Magic Knight Rayearth Fan Fiction ❯ Endless Love ❯ Friends or More? ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N(Karu-14) Hi there again Minna! I hope you liked my first chapter. I'm sorry it was short. Well this chapter will be about Hikaru and Lantis when they were just 12 years old, so just imagine their cute face and body ok???? Satoru is 20, Masaru is 14 and Mira is 9. Ok? (What?! I like Ok's!)
Disclaimer: You already know what I'm going to say right? But if you `still' don't, then I'll have to write it. Rayearth nor its characters doesn't belong to me, so don't sue me OK?
CHAPTER TWO: Friends or More?
Lantis Jerich McKailu ran out of his classroom to see what commotion was happening in the hall. There, he saw a group of young boys and girls who were towering over someone and were teasing him or her. The crowd kept shouting, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”
“Hey you little tomboy, come fight me!” Said one those boys.
“Yeah! Don't say that your too coward to fight him, I thought you were tough?!” another one said.
Lantis stepped further into the crowd and saw a glimpse of red inside. He saw a redheaded pigtailed girl who was only glaring at them instead of fighting back. Lantis didn't want this sight, not even one bit. He hated seeing girls being bullied by someone either boys or someone older than them. Lantis didn't want to see anymore of this.
“Hey! Knock it off! Quit bullying that girl?! Are you guys gay or something?! `Coz only gays do that to girls!” Lantis shouted.
“We are not gays! And what are you going to do about it?!” said the first boy. When Lantis was about to answer, the girl shouted, “Stop it!!”.
Startled, Lantis turned around to see the redheaded girl her eyes covered by her bangs. Before Lantis could even say a word, the girl punched him hard on the lips as Lantis stumbled down, his butt meeting the floor. The crowd screamed OOHH!!'s and some shouted, `that's gotta hurt!'. Their teacher, who recently came back from their teachers meeting, saw Lantis' and the girl's ordeal.
“Ok! Break it up! Break it up! Who's responsible for this?!” the teacher yelled. The students pinpointed at Lantis and the girl. “You two will stand outside the classroom and each will carry two buckets and squat down until the end of class as your punishment! Am I understood?!”
“Yes, Ma'am” Lantis and the girl replied. After they both got two buckets filled with water, they squatted down while holding their buckets. The teacher, along with the other students, went back inside the classroom.
Silence enveloped the two of them until the girl broke it. “I'm sorry…” she apologized. “I'm really really sorry for punching you. I'm not really used to counting on other people to protect me. I'm really sorry.” She apologized shyly.
Lantis, whose lips were slightly bleeding, turned to her and said, “It's ok, I don't blame you. I know you were just tensed because of the situation. It's not your fault, it's theirs. They were the ones who started it. There's one thing I want to tell you though. You punch good!” He said as he laughed softly.
The girl blushed and laughed shyly because of the boys comment. “You think so?”
“Uh huh! By the way, what's your name and how old are you?” Lantis asked.
“My name is Hikaru. Hikaru Cheryl Shidou, 12 years old. And you?” she asked.
“Oh, my name is Lantis. Lantis Jerich McKailu, and I'm 12 years old too. I'd really want to shake your hands right now, but I can't…ahehehe” he chuckled. Hikaru chuckled along with him.
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After a day's worth of humiliation, the school bell finally rang and students of all grades, went home. When Hikaru was about to go outside the school gates, Lantis, who was riding a two passenger seat bike, rode towards her.
“Hey Hikaru! Want a ride home?” Lantis asked.
“Hmm…I don't know if I should. My home is just three corners ahead I can just walk going there.” Hikaru protested.
“Well, if you ride with me, you'll be there in no time at all. Besides, don't you think it's quite dangerous for a young girl such as you walks home alone?” he said.
“Well, I guess your right.” Hikaru agreed.
“Come on! Hop in!” Lantis said cheerfully.
“Thanks again.” She thanked him as she slowly mounted the bike.
“No prob!” he replied.
