Mahou Sensei Negima! Fan Fiction ❯ Negima: Ninja Magi Sensei ❯ Of Ermines and Partners ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Negima: Ninja Magi Sensei
A Negima Alternate Universe fanfic by Robster80
Chapter 6: Of Ermines and Partners
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Negima or its characters, Ken Akamatsu does! I write fanfiction for fun, not profit.
Opening notes: This is a Negi/Kaede pairing story. If you do not like this pairing, or not like Kaede, then please stop reading, and no flames! Otherwise, please enjoy!
Negi slept peacefully that Sunday morning; with no classes, he was free to just stay in bed until whenever he felt like getting up. And after the excitement of his first week teaching at Mahora, he had earned it.
Kaede was gone as of last night, off for her weekend ninja training. She had asked Negi if he wanted to join her, but he declined, saying he just wanted to relax in the dorm and maybe take a self-guided tour around Mahora later. Kaede understood, though, and asked Misora to keep a close eye on Negi while she was gone. Kaede figured that, with her gone, that left an open invitation for the other girls to pay Negi a visit.
Now that Kaede and Negi knew that Misora was a mage-in-training, they felt a sense of relief that someone else knew and was willing to keep Negi's secret without hanging it over his head. Plus, even if Misora tried to bribe or extort from Negi, Sister Shakti would ensure Misora would never do it again.
Negi opened his eyes then, glancing at the clock to see it was almost nine, and decided to get up. Still in his pajamas, he walked over to the kitchen to make himself a breakfast comprised of cereal and maybe toast plus juice. However, as he opened the refrigerator, he heard the front door open. “Hello?”
“Good morning, Negi-sensei,” Misora sang as she closed the door behind her and walked in. She was in jogging pants, sneakers, and a heavy windbreaker. “You just got up?”
“Hai, Misora-san. I was about to have breakfast.”
“I'll whip you something, plus I'm a bit famished after my morning run.” Misora moved past Negi and started to gather up a frying pan and some eggs. “How do you like your eggs? Scrambled? Fried? Sunny side up?”
“Sunny, please,” Negi replied, putting the cereal away. “You go running every morning?”
“Yes, but usually not so late in the morning. I keep in shape for my track team, as I'm a sprinter.” Misora cracked a few eggs and dropped them into the pan after it and the butter had heated up enough. “You know, it's nice to talk to a magi other than Sister Shakti or Cocone for a change. And a Western mage at that.”
“And vice-versa for me. Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Just set the table, thanks. By the way, what was that letter the Dean gave you yesterday?”
Negi blinked. He had forgotten that, when he came by the church to meet with Negi and the others, Dean Konoe had given him a letter from home. Also, he had been upset over his failure at making the love potion into a love me potion instead, which the dean told him to not worry about it and still submit to him a sample later. Dean Konoe actually wanted the love me potion, but he mistakenly told Negi to make a love potion in his note.
“Actually, I haven't read it yet.” After setting the table, Negi went to fetch the unopened envelope and pulled out a letter from it.
Unlike normal letters, letters from within the Magic Society contained not words but magical “holograms” that looked and spoke like a real miniature of a person. The forwarding address was written at the top, and at the bottom had icons “play,” “pause,” “rewind,' and “stop” just like a VCR or DVD player. Other than these, there was nothing else written or appearing on the paper.
Negi smiled at the sending address. “It's from Nekane, my sister.”
“Coolness. How's she doing?”
“Wait, I'll play it right now.” Negi hit the play icon and a miniature image of his sister appeared.
Hello, dear Negi,” the image said, waving. “How are you? I trust you're well over there in Japan. You haven't been gone long, and yet I'm worried about you and miss you so much already. How are your students treating you? Any troublemakers among them?
Misora couldn't help but giggle at the question while she moved the eggs to two plates. I bet if she knew all about my classmates, she'd rush here and drag Negi-kun home straight away.
Things are fine here in Wales,” the message played on. “Although I must tell you Chamo's been very naughty lately. He's wanted right now for some bad things, other than swiping more ladies' unmentionables. He stayed here for a night, but then he just disappeared. I'm guessing Heathcliff ran him off, you know how those two don't get along well.
“Speaking of Heathcliff, he's been worrying about you moreso than I or Anya have been. I swear, he's so nervous for you he's wearing out the air he paces about in. Please do write him his own letter; maybe that will calm him down a little.
Negi shook his head, smiling. “I'll have to do that. Poor Heathcliff.”
The image of Nekane suddenly blushed as her eyes adverted away. “Um, Negi… I know this might be… a bit much so soon, but… I was wondering if you're already on the lookout for your partner? Yes, ten years is too soon for one to start thinking about such a thing, but perhaps, since you're at an all-girls' school, it might be a good idea to at least scout a few candidates. After all, wizards and partners attract each other, so maybe you've met your future partner already.
Nekane-neesan,” a new voice said from the letter, but the owner didn't show himself. “Aniki's too young to be finding a partner! Even a temporary one at that!
Negi chuckled; he recognized the voice. “Still on the lookout for me, Heathcliff. Even though I'm far away. But he has a point, Nekane; I'm not sure I'm ready for a partner.”
The letter soon finished itself and the image shut down before Negi put the letter away. After he had done this, he noticed Misora had brought their breakfast to the table and was already sitting down.
“I'm sure she just wants you to be well looked after, Negi-kun,” she said while pouring herself and him some juice. “But who was the other person in the letter?”
“That's Heathcliff. Nekane and I took him in a few years ago and he's been living with us ever since.”
“What about this Chamo she mentioned? Sounds like a pantythief.”
“Hey, that's an insult!”
Both Negi and Misora blinked at the voice. They glanced about to see where it had come from. “Wait,” Negi said softly, “I know that voice.”
“I don't just steal panties, lady; I also go for bras, too.”
A streak of white crossed the room and stopped right in front of Negi on the table. It was a snow-white ermine.
“Aniki, it's me.”
“Chamo?! Albert Chamomile, what are you doing here?”
A talking ermine, Misora thought, blinking. I know I should expect it since I'm training to be a Magi, but… this is a bit much even for me.
The ermine stood on its hind legs to appear more presentable. “I heard you had gotten a teaching job in japan, so I figured I'd come and give you a hand; be your guide, as it were.”
“More likely you fled home because of the crimes you had commited.”
Chamo flinched, and then spun around to address Misora. “H-Hey! That was a bum rap! I was framed, yeah!”

