Kyou Kara Maou Fan Fiction ❯ The Playground ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A little boy, no more than 9 years old, sat in the back seat of his fatherfs car. He looked out the window as his father drove to his motherfs mansion. Normally, he would be happy to see his mother since his mother and father are no longer married, but the reason for seeing his mother this time cannot bring a smile to his face. His little brother, Wolfram, had personally called him to practically beg to be taken away from the mansion.

It worried him. Wolfram loved being with Mother and Gwendal, and if something wrong did happen, Wolfram would never come to him for help. Not that this brown haired little boy wasnft happy about the fact that Wolfram came to him for help, because he indeed was, but Wolfram was a boy with a lot of pride, maybe a bit too much.

The thought made him smile; Wolfram has always been a big ball of pride, always trying to acting like an adult.


The little boy, known as Conrad, looked at his father with the smile still on his face, but it forced, they both knew that.

gDonft worry, just stay with the plan and everything will be alright.h His father said with a sad smile.

Conradfs fake smile turned sad too, he hated lying to his mother, but he knew he had to for the plan to work.

gI know, Father. I'm just worried about Wolfram.h Conrad said.

His father nodded and turned off the car. It was then that Conrad noticed that they had arrived to the mansion. The little boy suddenly felt nervous and ashamed, what would his mother think of him if she found out about this? What if he messed up or someone caught them? What if they sent his father to prison for this?! What if they punished Wolfram for this?


Conrad looked at his father, worry clear on his face, maybe this wasnft a good idea, it wasnft too late to go back home. Conrad was about to say this until his father gave an encouraging smile.

gEverything will be fine. Remember, Wolfram needs you right now, so this is no time to be selfish. We promised to help him when he needed us, so thatfs what wefre going to do, right?h His father said.

Conrad smiled and nodded, silently praying that nothing went wrong.

gGood. Now, letfs go, the sooner we start, the sooner we can leave. This place gives me a bad feeling.h His father said as he got out of the car and closed his car door.

Conrad sighed and got out of the car, he could understand why his father didn't want to come here in the first place, but now that hefs mentioned it, the mansion does have a malicious, almost murderous feeling to it. This little boy was almost scared to go in there, but he had to, for Wolfram. Conrad got out of the car and closed his door, hoping the action would rid him of the fear and anxiety that was threatening to control his mind and cause him to hide in the car.

gAre you coming?h

Conrad looked at his father, standing about 10 feet away, facing him. This little boy was scared, yes, but he nodded and ran to catch up with his father. His father was going through this too, if not something worse. If he could do it, then it was his duty as his son to stand by him and help anyway he could. Even if it meant coming close to death, he would do it. When he caught up with him, his father got down on one knee and held Conrad's hand and gave him an understanding smile.

gYou donft have to come if you donft want to. I donft want to force you, Conrad.h

Conrad shook his head and gave his father the same understanding smile.

gIf you can do this, then I'm doing this you. After all, Wolfram asked for my help, and it is my duty as his older brother to help him. So you donft have to come if you donft want to, Father. I donft want to force you.h

His father looked at him in slight shock, but then laughed. He laughed until his sides hurt, and he kept laughing.

gOnly my son can use my own words against me.h His father said as he laughed and shook his head in amazement.

His father got up from his knee and squeezed his sonfs hand lightly, smiling a bit brighter when he felt his son squeeze back.

gShall we go together then?h his father asked, his smile glued to his face.

Conrad nodded and they walked to the mansionfs front door. They both stopped and looked at the door, if either wanted to go back, now would be the last time to do so. Father looked at Son, and Son looked at Father, still smiling as they knocked on the door together. It took no longer than 5 seconds for the door to be opened by one of the butlers.

gGood evening, how may I help you, sir?h the butler bowed and asked.

gI would like to see Cecilie, is she busy?h his father asked, still smiling.

The butler suddenly looked nervous, gShec is available at the moment, but are youch

gAre wec?h

The butler blushed, gAre youc the company that she wasc expecting?h

His father shook his head and the butler looked worried.

gIs something wrong, sir?h Conrad asked.

The butler looked down at him and looked ready to have a heart attack, it was almost laughable.

gI-I think it would be better if you came back later! Good day, sir!h

The butler tried to close the door, but his father put his foot in the doorway. Conrad almost visibly winced; the door was made of thick wood, so that must have hurt. If his father was hurt, then he didn't show it, but he did look annoyed. His father reopened the door and pushed the butler out of his way; the butler stumbled, but didn't fall to the ground like Conrad almost hoped he would.

gForgive my rudeness, but we came a long way, and we donft intend to go back home yet.h His father said, his smile gone.