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As they peddled towards Hikaru's house, Hikaru couldn't help but feel cold because of the current weather in Okinawa. Cool air breezed to her face as Lantis' pace in peddling the bike grew faster. Suddenly, Lantis slowed his pace until he halted to a stop. He began to take something out of his bag and held it out to Hikaru. It was a violet jacket.
“Here, take this and wear it. Its getting chilly, you might catch a cold.” Lantis said.
Hikaru nodded and took the jacket shyly and told him. “Thank you very much Lantis. But, what about you? I don't want you to catch a cold too.”
Lantis shook his head and said, “oh, don't worry about me. I'm a pretty tough boy. I won't catch a cold or anything. Besides, you need it more than I do.”
“Thank you” Hikaru said as she blushed.
“Don't mention it” Lantis replied.
After a few moments, they finally arrived at Hikaru's house. Hikaru mounted off the bike and slid the jacket off and gave it Lantis.
“Thank you again for everything Lantis.” Hikaru slightly bowed her head in thanks for Lantis.
“Hey, what are friends for? We are friends, right?” he asked.
“Friends?” Hikaru whispered.
“Right?” Lantis repeated his question.
“Oh! Right!” Hikaru replied cheerfully. “You know, I have never had those before.”
“Never had what?” Lantis asked.
“…a friend” Hikaru said.
“Really? Then I'm glad to be your first friend.” He said as he smiled. “So, I'll see you tomorrow then?”
“Yes, that would be great.” Hikaru said as she smiled sweetly at him.
“You know, you should smile more often.” Lantis said as he got ready to peddle his bike. “It's suits you better… Ja!” as he peddled fast heading to his own home.
Hikaru blushed and thought, `Smile more often?' then she giggled and said, “Maybe I should…”
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--Later that evening—
--At McKailu residence—
The Kailu's ate silently, until Lantis broke it.
“You know mom, I met a very cute girl today at school.” Lantis said as he ate a slice of his Pork Tonkatsu.
“Wah! Brother has a girl friend!” his sister, Mira, exclaimed.
“Mira!” his mom scolded her.
“Sorry mom.” Mira apologized.
After hearing her apology, His mom continued their conversation. “Really? That's a first. How did you meet her?” his mom asked.
“I kinda stood up for her when there were this boys who bullied her.” Lantis said as he took a sip of his juice.
“How very gentle manly of you Lantis. You're really like your father, Zagato.” His mom said.
“Well, what can I say, he is my role model, mom. I want to be just like him and protect our family the way he protected us.” He replied and took the last bite at his meal.
“Yes…very much like your father…” his mom, Emeraude, whispered. Then she felt arms around her shoulder and looked up to see his son and her daughter, Lantis and Mira, hug her.
“Please mama, don't be sad.” said Mira.
“Yeah mom. I'm sorry I brought up Papa again.” Lantis apologized.
“Don't worry about me Lantis. I'm sure that if he found out how you protected that girl, He would have been very proud.” His mom said.
Lantis slowly released is mom from his hug and said, “Really mom?”
“Yes. I'm also sure that when there are times that you are at trouble, his spirit will come and protect you from the heavens.” Emeraude assured his son. Lantis nodded as he and Mira went back to their respective chairs.
“By the way Lantis, what's the name of the girl?” Emeraude asked his son.
“Hikaru Cheryl Shidou” Lantis said dreamily.
Emeraude's eyes went wide as she stammered, “Shi-Shidou?”
“Yes mom, is there something wrong?” Lantis asked when he saw his mother's reaction.
“N-No son, nothing's wrong. S-so, do you like her?” she stammered once again.
“Yep! I do! She's a very special friend!” Lantis exclaimed.
“Oh…” his mom replied. Then she whispered, “This will be a problem…
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--Also dinnertime at Shidou residence—
Hikaru and her two older brothers, Satoru and Masaru, were eating peacefully until Masaru broke it,
“Hey Hikaru, who was that boy with you earlier when you were outside the house?” Masaru asked.
“Oh! He's just friend I met in school.” Hikaru said as she tried to hide a blush forming at her cheeks. Unfortunately, Satoru saw it but didn't mention anything.