“Chamo,” Negi said sternly.
Understanding the tone in Negi's voice, Chamo sighed. “…Okay. So I did one or two illegal things and I got in trouble for it. …Maybe three or four things. But… But I wanna make a fresh start, wipe the slate clean as the saying goes. Negi, you're my only friend I can turn to right now. Please, take me as your assistant; I swear I'll work hard and won't let you down.”
“…I don't know,” Negi said, rubbing his chin in thought. “First and foremost is letting you stay here. It might be against the school's policy to allow pets.”
“He's got a point,” Misora added.
“I… I guess I didn't count on that.”
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Signaling Chamo to keep quiet, Negi got up and went to the door after hiding Nekane's letter down his shirt. He opened the door. “Yes?”
“Hi, Negi-kun,” Konoka said cheerfully. “I came to see if you needed a hot breakfast made while Kaede was away.”
Behind Konoka stood a tall girl with red hair tied up so it looked a little spiky. “And I'm here to get an inside scoop on what a ten-year-old teacher does on his day off.”
Konoka sweatdropped. “I guess I should have expected that when you asked to come along, Asakura.”
Kazumi Asakura, Seat 3, Negi thought, recalling his class roster mentally. “It's nice of both of you to visit, Konoka-san, Asakura-san. As for breakfast, Misora-san was kind enough to drop by and take care of that.” He stepped aside as Misora stepped up into view, waving.
“Welllllll,” Asakura mused aloud. Her one hand went to her chin, which she rubbed, while smirking towards Misora. “I figured you to be a tomboy, Misora… but never did I imagine you to be into younger men.”
“Oh, knock it off, you paparazzi!” Misora pulled Negi aside. “Word to the wise, Negi-kun, be absolutely wary of this one. She's a reporter for the class and school, and she's VERY thorough. She finds out about you-know-what, and you're as good an ermine by lunchtime.
Negi instantly paled, gulping at the thought of Asakura finding out him being a magi.
Chamo carefully poked his furry little head around the corner to get a look at the two visitors. The ermine eyed Konoka and Asakura interestingly. Those two could be perfect for my plans… the long black-haired girl's got a kind of glow about her that screams she's from a magic family but they're keeping her in the dark about it. And that spiky redhead… not only she got a sexy figure, moreso than the tomboy there, but if I can play my cards right, she'd be a powerful ally in gathering intel on aniki's class.
Suddenly, Konoka's eyes caught Chamo, and she moved quickly to scoop him up in her hands. “Ahhhh! An ermine! He's so furry, and kawaii!” she nuzzled its furry little body and head. “Is he yours, Negi-kun?”
Hee, hee, hee, Chamo thought sinisterly and with pride. My irresistible charm and manliness… make that ermineliness… anyway, this chick digs me!
Negi sweated a little. “Y-yes, he is… but… is it okay for me to-?”