The butler ran away, yelling like a woman. Conrad and his father laughed at the pathetic sound, bring the smile back to his fatherfs face. His father then turned serious and gave his sonfs hand another squeeze.

gNow, remember, no matter what, stick to the plan.h His father told him.

Conrad nodded and ran down the hallway and disappeared from his fatherfs view. His father sighed and started walking down the same hallway; he was in no rush to see the woman that he was still in love with.

gThe sooner this is over, the better.h

Conrad was heading straight to the kitchen, he knew Wolfram loved to cook, even if it was a ecommonerfs jobf. If Wolfram would hide anywhere, it would be the kitchen first. As Conrad was running down the halls, he noticed that no one was around, not a butler, not a maid, not a tutor, not even a guest, and his mother loved her guests. Conrad stopped running and looked around him, to his left there were 3 doors, to his right there were several pictures and paintings on the wall, and in front of him the hallway stopped and a perpendicular hallway gave him two more choices where to go.

Conrad groaned, it has been a while since hefs been here, but he knew how to get from the kitchen from his motherfs room, which was on the other side of the mansion. He looked at the three doors; maybe there was someone in there who knew how to get to the kitchen from here. Conrad opened the first door and revealed a closet full of cleaning supplies. He closed the door and frowned, what a waste of an opening. Conrad opened the second door and revealed a mini library. He walked in and looked around, but no one was there. Conrad sighed and left the room, wondering for a second why a mini library was next to a closet for cleaning supplies. He opened the last door and wished he hadnft.

Men, a lot of men, a lot of naked men, a lot of naked, buff men, were bathing in this room.

gClose the door!h a man said.

Conrad slowly came into the room and closed the door with his head bowed and face as red as a tomato.

gUmc Ic can youch Conrad tried to speak past his embarrassment, but it wasnft working.

gAwww, hefs SO cute!h

gI want to just hug him to DEATH!h

gWhatfs your name, cutie?h

gM-my namec wellc uhc Con-Conrart!h Conrad yelled, mentally slapping himself for not even saying his name right.

gThatfs CUTE!!! Come give me some love, Conrart!h a man said while doing a kissy face.

Conrad backed up against the door as the men got up from their position in the bath. Several other men made the same kissy face and those who werenft ran to him and held his arms and legs. Conrad struggled, but these men werenft buff for show. He started to panic; this little boy has never been in a situation like this; this little boy was scared now.

gCome on, just a little kiss!h

gLet me go first, you got to do the last one!h

gNo way, I didn't get any at all last time, itfs my turn!h

gHell the fuck no! I saw him first!h

gBut I just want to eat him up! I won't take long, just one or five bites is all I ask for!h

The men were coming closer and Conrad was visible shaking, he didn't want to be eaten!

gPlease wait!h Conrad yelled, but the men didn't stop.

gDonft worry, it won't hurt.h

gOnly for a few seconds, you won't even remember the pain.h

gYoufll love it, we promise!h

The men grabbed his clothes and pulled; Conrad closed his eyes and waited for the sound of tearing clothes when he felt a knock at the door.

gBoys, you better be finished in there!h a womanfs voice was heard.

The men paled and ran back into the tube, leaving Conrad with his clothes intact.

gWefre almost done, Mother!h all the men responded.

Conrad let out a relieved sigh and the men looked back at him and winked. Conrad shivered and opened the door as fast as he could to get out of there. Conrad almost ran into a giant, muscular woman wearing just a bra, a thong and high heals. Conrad took a step back as the woman looked down at him with a look of disgust.

gIs this is what's taking you so long?h the woman looked from Conrad to the men, who shrieked at her glare.

The men nodded and the woman looked down at Conrad again, who was looking down at the ground again. Looking in front of him was not a good idea, and all he saw was the womanfs forehead and the rest of her face covered by her giant breast when he looked up.

gWhat's you're name, boy?h the woman asked, he voice slightly gentler.

gCon-Conrart.h Conrad almost said his name, but he figured that it would be best not to say his real name since it was most likely that these peopled worked for his mother.

gWell, Conrart, what are you doing here?h

Conrad paled and blushed at the same time, gIc wanted to ask them a question, and they?h

gSay no more, I understand.h

The woman looked from Conrad to glare at the men, who were trying to hide behind each other.

gYou're lucky that you're in the presence of a child or else I would do things that no child should see or know about.h The woman hissed at them.