“That's great! You finally have a friend in that school. Is he nice?” Satoru asked.
“Yes he is. In fact, he protected me when my boy classmates bullied me.” Hikaru said.
“You mean they bullied you again?! Why I ought the…!” Masaru said angrily.
“Masaru, calm yourself down.” Satoru said to his brother. Then he turned his gaze to Hikaru. “Don't worry, someday, we will do something to those bullies. You know Hikaru, it's really nice to hear that you already made friends with someone who you can trust and rely on. Who is he anyway?” Satoru asked.
“His name is Lantis Jerich McKailu” she said as she tried to hide another blush.
“K-Kailu?” Satoru asked, his eyes wide as if in shock.
“Yes brother, is there something the matter?” Hikaru asked when he saw his brother's reaction.
“N-nothing. Does he mean something special to you?” Satoru asked.
“Wha-what do you mean?” she sad as her blush grew worse.
“What I mean is do you like him. Even just as a friend?” he asked again.
“Y-yes, I do like him…b-but as a friend! That's all…” she stammered.
“Alright then.” Satoru said and he whispered to himself, “Father, Mother should I allow this?…
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--Back at McKailu Residence—
Lantis and Mira were now tucked in their beds and are now sleeping peacefully. Emeraude, their mother, slowly made her way to her room and closed it.
“What am I going to do? She's a Shidou, so that means she has a Shiroshidou Warrior's Blood. What if her family attacks us at any moment? No, I think they would not do that since they're here in Okinawa. They would not be looking for war if they were here. I'm sure they only wanted to live peacefully. But still…” she said to no one as she looked at her reflection in her cabinet's mirror.
“Should I tell Lantis to stay away from her? No, not that. Judging from his actions whenever he talks about her, I know he already taken a liking of her…” she said again as began to walk towards her window and stared at the shining, peaceful, night sky. “Oh Zagato, what would you have done if you were here?”
After a few moments, her once worried expression slowly gentled. “Hmm…I guess I have no choice but to allow Lantis to be friends with her. I've never seen Lantis that happy before. I'll do and allow anything just as long as my children are well and happy. I just hope I made the right decision…Even if not, I know that, if things might go wrong, they'll find a way to fix it again…” She said lastly before she walked leisurely away from the window.
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--Shidou Residence—
Hikaru and Masaru were now peacefully sleeping in their rooms as Satoru made way to his.
Satoru closed the door gently and began to walk towards the window where the moonlight passed through it's translucent glass. Satoru tilted his head to gaze at the moon.
“What am I to do? Hikaru's friend is a Kailu, which means he has Kairutomihon Warrior's Blood. They're both destined to be enemies but they don't seem to be. But…what if his family learns of this? What if they will try to hurt Hikaru or us? No, I won't allow it.” He said to himself as his hands clenched tight.
“I won't allow them to hurt us…but still…” his expression calmed a bit. “Hikaru already made friends with him. She seems happy just to be near him judging from her expressions when I asked about that boy. Hikaru said she met him in school, so that means he lives near here. Maybe they won't try to hurt us because if they live to a place faraway from Tokyo, means that they only want to live here peacefully.” Then another thought came to him. “But what if our fellow Shiroshidou will come to know of this? What will become of those Kailu's? I just hope that they won't find out or else, trouble will surely brew and war will start again…” he smiled slightly as he thought of something else. “I feel proud of Hikaru for being able to be friends with a McKailu, for surely, both of them will finally make a better future for both Clans just to end this futile hostilities…” that was Satoru's final thought as he made his way to his bed and have a peaceful slumber…
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A/N(Karu-14) Hah! Second chapter done! Hurray for me!! I hope you like my second chapter of my new story…
I know their second names sounds a bit odd, but don't you think it's cute?! Hmm?
Don't worry, the action part will start soon…you'll see!
You know what I will say right?…
REVIEWS, QUESTIONS, SUGGESTIONS, OPINIONS, PRAISES(ahehehe), will be very much appreciated! Please! I'm very sorry if I have grammatical and typographical errors.