobodies bringing her down, trying to get her through a portal.

She glared down at the nobodies, “Let go!!”

Roxas looked behind him and saw what happened and tried to get over to Temari but more nobodies came and attacked him. Temari heard the footsteps quicken and Sora, Donald and Goofy came into the room.

Temari growled, “I said, LET GO!!!”

Temari’s hands glowed as two keyblades appeared in both hands. She slashed at the nobodies and released herself. She looked up and saw Roxas fighting some more nobodies.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy’s eyes widened, “A keyblade?!?”

Sora looked up and saw Roxas with a keyblade also and his eyes widened, “Another one? They both have two keyblades, how is that possible?”

The nobodies surrounded Roxas. He jumped into the air followed by the nobodies and he did a back flip as he slashed at the nobodies in front of him. he landed on the ground as the rest of the nobodies were still in the air. Temari ran up the wall and pushed off of it, she threw one of her keyblades at them and it destroyed them as Roxas ran up the other wall and grabbed the spinning keyblade and threw it at Temari, slashing the last nobody in the process. Temari jumped up and caught her keyblade and landed on the ground.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy gaped in awe as they watched the two keyblade wielders make their keyblade disappear. Sora ran over to them and grinned, “Wow!! That was awesome!! Where did you learn to fight like that?”

Temari stepped back and ran into the main room. Roxas grinned as he laughed nervously and ran after Temari. Sora scratched his head in puzzlement, “What the heck just happened?”

Temari and Roxas ran out of the mansion and stopped to catch their breaths.

“Why are we running from him?” Temari asked as she stood up and looked at Roxas.

Roxas scratched his head, “Beats me. I just followed you.”

Temari shook her head and sighed, “Well we might as well stay with him.”

“Why?” Roxas asked as he looked back and saw Sora and his friends catch up.

Temari looked at Sora and smiled, “Well one things for sure, I want to see my friend again and I hear that they’re looking for him.”


“Mickey. He’s a King. He was the one that helped me looked for you.”

“Look for who? Who helped you?” Sora asked as he and the others caught up.

Temari smiled, “My friend and I journeyed together and he helped me find Roxas.”

Sora crossed his arms, “whose Roxas?”

Roxas waved as he grinned, “I’m Roxas and this is Temari.”

Sora smiled, “We’re Sora, Donald, and Goofy.”

Temari smiled, “Nice to meet you Sora, Donald, and Goofy.”