The woman looked back to Conrad, gWhat was your question?h

Conrad looked nervous, it seemed like he could trust this lady, but you can never be sure, people would do crazy things for money.

gWherefs the kitchen?h Conrad whispered with a blush.

The woman laughed at his question and grabbed his hand, gIfll take you there.h

Wolfram was starting to get nervous, it has been hours since he called his Little Big Brother, and he has yet to get any indication that he was here. He had been moving to different places in the kitchen, hoping that no one would find him, and so far, it was working. But this little boy was never a patient boy, and this was emergency situation. There was no time to wait for a sign; he had to get out now! Wolfram was about to get out of his place from under the sink when he heard the door to the kitchen open.

gHere we are, the kitchen. Need anything else kid?h a womanfs voice asked.

Silence followed and Wolfram heard the sound of high heels leaving the room and the door closing. Wolfram almost let out a breath in relief when he heard more foot steps walking around the kitchen. Wolfram tried to be as still and as silent as possible, but those foot steps sounded so close. This little boy didn't want to get in trouble, only God knows what Gwendal would do to him!

The foot steps stopped and silence filled the kitchen again. Wolfram hated silence because there was never meant to be such a thing as silence in his world. There was always a sound he could hear or make so he didn't have to go through the torment of silence. Gwendal loved to punish him with silence and Mother was always silent when she was upset at him. Silence was worse than any spanking, any lecture or even going to bed without dinner. If he could kill silence he would, but right now, he had to remain silent so he wouldnft get caught, and he hated it!

Time seemed to pass slowly as the silence started to drive this little boy mad. He wanted to use the sound of his rapidly beating heart as a distraction against the silence, but even the small pauses between the beats were filled with silence, and it was irritating him more. He tried to scream in his head, but it wasnft the same, the silence was winning. Wolfram was ready to give up and yell when he was given a blessing. The other person in the room talked first.

gNow, where is my little honey pot?h a little boyfs voice said.

Wolfram jumped from under the sink and tackled Conrad down to the ground with a bear hug.

gI should kill you for making me wait so long. Be grateful that I'm merciful today!h Wolfram said.

Conrad smiled, he knew that Wolfram didn't mean it, he was just upset. They laid on the floor for a couple of minutes until Conrad felt his cell phone ring. He pulled it out and saw that a new text message from his father.

Father: Do you have him?

Conrad almost laughed, if his father was texting him, then that must mean that he couldnft take being with mother anymore. Wolfram looked at Conrad, waiting for an explanation of the message as he was texting a message back to his father.

Me: Yes. Wefre in the kitchen.

gWell, what did it say?h Wolfram asked impatiently.

gFather is here distracting Mother.h Conrad smiled, it was a good and innocent explanation, but it still sounded wrong.

Wolfram thought so too, but wished he didn't. The thought of any man distracting his mother was disturbing. His face must have expressed his thoughts because Conrad laughed. Wolfram glared at him and was about to yell at him when Conradfs cell phone rang again. Conrad expected to see a message of praise from his father, but what he got instead made his blood run cold.

Father: Get out. Gwendal is coming.

gLittle Big Brother?h

Conrad looked at Wolfram to see him shaking.

gWhatfs wrong Wolfram?h Conrad asked, but he didn't have to.

Wolfram had seen the message.

gHefs going to kill me!h Wolfram squeaked at he ran into a food cabinet to hide in.

Conrad opened his mouth to speak and tell Wolfram otherwise when a slightly deeper, more dominant and scary voice could be heard from down the hall.

gWolfram, where are you?!h Gwendal demanded Wolframfs presence as he stomped down every hall in the mansion to the only place he has yet to double check, the kitchen.

Wolfram cried as Gwendalfs footsteps got louder and his voice more demanding. Conrad panicked, there was no room in the food cabinet for him as well so he couldnft guarantee Wolframfs safety if Gwendal found him in there.

gWolfram, I know you're in there! Come to me now Wolfram!h

Conrad couldnft move Wolfram either; there wasnft enough time to find another hiding spot. Conrad himself couldnft be seen or else the plan would be delayed if not ruined all together. Conrad looked around the kitchen for something, anything, to help him, but he found nothing helpful, but something way scarier than Gwendal.

gConrart, is that you?h A buff man said.

A buff man in a see through white thong.

gConrart! Baby I've been looking for you everywhere!h the buff man squealed, Conrad could see the man get hard.

If Conrad was in a panic before, he was freaking out now.

gWOLFRAM!!!h Gwendalfs voice sounded too close now.

The buff man was coming closer and closer to him and Wolframfs cries were getting louder and Gwendalfs voice became more demanding. What was this little boy suppose to do?