“Oh, I'll get grandpa to agree to letting you keep this little guy here, Negi-kun. Just leave it to me. I'll be right back.” She hands Chamo back to Negi and then leaves.
Misora sweatdropped while Chamo smirked. I suddenly have a baaaaaaad feeling about this arrangement. We girls can kiss our underwear goodbye come dinnertime.
“Ah, so this is where Negi-sensei hangs his hat,” Ayaka said as she walked into the dorm room. “I'm surprised Nagase-san's room is… so ordinary.”
“Just watch out for booby traps,” Asakura said. She was walking around, eyeing the room and everything in it.
“What booby-?”
“…Trap?” Ayaka finished after a shuriken flew passed her head and hit the wall behind her.
Chamo sweatdropped while his mouth hung open. He had witnessed the trap spring when Ayaka opened Kaede's panty drawer. I think I'd better not try to get into that drawer, period.
“Hey, all. What's going-?” Kaede then saw Ayaka looking pale and shocked, and the shuriken imbedded din the wall behind Ayaka. “Class rep! You okay?”
“Na… Nagase-san, what is the idea of rigging shuriken to fire from your underwear drawer?!” Ayaka snapped, coming out of her shock. “Suppose Negi-sensei were to…! That's just dangerous!”
“Uh, sorry. I had it set for panty-thieves. …and why were you looking into my drawers, anyway?”
“Yes,” Asakura asked, holding a microphone in her hand. “Why were you?
Blinking and blushing, Ayaka tried to think of a good excuse. However, Negi unintentionally saved her as he spoke up.
“Nagase-san, I thought you were off on your weekend training?”
Kaede turned to look at Negi. “Well… honestly, I got worried about you, so… I cut it short to make sure you were okay.” She then turned back to Ayaka and Asakura. “So, are your visits here concerning classwork? If not, then I must ask you both to leave.”

“Awww, but I was just investigating Negi on what he does on his days off-.”
“Kazumi-san, he hasn't been here a week yet. Let him settle in a while longer before you go paparazzi on him.”

“Now just a minute, Nagase-!”

But Kaede, with help from Misora, escorted Ayaka and Asakura out of the door. “Next time, make an appointment, de gozaru. Ja ne!” And she closed and locked the door. Leaning against the door, she sighed.
“Uh, should I go, too?” Misora asked then.
“…How come you're here?”

“Well, I know you, and I thought I'd come by and make Negi-sensei breakfast.”
Kaede put a finegr to her chin in thought. “…Okay, you can stay for a little bit then.” Her eyes then fell on Chamo. “Huh? Who let that weasel in?”
“I ain't no damn weasel,” Chamo blurted out angrily. “I'm an ermine, ya-! …Uh-oh.”
Negi smiled, though. “It's okay, Chamo. Nagase-san knows about my being a mage. And she's my roommate, too.”
“…Talking ermines,” Kaede mused as she and Misora returned to the table. “Next thing you know, dragons will be real creatures and not myths.”

