Love Hina Fan Fiction ❯ Shinobu, Ai Dake ❯ School ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Shinobu, Ai Dake

Chapter 3: School

By: Steve Jester

Notes, disclaimers, and bullshit: I've been writing my heart out. And I'm pleased with my work. I want to thank Neongene for the review he left on my second chapter. Anyways this chapter is an interesting chapter where the plot thickens. Have fun! I don't own Love Hina.

Monday, the first day of school since the incident. Things have even gotten a little bit back to normal at the Hinata Apartments. Motoko has even gotten a little better attitude. She acknowledged my existence last night at dinner. I woke up, got dressed in my school uniform, and went downstairs. A note on my backpack caught my attention, "Good luck! Signed, Keitaro and Naru." I smiled, they cared, I liked that. I looked over at the clock, 6:15am. I've got to make breakfast. I went into the kitchen and started to make breakfast. Su came down in uniform followed by Kitsune. "Morning Shinobu!" Kitsune greeted me.

"Morning Kitsune, Su," I said handing Su some breakfast. "Today's going to be an interesting day."

"I thought Naru gave the 'Understatement of the World' Award to me," Kitsune said with a laugh.

"Yea," I said laughing. Then I sighed and looked out the window. A cloudy beginning.

"You ok?" Su asked. "Maybe you shouldn't…"

"No, I'm fine," I said. I need to talk to Hikari. Su and I left shortly after 7:00. We were going to tell Hikari after school, that is until we got to the school.

The school courtyard was full of people. Most of the students wait outside before homeroom. In the far corner was Hikari, and a couple of kids from the Kendo Club. Su and I exchanged worried glances and went over to see what was going on.

"Let's torture her a little more!" we heard from one of the Kendo guys.

"Yea, let's show the lesbo who's boss of this school!" At that I had a mixture of happiness and worry. I made a hasty decision to get in front of the bullies. "Maehara? What are you doing?" the leader asked.

"Protecting her from you!" I yelled.

"Why would you do that, she's a lesbian?" the first asked, kitana lowered.

"Because I'm also a lesbian!!!!" I yelled receiving odd looks from half the people in the courtyard.

The clouds opened up and it started to rain. The courtyard began to empty as students went inside to escape the rain. I felt better now that I have that weight off my chest. Hikari now grabbed my shoulders, as if to feed off of my self-confidence. "You know what," the first guy said, kitana raised to battle position again, "it looks like the new girl has found herself a girlfriend."

The leader stepped forward, kitana drawn, "Well then let's show our appreciation for the new couple, Henry VIII style!"

"You leave them alone!" a voice from behind the kendo club. It was Su, accompanied by Rei and Yumi.

"You have no right to hurt someone because of their sexuality!" Yumi said.

"Hey how about you pick on someone your own size?" Rei said, arms ready to fight.

Just then the warning bell for homeroom rang. The kendo club ran off into the school.

Hikari looked at me her eyes full of joy. "Thank you all. Shinobu," she said looking straight into my eyes, "is what you said true?"

"I was about to ask you a similar question," I said. Hikari ran up and hugged me. The rain stopped and a ray of sun pierced through the clouds and landed on Hikari and I.

"Uh… I don't want to break up a happy moment but we'll be late if we don't get going," Yumi said.

We broke off and ran into the school. The ray of sun dissipated and clouds took over the sky again.

People looked at Hikari and I weirdly as we entered the classroom hand in hand. For the most part we ignored it and during breaks many people supported us. I was thankful for that. Lunch finally came around. Yumi, Hikari, Su, Rei, and I sat at a table at the far end of the cafeteria. "You guys have any trouble yet?" Rei asked as Hikari and I sat down.

"Not much," I said, "We've been trying to get to know each other during breaks. That is unless we are bombarded with people telling us how brave we are and asking us how it feels being the only gay couple in school."

"I just can't believe I just went from new kid to gossip item of the century!" Hikari said, "Oh, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Nagamatsu Hikari. Pleased to meet you."

"Takeshi Rei," Rei said taking Hikari's open hand of friendship.

"Tachikawa Yumi."

"Su Kaolla"

Lunch went on as normal until some guy wearing the kendo club patch on his uniform came over. Rei and Yumi were ready for action, "Easy Rei, you know me to well."

"You'll understand, Taichi, that I'm not necessarily trusting kendo club members right now," Rei said sitting down.

"Ah this morning in the courtyard. Listen," Taichi moved in closer, "It's an unspoken rule of the kendo club to not accept any homosexuals at the school. But the number one written rule is to protect the innocent. So if you two," he said pointing at Hikari and I, "get in any trouble, especially with the kendo club, let me know." He said with a wink as he left.

Taichi, the leader of the kendo club was willing to defect from his brethren and help us. I felt secure in that promise. But something clicked in my head, "You know," I said facing Su, "I bet that's where Motoko's dislike of homosexuals came from."

