Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ But I Don't Like Boys? ❯ Sneaking Out ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

But I Don't Like Boys? By Shukumei
Disclaimer: Kyou Kara Maou and all its characters belong to Tomo Takabayashi. You know the drill.
Warnings/Spoilers: This does take place after the end of the anime series, but as of right now, there's not too much in the way of spoilers. This is a boy/boy love story, and therefore, two guys will be involved in a relationship together. If this isn't your cup of tea, I suggest you find another story... Also, rating may or may not go up in later chapters.
Author yapping: ^-^
Chapter 10: Sneaking Out
Yuri was still holding Wolfram's hand, tugging him along behind him as they snuck around towards the front gate. But Yuri detoured them away from the entrance.

Wolfram pulled Yuri back, causing the black-haired king to stop and turn to look at Wolfram. “Where are we going, Yuri?” He whispered. “The front gate is the other way.”
Yuri pointed over to the horse stables nearby. “We need to get there a little faster.”
“How far are we going if we need a horse?” Wolfram's voice raised in pitch a little, and Yuri shushed him. “Why a horse?” He whispered again.
Yuri crept towards the wooden building, pushing himself against the wall. Wolfram raised an eyebrow to the king's sneaky actions, but went along with his fiancé, afraid if he didn't emulate him, Yuri might let go of his hand…
The two boys edged around the corner of the building when Yuri gave the `all clear' and tiptoed into the stables.
“Ah, Ao, how have you been?” Yuri stepped in front of his horse's stall and patted Ao's nose over the railing.
Ao whinnied noisily and nuzzled into Yuri's hand.
“Shh!” Yuri smiled and placed both of his hands on Ao's black nose. “You have to be quiet tonight, Ao.”
Wolfram rolled his eyes and turned to get his own horse. “Will we need saddles for this trip, Yuri?”
Yuri waved Wolfram over. “We're both riding Ao.”
“But,” Wolfram protested as Ao seemed to sneer at him. “You know Ao won't let me guide him. Why don't we just take two separate horses?”
Yuri ran his hand along Ao's neck, feeling the soft hair move under his fingers. “That's why I'm riding up front.” He smiled at the horse. “You'll let Wolfram ride if I'm in the front, right?” The king laughed as Ao quietly neighed.
“No buts, Wolfram.” Yuri unlatched the gate of Ao's stall, grabbed a halter that was hanging by the front door, and guided the beast outside. “I may not be the perfect rider, but Ao makes up for my weaknesses. Don't you?” He closed his eyes as he brushed his cheek against Ao's muzzle. Yuri put the halter on Ao, latching it under his chin and jaw. He had watched it done so many times that he put it on the horse's muzzle with relative ease. Yuri looked at Wolfram who was staring off into another direction. “You ready to go?”
Wolfram blinked. “Sure.” He laughed as he watched Yuri attempt to climb onto the black horse with no saddle. “You sure you want to go bare-back?”
Yuri stopped his scrambling to glare at Wolfram. “Yes, I do. It's not too far, and we both can ride easier this way.”
Wolfram pointed at the wooden bench next to him. “This is here for a reason, Yuri.” He took hold of Ao's reigns and walked him to the bench. “See? It's just the right height to get on a horse.”
Yuri blushed in embarrassment and stepped up onto the bench. His middle came to the horse's back, so he had to use a little bit of effort to jump and throw his leg over Ao. Yuri turned to Wolfram as the blonde climbed onto the bench. “Need a hand?”
Wolfram blushed. “What? No, I don't need your help, wimp.” He shook his head and mounted Ao to sit behind Yuri.
“Geez, Wolfram!” Yuri shouted. “You don't have to be so difficult!”
Wolfram gave him a blank look. “Weren't we supposed to be quiet?”
“Ah!” Yuri froze and flushed in embarrassment again. “That's right,” he said quietly.
The two sat on Ao's back for a few awkward moments, both afraid to break the silence.
“Um, Yuri.”
“Here.” Yuri reached behind him without turning around and held something in front of Wolfram.
“Wha-What's this?” Wolfram took the white object and watched as it unfurled in his open palm. “The blindfold? You kept this?”
Yuri fidgeted with the reigns and avoided Wolfram's curious green eyes. “I, uh - well. Aren't you going to put it on?”
Wolfram stared at the soft fabric. “Um. The blindfold, it's traditional to use on the first date. You, uh, don't have to use it for every time, Yuri.”
“Oh,” Yuri said, his voice quiet with disappointment. “I thought-"
“It's all right, Yuri.” Wolfram placed his free hand on Yuri's back reassuringly. “I'll still put it on.” The blonde tied the long white cloth around his head. “It is a symbol of trust, after all.”