“Do NOT get me started, sister,” Chamo retorted. He then examined her up and down. “So, ane-san… what's a heavenly body like you doing with my aniki as a roommate?”
“This was Dean Konoe's wish, pure and simple. And as for my knowing Negi-kun's secret, let's just say it was an accident. But I'm not the type to spill secrets, so he's got nothing to worry about.”

Misora cracked a smile. “Not quite, Kaede. You weren't here for the letter he got.”

“Letter?” Kaede and Chamo asked.
Nodding, Negi pulled out the letter to show them. “Nekane-onechan sent this to me, and Misora-san was kind enough to deliver it.” He then played the letter for them as he and Misora ate the rest of their breakfast.
“So, it's a pactio partner you're after, eh, aniki?” Chamo asked, pulling out a cigarette. “Well, your worries are over! I'll help you find one no problem!”
“What's a pactio partner about?” Kaede asked, a little clueless.
“It's kind of like a marriage partner,” Misora explained. “See, there's a story about a famous sorceress and her knight protector who guarded her while she cast spells in combat. That set the example for active wizards and witches in society today to find themselves a mate, someone to watch their backs. These partners are called Minister Magi, as they assist Magister Magi. Without `em, you can't be a Magister Magi.”
“And these partners are usually the opposite sex of the magi, right?”
“Exactly, because they compliment each other. And it often leads to the two ending up getting married down the line in a lot of cases. Sister Shakti is one of the exceptions, as she's devoted herself to God.”

“But I am still a bit young for finding a partner,” Negi added, “and I should tell Nekane that in my reply letter.”
“But aniki, you can still make temporary pactios to test the waters before you find yourself a true partner. That way, you'll be well prepared for the right girl to make yours.” Plus I can sell copies of the patcio cards for mucho ermine bucks, hee hee hee!
This gave Kaede an idea. “Say… since I already know about your secret, pus we're rooming together, Negi-kun… why don't I be your first temporary partner?”
Negi spat his juice out after taking a sip. “N-Nagase-san! I already said I'm not ready for any pactios yet!”
“Actually, Kaede might have a good idea, Negi-sensei,” Misora spoke up. “Even with the Dean, Takahata-sensei, and other mages on campus here, there are some enemies out there who prey on innocent students and faculty alike. You might want to start considering finding one or more partners. Except me, of course, as I got my hands full as it is with my duties as a mage-in-training.”
“…Even so, Misora-san… I…”
Chamo put his cigarette away. “Look, aniki, you don't worry about this. Just relax; I'll do some research for you and find a girl that'll be perfect for your first pactio, okay?”

“I… don't think that's a good idea,” Misora replied, sweatdropping. He'd only corrupt Negi-sensei, methinks.
“And what's wrong with sessha as Negi-kun's partner, de gozaru?” Kaede asked.
“Uh, what do you mean by sessha?”
“She's training to be a ninja,” Negi replied.
“…Oh. I knew that, yeah.” Well, THAT explains the shuriken-rigged panty drawer. Better play my cards right around her, or else I'll be one dead ermine. “Uh, I'll keep you at the top of my candidate list, okay? No offense, but I'll need to do some extensive research before I can make a decision. I mean, I only got a short look at aniki's class roster.”
“You were looking at my roster?!” Ngei asked, shocked.
Nodding, Chamo quickly scampered off to Negi's desk before he returned with the book, opening it to the pages showing Class 2-A's students. This gave Kaede and Misora a look at the notes made by Takahata and by Negi. They noticed his remarks on Asuna (“Terrible Kick”), Nodoka (“Really cute”), and themselves.
“Shows great respect,” and “Ninja - cool?” …What's so cool about being a ninja?
“Nun mage?” Why does that sound just… silly?
“Plus, from what I've seen earlier, that blonde girl here,” Cahmo pats his pa over Ayaka's picture, “seems to be really hot for ya, aniki. I bet she's loaded, too. Make her your partner, and you'd be set for life.”
“Money won't make Negi-kun happy.”