"Who's Motoko?" Hikari asked.

"I already told you about how I live at an all girls dorm," Hikari nodded her head, "Well Motoko is one of the residents."

"Ah! Do they know about you?" Hikari asked in alarm.

"Yes," I said, "It's ok, Motoko I can handle."

The rest of the day went by smoothly. This had to be the happiest day of my life. That is until we started home.

It was raining. Su, Hikari, and I were walking home, we came to a fork in the road, one led to Hikari's house the other to the Hinata apartments. Hikari and I stopped, "I guess this is where we say goodbye for today," I said.

"I guess," Hikari said. Then Hikari did something I didn't expect. She pulled me into the most passionate kiss I could have thought possible. I'll admit I was shocked at first, but then I kissed back with the same passion as she.

The low rumble of thunder sounded in the background. "Aww… how sickening," said a voice form behind me. I turned around and saw a member of the kendo club. It was the leader of the attack on Hikari this morning. It looked like most of the kendo club was there. "Well, I wasn't kidding when I said that we'd finish you off Maehara. We'll see how you get out of this one." He yelled a charge call to the other members.

"Run!" I yelled as I grabbed Hikari and ran up the street. Su didn't follow us, apparently she escaped. After a while Hikari and I found an alley that we could duck into. Big mistake. The kendo club cornered us. Just then two people came from one of the rooftops. "Taichi? Motoko?!?!?" I yelled in surprise.

"Run you fools!!!" Motoko screamed, clearing a path. Hikari and I ran out of the alley and towards the apartments; we didn't need to be told twice. Motoko and Taichi stayed, battling for our honor.

Hikari and I finally were out of danger. We stopped at the same fork where the trouble started. We were alone. "I don't know what happened back there," I panted.

"I thought Motoko hated lesbians?" Hikari asked, also out of breath. She looked cute that way.

"So did I, Ah well! I'll see you tomorrow?"

"You bet!" She said.

I kissed Hikari goodbye and went off to the apartments.

When I arrived I breathed a sigh of relief. Home at last. I opened the door to the chorus of "Shinobu!" They must have anticipated my return.

"You ok Shin-chan?" Naru asked, first aid kit in hand.

"I'm fine ," I said, "So is Hikari. But I left Motoko with the kendo squad."

"She left willingly when she found out you were in trouble," Su said, a somewhat worried look on her face.

"Which, as you can guess, surprised the hell out of all of us!" Kitsune said, bottle of sake in hand.

"Shin-chan would you like to…" Keitaro was starting to say but noticed something behind me.

It was Motoko, beaten and bruised, walking towards the apartments. "Naru-sempai, a little help?" Motoko said as she was assisted to the couch was tended to by Naru.

I walked over and knelt down by Motoko, "Thanks for back there Motoko. But I'm confused, I thought you wanted nothing to do with me."

"See now that's where I should be thanking you," Motoko winced in pain as Naru hit a sore spot, "I have to remember that even though you're a lesbian, you're still my friend.

"You know something, I learned what it's like to uphold the honor of your self and your friends today. It's all because of you," Motoko smiled up at me, "You cant shun every little detail that crosses your believes, some things you have to accept. Upholding true honor comes from the heart, not only yours but your friends. My feelings towards homosexuals may not change, but no one hurts Shinobu-chan. Not even me. Now, I need to sleep…" Motoko drifted off to a peaceful slumber.

"I'll go start dinner," I said. My confusion had cleared a little with that satisfaction. Motoko accepts me for who I am, she may still not like it, but she accepts it. As I made my way to the kitchen a small knock came from the front door. When I opened it I almost was in tears, of sadness or joy, I couldn't tell, for it was Hikari, with two suitcases and it looked like she had been crying. "Hikari-chan what happened?" The rest of the residents, excluding the sleeping Motoko, awaited Hikari's reply.

"My parents," she sobbed, "They don't want a freak in their house. So the kicked me out. I have no other place to go."

I hugged Hikari tightly, her pain stung deep inside my own heart. "Shh… It'll be ok. It'll be ok…" I said to her, trying to calm her down. "If you guys don't mind, I think it would be best if Hikari lived here. She can't go anywhere else."

The residents all agreed, Keitaro stood up from his chair and walked over and placed one hand on Hikari's shoulder, the other on mine. "Any friend or girlfriend of Shinobu's is welcome here. We were just about to have dinner."

With that I left, after reassuring to Hikari that everything will be fine, to fix dinner. After dinner Hikari and I went to my special spot on the rooftop to look at the city. The sky had cleared and a full moon was present. The moon's rays shinning on Hikari and I as we sat there in the comfort of each others presence, for now at least we were in peace.

AN: Touching ending. I must say things do get screwier and more complicated as Shinobu's personality does another twist in the next chapter. Please review.

Next Chapter: Weekend Relaxation and the Way of the Sword