“You don't have to, Wolfram.”
“But I want to. I have faith you.” Wolfram leaned forward so his chest was nearly touching Yuri's back and wrapped his arms around his waist. “Just don't make any sudden movements.”
Yuri gently tapped Ao's sides with his heels to get the horse moving. “You might want to hold on tighter,” the black-haired king said as the front gate came into view.
“Why?” Wolfram asked but tightened his hold on Yuri anyway.
“We're going to make a run for it.” Yuri grinned.
“But isn't the gate clo-Ah!” Wolfram didn't have the time to finish his sentence when Ao jolted forward. He closed his eyes despite the blindfold and pulled himself as close to Yuri as he could.
Yuri kicked the horse and yelled “Yah!” Ao bolted toward the looming gate, gaining speed as Yuri urged him on. A few guards ran to the gate, drawn by the commotion. They yelled for His Majesty to stop, but Yuri did not stop Ao. For a brief moment, the king's eyes and hair changed as he raised his right hand. A stream of water shot out of his palm and burst open the large wooden doors, breaking the long plank locking them shut.
Yuri rushed Ao through the open gate, throwing a piece of paper behind him. It fluttered in the night sky as the guards jumped and ran about, trying to catch it. The paper was finally caught, and the group of guards gathered about to read it.
To Whom It Concern May:
I and Wolfram return soon. No follow. We be okay.
Shibuya Yuri
Despite His Majesty not fully grasping the Shin Makoku language, the message was clear enough. Now the guards just had to stop the few that had run after the king and prince. They should also pass the note to someone of importance.
Wolfram's deathgrip on Yuri didn't loosen as Ao sped on through the village's streets. It was still dark and only a few people were out this early, preparing their shops for the day's business. Yuri never once looked back. The faster they got out of town, the more likely no one would follow them.
When he had said that Ao made up for his weaknesses, Yuri hadn't realized it was so true. Ao seemed to instinctively know what the king wanted; Yuri hardly had to pull on the reigns to turn the horse down a side street. Or perhaps his horsemanship had gotten better after all. Yuri was bent over Ao's neck, careful not to be too close as to have the horse ream him in the face.
Wolfram was a silent passenger behind him. The blonde tightened and relaxed his hold around Yuri's waist as the horse changed paces or direction. Wolfram had pressed himself against Yuri's backside since the moment Ao took flight out of the gate. If he dared let go, he was sure to misjudge a movement without his eyesight and lose his balance.
“I forgot about the village entrance.” Yuri sighed heavily and tugged on both sides of the reigns until Ao slowly came to a halt near the edge of town. “Any suggestions on how to get out, Wolfram?”
Wolfram reluctantly let go of Yuri's middle and sat back, taking in a deep breath. “Me? This was your idea.” He pointed at the blindfold over his eyes. “This is your show, remember? You have to call the shots.”
Yuri slumped forward onto Ao's neck. “I hadn't thought this totally through.”
“Just like everything else,” Wolfram muttered.
“What was that?” Yuri twisted to glare at Wolfram behind him, but stopped short when he met the blonde's blindfolded eyes. “Look, Wolfram, I'm trying. Shin Makoku has put me in so many new situations, most being things that I'd never have to deal with on Earth. I've been trying to deal with them as they come, but I-"
“Shh.” Wolfram reached out his hand to cover Yuri's mouth, but he ended up touching the side of Yuri's nose. He repositioned his hand lower and to the left a little over Yuri's lips. He smiled and said “Shh,” again. “We can talk about this later. For now, I presume this is a second date or a continuation of the one yesterday, or else you wouldn't have had me wear this.” He pointed to his eyes again. “And you seem awfully antsy about getting to wherever it is we're going. Why the secrecy, Yuri? Is there really a need to keep sneaking around?”
Yuri blushed under Wolfram's blindfolded gaze. “I-I wanted us to be alone.”
“Oh.” Wolfram's smile turned into a smirk. “Oh…” His voice held a hint of suggestiveness.
“No! Not like that! I-" Yuri face forward on Ao's back. “You mentioned that you didn't feel like you could have a proper date with all the guards around.”
Wolfram blushed a deep red. “Well, in the sense of a `proper' date… Oh, nevermind.”
“What, Wolfram?”
“Don't worry about it.”
Yuri turned back to face the blonde and caught the red in his cheeks. “Tell me.”
Wolfram was quiet for a moment. “Where I took you yesterday, it's a place I've used for my past dates.”
“You told me you only used it once before.” Yuri noted the slight ping of jealousy he felt, but brushed it aside.
“I kept going back there even though I-"
“Even though you what?” Yuri coaxed.