Chamo turned to face Kaede. “Yeah, well happy won't make him money, either.”
“Ch-Chamo, no,” Negi exclaimed. “I can't get my students involved in something like this! I mean, Konoka-san is the dean's granddaughter, but her family wants her kept out of the Magic Society and live a normal life!”
“Okay, so the dean's kid is off limits. That's still 29 or 30 girls for you to pick from. Come on, Negi, work with me! Gimme some info on these girls!”
Little did the four of them realize that, pressing her ear to the door, Asakura was listening in on the entire conversation. An open pad was in her hand and she was jotting down notes into it. A sly smile was on her lips as she continued to listen in and make notes.
So, Negi-kun's looking for a partner, is he? And what's this about magis and such? This is getting better and better by the minute. Oh, Negi Springfield, you're truly gonna make me a full-fledged reporter with this big a scoop!
When she felt she had heard enough, Asakura snuck away back to her dorm. Once there, she got out her laptop and digital camera and quickly began going over her findings. Taking out a mini-recorder, she hit the button and began to talk into it.
“It's hardly been a full week since one Negi Springfield began teaching Class 2-a here at Mahora, and already I, Kazumi Asakura, have gotten some delicious dirt on the ten-year-old teacher. So far, it seems he's here to find himself a partner. By partner, I believe he means a marriage partner, or perhaps a lover. They say that TV, movies, books, and the internet corrupt the young minds of today, and it may be so regarding Negi. After all, he's rooming with one Kaede Nagase, the girl with the 3rd largest bust in Class 2-A. Lord knows what happens between them when the lights go out, you know…
“But anyway, it seems he and Nagase have formed some sort of bond, and Negi also has become friends with one Kasuga Misora. Both Misora and Kaede seem to be in the know about what she and Negi refer to as magis. What exactly is with this term, I have yet to fully uncover, but it's only a matter of time before I do.
“Lastly, there seems to be a third friend of Negi;s involved now - a mystery friend named Chamo. Who he is and how he got past me into Negi's room since I was at the door the whole time is beyond me, but finding out will make things very interesting. I'm going to have to keep an eye on Negi Springfield form ehre on out.
“…A close eye…”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
“Oh Heathcliff,” Nekane sang as she walked into the house. In her arms was a paper bag filled with groceries. “I'm home! And I brought you your favorite… Chocolate Fudge Brownie form Ben & Jerry's!”
Fishing out a pint of ice cream from the bag, Nekane sets the bag down on the kitchen counter and begins looking for her ward. “Heathcliff? Hello? Don't you want your ice cream?”
Her searching led her to a bedroom, Negi's bedroom. Her eyes fell on a small note left on the bed. Walking over, she picked it up with her free hand. As she read it, her eeys widened in surprise.
I'm going to Japan to find Negi; I think Chamo's already there and stirring up trouble for him, and I won't stand for it! Please don't worry about me, and don't try to stop me, either. My mind's made up.
And don't worry, I'll keep outta sight.
PS: I'll give Negi a hand in finding a TEMPORARY partner until he's ready for the real thing.
“Chamo AND Heathcliff, with Negi in Japan? …This won't bode well at all…”
End Chapter 6
Closing notes: I AM SO SORRY! I throw myself on you, the readers', mercies for delaying this next installment of my story! Part of the reason why it was late is because last weekend I got involved in a RPG at a friend's house and that left little time for writing. And when I got home, I was on a serious kick for the One Piece: Unlimited Adventure game for the Wii (I finally understood how to catch certain fish in the game and unlocked the last hidden boss). And yes, it is a fun game. Hard at times, yes, but fun! And it was worth going for 100% completion on that game, with all the recipies to do and items to find…
But anyway, I'm glad to finally get something written for this series and be able to update. I apologize again for the lateness, and if this chapter seems rushed. But I managed to get Chamo introduced, and Asakura's already on the scent of Negi's secret. The one thing, though, I'm really happy to have done is introduce a new character - Heathcliff. Who's he, you ask? That's a secret for now!
Please read & review! Until next time, folks!