Wolfram sighed. “I know I said no secrets between us, but do I really have to spell it out for you? The Rose Gardens, they're a romantic place full of secluded areas…”
“Then why were you so worried about guards coming by? They pass through all parts of the castle grounds. Only one went by while we were eating lunch with Greta.” Yuri shrugged.
Wolfram let out an exasperated sigh. “And to think I want to couple with the most naïve man alive. Look, Yuri, I want to be alone with you in order to get your defenses down. I want to be able to talk to you, and maybe loosen you up a little, without the fear of someone showing up and making you bottle up again. I-"
“You just want to get in my pants.” Yuri laughed, catching on.
Wolfram held his hands up in surrender. “You caught me.”
“I - I was joking!”
Wolfram innocently shrugged. “So was I.”
Yuri sighed in relief.
Wolfram smiled. “Only half-joking.” He laughed as Yuri stuttered and blanched. “If you dish out a joke, Yuri, you have to be prepared for the response. You get too worked up over sex talks.”
Yuri coughed. “It's just that I'm-"
“A virgin. I got that already. But so am I. You, just more so.” Wolfram leaned back on his hands that were resting on Ao's curved rump. “Setting all of that aside… We have to get out of here, right?”
“Where in town are we?” Wolfram leaned forward again and accidentally brushed his hand across Yuri's thigh. “Oh, sorry. If we're by the front gate… There should be a house with a black rose banner around here.”
“I see it,” Yuri said.
“Is it an orange banner?”
“No, it's red.” Yuri looked around a little more and saw a house with an orange banner that had a picture of a black rose waving above the door. It was relatively close to them and on the same side of the road. “There's an orange one to the right of us.”
Wolfram put a hand on Yuri's shoulder. “Go around to the back of that house.”
“Um, okay.” Yuri clicked for Ao to move again and guided the horse behind the building next to them. “How can I tell which one it is from the back?” They entered a small alleyway.
Wolfram steadied himself by putting his other hand on Yuri's waist. “You'll see a black rose hanging on the door.” He paused as Yuri told him that he found it. “We'll have to dismount for now.”
“Oh.” Yuri stopped Ao in front of the back door of the black rose house. “Stay there,” he said to Wolfram, and he quickly and very ungracefully slid off the horse. On the ground, he looked up at Wolfram on Ao's back, still blindfolded. Yuri realized this was no time to be admiring Wolfram as the proud soldier he was. Wolfram still held himself with a sense of dignity and a straight back. But Yuri couldn't stop himself from watching the way the moonlight danced in his golden locks. With his eyes covered, Yuri was drawn to Wolfram's lips, and he recalled the hasty kiss in the closet. He vigorously shook his head to be rid of those cloudy thoughts and tapped Wolfram on his shin. “I'll help you get down.”
Rather than snottily refusing the help, Wolfram twisted his body and brought both of his legs to one side of the horse so he could face Yuri. Yuri held up both hands, placing them on Wolfram's legs so the blindfolded blonde could find them. Wolfram quickly grabbed Yuri's hands and laced their fingers together. Yuri pulled his arms back a little so Wolfram could rest some of his weight on his hands while he jumped down. Instead though, a shiver passed through Yuri's spine as Wolfram leaned forward and moved his hands up Yuri's arms. The blonde was beginning to slide off of Ao's back when his hands found Yuri's shoulders.
Yuri instinctively stepped forward and grabbed for Wolfram's waist. As gravity pulled the blonde to the ground, Yuri moved his hands to better to catch Wolfram. He found himself blushing hotly at the feel of Wolfram's body pressed against him. Wolfram didn't seem to mind as his feet touched the ground. They were locked in some sort of embrace, Wolfram's hands on Yuri's shoulders and Yuri's hands against Wolfram's shoulder blades.
Wolfram smiled and rested the side of his head on Yuri's shoulder. “You caught me.”
Yuri blushed harder. “Uh, yeah.”
Wolfram leaned back as if to look at Yuri. “Grab Ao. I'll go knock.”
“Oh!” Yuri's hands dropped to his sides, and he hastily went to Ao's front side, taking hold of the reigns. He watched Wolfram slowly walk forward and hold his hands out to feel for the building and find his way to the door.
Wolfram knocked three times.
End chapter 10.
Yay, that should be long enough. Almost 3,000 words. Take that!
I keep getting distracted by these two talking. I totally didn't have any of the dialogue with getting on the horse and going through town planned… So sorry if it feels rushed. I had to have them put a lot of branching off aside to get the discussion back to moving the plot forward. Can you guys wait for another chapter? I tried to squeeze in some stuff that would ease the wait…
Read and Review, please.